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Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2

Page 39

by Alma Nilsson

  Jane replied to her immediately,


  You look gorgeous today. I’m glad this worked out. I’ll see you the next time we are on the Capital Planet. Enjoy your holiday with your husband.


  Dru went to the great fire room then and waited by herself for Kara to arrive. Kara was going to take her to Ket’s parents’ home. While she was waiting a slave came out and gave her some Zota in a small glass. Dru looked at her questioningly.

  The slave just shrugged, “It’ makes the wedding a bit easier and we will be happy to see you go with your 4th days and other nonsense.” Before Dru could reply she walked away.

  She shrugged and drank the terrible alcohol.

  It wasn’t long before Kara arrived. She was wearing an Alliance dress with lots of jewelry and looked physically uncomfortable.

  “Oh well, look at you,” she said excitedly. “I love this. Where did you get this? I need one. It will make Tir explode with fury. I can see the curve of your breasts and hips and everything.”

  Dru looked down at her dress and had a moment’s hesitation, “Do you think I should change? You are my mother after all.”

  “Oh, definitely not. I wasn’t kidding I love it. I want one. And I love that you are part of House Zu and you are wearing it. Tir’s mother is going to be so cross with me for allowing it, it’s almost like me wearing it.” She smiled then, “We should take a short walk around the block just to be sure this makes it into the gossip columns.”

  “We shouldn’t,” Dru protested.

  “That’s an order James, come on.”

  Dru got up and followed Kara down the elevator and outside. They walked for ten minutes outside the building. And just as Kara wanted, they got lots of stares from people walking around them.

  “Pretend we are talking, and you are so happy,” Kara said with a fake smile for Dru.

  “I am happy, but I don’t want Ket to see my dress in the gossip columns before he sees me.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, he’s with his friends doing some blood ritual. He’s not looking at his IC.”

  “What blood ritual?”

  “I’ve no idea. I thought you’d know. You know, these Alliance men and their punishments to prove to each other they are all alpha men. It’s ridiculous. Oh well, I think that is enough now. Let’s go. I’ve brought some champagne to drink as I’m not drinking any tasteless Alliance wine and witnessing a wedding.”

  Dru didn’t know why she was acting like it was such a chore to witness her wedding, but she was excited by the idea of having champagne. “Thank you, it’ll will make the day extra special.”

  Kara smiled and they got into the transport with her guards. It wasn’t long before they landed and were entering Ket’s parents’ home. “The slaves have all been dismissed,” Kara explained as to why they just walked in. Then they found Dera in the drawing room drinking wine waiting for them.

  When she saw Drusilla, she stood up, “Drusilla, Gods, I have never seen you looking so human. I like it, I think. Come and have some wine?” Mentally Dera projected, You really look like an alien goddess.

  Kara motioned to the guards behind them carrying a case of champagne, “Hi, I’m Kara. I’ve brought champagne from Earth. Trust me you will like it. Put down the Alliance wine.”

  Dera looked from Kara to Drusilla and decided she didn’t care and put down her wine. “I would call one of the slaves but unfortunately on wedding nights we have to do it all ourselves. Dismiss your guards. As hostess I will serve.”

  Kara dismissed the guards but helped Dera pour the champagne into the human champagne glasses that had been decorated with colorful hand painted butterflies on them.

  “Interesting glasses,” Dera commented. Taking in Kara’s appearance for the first time. She was beautiful. Kara was wearing so much jewelry it was easy to make out her figure in the large Alliance dress and Dera reckoned her figure was somewhere between Drusilla’s curvy figure and an Alliance woman’s athletic one.

  Kara took in Dera’s long gaze and smiled at her, thinking So there are lesbians here and then said, “These glasses are also a gift from me to you, James. That with whatever champagne we don’t drink from the case tonight.”

  Dru smiled. She liked this wild side of Kara and wondered why she had been so afraid of her sometimes before. Then she wondered if she was just becoming more used to life in the Alliance. More used to sex and violence, things that Kara greatly enjoyed in life. “Thank you, that is very generous of you.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, we need to bring as much beauty here as possible. I’m so tired of seeing black, yellow and grey everywhere.”

  “Thankfully you have a red house,” Dera couldn’t help but point out.

  “Yes, thank the gods for the color red,” Kara said dramatically.

  The women continued to drink, and Kara entertained them with stories from their recent missions in the galaxy. Some of which Dru already knew but others that were kept from the Alliance newsfeed. She wondered if Kara knew that but decided, Kara didn’t care, so she let her talk uninterrupted. It was less than an hour before Ket, his older brother Kio and his friend Hez walked in.

  Dru had never seen Ket look so gorgeous. He was wearing his formal uniform with all of his imperial jewelry for ceremonial purposes. His hair was braided in an intricate braid down his back and he carried a ceremonial sword that was much more ornate than the one he carried every day.

  Ket was surprised to see Drusilla wearing a human dress. It was white with colorful embroidery and was so tight on her curvy figure he wondered if he would be able to speak to her without his hands roaming every inch of her body over that dress that hid, but didn’t hide, everything. Then when she turned to him and he saw that she had painted her face in that exotic human way he knew that this really was going to be one of the best nights of his life.

  He walked into the room and went straight to Drusilla and without a word took her hand for her to stand and began passionately kissing her, he had to. His hands roamed over her body, the exposed parts and over the soft silk of the dress. And he couldn’t help himself, one hand caressed a nipple to see if she was wearing the jewelry he had given her, as she had none of the other jewelry on and she was. His penis became rock hard then and he projected privately for their minds only, something that Drusilla hadn’t mastered fully yet, I love that this is the only jewelry you are wearing. The one thing you never wanted from the Alliance.

  Dru heard him but couldn’t respond, she was too emotional. When he began caressing her nipple to see what she had on there, she was so pleased as she had worn those just for him, as almost everything else about her appearance was totally human.

  After a few minutes, Ket reluctantly pulled back and whispered in Dru’s ear, “You look so exotic and gorgeous tonight.” Then he pulled out the marriage bracelets from his pocket. They were black and silver and had their names on them. He took her left hand and put hers on her slender wrist and then put his own on his left wrist. “Drusilla Anne James of Imperial House Zu, originally from Earth, I pledge my life, love and honor to you in wedlock.”

  Dru had memorized her part over the past few days, “Ket of the Imperial House Vo of the Alliance, I accept your pledge and will bestow on you my life, love and honor in wedlock.”

  Then the marriage bracelets tightened, and Dru jumped at the small pinprick she got from it. She looked at her bracelet, then Ket was already answering her question, “It becomes personalized after we pledge ourselves to one another. I’ll explain more later.”

  Kara stood then, put down her champagne glass and addressed everyone, “As is our human tradition, I need a portrait taken of the happy couple.”

  Ket looked at Drusilla and she was looking at Captain Kara questioningly.

  “When Jane and I were researching human marriage we found all of these pictures of couples on their wedding days and we decided since it was one of the only nice things about human weddings that we should bring back the
custom. I’ve trained a woman to do it from my House. She’ll be here in a few minutes. Champagne?”

  “We don’t need a picture taken,” said Ket. “But thank you.”

  “I want the picture Ket. Thank you, Kara. It’s very thoughtful of you and Jane.”

  “We need to add our human touch,” Kara said and then suddenly a woman of slave class entered with an ancient Alliance camera.

  “With that?” Dru asked skeptically.

  “It’s vintage,” Kara responded nonchalantly.

  The photographer lined them up, just how she had seen in all the examples Kara had shown her and took the photos. Then she left, bowing to everyone.

  “Now, you can get back to the regular ceremony,” Kara smiled at them all. The Alliance people were in complete shock at their tradition being disrupted, but James smiled at her and she knew then that she had done a good thing for James today.

  Ket’s best friend, Hez, then came forward with an ornate black box and Ket took it from him. He opened it on a nearby table. Inside were some silver instruments and Ket took one out. It looked like a small stamp with a long pen on the end of it. He stood in front of Drusilla and asked for her right arm and she willingly gave it to him. He looked into her big green eyes and said quietly, “Drusilla James, my wife, now we will bind ourselves together not only by vows and paper but by the body as well.” Then he placed the binding machine on the underside of her right forearm, below her elbow and looked into Dru’s eyes expectantly.

  Dru knew he was waiting for the reply. She had been so confident before, but now she wondered if she really needed to do this. Can I share him? she questioned herself. She didn’t care that she was making everyone wait.

  Ket looked into her eyes and saw her wavering. All he could think was, We don’t have to do this Drusilla, but he kept that thought to himself letting her make the decision without his interference. They had already decided, and it was up to her if she wanted to go through with the binding.

  After a long minute she said, “Ket,” and paused.

  Ket was still looking at her expectantly. He thought for a minute that she would decide not to go through with it. He was hoping.

  “Ket of House Vo, my husband, I accept your binding as yours will be the only body I willingly touch until the last breath I take.” She looked into his eyes and nodded, allowing him to proceed.

  Ket was momentarily disappointed that she had decided after all to go through with the binding tattoos, but then he reminded himself, this was the compromise he made to have her. This was the destiny of the gods.

  Dru had been unprepared for how much the binding tattoos would hurt. Ket had warned her that it would be more painful than the blood oath tattoo, what he hadn’t told her was that it would feel like a million cold needles punching through every nerve in her body in a steady rhythm for about two minutes. Dru tried not to cry out but she couldn’t help it, half of her cry was surprise. When she recovered herself, Ket handed her the instrument to administer it to him. Her hands were still shaking from the pain when he handed her the instrument. “Ket, I asked this ancient practice of you for my own selfish desires, but as the gods have blessed us, you have agreed and for this you will always have my loyalty, my husband, I bind myself to you until the last breath I take.”

  “Drusilla,” Kara cleared her throat to correct him and then Ket said, “James, I accept your binding as yours will be the only body I willingly touch until the last breath I take.”

  She put the binding tattoo to his forearm and he only closed his eyes through the pain. When he opened his eyes, she kissed him quite passionately and he responded.

  All of their witnesses left the room and Dru thought it was over. Now they would be able to consummate their marriage, which was necessary for the binding tattoos to work. She had read a lot about the custom and they both needed to orgasm, at least once, best at the same time. In addition, the first time they had sex after taking the tattoos should feel like the first time they were together. She didn’t feel like she had forgotten how Ket’s body felt next to hers, but she was curious to see if that particular aspect was just a myth or if somehow the tattoos would really make it feel like the first time, “I’m looking forward to your hands being all over my naked body now.”

  “Come. We must orgasm together now for the binding tattoos to be optimized and complete.”

  He led her upstairs to a large bedroom, lit only by ancient candlelight with a statue of the goddess of sex above the bed. She almost died when she saw all of their witnesses there, “I can’t do this with an audience.”

  He frowned at her, “These are our friends and family.” And thought privately, You only had a little problem with the slave in your building watching us, and even I thought, that was a little embarrassing.

  “That just makes it worse, your sister and brother?”

  “This is the Alliance way. I’m proud to share my wedding night with them.”

  “I can’t.”

  Kara spoke up then, “James, you can do it. I did it. Rebecca and Eve did it. They all do this. You are the only one who finds this strange.” Kara was totally lying about that last part, she still found this strange and weird and especially that his sister and brother were there. But she reminded herself, this was their culture and they didn’t seem to have huge issues with incest.

  Ket put his hands gently on either side of Dru’s face and she could feel he was using his influence to relax her. “Drusilla,” he said, looking directly into her eyes, “Just focus on me, only me.” Then he began kissing her. Chastely at first and then more passionately. As she began to relax his hands traveled the curve of her hips and down her back. He was purposely moving so slowly. Bringing her arousal back.

  After 15 minutes of just kissing and petting Kara could not help but think, Tir, you were right, this is going to take a long time. She had told him she would be back early, and he had laughed at her and said that Alliance weddings usually take some time. She, of course, had not believed him, but now she was watching this thinking, Really? You have been courting for months and you are going this slowly? She could not help but remember her own wedding night then and think, Yes, Maybe Tir and I are meant to be as I would never want this kind of romantic nonsense. Kara was also pleased with herself for coming upstairs with a bottle of champagne as this was going to take some time. She poured herself another glass like she was at a sex show and refilled Dera’s glass while she was at it.

  Ket began caressing Dru’s breasts over her dress and she was becoming so aroused that she didn’t care anymore about their audience. She just told herself this was one more bizarre thing that she had now done in the Alliance. Her hands were roaming over his uniform, she could feel his strong chest under it and could not wait to feel him against her, skin to skin.

  Soon he was taking off her clothes so slowly and kissing her exquisitely as he went, she thought she could live in this moment forever. When her dress came off, she could tell that he was surprised she was naked. Every other time he had taken her dress off she had had undergarments on but not today.

  He purposefully projected his thoughts to her, For once I am shocked, I expected undergarments under this human dress, and you tricked me, my little tabi.

  He was on his knees before her and replied, “You look so intoxicating right now, I’m just trying to find my bearings again. Face paint and Alliance nipple jewelry, my wife,” Then he ran one finger from her ankle to her inner thigh over her stocking. When his finger had reached the top of her stocking, he circled it and then began kissing her naked skin between the top of the stocking and her vulva. She almost jumped at the sensation and he then put both of his hands on her rear to hold her steady as he began kissing in earnest. After a few minutes, he rose slowly licking and kissing her body as he went. He loved her curves and the taste of her. She began to make small pleasurable sounds and he began caressing her breasts gently moving the nipple jewelry back and forth. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered as he kisse
d her cheek.

  Dru was so aroused now, not only did she not care about their audience, she wontly wanted to put on a good performance. But then she questioned whether that was her thought or Ket’s as their minds were becoming intertwined just like their bodies were. She decided it didn’t matter she just wanted Ket inside of her and the need was growing with every second. She began taking off his clothes, she was not nearly as slow as he was, but she gently kissed his neck and torso as she went. His body was, as always, strong and stunning. He kept himself in top physical form. As she took off his trousers, she could swear his penis looked larger than it usually did. She wondered if he was more aroused with an audience. She put her hand gently on his penis, ran her fingers along the ridges across the top and she heard him gasp. Then she began kissing all around, but he stopped her before she put his penis into her mouth.

  “There will be a time and a place for that later,” he whispered in her ear and then led her to the bed. He wondered privately; Didn’t I tell her she wasn’t allowed to do that until she was pregnant?

  Dru assumed this meant that they were going to have sex now and that was fine with her. She wanted to feel him inside of her. She wanted to know whether it was going to feel like the first time again. She let Ket arrange her on the edge of the bed and then again, he began kissing up her legs from her ankles to her thighs and she thought, Alliance men really do like these stockings. And then he was licking her sex and vulva. His tongue everywhere. She couldn’t think anymore. He slowly removed her stockings from her legs at the same time and returned to kiss again everywhere but her clitoris. The sensations were driving her mad. She put her hands on his head and tried to direct him to where she wanted him to be.

  He stopped and said sweetly and quietly, “Don’t rush me, dear Wife. We have to time this just right tonight.”

  Dru thought to herself and was so aroused, she projected her thought unconsciously into the room, Just lick me already I am dying, I’m so close.


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