Lucian's Soul

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Lucian's Soul Page 7

by Hazel Gower

  Careful of her bare feet, she walked along the fence line. Tessa had forgotten how big the grounds were—after half an hour of walking her feet ached from rocks, sticks, and bindies. Walking to a large jacaranda tree, she tripped on the roots and fell, twisting her ankle. Groaning in pain, she hobbled to the base of the tree and sat down. Her throbbing ankle swelled, and she wished she’d never left the house. Massaging her sore feet, she winced when her ankle made itself known. Moaning as the ache settled in, Tessa closed her eyes, hoping that if she rested for a while she would feel better or at least have some energy to hobble back to the house.


  Lucian hadn’t wanted to leave Tessa, but the faulty humans needed help. The angels were becoming bolder and had killed another of Zane’s friends along with the two shifters who had been protecting the blind woman. Today, though, Lucian and Xore had fought a horde of angels, wraiths, and ogres as they attacked the humans and their shifter protectors at what the humans called a fun day out.

  The only reason Lucian left was because his brother Balthazar, who was supposed to be somewhere safe and away from everything, had come to the compound. Balthazar was the best person, next to him, to look after Tessa and the babies. Lucian knew Balthazar would die first than let anything happen to his mate or nephews, so he’d gone to go kill some angels, wraiths, and ogres.

  His house had been spelled for Angels, supernatural creatures, and any unknown shifter or human to not remember it.

  It had been hard to leave Tessa—even in his own home with Balthazar—but if he didn’t leave her side for a couple of hours now he’d never do it. Lucian had watched her sleep for hours, committing every piece of her to memory. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was proud of Tessa for sticking up for herself and leaving when she thought she was in danger, staying away for so long and keeping herself and their babies safe. Not many people were as resourceful as Tessa, not as stupid and independent either. Lucian liked that Tessa had a backbone, she’d need one to be mated to him, and he knew he wasn’t an easy being to live with. Lucian was confident that she would stay with him, that she would support him and help the fight.

  Lucian hoped that Seth found Michael and Jacob soon, because they could use help from stronger demons. The shifters, if they worked in large groups, could take down an angel, but demon on angel was better. Lucian had ten demons close by, and they joined the fight. The angels had been exterminating demons and Lucian had been losing all hope. The angels were fighting for their lives because they’d heard the prophecy of him finding his mate had come true. Lucian could feel his demons gathering together to come to him.

  Feeling their strength, he flew home with Xore beside him, landing on the house’s rooftop garden. Folding his wings back, he went through the open French sliding doors and walked down the stairs in search of Tessa.

  After entering the bedroom and not finding her there, he took a deep breath and scented her. Growling when he could only smell faint traces, he went to Balthazar in the gym.

  Balthazar didn’t even glance up from lifting weights.

  “Where is she?” he snarled at his brother.



  “She went for a walk.”


  “Around.” Balthazar shrugged and Lucian could feel his temper at breaking point.

  After dealing with what the angels had just done, Lucian was not in the mood for Balthazar and his short answers. Picking him up, Lucian pulled him close. “I left you here to look after and protect my mate and offspring. Where the fuck are they?” He shook Balthazar and let the demon of lore come out and play. He showed his brother why he was the oldest and the strongest. Throwing Balthazar against the wall, he picked him up and pounded him with his fists. He got pissed off even more when Balthazar didn’t bother to fight back. Lucian’s canines lengthened and he ripped holes in him, knowing the rejuvenation would be painful. The little prick had disobeyed his king, his leader, his brother.

  “Lucifer!” Xore pulled him off a beaten, barely living Balthazar. “What are you doing? Balthazar is one of us. Shit, he’s your own God damn brother. You’ve almost killed him.”

  A red haze clouded Lucian’s vision as he turned to Xore. “He let Tessa go out. Alone.” His voice was a husky snarl.

  Xore’s eyes widened and he looked at Balthazar. “What the fuck were you thinking? I realize you only arrived a couple of days ago, but crap, man, even humans around here know how important Tessa is and what she means to him. For your sake I hope she doesn’t have a scratch on her because I don’t think I’d be able to stop Lucifer from killing you if she did.”

  “We had a disagreement,” Balthazar wheezed out. “She wasn’t looking after the children. They were starving. She had starved them with her selfishness. When she didn’t like what I said to her she ran outside like a child, throwing a tantrum.”

  Lucian dropped Balthazar before he’d finished talking and was on his way outside. Spreading his wings, he rose up and took deep breaths, searching for his mate’s scent. Finding it, he flew to the fence line where a huge jacaranda tree sat. Landing on the grass, he saw Tessa curled in a ball asleep at the base of the tree. Quietly, he moved closer and knelt beside her, frowning when he saw her bare feet covered in scratches, blood, and her left ankle swollen.

  Gently picking Tessa up, he gathered her to him. She sighed, “Lucian,” and snuggled against him. Lifting his wings, he took flight back to the house.

  Xore stood by the rooftop entry, groaning at the sight of her. “Lucifer, remember she is safe. Tessa didn’t even leave the sanctuary. I’m sure Balthazar knew she couldn’t get out. He was here when Merlin cast the spell for the house and grounds.”

  “Out of my way, Xore,” he growled.

  Xore crossed his arms over his chest and spread his legs. “I can’t. Not until you tell me you’ll let Balthazar live. He is young and—”

  “He is over a thousand years old!” he shouted. “He is next in line for the throne. You know we, I, have waited many centuries for this woman in my arms.” Closing his eyes, Lucian held Tessa tighter and breathed in her sugary smell. Opening his eyes, he looked at his closest friend and confidant. “Xore, I’m tired. I’m weary of the fight. Before I had this gift in my arms I’d given up hope. I let the stories of what humanity think I am become real. Tessa has given me hope. A family. She has given me a reason to fight again. I feel, I love, I hate. I have my emotions back. Understand now that I have all that, I will do anything do keep it all safe. I mean anything.”

  Smooth, soft fingers stroked his cheek. “Oh, Lucian. I am so sorry. I never should have run.”

  Lucian gazed down into warm brown eyes as they stared up at him. His heart swelled at the loving look on Tessa’s face.

  “I didn’t realize you were awake.”

  “Xore’s deep voice woke me.”

  “Argh, don’t say that. You’ll get me in trouble.”

  Lucian glared at Xore, who raised his hands up in surrender.

  “Lucian, it’s fine. Be nice to your friend. Put me down.”

  “No.” He wasn’t putting her down. The way he felt, he wasn’t sure when he would let her go.

  “No, what? That you won’t put me down? Or you won’t be nice to your friend?”

  “Both…er, the first one.”

  Tessa rolled her eyes. “Xore, move please. I want Lucian to put me down and I have a feeling he won’t until we are at least inside.”

  Xore gave Tessa his most charming smile, stepped inside the house, and stood to the side. Lucian snarled at his friend as he walked past him. At the base of the stairs stood Balthazar looking battered and bruised. His head was bowed and his eyes downcast.

  Tessa gasped at the sight of Balthazar. “What the hell happened to him?”

  Guilt swamped him for a moment, then Tessa winced as she tried to get down and it vanished. “He didn’t do the task that was set for him and he was punished.”

  Tessa pus
hed at his chest and wriggled to get out of his hold. Lucian wasn’t letting her go no matter how much she pushed. “What the hell do you mean, punished?” she mumbled from his chest. “Punished by whom and why? Surely you don’t mean you? Aren’t you the good guys?”

  Xore laughed. “Oh, we are the good guys, but Lucifer isn’t a saint, far from it. Lucifer is not someone you want to cross…ever. He may care for you humans, but he is the big boss and sometimes to keep the masses safe you sacrifice the smaller amount. Lucifer expects from his people, even his brother, one hundred percent or—”

  “That is enough, Xore.” Lucian could see Tessa’s eyes getting wider and her face draining of color the more Xore spoke. Lucian knew when he’d told her about everything he had sugarcoated it, even his own image.

  He stared down at Tessa as she swiveled and stared at Xore before her gaze rested on Balthazar. “He may be an arsehole, but I don’t believe Balthazar deserved this.” She pointed to him. “A kick in the balls from me, yes, but this…” She shook her head.

  Balthazar held a surprised look for a moment before it turned back to stone. Xore chuckled. “Shit, Lucifer, she is perfect for you.”

  “I see I am lucky to get the punishment I got and not worse. I forget you humans are more fragile than us.” Balthazar’s eyes trailed Tessa’s body. “In every way.” He shook his head. “So breakable. You may have the grifts from mating Lucian, but being large and pregnant will weaken you, too. I will remember that not only are you fragile, but so are your emotions.”

  As Balthazar spoke even Lucian knew Balthazar was losing any sympathy Tessa had for him with each word spewed. By the time Balthazar finished Tessa was stiff in his arms. Lucian glanced down and saw she gave a nasty glare to Balthazar. “Okay, Lucian, let’s go. My sympathy for him just vanished. He’s a jackarse.”

  Smiling, he took his mate to the lounge room.

  Chapter Seven

  Lucien sat on the sofa and placed her across his lap. Tessa gazed up at him and debated if she should try moving, but she knew he wouldn’t let her go and she thought it best to save her energy to get what she really wanted if she really admitted it to herself, she liked being close to Lucian.

  “So…are you ready to answer some of my many questions?”


  It took her a moment to think of the first one. “How much sin do the babies need to feed on now?”

  Lucian sighed. “At least every day.”

  “What! I’ve been starving them for months?” Her guilt ate at her. “Shit. What about blood? How much should I be drinking?”

  He didn’t say anything for a while, just studied her. He reached up and gently stroked her cheek. “You didn’t know.”

  “Crap. Tell me.”

  “Every day, too. It’s because they are growing so quickly. Demon babies only take six months instead of nine.”

  “Oh, God. No wonder Balthazar was angry with me. I’m surprised you’re not.” Tessa felt sick thinking about what she’d done to her children. Hugging her stomach, she whispered, “I’m so sorry. I love you and am so sorry.” She couldn’t stop the tears and a sob escaped. “Have I harmed them?” She gazed up at Lucian through her tears.

  Lucian wiped her tears away and pressed a kiss to each cheek. “While you slept I booked into a doctor. From what I can tell they are fine. You seem to have a strong connection to them. Don’t worry, they are fine.”

  Tessa buried her head into his chest and let him comfort her. When she gathered herself she hiccupped out, “Where have you been?”

  His hands rubbed up and down her bare arms in a soothing motion. “I was out protecting those faulty humans you like.”

  “What? What do you mean faulty?”

  “The ones that have broken eyes. Although, Zane said he can see me, my demons, and angels.”

  “You mean the Vision Australia people?”

  “Yeah, them. The angels are really targeting them and trying to wipe them out.”

  Turning so she straddled his lap, she stared up at him. “You went and helped the vision people?” Her heart melted as he nodded.

  “I don’t know why the angels want them dead. They are faulty and harmless.” Lucian’s brows furred in deep thought.

  Tessa wondered why anyone would want blind people dead. Then she remembered what Lucian said, they could see demons and Angels. “Can any humans figure out what you are? I didn’t know.”

  “No, we blend in so we don’t scare people, and it’s easier to feed. No one can…” He trailed off and his face lit up. “My smart mate, of course, why didn’t I see it? The faulty humans are detectors. They are like a built-in warning system.”

  Tessa didn’t like Lucian calling the blind and vision impaired faulty, but she knew he didn’t mean it in a mean way. “I always knew they were special.”

  Lucian kissed her head. “They are. It explains why the angels want them all dead. I’ll save them. I like Zane, he’s a good kid.”

  “Thank you, Lucian.” Tessa loved him. The fact he took care of her friends while she’d been gone and saw the value in them had her knowing for a fact that she loved Lucifer the devil.


  On Monday Lucian took Tessa to the OB-GYN. They looked at the babies and measured everything. The doctor was a shifter so he knew about the accelerated gestation. Lucian tried to prove to Tessa that the babies were boys but they wouldn’t cooperate and show what they were.

  “Can I at least do something like, oh I don’t know… organize your files, takes notes, anything?” Tessa glared at him with her arms crossed over her chest. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I can’t lay or sit on this couch in your office and read anymore. I’m bored out of my mind. Thank God it’s Friday. Please tell me you’re not working. I swear if I stay cooped up with you or those three babysitters you have for me I will kill you.”

  After the incident with Balthazar, he’d made sure she was never alone and when he wasn’t around she had at least three guards. Not that he let her leave the office or house. “I won’t work the weekend.”

  “Yay!” She stood up and strolled to the desk, placing herself over his lap. She gazed up at him and he should have known she was up to something. “Let’s go out for dinner tonight.” She trailed her fingers up and down his chest. This wasn’t the Tessa he remembered or knew. “I going kinda stir crazy. Pleases.” She batted her eyelashes and brushed her lips over his.

  Lucian felt his whole body start to burn as her touch sent a fiery need within him. His mate was playing with fire. Deciding to test his newfound sex kitten, he stood and sat Tessa on his desk. “What will you give me if I take you out?” He almost laughed out loud when her eyes snapped up to his and he heard her teeth grind.

  She must really have had enough. They had spent all week cooped up either at home or at his office—well, Tess had. He’d left to go fighting when she fell asleep for a couple of hours. He didn’t need the required eight hours sleep like humans did, after a couple of hours he could go days without it.

  “Come on, Lucian. I know you’re worried about me, but you can’t keep me locked up forever. I promise I won’t run or even cry for help.” She gazed at him with pleading eyes. “You’ve grown on me.” She smirked and inched to the end of the desk, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  Trailing his hands down her back, Lucian found the edge of her shirt and yanked it up and over her head, throwing it to the floor. A black frilly maternity bra covered her heaving breasts and her tiny baby belly was hard and round. His cock strained in his pants at the sight of her. Bringing his hands back up, he brought them around and one held her waist, inching her forward as the other trailed the pads of his fingers over her cleavage.

  Leaned down, he whispered against her eyes, “Is that all?”

  Tessa’s chest rose and fell faster and her breathing quickened, her sugar smell intoxicating. Her thighs flexed around his waist. “You’ve turned me into a sex crazed woman,” she panted. “Any time you touch m�
��” Tessa’s voice trailed off as he nibbled on her earlobe. Her hands came up and around his neck, clinging to him.

  Lucian preened at the way his mate responded to him. His demon gave him a satisfied nudge, wanting to play. Easing away from Tessa, he used all his strength to untangle and step away from her.

  “Fine. Let’s go out to dinner. I’d love to finish this but we need to get home and organized for a dinner date.” He sighed and tried not to grin at the thunderous expression on Tessa’s face.

  “Don’t you dare, Lucifer.” He was shocked she used his original name. “Don’t you dare leave me in this state. I swear I—”

  Lucian cut her off by plastering his mouth to hers. He and his demon went crazy at the use of his name on her lips. Tearing at the remainder of her clothes, then yanking and ripping his own off, he meshed their bodies together so her legs and arms surrounded him. He leaned her back and pulled her to the edge, rubbing his cock back and forth over her pussy.

  Tessa clawed at him for more and he obliged. He let out his wings and they circled around her, leaving his hands free to explore. Cupping a breast with one and sliding the other down to tease and play with her nub, he nibbled on her lips. His canines came out and he disconnected from her mouth and nibbled his way down and back up her neck.

  Tessa bucked in his embrace and begged for more. “Oh, Lucian, I’m so close. More. Please give me more.”

  Knowing how close she was to coming this time, he slid his dick in between her folds and sank into her. She let out a deep, pleasure-filled moan. Moving his hands down and around to squeeze her arse, he pulled out and thrust home as her nails dug into his skin. She let out a scream as her release washed over her, her muscles tight around his throbbing cock.

  Bringing his wings up, he held her closer to him as he drove into her over and over again. Tessa flung her head back, resting it on his leathery wing. Her fingers raked up and down his abs in time with each driving thrust. Her moans and groans became so loud they blocked out any other noises his super hearing could detect.


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