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Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2

Page 33

by Alma Nilsson


  “When we are not in a hospital.”

  “Ask me now.”

  Ket reached out his mind to hers to just explain all of his reasons for not wanting to do it now. How it would diminish all that he had to offer her and look bad on them both.

  Dru welcomed his thoughts into hers. She reflected how comfortable it was becoming. She looked directly into his eyes and then said out loud, “I don’t care about those things. You came back for me and have agreed to what I must have in a marriage. That is enough.”

  He looked into her green eyes and said formally, “Drusilla Anne James of House Human, my beautiful human, captured in war, traded and brought to the Alliance Empire for a new life and blessed by the gods, will you pledge your life and body to me, bound to me in wedlock?”

  Dru’s heart was beating so loudly she could hear it in her ears, “Ket of House Vo, Imperial Doctor and my one true love in all the galaxy, it would be my honor to be your wife and pledge my life and body to you and you to me.” Dru closed her eyes then, relieved.

  Ket could feel her relief wash over him.

  Dru knew this pledge was binding, it could not be easily undone and would be made permanent with an intimate wedding ceremony, “You’ll make the announcement?”


  “The doctors said I could sleep,” Dru murmured, “but I want to hear your voice will you read to me? My cultural handbook is on my IC. Then you will know what I know about Alliance marriages and can fill in the gaps.”

  Ket picked up her IC and handed it to her. She took it with shaky hands, “Unlock for Ket, House Vo, facial recognition,” then she handed it to him, and he was now registered to her IC.

  He easily found her cultural handbook and began reading from the chapter about courting and marriage as she drifted off to sleep. He was surprised at how much was left out and it was no wonder now how at every turn she was confused. There were too many gaps that she filled in with her own human experiences, which just didn’t make sense in Alliance culture. He took a break and watched her sleep. Then he began reading again, “Now Chapter 76, Children, I’m looking forward to this chapter.” She was drifting in and out of sleep so every now and then he added his own commentary and sometimes she would reply back with a witty remark, a smile or a question.

  Children are sacred in the Alliance. Whether a female or male child is born to you, you have been blessed by the gods. Once your child is born you will typically pray to the gods for a name in the first two weeks of its birth. Some names are passed down through families and some names are new. Trust in the gods to help you find the right one for your child. During the first year, you should take your child to the nearest temple to be blessed. This is usually done with a sacrificial animal. This is an important step in your child’s life and will help them in the future.

  Dru said something then and Ket stopped reading and looked at her, “Yes?”

  “We aren’t blessing our child with a sacrificial animal.” The idea of doing this reminded her of her childhood and she didn’t want any violence near a baby of her own.

  Ket smiled broadly, “No, we don’t have to do that. Our daughter can be a heathen just like her mother.”

  “I pray every day.”

  “I have been inside your mind.”

  She sighed and smiled, “And hopefully elsewhere soon.”

  That night she was cleared to leave the hospital. Ket escorted her as far as the doorway to her building.

  “I’ll message you every day,” he said. “We’ll marry on the 3rd day of the 62nd week of this year 18905, the day after you finish your practicals. It’s not long.” He was reluctant to leave her. “You can always move to be with my family if you need to. Don’t hesitate to ask my mother.”

  “I’ll be fine. It’s not long now and I have my work,” It wasn’t in Dru’s nature to ask for help and she definitely didn’t want to do it from someone she would have to ask for help from in the future for more important things.

  “Trust in the gods that they will keep you safe,” he squeezed her hand and sent her the sensation of a kiss. “And may the gods continue to light your way.”

  “May I see their path,” Dru replied and gave him a small smile and then turned to enter her almost empty building.

  Ket met with his family before returning to the Tuir.

  “She is a sensible woman not wanting to move here,” Zol commented over dinner.

  “Drusilla isn’t like some of the other humans that I have seen,” Dera made a face. “She definitely isn’t like Captain Kara.” The whole family made faces of disgust then.

  “She won’t be Empress,” Zol predicted to put them at ease. “There are too many who would challenge her for it and she just isn’t capable. This is why Tir keeps her off planet.”

  “Brother,” Kio addressed Ket, “Aren’t you worried of someone challenging Drusilla? Especially after what’s happened now?”

  It had crossed Ket’s mind too many times, “Of course, but we must trust in the gods. Thankfully, it seems she has only a few true enemies.”

  “And they are cowards,” Dera commented softly. “Rez should have just challenged Drusilla if she wanted to kill her.”

  “Over what?” Zol asked. “Drusilla has done nothing, and I think most people have sympathy for her, the only human who has really embraced the Alliance. Rez would only make herself look bad by challenging such a weak opponent.”

  “I wish I could challenge Rez for almost ruining everything.”

  “Over what? There is no proof. She was very clever. We cannot prove anything and as such we cannot challenge her over it, but her time will come. This won’t be forgotten.”

  “Ket, does Drusilla even own a proper sword? You should feel ashamed that I even have to ask,” Zol berated her son.

  “I know she has a sword and a teacher. It’s only now that I’ve considered these scenarios,” Ket admitted trying to defend himself.

  “She has one, but I suspect it is a beginner’s sword. Her guardian is more about proper manners than challenges and duels. I don’t think the Empire envisioned any of these human women marrying into Imperial Families. Madame Bai was chosen to help them face more practical and cultural issues, not the power struggles of the ruling class.”

  “Dera,” Ket said, “Buy her a proper sword and make sure her teacher is decent,” it was forbidden for Ket to do these things for Drusilla.

  “And the rest of us will try to watch over her as best as we can. It’s only a matter of months now.” Zol said and then looked at Ket, “And no more strong displays of love either, we don’t need any more attention around this.”

  Ket said nothing. He would do it again if he had to. Drusilla would have just simply slipped away without him. It was the first time in his life a woman needed him. He loved the feeling that he meant so much to her. That he provided the strength she needed to come back to them and continue this life. And he knew this was exactly what his mother feared. Human women changing their culture by putting their faith in men.

  Ket was true to his word and he sent Drusilla a VM every morning before he went on duty. He also made sure she had flowers from Earth in her room every week, as Frank the Earth Store owner, had suggested. As well as a constant supply of her favorite foods and drinks from the Earth Store. Drusilla had, of course, been reluctant to name the things she wanted, so he had Frank choose different things he thought she would like and varied it weekly. He hoped that these small acts made Drusilla feel good about her future and life in the Alliance. He was constantly worried that she would suffer another attack and it might be the end of her.

  He even had a necklace sent to her with their hair braided together in a tiny braid incased in a smooth circular crystal pendant. On the back was the inscription,

  May our paths always meet


  The necklace she found out was to be worn under her clothes and would rest in between her breasts, near her heart. It also would get ho
t and cold depending on the nearness of Ket. Of course, it only worked if he was on the planet, but she found it very charming.

  Every day she was reminded of him, the flowers, the food and the necklace with their tiny braid and she counted the days until she would be able to be with him, get married and move into her own home. She was tired of eating her meals while a slave watched and having few people to talk to. She tried to invite Dera over a few times, but their schedules never lined up. She assumed though that Dera just didn’t want to come over as she kept suggesting to meet at restaurants and places Dru couldn’t afford, probably not realizing that Dru had no money for such things.

  As the weeks passed, she was surprised to receive a written message from Ket around midday. She was at the hospital so went into her office to see what he had to say as it was unusual for him to message her now and in a written message too,


  As our wedding draws closer, we must meet to discuss the small logistics of the ceremony, choose wedding bracelets and where we will spend the four weeks after. I will return to the Capital Planet next week, the 3rd day to discuss this with you. Specific details to follow.


  She was excited to see him again. He always told her he wouldn’t tell her when he was coming home until it was certain so she wouldn’t be disappointed. She thought about the message again and wondered though if this was some formal Alliance thing and they were going to have to do more than decide which two people would be their witnesses. Before she could think about it more, she was called back into work and then forgot to reach out to Madame Bai to ask about it. Both when Rebecca and Captain Kara had married it had been quick. She hadn’t witnessed either, but she wasn’t under the impression that Alliance weddings required much planning, so she was confused as to why they would have to meet specially to plan everything.

  Dru had taken the day off work, as she was entitled to apparently, to plan her wedding with Ket. She felt like all of her colleagues knew something she didn’t know was going to happen today or that they were all just really excited about weddings. She couldn’t decide. But she found their enthusiasm contagious. She put on her best day dress, the known jewelry necklace, her ID necklace and the location ring. She had not felt this happy or content with her life in years.

  Dru met him outside of a park in the city she had never been to before. They smiled at each other. She wanted to run into his arms but controlled herself. He briefly took her hand and said quietly, “I missed you so much,” and then let go. “There is a place in the center of the park called ‘Fire’. It’s a common place to discuss everything we need to talk about.”

  Dru nodded and let him lead the way. It wasn’t a far walk.

  When they reached the building, it was painted red which made Dru smile and she wondered if it was painted red to be modern and sleek or to be unstable. She wanted to ask Ket, but he was busy checking in with a computer. Then he led her down a hallway and up an elevator into a beautiful room with floor to ceiling windows and a comfortable seating area with a computer panel on the table. It was like an Alliance hotel room but without a bed.

  When the door closed behind them, Dru turned around and pushed herself into his arms. He held her very tightly and then she looked at him, her green eyes begging for a kiss and he obliged.

  It wasn’t long before his hands were roaming her body over her dress. He kissed her neck and said in between kisses, “You’re so divine, but we really do need to decide things.” But he didn’t stop kissing her or groping her breasts.

  “I don’t care, you decide everything,” she said trying to unbutton the top of his uniform.

  He put both of his hands on either side of her face then kissed her and said, “Let’s quickly make our decisions and then get back to this. I don’t want you to be surprised on our wedding day because there is something you have completely culturally missed. And we will have four weeks to just be together after the wedding.”

  Dru wasn’t having it, she tried to kiss him again.

  He picked her up under her arms, her legs going around his waist and he kissed her again, even more passionately. His tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. After a couple minutes he carried her over to the sofa and lay her down below him. He began stroking her hair and kissing her neck while his other hand played with the nipple piercing over her loose dress. Her soft and warm hands had undone his shirt now and were caressing him. He hadn’t been with a slave artist since he left her last and he was desperate for her touch. She tried to remove his shirt and he stopped her, “Not yet. Let’s do the other first.” Then he did reluctantly move away.

  “I don’t think I can concentrate on anything you say until I kiss you more,” she admitted and bit her lip.

  Ket looked at that and couldn’t control himself either, “I’m timing this though, so we don’t waste all of our time only doing this.”

  “We’re not wasting time,” Dru said as she removed his shirt and began kissing and licking his torso and then his nipples. His hands were in her hair and he was unbraiding it. Dru had never felt so sexy in her life.

  Dru began undoing his trousers, she pulled them down as she got to her knees and when she saw his erect penis, she wanted to take it into her mouth. Her tongue just got to lick the top of it before he pulled her back, “No, it goes against the gods to do that.”

  Dru was confused and wondered if they were going to have sex then, they were almost married so maybe they were. She wanted to ask but then he was taking her dress off and kissing her torso up to her bra clad breasts, she was so pleased now she wore the long nipple rings he had given her before. It had been a last-minute decision based on the looks of her colleagues. And her mind was a blur. He expertly undid her bra for a man who had never done it before, and his thumbs and mouth were immediately on her nipples when he saw the exquisite jewelry there. She was in ecstasy under his ministrations. And after about 20 minutes she was sure he was going to make her come and she was still wearing her underwear and hadn’t even touched her upper thighs let alone her vulva or clitoris.

  Dru was projecting everything to Ket which made this all easy. He knew exactly what was pleasing her and what was not. He was sure that he could resist having sex with her until he saw the nipple rings and he remembered the image she had shyly sent to him, which he looked at frequently when he masturbated as he was no longer pleasing himself with slave artists, and knew that he would not be able to resist her now. Their marriage was only weeks away and if she became pregnant the dates could always be arranged through bribes as these things did happen frequently, especially at Fire, he had heard the stories. He almost laughed to himself when he thought he would be different, but his friends, who were already married had just smiled.

  Dru had her hands in Ket’s hair lightly, he needed no guidance, her thighs were pressed together, and she couldn’t believe that he was going to make her come simply by kissing, licking and stroking her nipples. She didn’t even know this was possible. The buildup had been slow, not like anything she had experienced before and now her body was so tense. She didn’t know if she should say something. She momentarily lost her edge by thinking too much and then told herself, Just enjoy it and find out the protocol later.

  Ket enjoyed listening to Dru’s inner dialogue as he pleased her. He wanted to tell her that he knew she was close to orgasm because of her body’s behavior, but he didn’t want to interrupt her pleasure. He quickly brought her to a short orgasm, as with the breasts it was always short. Then, he abandoned her breasts and moved down her body to remove her underwear. As he did, he kissed all along the top of her vulva and thighs and murmured, “This is so unhealthy to suffocate yourself like this.”

  Before she could answer he was licking up and down her vulva with big strokes of his tongue. She couldn’t think. She didn’t know if she should put her hands on his head, but he didn’t need any direction, then he took one of his hands and put her hands above her head. Then returned to licking her. He was
going so slowly, just like with her breasts, and she didn’t know if she could handle it. Then when she thought she couldn’t take anymore; he began using his fingers instead to rub with more pressure. Then his tongue again. He kept changing right before she didn’t think she could take anymore. She had never felt so much pleasure.

  Ket loved how open she was. He opened himself up now too, just a little, but he didn’t know if she felt it because she was so overwhelmed. He realized that this might be the first time she was having sex with a man that she liked. He wanted to make sure that it was amazing for her. He was taking as much care as he could to edge her for as long as possible. When he realized she had reached her point he used his finger on her clitoris stroking it quickly in small circles as he watched her beautiful face flushed with pink and her mouth open so attractively, he kissed all of her moans as she came for at least a minute. Then he gently continued caressing her down her orgasm, lightly stroking her saying all the while, “You’re so beautiful.”

  Dru could feel Ket, not just physically but mentally too. She was with him; it was the only way she could articulate it to herself. She knew now what he wanted and expected. She kissed him and their minds met one another in such a way she didn’t think was possible. His mental touch was almost as strong as his physical one and she knew that he wanted to have sex both ways. She was willing although completely ignorant of what he meant by mental sex. She obliged him physically though. She thoroughly kissed him, the length of his body and then rose to position herself over his large erect penis. She didn’t doubt it would fit. She knew what women’s bodies were capable of she just wondered briefly how long it would hurt until it didn’t hurt.

  Ket put his hands gently on her hips guiding his gorgeous exotic human over him. He spoke quietly and gently to her, “Go as slow as you like.” He had never been with someone so inexperienced before and had only heard stories from slave artists about how delicate you needed to be with young women. He didn’t want to hurt her or rush her. He had prayed a lot over this and done extensive research about monogamy. This first times needed to be slow and exploratory more than expertly executed. He didn’t want her to feel like she would never catch up to him, in terms of experience.


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