Lucian's Soul

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Lucian's Soul Page 6

by Hazel Gower

  Slowing opening her eyes to the pitch black room, Tessa sighed when she saw it wasn’t her little flat at her parents’. She was at Lucian’s house, in his bedroom. “I wonder where your daddy is?” She glanced beside her and rubbed her baby bump. She knew Lucian had lain with her last night. Tessa wasn’t sure if Lucian had slept or just lay on or in the bed with her. Did demons sleep? That was something she’d have to ask, along with what she should call him now. Did she call him Lucifer or Lucian?

  Stretching her rested body, her stomach growled and she covered it with her hands. “Let me go to the bathroom and then I’ll go hunt us up some breakfast. What do you feel like this morning?”

  “What does he like to eat?” Lucian’s voice had her squealing in fright and falling off the bed. Quick as lightening, before she hit the ground, Lucian’s wing broke her fall. He lifted her up and gathered her to him.

  “I didn’t know you were in the room.”

  His lips brushed over hers and she couldn’t resist melting into him. “I wasn’t. I heard you talking and came up.”

  “Oh.” It dawned on her he’d said he heard her when he wasn’t in the room. “Wow. How well can you hear?”

  “Very good. I can hear anything you say in this house and probably if I strained close outside. The only time I can’t sense or hear you is when I’m feeding or drinking, when I’m at my most vulnerable. It’s why you snuck up on me when I first met you and when you saw me feeding off Xore.”

  Tessa nodded and wanted to know more, but she was dying for the bathroom. She crossed her legs and groaned. “I really want to talk and know more, but since I’ve become pregnant I can’t hold on. I swear the baby dances on my bladder.”

  Lucian didn’t say anything, but walked her to the bathroom. Letting go of her hand, he backed out and shut the door. She sat on the toilet and her brain swam with question after question she wanted to ask Lucian.

  Once done, she got up and washed her hands. Splashing water on her face, she cleaned herself and then opened the door to see Lucian waiting for her with a t-shirt in his hand. Grabbing it, she slipped it over her naked body. “I have so many questions, but I’m hungry so food first. What is the time?”

  “I’ll answer any question you ask.” He reached for her hands and held them tight as they left the room, walked down the hall and the stairs. “It’s late afternoon, just after three.”

  “Oh my God, I haven’t slept more than four or five hours since I left you. I’ve just slept over thirteen hours. I’m so sorry Mummy hasn’t fed you,” she whispered as she rubbed her tummy. Tessa looked up at Lucian as they walked down the hall toward the kitchen. “I’m always hungry. All I do is eat. I haven’t gone that long without food since finding out I was pregnant. Do you think she is okay?”

  “Yes. He is fine.” They walked hand in hand into the kitchen. Tessa was surprised to see the guy that had been sitting behind the bottom floor reception desk at Devil’s Inc.

  “Lucifer helped me feed your baby last night. That’s why you slept so long,” the redheaded man said. He winked at her as she stared at him. “Hi, Lucifer’s mate. I’m Xore.” He held his hand out and Tessa slowly went to place her hand in his when Lucian snatched it away.

  “Don’t touch my mate.” Lucian snarled at Xore, who chuckled. Lucian moved them to opposite ends of the breakfast table and settled her on his lap.

  She narrowed her eyes on Xore, eager to get an answer. “What do you mean, you and Lucian fed my baby last night? I don’t remember eating.” Lucian’s hands rubbed her stomach and she felt a calm come over her at his touch.

  A wicked grin took over Xore’s face. His green eyes sparkled and his dimples popped, making him utterly gorgeous. “Did Lucifer tell you what he is?”

  It was strange hearing Lucian being called Lucifer—to her he would always be Lucian. It would take some time getting used to his other name. “He told me he was a demon and that what he did to you when I walked in on you and ran is called ‘sin eating.’ He explained about angels and that I’m his mate.”

  “Think about it. Your baby is like his daddy. What do you think it wanted to eat?”

  She gasped and jumped off Lucian, who’d sat quietly underneath her. Tessa cradled her stomach and shot death stares at the two men before her. “You didn’t. How?”

  Lucian stood and she backed away from him. “Tessa, they were hungry.”

  She blinked a couple of times and thought for a moment she’d misheard him. All of a sudden she couldn’t breathe. Backing up, she bent over and took deep gasps of air in before she straightened and moaned. “They. What do you mean by they? And what the hell are you saying when you say they were hungry? Surely you can’t mean they somehow ate sin?”

  Lucian’s eyes turned black as he stalked her. “Yes, they ate sin. Xore stood in front of your stomach and I told them what to do.” He captured her to him, wrapping her in his embrace. His hands cupped her face and his thumb stroked her cheek. “You’re a miracle in more ways than one. You carry more than one child. You’ve made history. There’s never been demon twins. I have booked us a doctor’s appointment tomorrow before lunch.” He hands slid down her body to rest over her stomach. “You need to eat more,” his eyes trailed over her, “of everything.”

  Tessa didn’t like hearing she needed more of everything, and before she could ask what Lucian meant by everything, Xore came and stood behind her. Lucian rubbed her belly and kissed her lips. When his mouth left hers, he had her panting for breath and her body burning with need. Lucian was lethal to her.

  “Tessa, my love, I’m going to do something right now and I need you not to freak out but cooperate. I need to drink. I haven’t drank since you left me. I can’t drink from anyone else and it has to be straight from the vein. I have tried bagged blood but it doesn’t work.”

  Tessa felt her eyes widen. Lucian had told her he drank blood but she hadn’t really thought about it. “Are you going to drink from me?”

  Lucian shook his head. “I would love to. You taste sweeter than sugar. I can’t drink from you, though. You are too weak right now for me to use. Even when you are better I won’t be able to drink the amount I need with you pregnant. The problem is my fangs won’t come out so I can’t drink, because they want you. I have to trick them.” Lucian picked her up, wrapping her legs around him. “I need you to do something for the babies and yourself.”

  Tessa looked up into his dark as night eyes, not liking where this conversation was going. “What?”

  “I need you to drink from me. When you’re attached, my fangs will drop and I’ll drink from Xore.”

  Tessa shook her head. “No way. I can’t drink your blood.”

  He closed his eyes and held her closer. “You already have.” His eyes snapped open as she whacked his chest and tried to get down, but Xore blocked her way.

  “Let me go, Lucian.” She thrashed in his arms and kicked to get out of his hold. The safe feeling vanished even though she felt her babies trying to calm her. Betrayal and anger consumed her as she struggled in Lucian’s embrace. How dare he give her blood without her permission? How dare he force her now? She fought with everything she had, furious that she had been lulled into this false security.

  “You’re right, she’s a fighter. I see why you call her kitten.” Xore grunted behind her.

  Tessa screamed as Lucian’s fingers turn into sharp claws. He sliced at his neck. “I’m sorry, kitten,” he whispered before his other hand forced her mouth down to the gushing red liquid. She kept her mouth shut and wouldn’t drink. Lucian whispered apologies and then she felt his finger force her mouth open and press her to him. The first taste of sweetness had her gagging, but then she got a bigger mouthful. Once the flavor exploded into her mouth she took deep gulps. “That’s it, Tessa.” Lucian’s moan had her drinking deeper. The more she drank the more she remembered the taste. Lucian had given this to her every time they’d made love.

  “Argh, were blood. Fuck, that shit tastes worse than I ever
remembered.” Lucian’s words barely registered.

  Tessa couldn’t stop. Lucian tasted so good, better than any chocolate or beverage. Her body was on fire and if she was willing to let go and stop drinking she’d beg him to fuck her.

  She rubbed herself against him and felt his cock through his pants. She moaned against his neck and pulled on the sweet-tasting juice.

  All of a sudden Xore’s presence from behind her was gone and Lucian walked to the bench, her legs still wrapped around him. She felt the shirt he gave her rip. His hands left her body and she heard more ripping. Tessa moved her feet down, his now naked body against her own.

  “Fuck, kitten, that feels so good.” His fingers entered her pussy and he groaned, “You’re soaking.”

  He lined his cock up and she gipped him tighter, taking a deep pull of his blood as he pushed his way home. The blood was giving her a high she couldn’t stop from flowing through her. Lucian’s cock pumped in and out of her. She basked in his onslaught, her body begging her for more as the heat in her rose higher and higher.

  Lucian unhooked her mouth from him and she groaned at the loss of the sweetest drink. He tilted her chin and took her mouth to his own, ravishing her the same way his cock was doing to her pussy. Tessa hung on to him as her body got ready to explode. Letting her mouth go, he arched her back and leaned down to suck on her breasts. She felt his teeth sink in and she screamed in ecstasy as her orgasm shattered through her. The punchers left little rivulets of blood sliding down. Lucian licked them and closed the holes.

  His dick pounded into her, still not finished and demanding more from her. She didn’t know if she could give it. Tessa already felt like she was in a state of euphoria. His teeth scraped up and down her neck and shot shards of pleasure straight to her core. Tessa didn’t think she could come again. She was wrong—he slammed into her and drove down, biting her neck. She came apart and Tessa swore she was on cloud nine. Her body went lax, fighting for breath. Lucian moved within her one more time before he roared his own release.

  “Damn, I needed that. I’ve missed you, Tessa. Promise me you won’t leave again. I’ll talk to you and tell you anything you want. Just promise me you won’t run. Please, kitten.”

  His plea got to her and she felt like she lived in Heaven. “I promised, no more running. But we are going to have a talk about you taking over.”

  He sighed. “I’m sorry. You needed to drink and I knew you would do it no other way.”

  Tessa couldn’t even reply she was love drunk. Her body felt light as a cloud floating in Heaven. Tessa had no idea how Lucian moved, but he gently picked her up, cradling her in his arms and walking in the direction of the stairs and their room.

  “Xore put some food in our room for you.”

  Huh, she hadn’t heard Xore say anything when he left, but she hadn’t been focused on him.

  “I have a feeling after how much you drank from me you won’t be needing it, though.” Lucian kissed her forehead and then her lips. “As much as I hate the shit, I was lucky I drank shifter blood because you needed to drink. Shifter blood may taste like crap, but it makes you stronger and fills me up quicker.” When he laid her on the bed she could barely keep her eyes open. “You’re blood and sex drunk.”

  “Mmm.” In the back of Tessa’s mind she knew she was going to be pissed at what Lucian had made her do, but right now she didn’t care as he got into bed and gathered her to him.

  “I’m never letting you go again. You’re so special and I’m so lucky. I love you, Tessa.” The last words were faint but she was sure that what she heard as she snuggled in and let the sleep claim her.


  Tessa woke more refreshed than ever. Then her mind flashed to images of yesterday and her anger started to rise. Lucian wasn’t in bed. She knew she’d fallen asleep with him. Stretching, she got out of bed and did her morning business and took an extra-long shower.

  “Your daddy is in big trouble. This time, when I see him, he’d better answer my questions and not waylay me.” She rubbed her stomach and walked to the walk-in wardrobe. Clothes that Lucian had bought her many months ago still hung next to his, and Tessa fingered the expensive garments. Picking out the largest item, she tried putting it on, groaning when the top wouldn’t even go over her enormous breasts. Since getting pregnant her breasts had tripled in size. Giving up on the nice clothes, she tried the draws hoping she could find some stretchy pants that could sit under her belly. Her underwear was still in the top draw and she grabbed some panties, not bothering with a bra—knowing it wouldn’t fit. Going to the third draw, she found some black yoga stretch pants and put them on. She didn’t bother with the shirts since they wouldn’t fit either. She took one of Lucian’s plain blue shirts and put it on.

  Dressed, she headed downstairs in search of Lucian. The house seemed quiet, but with the house so big a bunch of people could be in it and she’d never know. “Lucian!” she called at the top of her lungs. Tessa remembered Lucian telling her he had excellent hearing, so she figured if she yelled once he would know she was looking for him.

  She made her way to the kitchen, finding it empty. Going to the fridge, she gathered milk, butter, and vegemite. Tessa put the items down on the kitchen bench and smiled when she opened the cupboard to see her hot chocolate. Getting it down with a mug, she made herself a hot chocolate and got bread out to make a vegemite sandwich. Gathering her food and drink, she sat at the table.

  As she ate, Tessa looked around her, surprised Lucian hadn’t come to her. Swallowing her mouthful, she called him again. “Lucian! Lucian, are you here?”

  A man she hadn’t seen before came from down the hall. He looked almost like Lucian’s clone. He was tall with the same jet black hair, but his was a short buzz cut and his eyes were a dark green—they pierced her to her core. Aside from his hair and eyes a couple of day’s stubble, this man looked identical to Lucian. Holy crap. Tessa gulped as she gazed down and noticed he wore no shirt, only shorts. His body was covered in sweat and wow…what a body. He was all muscle-sculpted perfection. The man before her was gorgeous.

  “Um…er…Hi,” she mumbled, unable to stop staring at his six-pack abs as they flexed. He walked closer to her.

  “Lucifer isn’t here.”

  She shook her head and looked up at him. As soon as her gaze caught his she was struck by his eyes that swirled with black.

  “He should be home anytime now.” His gaze seemed to hold her in a hostile force. “I’m Balthazar.” He took her hand, shaking it with an almost painful grip.

  “I’m…um…Tessa. Tessa Jackson.”

  “I know who you are.” Balthazar placed his hands gently on her stomach and she gasped as a black mass came from Balthazar and flowed to her stomach.

  Shaking her head, she screamed at the sight before her. What the hell was happening? Backing up, she batted Balthazar away but he just followed, almost floating along with her. Holy shit, she’d seen this before. It had replayed over and over in her head while she’d been away. This was what Lucian had been doing to Xore.

  Tessa stopped screaming and watched, horrified, as the black mass came from Balthazar and seeped into her. Taking a calming breath, Tessa listened to her body. Hunger and happiness washed over her. The babies were hungry and eating like their father did. Gazing up at Balthazar, she looked to see if this was hurting him in any way. He didn’t look to be in pain. Actually, he didn’t have much of an expression. His mouth was opened and his eyes glazed over, but it was hard to tell if he was being hurt by what her children were doing to him.

  The black mass slowly stopped and Balthazar came gently to the ground. Contentment flowed through her and the hungry feeling was gone.

  “They were starved for too long.” His eyes narrowed on her and she could see the anger on his face. “You did not look after them. They will feed a lot to catch up from you starving them.”

  Shocked at the way Balthazar was talking to her, it took Tessa a moment to gather her wits and respond. “Wh
o the hell are you to speak to me like that? I didn’t know what Lucian was and I didn’t have a clue that they would need to eat sin.” She straightened to her five-six height and poked Balthazar in the chest. “You don’t know me. You can’t even begin to imagine what I would do for these babies. For that matter, you are nobody to me. I don’t have to listen to your rude talk. You’re a wanker.” Jabbing him with her finger one last time, she moved around him and stormed towards the front door. She didn’t care where she was going to go but she needed a grand exit. With the front door in sight, Tessa charged to the exit, not caring that she had no shoes on.

  She walked outside, smiling up at the shining sun before gazing around at the forest that surrounded the house. Tessa wandered down the driveway. She had no idea of her destination; she had to get away from that jerk. What a wanker. There was no way she was staying in the house with someone who spoke to her like that.

  Strolling down the long, winding driveway, Tessa knew she was being childish running out like she had, but her anger was strong. Over the last couple of months she’d learned that she would never put up with being treated like shit again, or take crap from anyone. She found her backbone and wasn’t getting rid of it.

  At the end of the drive was a huge black gate. The gate had been open every other time she’d seen it. She touched it, feeling a zap before taking a step back. She walked along the gate, looking for a way to open it. Tessa soon figured out it was a code lock. Great, how was she supposed to get out? Looking around her, she saw the high fence with barbed wire at the top. She studied the box at the side of the gate, hoping it may have a button to open without typing in a code.

  Rubbing her stomach, she sighed. “Do you think if I pressed the intercom I’d get the code to leave this joint?” Tessa knew she wouldn’t. “Let’s see if there are any weak points in this fence. A walk will be good, too.” If anyone could see her talking to herself she would look a little crazy, but she didn’t care. Tessa liked talking to her babies.


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