Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2

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Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2 Page 30

by Alma Nilsson

“I didn’t realize there would be such an audience here,” he commented when they were alone.

  “Humans would probably be the same if you were all of the sudden just living among us. Now, let me look at my two vegetarian options.”

  They had a nice lunch and the conversation never strayed into anything serious again. Ket told her about his family, his older brother Kio, who was also an Imperial Doctor aboard an Alpha Warship, but unmarried and how Dera was their spoiled baby sister that they all doted on. After the midday meal, they walked the rest of the Promenade Ring together, smiling at each other and enjoying the beauty all around them. When they had completed the ring, he flew her home in his transport.

  “Where are you going now?” she asked as they stopped in front of her door. There were still some hours before the evening meal, that he undoubtedly would have with his family, but she wanted to spend time with him if he had nothing else planned.

  “I’m going to go to the Grand City Temple to thank the gods you accepted my courtship and to beg forgiveness for my wandering hands today. Then I’ll return home to tell my family our new status and have the evening meal with them. The gods have blessed us today.”

  “May the gods continue to light our way,” Dru responded. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. With that touch he transferred the sensation of him kissing her and she almost jumped at the shock of it. It actually felt like he had kissed her, but he just touched her hand.

  “The mind is a powerful thing,” he said with a smile and then walked away.

  Sex in the Alliance

  Dera had invited Dru to visit a women’s spa with her for a couple of days before their practicals began, as kind of a reward for doing so well on their exams. Dru remembered Ket mentioning this was an important part of Alliance culture, but when she questioned Madame Bai about it and why it wasn’t mentioned in her cultural handbook, she was simply told that it is something that must be experienced and never talked about and absolutely never written about. It hadn’t occurred to Dru to ask Doctor Jina about it at all.

  Dru was intrigued to say the least. She had contacted Jane to let her know where she was going and with whom. “Do you know anything about these spas?” she had asked as they were VMing in real time.

  “No,” Jane replied. “But I’m sure you will have fun with your friend,” she said reassuringly. “And please no more fines.”

  “Ket won’t even be there,” she said defensively. “And he paid them all didn’t he?” She suddenly wondered if Jane or Captain Kara had had to cover some. Her fine from the last time she saw Ket was over 3,000 UC and it was embarrassing that Jane knew every action the fine was for.

  “Yes, he paid them all. However, it makes House Human look bad.”

  Dru thought Jane was being particularly grumpy today and asked, “Is everything alright?”

  Jane sighed, “Fine, except Captain is due to give birth any day now and refuses to give her first command. As you can imagine this is driving Admiral Tir batty. Apparently, no Alliance woman has ever given birth off planet before and they are overly concerned as if she were going to break into a million pieces, despite John’s efforts to reassure them. So, the Captain and Admiral are constantly bickering which of course leaves her in a great mood for all of us to enjoy.”

  Dru half smiled, she could imagine what that was like, “I’m so glad I’m not there.”

  Jane smiled back at her, “You should be. But this too will pass. Message me when you return from your holiday and no fines James.”

  Dru promised and then began to pack what she might need for a couple of nights. She looked at her pajamas and wondered if she and Dera were going to share a room and if she would be naked. And then wondered if Dera would take offense if she weren’t naked. She thought about this and decided to bring her pajamas and then make a game time decision.

  Just as she finished packing, a slave told her Dera had arrived. Dru grabbed her little bag, a present from Madame Bai, as she had had nothing but her day bag, and went outside to get into Dera’s family transport. She couldn’t help but remember fondly how she and Ket had kissed inside of this transport after the Year Assembly.

  Dera greeted her and put their new destination in and they took off.

  “Tell me about this place we are going to. You were so mysterious before.”

  “I have to be. I’ll tell you everything when we arrive. Let’s talk about something else.” Dera grinned and they talked about their practicals. Dera was pleased to be working so close with her mother.

  The words struck Dru hard as she of course had been trained by her own mother, but their relationship had never been close even though it was not from Dru’s lack of trying. She just reconciled herself that her mother didn’t love anyone. That it wasn’t personal to Dru.

  After 20 minutes, the transport landed and the women got out and went into a stunning large stone building that was mainly lit by yellow candles. Dera and Dru approached a beautiful woman that was behind the big desk and they checked in. Then they were shown to their rooms by another attractive woman with a pleasing, melodical voice. Dru was a bit surprised that they were not sharing a room with two beds as she would have done with her human friends, but she figured that this was just another cultural difference and tried not to wonder if it was because she was human. Once they were in their rooms, Dera came through the connecting doors to her room without knocking, carrying a bottle of Alliance wine and two ceramic cups.

  “Come on, let’s sit on the balcony and talk. I’ve a lot to tell you and only an hour to do it in.”

  Dru followed Dera out to their adjoining balcony which had a beautiful view of a clear lake and mountains. There was snow on the mountain tops and the water was so still, the mountains were reflected in it. Dera poured the wine and made a toast, “To our futures as doctors and your becoming a real Alliance woman.”

  Dru drank to that toast even though it did not make sense to her completely, “Tell me now, I’m so curious. What is going on?”

  “What do you know about slave artists?”

  Dru shook her head, “Nothing. I know we have three surly slaves who maintain our building.”

  “No, those are regular slaves, slave artists are performers. They recite myths, history…” she trailed off hoping Drusilla would pick up on where she was going, but after a minute she realized that her friend really was an innocent in this regard. “Slave artists can also satisfy one’s sexual pleasure. Onboard ship there are many, but men are not allowed to be with a slave artist while they are in Alliance space or on Alliance planets. As we cannot leave the planet, women have these retreats, but it is forbidden to speak about them in detail to anyone. We all have the opportunity to visit them a couple times a year for our release. And here you can do anything with anyone.”

  Dru was looking at Dera in complete shock, “What do you mean by ‘release’?”

  “Sexual release or whatever kind of release you want. Do you want to hear some myths or have a massage? Do some meditation or have sex with a beautiful slave?”

  “Do you think Ket is sleeping with a slave artist onboard the Tuir? Do you think that is why he doesn’t want me to join the fleet so he can do that?”

  “I can’t talk to you about Ket,” she said.

  “It feels wrong to have sex with someone else when I committed myself.”

  “Slave artists don’t count as cheating on someone you are in a formal relationship with. They are part of the Contracts.”

  “We’re here to sleep with slave artists?” Dru was still in disbelief.

  “Yes,” Dera said, very pleased that Drusilla finally understood.

  “Your parents know we are here?”

  “Yes, but it is forbidden to ever speak about what we do here out loud to anyone, especially to a man. The punishment is death Drusilla, you must remember that. Are you ready to enjoy yourself?”

  Dru was horrified. A million things were running through her mind.

  “I’ve already ordered two me
n, one for each of us. They’ll be here soon. We’ll start slow like that, okay?”

  “You consider that slow?” Dru took a deep breath, “Some random men are just going to come here and ….” Dru trailed off and Dera laughed at her.

  “Yes, you know when you order them you can specify everything, and I didn’t think you would want to talk or hear a myth recited. I mean, we can ask for a myth to be recited instead, slave artists can do it all.”

  Dru made a face at her friend but didn’t know how to reply. But it didn’t matter because two handsome Alliance men suddenly appeared on the balcony. Dru almost dropped her wine cup at the sight of them. The men were stunning and almost naked. They wore just little green shorts. Their bodies were perfect as were their faces. They both had very symmetrical faces with green eyes. Their long black hair was pulled back in a style she had never seen before but didn’t really pay attention to, as she was too focused on their other attributes.

  The men didn’t speak, just took each woman by the hand and led them into their respective rooms. Now Dru understood why they had separate rooms and was somewhat relieved it was not because she was a human.

  The man that led Dru into her room stopped in front of her bed and immediately began stroking her hair and face with both hands. She closed her eyes and thought, I’ll just imagine it’s Ket. Then he began lightly kissing her on her face and in her hair and it felt so good, but not like Ket. Her hands drifted over his incredibly strong chest, Strong and attractive, but not my Ket.

  Gu the artist slave with Drusilla was excited to be with a human woman. The exotic women had been the talk of the Empire since they had arrived and there were so many rumors about them, he like everyone else, was very curious and so far, he was not disappointed. Her long red hair had a floral scent and her skin was so soft. He wondered if she were fat or curvy or both underneath her dress. Her face did not look fat, so he suspected and hoped curvy. Of course, he had been with fat women before and he never had a problem performing for any of his customers, but he already had a fantasy in his mind about human women from the picture he had seen of Captain Kara’s trial and her body so clearly outlined in her tight uniform. Gu began kissing Drusilla on her neck, while his hands were roaming her body over her dress.

  “Stop,” Dru said softly and pushed his shoulders.

  Gu immediately stopped, stepped back and looked down at this lovely human woman, “Am I doing something wrong?”

  “No, it’s not you. It’s me. Please go.”

  “Could I do something else to please you? A massage? A myth recited? I am here to serve.”

  “No. Please go.”

  Gu was paid regardless of what she wanted. He bowed, “Call me back if you change your mind.”

  Dru saw him leave and then sat on the bed and cried. Dera came in through the adjoining door just a few minutes later.

  “Drusilla?” she sat next to her on the bed. “What’s going on?” Dera had no idea why the slave artist wouldn’t please her friend.

  “I can’t do this. I know you can’t talk about him and it’s weird to say this to you, but I only want Ket to touch me.”

  Dera didn’t know what to say, she couldn’t talk about Ket directly, but obviously she could speak generally. “But to lead a healthy sexual life you must open yourself to others. Men are gone for long periods of time.”

  Dru interrupted her, “I’m not an Alliance woman. I can’t do this. I’m so sorry. Just go,” she finished softly.

  Dera put her hand on Dru’s shoulder for some seconds, the Alliance way to give comfort among friends, “We’ll talk about this tomorrow. Enjoy the other activities the spa has to offer, there is no shame in sending a slave artist away. It happens. I’m sorry I pushed you without realizing you weren’t ready.”

  Dru looked up at her friend, “It’s not your fault. It’s me. But I’m glad I’m learning this now and not after I married your brother.”

  Dera felt very sad for Ket then. This was going to be difficult for them both. She left the room with a simple goodnight and dismissed her own slave artist who had been waiting for her. Dera preferred women and was only sleeping with the man to make Drusilla feel comfortable. Being attracted to women in the Alliance used to not be a problem, you just didn’t marry, and everyone looked the other way. Now it made people very uncomfortable, especially other women, as they all were supposed to be doing their part for their species and setting a good example. Especially, the Imperial Families. So, Dera’s only real release came at the spas where she was free to be with other women without judgement. Dera then called in for three other women to join her for the rest of the night.

  The next morning, Dru got up and dressed then knocked on the door connecting her and Dera’s rooms. Dera told her to come in. When she entered, she was surprised to see Dera in bed with three other women. Dru didn’t mention it, because she was sure her face said everything including, How can you be so sexually advanced to have three women? but instead asked, “Are you going to the restaurant for the morning meal?”

  Dera looked at the women in her bed, smiled and then looked at Dru, “No, I’m not hungry this morning.”

  Dru nodded and then went to breakfast herself. She brought her IC with her so at least she could read her messages while she ate. As she sat down with a plate of very unappetizing food and the bland juice the staff insisted on her drinking, she opened her messages and was surprised to see one from Captain Kara.


  I just wanted you to know that the first hybrid baby has been born. A boy. John delivered him last night. He looks like a mix between Alliance and human and is healthy. I don’t know when I will next return to planet, but when I do, I would like a medical checkup by you. There are too many men here and I feel that something is not right with me.


  As Dru had little else to do over the morning meal, she replied straight away,

  Captain Kara,

  Congratulations on the birth of your son. The first hybrid baby. I am happy to hear he is healthy. I am always here on planet and could talk to you anytime about your health. I suspect the natural changes in your body are what is bothering you. Men wouldn’t know about these things and John only in theory. As I said, I am always on the Capital Planet.


  She wanted to ask about the slave artists on ship but then remembered she wasn’t supposed to talk about it so she definitely shouldn’t put it in a message. She just thought she would try to remember to ask Captain Kara the next time she saw her. She then wondered about the repercussions of Captain Kara’s actions on planet. It was forbidden for men to know anything about women’s reproduction and Captain Kara had given birth on a warship surrounded by men. However, maybe it was only John. She would want to ask about that too, but then she realized that’s what the answer would be even if it really wasn’t.

  Dru finished her breakfast and went for a walk through the very symmetrically laid out garden in back of the spa. Every inch of it had been perfectly manicured and Dru couldn’t help but reflect, like the entire planet and civilization, everything had been thought through and almost nothing left to chance. She wanted to be angry with Ket for not telling her about the slave artists, but she reminded herself that he couldn’t have told her and that in fact, he had told her as much as he could.

  She walked in the garden for some time before Dera came and found her.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” Dera said. “Let’s walk to that old temple on the other side of the lake.”

  Dru nodded and they walked together mostly, in silence, besides some pleasantries about the landscape or the weather. When they reached the old temple, Dru followed Dera through the large, black wooden gates into the garden of the temple. The temple was made of black wood and the smell of incense and candles floated through the air. Dera walked straight into the main temple building and found the black stone statue she was looking for and stopped before it. She bowed, said some prayers and then looked at Dru.

  Dru begrudgingly did the same and then whispered to Dera, even though they were the only ones in the temple, “Who is this?”

  Dera didn’t look at her but lit a candle and put it in Dru’s hands, “The goddess of orgasm. I am praying for you and Ket.”

  Dru gave her a surprised look that she mentioned his name to her.

  “Holy places are out of bounds,” she explained. “Now tell me, do you really only want his touch or is it something else?” Zol and Dera had talked extensively about Drusilla, and what the doctors thought might have happened to her and what that meant for her sexual behavior now. But, as Zol had received copies of all of the fines she and Ket had incurred every time they met, she assumed Drusilla had conquered the terrible sexual experiences she had endured as a very young woman. However now Dera was unsure. She had messaged her mother that morning but had not received a reply. All she could do was talk to her friend and try and help her.

  “I really only want him,” she replied quietly.

  Dera considered her for a couple minutes and then tried to explain, “This is not our way anymore. I don’t think Ket would accept this for you or for him. Our society is built on strictness, punishments and rewards. By taking away this aspect you are taking away a reward for both of you.”

  “What do you mean ‘anymore’?”

  “It used to be that couples who were so in love with one another,” she mentioned love as if it were a shameful thing, “would take binding tattoos on their wedding night so that they could not physically be with another. They would get ill or pass out if they tried.”

  “How long ago was this?” Dru felt there could be some hope.

  “At least four hundred years ago. Not too long, but long enough.” She looked into Drusilla’s green eyes and said, “We are here for one more night, could we please try again?”

  Dru shook her head, “I only want Ket,” then she began to cry with the absurdity of it because she knew she would lose him over this.


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