Carry and Carrie - In the Twin’s Shadow

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Carry and Carrie - In the Twin’s Shadow Page 15

by Edina Davis

  Thousands of butterflies fluttered in her stomach when she remembered it. She could hardly wait to see him again soon.


  From now on, the two young people spent much time together. They regularly met for meals, went to the cinema, and went on long walks on the beach or on the cliffs. Alex loved looking out to the sea from the cliffs and could spend hours there without getting the least bit bored. So, the two lovers spent many an hour there and became more and more familiar with each other.

  Despite his twenty-two years, it was the first time Alex was seriously in love. Carolyn was so different from all the other girls he had met before her. She was beautiful in a natural way, also highly intelligent and lovable. Besides, he thought it tremendously romantic and exciting that she wanted to enter marriage untouched, which she had recently confided in him somewhat embarrassed. This made her a very special person in his eyes and it was soon clear to him that he would marry this wonderful girl as soon as possible.

  Two weeks after their first kiss in the sheen of that unforgettable sunset, he took her home to introduce her to his parents.

  Carolyn was extremely excited. “Do you think your parents will like me?” she asked, doubtfully.

  “I’m absolutely convinced that they’ll like you,” Alex reassured her. “You’re exactly their type, believe me.”

  “But don’t you think it’s still too early, I mean, we’ve only known each other a few months. They surely won’t approve of us … they surely think that …”

  Alex didn’t let her finish but kissed her until she was breathless. “They’ll love you, dearest, just like I do, and they’ll be pleased that their only son is such a lucky fellow!”

  And with that Alex was to be proven right. Miranda and Timothy Carpenter received the girl with open arms and Carolyn immediately felt like part of the family. She sensed that Timothy and Miranda Carpenter really liked her and were sincerely pleased about the young couple’s relationship. For the first time in her young life, she felt like a fully recognized member of a family, accepted, and loved.

  Miranda and Timothy were delighted to hear that Carolyn studied Medicine too. Timothy Carpenter was a doctor, just like his late father, Leonard Carpenter, who had handed his doctor’s surgery in Hastings over to his son twenty-three years ago. Timothy, who had just been thirty-one years old back then, had expanded over the years, turning the once small surgery into one of the biggest and most modern in all East Sussex. He hoped his son Alexander would become a partner in the surgery after his medical specialist exam and would later, when he himself would retire, take it over. Now, as his son made definite plans with Carolyn, the two of them might lead it as a joint practice later on. Timothy was more than confident that his life’s work would be in good hands.

  Debbie and Philipp Harris were immediately captivated by Alex when Carolyn brought him home one afternoon.

  After the visit, Debbie couldn’t stop raving how polite and courteous Alex was, and an extremely handsome person on top of that. “And when one takes into consideration that he comes from such a respected and wealthy family and has remained so natural and modest,” Debbie chirped enthusiastically. “You had more luck than brains there, Lynn! I wouldn’t have dreamed that you would make such a good catch one day.”

  For the first time Debbie Harris seemed to be well and truly pleased with Carolyn. The latter swallowed her rising fury over her mother’s words. She was simply elated and didn’t want anyone or anything ruining her bliss.

  Three weeks after Debbie and Philipp Harris had met their daughter’s boyfriend, Carolyn and Alex excitedly told them about their wedding plans.

  Philipp Harris raised his eyebrows in amazement when he heard that the two, who were so newly in love, were planning to get married the next spring. “Isn’t that a bit rash?” he asked, glancing at his wife. “What do you think about it, Debbie-Darling?”

  Debbie was just as surprised and turned to Carolyn hesitantly: “Well, it’s a bit, yes … after all you’ve only just turned nineteen …”

  Then, however, a vision arose in her mind’s eye, in which she, Deborah Harris, was moving in the select circle of the rich and beautiful, and this thought made her heart feel warm. She smiled indulgently when turning back to her husband.

  “Of course, it’s all a little hasty, Phil. But if one looks at those two … how much in love they are.” She smiled cheekily and sighed wistfully. “Oh, when I think back to how much we were in love back then! We really were, my dearest, weren’t we?”

  Philipp nodded. “Yes, of course, Debbie-Dearie, we were! And we also couldn’t wait to be together for ever.”

  Deborah Harris giggled quietly when her husband looked into her eyes meaningfully and then winked at her.

  How Carolyn hated her parents’ silly behaviour! And her mother’s girlish giggle … She gulped in disgust, which nobody noticed, though, and said with a smile: “It’s nice that you’re so understanding, Mother. Our marriage of course won’t affect our career plans in the least. Alex will take his exam in two years and is planning to work at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton until his medical specialist exam. Afterwards, he’ll become a partner in his father’s doctor’s surgery in Hastings. And imagine, we’ll have our own large apartment in his parents’ house in St. Leonards. Isn’t that marvellous?” When she said those words, the beaming in Carolyn’s face matched that of the evening sun.

  Debbie Harris cast an unfathomable glance at her daughter. Of course, she was pleased for her and yet … At this moment she suddenly had to think of Carina and how she would have enjoyed it, if …

  She quickly suppressed the thought. Instead, she smiled brightly and said with a sugar-sweet voice: “Well, if that isn’t cause for a celebration! Philipp, darling, could you please get a bottle of champagne from the basement, so that we can drink a toast to the good news?”

  The evening turned out very nicely. Carolyn’s parents were almost as enraptured by Alex’s charm as she herself. There was chatting, drinking and laughter. When Alex said farewell with a gallant kiss on Debbie’s hand at ten o’clock sharp, she was completely convinced that her daughter Lynn was about to marry incredibly well.

  “My parents would like to meet you both,” Alex said with a smile. “After all, Carry and I will celebrate our engagement soon,” he added with a tender glance at Carolyn.

  “Carry …?” Debbie Harris asked bewildered. It was the first time Alex or anybody at all called Carolyn Carry in her presence, and she was so confused that she stood there with an open mouth for several seconds.

  Alex was confused as well. What was so unusual?

  Carolyn almost laughed out loud.

  “Yes, Mother,” she said and couldn’t help her voice taking on a sneering tone. “Alex calls me Carry. Surely you remember, or don’t you?” She gave her mother a challenging look.

  Debbie Harris all too well remembered the little girl, who had cried bitterly with disappointment. Nonsense, that’s children’s stuff! she thought with contempt, thereby calming her bad conscience, which simmered deep inside her whenever she thought back to the incident. Loudly she said: “That’s no problem. Alex can call you whatever he likes, can’t he?”

  Alex’s eyes wandered from one to the other in irritation, but Carolyn refrained from enlightening him, at least for the moment.

  “My parents will contact you with regard to the invitation,” Alex said before leaving.

  “Tell them that we’re looking forward to it,” Philipp replied, while Debbie once more gave him her most beautiful smile.

  Carolyn accompanied him outside, followed by her mother’s pensive glance.

  The young couple stood in the front garden for a long time, kissing with devotion.

  Debbie Harris stood behind the curtain, watching the scene. Once more she had to think of Carina, and later, when she lay in bed next to her sleeping hus
band, one thought kept circling in her head. This thought took such a hold on her that no matter how often she tried to suppress it, she just couldn’t …

  Actually, Alex would be a much better match for Carrie.


  Fourteen days later the moment had arrived. Carolyn and her parents were invited to the Carpenters’ house in St. Leonards for dinner.

  Debbie Harris had bought a new dress especially for this evening and had even been to the hairdresser. When she came into the living room in the late afternoon, Carolyn and her father stared at her in surprise.

  Debbie took great pains with her appearance and Carolyn was surprised how attractive her mother looked, even at the age of forty. She had her long blonde hair cut a little shorter and layered. The slightly tinted make-up covered her freckles, and the light blue eyeshadow intensified the blue of her eyes. Black mascara was applied to her long, blonde lashes, which accented her large eyes very favourably. She had applied nothing but a gently shimmering lipstick onto her full lips.

  Her new powder blue silk dress was simple, but very elegant. Its artful cut made her somewhat curvy body appear slimmer and accentuated her still smooth, well-rounded cleavage in a subtle way. Around her neck she wore the necklace of white cultured pearls Philipp had given her for their fifth wedding anniversary, and on her feet she wore plain white leather pumps.

  Philipp whistled in admiration when he saw his wife. “Debbie-Darling, you look absolutely captivating!” he raved while his eyes had a desirous shine.

  Debbie knew this shine in her husband’s eyes and was aware that she could look forward to more than a nice evening at the Carpenters’.


  Debbie und Philipp felt visibly comfortable with Alex’s parents, as Carolyn noticed with pleasure. Miranda and Timothy Carpenter were the perfect hosts who did everything to spoil their guests.

  Debbie was in a perfect mood and animatedly chatted with Miranda. She admired Alex’s mother, who still looked very young, even though she was already forty-eight years old, which she frankly admitted in answer to Debbie’s inquiry.

  Miranda was tall and slim and had dark blonde, shoulder-length hair. Her narrow face was not really pretty, but still very distinctive, and her beautiful deep blue eyes with the long, thick lashes emanated warm heartedness. She came from an old family and had inherited her parents’ fortune after they had died in an accident ten years ago. In addition, she was the owner of a successful boutique in Eastbourne and, as a learned designer, created most of the extravagant dresses herself.

  Timothy Carpenter was a tall man of sturdy physique. He had full dark hair, only lightly peppered with grey, a strong nose, grey-blue eyes, and a firm chin. When he smiled, he lifted his thick eyebrows, which lent his face a special charm.

  During the conversation Debbie and Philipp learned that Miranda and Timothy had built the house in St. Leonards eighteen years ago. It was a bright, friendly-looking house, which stood on vast grounds with a small oak forest. This house, where Alex had spent a happy childhood, held many memories for the Carpenters and they wanted to grow old together here. The large apartment on the upper floor was at the disposal of Alexander and his future wife.

  Twelve years ago, the couple had fulfilled a long-cherished dream to build a small holiday home in the gorgeous fishing town Nerja in Andalusia.

  “You can always spend your holidays there. Just let us know when you want to go,” Timothy offered amiably.

  “That’s incredibly nice of you,” Debbie chirped in delight. “Maybe we’ll take you up on that one day, won’t we, Phil?” She first beamed at her husband, then at the whole group.

  “Debbie’s right, that’s really very nice of you,” Philipp confirmed. “But I don’t think we could accept such a generous offer.”

  “Of course, you can,” Timothy argued. “We’ll soon be a family after all, won’t we?”

  “That’s just what I think as well,” Miranda said with a friendly smile. “Our dear Carry’s parents are always welcome here. We immediately took your daughter into our hearts. She’s a jewel, isn’t she, Timmy?”

  “Yes, indeed, she certainly is. We’re incredibly glad that our Alexander made such a good choice. I’m sure you’re unbelievably proud of her?”

  “Yes, we are!” Philipp confirmed. “Carolyn is very hard-working and never caused us any worries, isn’t that true, Debbie-Darling?”

  “No, she really hasn’t ever … caused us any worries, I mean,” Debbie stuttered, “and she really is hard-working, very … even though our …” She hastily stopped and then quickly said: “Yes, Carolyn really is a treasure!”

  Carolyn, who hadn’t taken her eyes off her mother, knew exactly what had been on the tip of her tongue. But today she was determined not to let anyone, and anything ruin her good mood.

  The evening was long and enjoyable, a full success. Debbie was more animated and cheerful than Carolyn had ever seen her mother, at least in her presence.

  Philipp and Timothy also got along excellently. They had a pleasant conversation about cricket, music, and vintage cars, for which they both had an inclination.

  Carolyn was incredibly happy about the development of things. For the first time in her life, she was the centre of attention for her parents and it was a fantastic feeling!


  Carolyn’s time with Alex, was so far the best of her life. Her father was incredibly proud of her and even her mother treated her more nicely than ever before. Carolyn had her parents’ undivided attention and enjoyed it.

  Almost everyone in the neighbourhood by now knew that Carolyn Harris would soon marry the son of a wealthy and respected family and that Debbie got along extraordinarily well with his mother. She now bought her clothes only in Miranda Carpenter’s boutique and always boasted about getting a special discount as a future member of the family.

  Carolyn was embarrassed by her mother’s behaviour, but she was too blissful to hold her pomposity against her. In addition, she now believed that her mother was sincerely happy for her.

  But when she returned home early from university one day, she was taught otherwise. It was a Thursday afternoon and Melissa Thompson was just visiting. The two women were in the kitchen and chatted quite loudly. Carolyn was just about to run up the stairs to her room when she heard her name. She instinctively stopped on the landing and eavesdropped.

  “… that Lynn would once be so lucky!” she heard her mother’s chirping voice. “I would have rather assumed that Carrie would be the one to come home one day with such a handsome, wealthy boy. Well, life sometimes takes strange turns.” Her mother’s last sentence was accompanied by a deep sigh.

  “Does that mean you begrudge Carolyn her happiness?” Melissa Thompson asked in surprise.

  “But, of course, I don’t begrudge her!” Debbie Harris called out. “What do you take me for?”

  “Well, it didn’t sound like that just now. I rather got the impression that you’d prefer Carina being the one to get engaged to Alexander Carpenter soon.”

  “You got me absolutely wrong, my dear,” Debbie defended herself. “I just meant to say that I didn’t consider Lynn capable of attracting a man like Alexander, that’s all.”

  The explanation didn’t sound very convincing.

  “Oh, come on, Deb,” Melissa called out, “you don’t need to pull the wool over my eyes. Carina always was your favourite! She could do whatever she wanted, you always stood by her. If I remember what she sometimes did to Carolyn, that little beast! I often felt sorry for Carolyn, believe me.”

  “That’s not true at all, Melissa Thompson. Carrie isn’t a beast! She’s just very vivacious and sometimes a little thoughtless, but she isn’t malicious. Besides, Lynn isn’t as harmless as she always seems.” Debbie’s cheeks flushed with agitation.

  “And there you have it!” Melissa commented almost triumphantly. “Y
ou defend Carina like a lioness would defend her cub, and you always pick on Carolyn. Let me tell you something, my dear Debbie. As you know, my Pamela was friends with Carina and Samantha Gillis for a long time, and I learned a few things about your Carrie which you wouldn’t like at all. She’s a sly dog, to be honest! And Pam told me how often she blamed Carolyn for things she messed up herself.”

  “Oh, stop it, Mel. Carrie would never do such a thing. How dare Pamela tell such tales about her? She’s just jealous of Carrie, just like the others.”

  “My Pamela doesn’t need to be jealous of Carina. She speaks the truth and Samantha can confirm that any time, Debbie. I don’t understand you. Carolyn was always the one who never caused you any worries. She always listened to you and Phil immediately, while you had to tell Carina everything two or three times. She concocted one stupid thing after the other. You can’t have forgotten that, can you?”

  Debbie Harris remained silent and just glared at Melissa.

  “Yes, you won’t hear of it. And I also will tell you why. Because you’re infatuated with Carina! And shall I tell you why you’re so infatuated with her? Because she always knew how to twist you around her little finger. She just needs to smile at you, to cuddle up to you, and everything she got up to is forgotten. Why don’t you admit it? You’d prefer it by far if Alexander Carpenter would marry Carina, there’s no doubt about that!”

  “Very well,” Debbie admitted, “it’s just that I think Carrie would be a better match for Alex. She’s more cheerful and lively than Lynn, always in a good mood, funny and charming. Alexander also is extremely charming and entertaining, while Lynn often silently sits in a corner for hours, reading. Next to Alexander she appears like a Cinderella, though that doesn’t at all mean that I begrudge Lynn her happiness. I love both my daughters!”

  “Well, you’re very good at hiding it whenever it concerns Carolyn,” Melissa countered bitingly.

  Debbie didn’t reply and angrily poked at her cake, as if it were the root of all evil.


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