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Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2

Page 25

by Alma Nilsson

  Dru looked at her friend seriously, she didn’t like it when Alliance people did this, said one thing while blatantly indicating the opposite. She didn’t know which answer the real answer was. Madame Bai told her that usually the silent answer is the real one, but on some occasions, it was the spoken answer because of people who might be watching. Dru decided that she would have to consider this later, so she said what she knew Dera wanted to hear, “My loyalty will always be to my Alliance sisters who have given me this opportunity to live my second life, my Alliance life. May the gods always be blessed.”

  “Thanks be to the gods’ who willed it to be,” Dera replied in all seriousness. They were quite for a minute and then the chimes sounded, and the midday meal was over. All of their focus was now on their examinations.

  After a full day of examinations, Dru went to her private study room at the library. She had completely forgotten it was the 4th day until she received a message from Ket.

  Little tabi, even though the ban has finished you still have an obligation to me today. It is the 4th day of the week.

  Dru looked at her IC and smiled. She opened a VM to Ket. It couldn’t be in real time, but then she closed it and decided to write something instead. She wanted to unnerve him a bit.


  Today is the 4th day of the week and I’m not wearing any panties. All day I’ve been taking examinations and my little pussy has been completely dry until now. I’m thinking about you touching my clit with your fingers, softly running a finger up and down almost making me come while one of the other men that has approached me today pushes his finger in and out of my vagina. And then other two men suck at my large human breasts and I come so hard with all of my Alliance men servicing me. May the gods give you strength.


  Dru laughed as she sent the message. She got a very quick response.

  Today is the day you are loyal only to me. You think only about me. I give you permission now to touch yourself thinking only about me. Now. And I want you to VM it to me. Now.

  Before she could reply he sent her one of his nude portraits. She smiled thinking; This must be the one he thinks he looks the best in. It was him with no background standing with his hands behind his head, looking down at the ground. In this position with the position of the light, all of his muscles were beautifully highlighted and his large penis clearly on display. Dru couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to put her fingers around his cock. How soft it would feel at first until she brought him closer to orgasm. How it would feel in her mouth and then in her pussy, Those ridges, she thought.

  She opened a VM to Ket. She set up the camera so that he could see all of her. She stood behind her chair and said, “As you can see, I’m in my study room. I have set the room to privacy and now I will be loyal to you.” She smiled slyly at the camera and then bent over and slowly began lifting her dress up from the hem, but she didn’t stop when she reached her sex she kept going and lifted the dress all the way over her head. She was wearing a sexy black lace bra that covered her nipples which she knew would annoy him too and that made her smile. Then she threw the dress to the floor, only wearing her black thigh high stockings, black bra and necklaces, she put one of her feet on the chair in front of the camera, to give him a full view of her sex and began stroking the top of her thighs and around her vulva. “Do you see how excited the thought of you makes me? I’m so wet thinking about you touching my little pussy. I wonder will you be gentle or smack it? Smack me for forgetting to be loyal today?” Then she did smack herself a couple times, not hard of course but for the dramatic effect. Then she began rubbing her clit in earnest. She took her other hand and caressed her nipple through the lacy fabric of the bra. “Ket, I’m thinking only about you,” she said at the same time thinking, I’m so naughty. But after a couple minutes of touching herself, she didn’t think about anything but her orgasm to come. And it didn’t take long for the wave to roll over her. Less than ten minutes. When she finished, she licked her fingers for him, “I’m looking forward to seeing you next week.” Then ended the transmission without thanking the gods for anything.

  Ket hadn’t necessarily expected Dru to send him a VM of her masturbating, so he accidently began watching it in his office. When he saw her begin to take off her dress, he paused it and said out loud to himself, “Gods Drusilla, a little warning next time,” and then closed the message. He wrote her,

  Good tabi.

  Then went back to work. That evening he excused himself from playing a drinking game with Zota and a new puzzle jug another officer had recently acquired to watch Drusilla’s message.

  Dru was late getting home. She missed the evening meal and just wanted to go to sleep. Tomorrow she had another full day of examinations. While she was getting undressed one of the slaves entered her room.

  “Drusilla, there are quite a few parcels for you downstairs. You need to come and sort them out, naked or not.”

  Dru frowned at the slave and pulled her dress back on and then went down to the great fire room and saw at least 50 parcels mainly all black boxes. “Who are they from?” she asked the slave who was standing with her.

  “Obviously men who would like to potentially court you,” the slave replied condescendingly. “What do you want to do with them?”

  “Is there one from Doctor Ket of House Vo?”

  “Your friend brought it this morning but said we should wait to give it to you this evening. We put it aside,” the slave pulled out a large purple package and gave it to her.

  “Good. I’ll take this one and decide what to do with the rest tomorrow.” On the way back up to her room, she shook the box a little bit, it was light, and she wondered what could be in it. She got a second wind thinking about what could be inside the box.

  Once in her room, she set the purple box on her desk and undid the silver clasp, inside was a beautiful blue dress and a note written in what she now knew was Ket’s handwriting. She was charmed realizing that this note was probably written several weeks ago before he left the planet.


  As an adult now, I want you to have something nice, but as you know, men are forbidden to buy clothing except for their wives, so I had to trust Dera in this. I look forward to seeing you next week please wear this. May the gods continue to shine their light for you.


  Dru pulled the dress out of the box and held it in front of her. “Room, mirror,” she said, and a full-length mirror appeared in front of her. The dress was made of a finer quality than her other dresses but did not have the movement or any pattern like her formal dress for Assembly. She wondered if this could also be a day dress. She had noticed that all of her classmates had a bit nicer dresses than the ones she wore. This didn’t bother her as she had been poor her entire life and was always grateful just to have something decent to wear. Before coming to the Alliance, she had allowed herself one nice dress for formal occasions, although she had never had an occasion to wear it and now it was lost with the rest of her possessions from the Dakota. Back on Earth? she wondered. Anyway, she looked at this beautiful dress and wondered, Will my wardrobe be filled with more dresses like these now? Then she couldn’t resist taking hers off and putting this one on. Yes, it feels nicer and a bit more breathable. Her other dresses had been made with more fabric to keep her warm in the lower temperatures that Alliance people preferred however, this dress was just as warm but was made of something else to keep her warm, not extra fabric so it also gave her the feeling of being more free. She loved it.

  She messaged Ket directly,

  The dress Dera bought is perfect.

  She knew she couldn’t thank him as that was impolite and she couldn’t say that he had been the giver as that was forbidden. After she took the dress off, she put on her pajamas and was about to fall asleep when she received another message, it was from Ket.

  There was another package for you as well. No doubt, it was lost among all the others?

smiled. Of course, he had also sent some jewelry, maybe to test out just how many other men had sent her something now that she was an adult. She smiled and replied,

  There were too many boxes I didn’t even begin to go through them now as I am busy. I knew this one was from you, so it was the only one I opened. I will look for the other one tomorrow.

  “And decide how to return all the other men’s gifts,” she said out loud to herself. Then she closed her eyes and she had another message from Ket.

  Will you send me an image of you wearing what I sent in the unopened box?

  She was bewildered by the question and tired, so she just responded,

  Yes, good night. I have my last day of exams tomorrow.

  Then she heard no more from him and fell asleep.

  The next morning Dru got up and quickly washed her face, had breakfast and then went to school. It was the last day of exams. She was confident but still nervous. After an exhausting day she returned home and then remembered she needed to look through the gifts for Ket’s other gift. She employed one of the slaves to help her. When it was finally found, she opened it. There was a note,


  Your first true Alliance gift.


  She was intrigued now. What could be more Alliance than the jewelry or the dress? she wondered as she opened the small box. There were two identical silver dangly earrings. She said out loud, “But only married women have pierced ears.”

  The slave who was helping her said, “Gods Drusilla, those are not for your ears.”

  Dru’s cheeks turned red and she remembered telling Ket she would send him an image of her wearing them. She looked down at the jewelry and then thought, No, I just can’t. She tried not to think about her nipples being pierced most days. It was something that still made her angry. Now the doctor’s words came back to her, ‘Your husband will expect this.’ You really are a barbarian aren’t you Ket? she thought. Without another word to the slave she took the jewelry and went upstairs to decide what to do. She couldn’t call Dera as that just seemed too strange as Ket was her brother. She could call Jane, but she knew Jane would tell her to do what she felt comfortable with and that was not the answer she needed. She needed to know what an Alliance woman would do. Dru decided that although Madame Bai was more like a mother figure, she was the best person to ask and she needed to find out about what to do with the jewelry from the other men too, she didn’t want to keep it and Madame Bai would know the answer to that too.

  Dru opened a real time VM to Madame Bai, she answered and was surprised, “Drusilla, is everything okay? You have your exams now and it is late to be calling.”

  “I’m sorry. Today was the last day of exams. I’m just calling because I have a couple of questions.”

  “About the examinations?”

  “No, not about that. That went well, I think.”

  “Good, what is it then?”

  “I received many unsolicited gifts the day that the ban stopped, and I became eligible for marriage. I don’t want any of the gifts.”

  “Not even the ones from Doctor Ket?”

  “No, of course I want those.”

  “Good, you had me scared for a minute. In regard to the others, just hire a delivery service to return them all. You know why Ket chose to end the ban on the day you became an adult, right?” She thought she better ask, it always amazed her what the humans did and did not understand about Alliance culture. She had given up weeks ago trying to predict it.

  “Not fully, to be honest.”

  “To give you a public opportunity to find someone else and that if you do choose him, it is public that you did that of your own volition. This is two-fold, first he wanted the competition to show you are sought after and second to show the galaxy that a human woman is choosing to be with him. The Galaxy Court has issued some enquiries into the human women’s galactic equality rights here in the Empire.”

  “And if I didn’t choose Ket would the Galaxy Court let me return to Earth?”

  “Probably after some time, but you are all listed as traitors to the human government after Captain Kara’s trial so you couldn’t return there.” She looked at Drusilla seriously, “Are you so unhappy here? I believed that things were going well with school and all?”

  Dru nodded her head, “Things are going well. I just want to know all my options. As you are aware, our ICs are blocked from news about humans.”

  “It’ll be unblocked after you marry. Drusilla, forget Earth. You can’t ever go back. Just continue to focus on the future. You are building a good life for yourself here. I’m so impressed with all of your accomplishments. And I heard from Doctor Jina that you earned a place for your practicals at the coveted Capital City Hospital?”

  “Yes,” Dru felt a surge of pride, this was the first time someone had mentioned it to her this way. None of her human counterparts understood and so they didn’t even comment on her achievement and she hadn’t mentioned it to Ket. Dera of course had given her a backhanded compliment about it, not because Dera had wanted to be rude, it was just the way Dera was. “I’ve worked very hard and I’m honored to have the opportunity.”

  “Who would have thought?” Madame Bai was beaming at Dru. “You’re really flourishing here. Don’t throw it away thinking about Earth.” Madame Bai stopped herself from continuing and then asked, “Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?”

  Dru hesitated and then reminded herself, This is the only other person you can trust to give you an honest Alliance answer about this. “Yes, it’s something to do with some jewelry Doctor Ket gave me.”

  “Yes?” said Madame Bai curiously.

  “They are adornments for my …” she trailed off hoping Madame Bai would understand but she could see on her blank face across the screen she had no idea what Dru was hinting to.

  “For your?”

  “Nipples,” she said finally getting it out and rallying herself, You are a doctor just say it you weirdo.

  “And? Are they ugly? Too heavy?”

  “No, I don’t know,” Dru was flustered by Madame Bai’s casual questions. Then she took a deep breath and explained, “I’ve not even tried them on yet. I‘m just struggling because he asked me to send an image of myself wearing them.”

  “Okay?” Madame Bai was still waiting for the problem and then after a couple seconds of silence she said, “Drusilla, I’m so sorry. I remember now. You resisted this being done. It’s in your record. This is seen as beautiful here. Ket just wants to see a beautiful part of you. This is no different than a picture of your neck with a necklace on.”

  “What if I don’t send a picture? Would he be offended?”

  “Probably not, but it would be strange not to.” She looked at this young human woman and tried to think of the words that would help her. “You’re meeting him next week, right?”

  “Yes, he says he has something special planned.”

  “Don’t you want him to fantasize about you between now and then?”

  He is already fantasizing about me from the video I sent yesterday I am sure, she thought but didn’t dare say. Instead she said, “I never thought about it.”

  “You should think about it and you definitely want him to fantasize about you between now and then. As much as possible. You want him to think so much about you that he can hardly decide which of his known jewelry he will bestow upon you and when and how you will begin courting.”

  “What is known jewelry?”

  “If only you would have paid as much attention to my lessons as to your medical lessons you wouldn’t have to ask me this,” Madame Bai stated exasperated. “Known jewelry is jewelry that a man has publically collected since he came of age for his future wife. Doctor Ket will have this listed somewhere in his profile on his social media page. Known jewelry says a lot about the man, his expectations for a wife and his expectations for a courtship. If he gives some of his known jewelry to you, he has high expectations for the relationship, as known jewelr
y is considerably more valuable than other jewelry.”

  “Oh,” said Dru now concerned about Ket’s known jewelry and suddenly worried about whether or not he will give her some even though she just learned about this cultural practice a second ago.

  “Yes, so if you want some of the known jewelry, send a good picture of yourself with the nipple jewelry.”

  “How do I make the image?” she asked quickly, Dru liked to win and she wanted some known jewelry. But when she saw Madame Bai’s face expression as if Dru didn’t know how to take a picture she quickly clarified, “I mean should it be all of me or just my breasts,” she blushed a little and then told herself, Calm down, this is not a big deal, stop being a prude. Be cool. Be Alliance.

  “Do it how you like. I would suggest low lighting and obviously not laying down. You’ve seen pictures of naked women before?” Madame Bai didn’t know if humans had such pictures.

  “Yes, I just never thought of taking one of myself.”

  “Maybe you could ask one of the slaves to help you?” Madame Bai suggested.

  “No,” Dru replied quickly. “I’m sure I’ll figure it out.”

  “Good night then and good luck on the picture. Let’s talk again next week.”

  Dru ended the call and then took off her dress. She looked at her nipples and the bars going through them. She gently took out one and expected it to hurt a lot, but it didn’t. Then she took the jewelry out from the box and put it in the vacant piercing, she felt some pressure but not real pain. Then she brought up the mirror and looked at herself and said out loud, “Well, that looks anything but sexy.” Her breasts were not small and taunt like Alliance women’s breasts. Hers were full, but firm. She took out the other bar and replaced it with the matching nipple jewelry then looked at her reflection again. “I’ll never understand their aesthetics.” She looked at herself and tried to understand how this could be beautiful. She then decided to take off the rest of her dress wondering if that would help, which she thought it did a little. Then put on her black lace underwear, as she thought this looked better, and had the mirror take an image of her from the neck down. She looked at it and it looked terrible. Think, there must be a better way. Sexy is not always wanton nudity.


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