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Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2

Page 10

by Alma Nilsson

  “I wasn’t raped,” Dru said evenly.

  “Will you share with me the memory then so I can change your record? The doctor who examined you on Space Port One believes you were and that is the root cause for your sexual inexperience. She wants you to begin a monitored mandatory sex routine. Putting you through a monitored sex program here, I think, would only make matters worse.”

  “Monitored sex with whom?” Dru was in complete shock.

  “A slave who does these things for a living. It’s a controversial theory that has taken over in the last years. As we’ve had issues with our demographics, women who’ve not been inclined to be with men, have been put through it. As a result, these women, have only learned to tolerate a man’s touch. It’s not a healthy program.”

  Dru didn’t want to have to have sex with therapy men in front of other doctors regularly so she said to Doctor Jina adamantly, “I’ll show you the sexual encounter, but on the condition that I’ll not be punished for it here or on Earth. And that you will change my record so that I don’t need to be put through any monitored mandatory sexual routine.” Dru had just learned from Madame Bai that in the Alliance you could make formal deals with people that bound them to you. And it was so common that there was a function on everyone’s IC to do it, from the very simple to the very complex.

  Doctor Jina nodded.

  Dru took out her IC and made up the small contract. Doctor Jina put her finger to it. Then Dru asked, “Now, how do I show a specific memory?”

  Jina smiled sympathetically and began guiding her through the procedure.

  When she was ready, Dru took Jina’s cool hands in her own and focused on keeping both of them within her mental bubble, in case there were any telepaths nearby. Then, she conjured up the memory from four years ago.

  It wasn’t difficult to remember and set the scene to share it. It was always with her, lurking close to the surface of her consciousness. That night she was sweating. It was summer, hot and humid. Some of her hair was sticking to her forehead as she walked through the overgrown trees on the muddy path. She was walking just along the border of the green forcefield that separated the modern world to the Exterior. She saw the lights of the guards’ box and continued to walk, one foot in front of the other, shaking with fear, all the time telling herself, This is the only way out. You can do it. It’ll be a long time before another opportunity presents itself when Mother is away so long. When she approached the guards’ box, she was dismayed to find five men there instead of two. She could have manipulated the minds of two but not five. She still tried, but it just led to confusion among them and then some of them began asking if she was an Exterior witch. She then changed tactics. She lifted up her sweaty cream-colored dress that was already stuck to her curves and asked if sex would change their minds. They all hungrily agreed and immediately let her through the forcefield and were on her like men fighting over water in the desert. They circled her and one grabbed her hands with one hand behind her and let the other hand begin to caress her breasts over the thin fabric of her dress, while the others watched, all making lewd comments. Then a second man joined the first and he began stroking her vulva over her clothing. It was not long before they had taken her dress off and had her on her back on the guard house’s rough wooden table. She had some splinters in her back as they pushed on her naked body. One man hovered above her with his penis in her mouth almost choking her, his large sweaty stomach over her head, she worried she would be suffocated in his sweaty fat. While he used her mouth, the others used her vagina and slapped her breasts aggressively. Then they flipped her over and put her on her hands and knees on the wooden table, she could feel tiny fragments of wood piercing her. She was scared, the table shook with her trembling as she didn’t know what to expect next. Suddenly they began beating her bottom with a piece of wood. It hurt so much she cried out and the men laughed at her. After the spanking they began putting themselves everywhere, into her mouth, her vagina and her anus. She was in so much pain. She was crying and choking and everywhere hurt. She wished at the time that she could have blacked out from the pain, but she couldn’t and what was worse is that she remembered every second of it. Their hairy, fat sweaty bodies all thrusting their penises into her in wild animal-like motions. It was a depraved act. All five of them used her in every possible way they could. It seemed to go on and on. Not only was it the pain of men roughly putting their penises into every orifice she had, but it was the disgrace of what they said to her while they were doing it. They called her vile names and she had been unprepared for the psychological aspect of sex. When she offered herself to them, she didn’t know people could say these things about a woman. These words would haunt her for years afterwards, worse than the sex. She was so young and naïve. Thankfully, when they were finished, they let her go. They threw her clothes at her, disgusted by their own animal-like behavior now that they looked at her, bruised, bloody and crying. They slapped her a couple of times, hard, and told her angrily that if she ever told anyone what they had done to her, she would be put in prison for escaping the Exterior. Two of the men wanted to push her back into the Exterior, saying, ‘She’ll be back and then we will have her again.’ But the oldest of the men, who looked like he felt the guiltiest, held a gun to the other two men and said, ‘It was a fair deal, she is walking out of here.’ Dru got up slowly. Blood, semen and excrement ran down her thighs from her mouth, vagina and anus, but she was free. In that moment, she rallied herself, It’s over. I just need to put on my clothes and walk away. This was the price for freedom. She tenderly put what was left of her dress on, picked up her small bag with her few belongings and walked towards the nearest encampment, what she later found out, was called a ‘city’ in the outside world.

  Dru released Jina’s hands then, “It wasn’t rape. I let them do it. It was a trade.”

  Jina was completely in shock by the repulsive human behavior she had just witnessed. If Alliance men were ever to behave in such a way, they would be put to death no matter what the situation or what the woman had offered. “Drusilla, you had no idea what you were offering as you were a virgin and those men acted barbarically. In the Alliance this would be considered rape. You were not old enough to consent and they used you in a way that had no purpose but to satisfy their own beastly needs.”

  Dru just looked at Doctor Jina. She didn’t believe her. In her mind, she had been old enough to offer herself and she had done it to escape. She was still traumatized by it to be sure, but she knew like everything else that had happened to her, this pain too, would pass in time.

  “This is why in the Alliance, men are not given much responsibility when it comes to women and children. Without the guidance of women, they revert back to their most primal instincts, just using brute force for everything without logic.” Jina took a deep breath, trying to clear the images of the rape from her mind. This memory would always be with her now, unless she had it medically erased, which she considered doing at this moment, as the memory had been so horrific. “I don’t know what to do now. Obviously, this first sexual experience has scarred you, but the sexual monitoring program would definitely make this worse. Could we decide on something between ourselves now to help heal this wound?”

  “I agree that I need to heal, but I think that will just happen in time.”

  “That’s not for certain and you don’t have the time. You’ll be of age next year and men will want to marry you, and, in the Alliance, we know that sex is just as an important part of your life as eating and shelter. You need to begin to align yourself with a routine.”

  “You mean a sexual routine?”


  “Is that what you have? A sexual routine?”

  “In a matter of speaking, yes. When my husband is home, we have sex frequently, when he is not, I have other means. It’s an important part of a healthy life. I think you should begin with yourself and no one else first. You must start all over from the beginning. You must separate your experience with
those men from what your body truly desires.”

  “Are you talking about masturbating?”

  “Yes,” Jina said as if this was the most common thing in the world.

  Dru just looked at her and wondered what else she was going to say.

  “I could help you if you don’t think you can do it alone.”

  Dru immediately shook her head, “No, I think I can figure it out by myself.”

  “You need to know your body sexually and in a healthy way. If you don’t know yourself, how will you ever know which husband will be right for you?”

  “But you don’t have sex before marriage, or?”

  “No,” Jina said, not confidently because quite often people did. “But you do get close to one another and you talk about sex beforehand quite extensively to make sure it will all work out. If you don’t know how to satisfy yourself sexually, you can’t talk about your sexual expectations with a partner and this can lead to problems in the future.”

  “Just to clarify, a man courts you and you don’t have sex, but you touch each other in all other ways and talk a lot about sex before actually getting married?”


  “Why not just have sex?”

  “Because it is a custom, part of the Contracts. And it builds the desire over the weeks and months before marriage. One of my most memorable sexual encounters was the first time I had sex with my husband and we finally did things we had been talking about for months before,” Jina said wistfully.

  “I can’t even begin to understand what the point of that would be,” Dru commented.

  “That’s the problem. You have shut yourself off from sex because your first experience is still an open wound. It makes sense. Now you need to rebuild yourself. Maybe it’s for the best you are in the Alliance. Whereas the other human women might struggle with the physical differences of Alliance men, you can begin focusing your sexual desires there. Their bodies look nothing like the men who raped you and their behaviors will be quite the opposite.”

  “You want me to fantasize about Alliance men?”

  “If it helps.”

  Dru shook her head, “I don’t know.”

  “It’s okay, you’re not supposed to know. It’s fortunate that you are still young and there is still time to save your sexuality almost completely. You will always carry these scars, as it is too interlinked with other very important memories to erase, but you will overcome this.”

  “What if I wanted this memory erased?”

  “No, we can’t.”

  “Do you erase other rapes?”

  “Yes, but usually those have no purpose to them. They were just random acts of violence. Yours had a purpose, one of the most important challenges in your life, leaving your home. If we were to erase it, not only would you be a completely different person, but we might alter everything else about you. So much is linked to memories, it’s playing with fire to do too much.”

  Dru nodded, she had read about a lot of human memory programs going seriously wrong. “So, you want me to begin masturbating and then tell you about it?”

  “I don’t need play-by-play details, Drusilla. What I want is to discuss it afterwards. Where your mind goes when you touch yourself and to make sure that you are able to move forward. I want to help you heal this wound, so that when the time comes to marry, you are ready. I don’t want you saying ‘yes’ to the first man who shows you any kind of good sexual attention. You represent our hope for a dying people, we want you to marry and have children with a man you enjoy. Not someone you suffer through.”

  Dru could not help but remember the medical exam on Space Port One and those orgasms. As humiliating as it was to do that in public, if she could look at it without emotion, if she had experienced that with a man, she liked, she would want to be with him all the time. She would crave his sexual touch. “I understand. I just feel…” Dru trailed off. She didn’t want to say ‘embarrassed’ because that was not exactly the word, ‘ignorant’ was probably better. She just didn’t know where to begin.

  Jina gave her a sympathetic smile, “Your bed upstairs has many different options. Start trying them. Next week, we’ll talk about this again. The most important thing is that you take this seriously. If you marry a man who does not please you sexually, it will ruin your life.”

  Dru thanked Jina for tutoring her, but not specifically for which topic.

  Doctor Jina turned to her before leaving, “And Drusilla, one more thing, don’t read other people’s thoughts or influence them in any ways without their consent. There are secret police everywhere monitoring this and the punishment for unlawfully reading someone’s mind is quite terrible. The Empire values us as much as they fear us.”

  “What’s the punishment?”

  “I don’t want to give you nightmares,” Doctor Jina stated as if she were talking to a child, but technically, in the eyes of the Empire, Drusilla was still a child, “Let’s just say it is a fate worse than the longest death you could imagine.”

  Drusilla nodded not wanting to know more but had to ask, “And if I accidently project things is that punishable too?”

  “Not yet. Not if it’s clear it’s an accident. The problem is with these secret police is that it is their word against yours. Just be careful.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Dru returned to her room and sat at her desk, she opened her messages. There was one from Madame Bai. It was the picture of the female crew of the Dakota in their uniforms that she had taken yesterday. She had sent it with the message that said,

  Remember where you come from.

  Dru looked at the picture as it appeared in 3D on her desk. She looked at her crewmates and herself, tired, dirty and blank. She thought about Madame Bai’s double meaning in her message. The message being, to always be human, but to be Alliance as well. Dru suddenly felt overwhelmed. She wanted to be rescued. But at the same time, already she was beginning to feel some sympathy for her Alliance hosts. She couldn’t help but remember Doctor Jina’s words, not an hour ago, ‘you represent our hope for a dying people’, and Dru felt a betrayal at wishing she would be rescued and, at the same time, betrayal that if she remained, she might not be able to be everything the Alliance hoped she would be. She wondered again, Are we the Lost People? She shook her head in denial. But she couldn’t deny the Alliance women on the planet had already shown her more concern and sympathy than anyone had on Earth. No one had cared what she had been through, but she defended them to herself, They didn’t know what had happened and they weren’t using me for breeding. With those thoughts, she closed the picture and decided to go to sleep, despite it being early.

  Dru slept in her dress again. No one had asked about pajamas so she just assumed hers were missing as an oversight and she would need to ask Madame Bai or Jane about it tomorrow. She kept her shades on her window open again to watch the city move all around her. As she lay in her warm bed watching the transports whiz around, she wondered what Alliance people did in their spare time. If they socialized like humans socialized. Madame Bai had told them that people tended to meet their friends in the evenings after dinner with their families. Dru wondered if there would be a time that she would have some grey Alliance friends. That they would meet for drinks and all the hands at the table would be grey except for hers. This image made her feel very homesick for Earth again, but she held back the tears and thought, No, add some human hands there, I am not the only one here. Then she tried to change the image in her mind with her make-believe Alliance friends, but she couldn’t add another human friend there and she knew why. When she had left the Exterior, she had had to give up all of her friends and family to start over. She couldn’t help it then and the tears began to fall, she wiped them away and thought, But this is different, we are all in this together. It’s not like starting completely over again, not like that. She cried for herself and her bad luck at being in the Alliance now. She felt like she was back to square one, again

  Dru woke up in the middle of the night
and was unable to go back to sleep. Her mind was racing with everything that was going on in her life. The unknowingness of whether they would be rescued or not. The weight of the Alliance culture with all of its rules and the expectation that not only would she need to become a working member of Alliance society, but that she must marry and bear a hybrid child. With the thought of marriage and a child on her mind, she thought about what she and Doctor Jina had discussed about her sexuality and needing to know herself. With that in mind, she turned to her bed’s control panel and began exploring some of the options under the heading of ‘bed’. There were so many options she really didn’t know what most of them were. She decided to first choose the option that said, ‘basic,’ she thought, I am a beginner to these people after all, who knows what they have in here? Then she laughed out loud at the thought of what this bed might actually be able to do. Can it conjure a man? she wondered. When she looked at the panel again there was another long list of options. A lot of them did not make sense to her and so she just decided to choose the first option that said, ‘orgasm five minutes.’ Then she quickly got out of bed and took her dress off, then she got back under the covers and waited for the bed to begin, in those seconds, she wondered if whoever monitored their building was going to enjoy watching her too. She wondered if they were male or female. She guessed they were probably female as the only men she had any contact with were the guards that just nodded to her when they all passed.

  It was not long before the bed became warmer to her skin. It seemed to come alive with warm air touching her skin at random and not so random places at different intervals. Finally, after some minutes getting her very aroused, hot air seemed to swirl around her nipples, intermixing with cold pinpricks, making them hard and the bed gave her a similar treatment over her vulva and then clitoris. It was so much pleasure, but with an edge she really liked. And it was so different from the medical exam orgasm, this was sensual where that had been medical. This was warm, gentle and most importantly private. Just as the bed had promised it brought her to a climax by shooting hot air in and out of her vagina and anus, never stopping with her clitoris or nipples. She had never felt anything like it in her life. The hot air felt like large warm, firm feathers caressing her but as her need grew the feathers began to feel like gentle, warm water caressing her in all the right places with all the right pressure. After she climaxed the bed returned to just a normal bed and Dru drifted off to sleep again, thinking that was a good but strange sexual experience.


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