A Different Class of Murder

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A Different Class of Murder Page 44

by Laura Thompson

  Birley, Mark 117, 130

  Birley, Robin 130

  Blow, Emmett 109

  Botswana 42–3

  Boyce, Arthur Robert 13

  Boyce, Christabel (née Martin) (nanny) 194–5

  Boyce, Nicholas 194, 346

  Brady Tuckers 26, 77–9, 179, 202–3

  Bravo, Charles 7, 219, 380


  in early 1970s 48–9, 350–1

  Broccoli, Cubby 26, 86–7

  Brooks’s club 48, 99

  Broome, Nadia (nanny) 192

  Broughton, Sir Jock Delves 6

  Brudenell, Anne 9, 138

  Burke, John 107–8

  Byron, 5th Baron 4, 379

  Bywaters, Frederick 7–8

  Cameron, David 82

  Campbell, Bruce Colin 96

  Cardigan, 7th Earl of 5, 9, 60, 61

  Carrington, Lord 74

  Castlebar Boxing Club 65

  Castlebar House 54, 57, 65

  Castlebar workhouse 58

  Chapman, PC Stanley 222

  Charge of the Light Brigade (1854) 5, 61

  chemin-de-fer 27, 46, 100, 104, 107, 109, 160, 172

  Chester Square 14

  Christie, Agatha 39, 174, 219–20, 265, 309

  The Hollow 137, 295, 324

  ‘circle, the’ 28, 35, 36, 37, 74, 82, 83, 115, 119, 202, 123, 127, 130, 131, 168, 266, 267–323, see also Clermont Clubs

  Clarendon Hotel (Eastbourne) 68

  Clark, Sir Andrew 133

  class 18, 23, 62

  Clermont, 1st Earl of 98

  Clermont Club 18, 47–8, 98, 105–35, 200

  bugging of by police 280

  description and atmosphere 112–15, 118

  Lucan’s gambling at 18, 27–8, 29, 30, 144, 151–2, 172–3, 208

  opening of (1962) 105

  sold to Playboy Club (1972) 30, 115–17, 173

  tampering of cards allegation at 107–8

  Veronica’s visits to 27–8, 151, 152–3, 154–5

  Clermont set 35, 35–7, 83, 119–35

  criticism of by Elwes in Sunday Times Magazine 130–1

  extreme views of 123

  helping Lucan to escape theory 296–7

  ignorance of Lucan’s whereabouts 292–3

  and money 296–7

  mythical image of 119, 121, 127–8

  obstruction of murder investigation, claims of 277–80, 282, 283, 287, 291

  questioning of by police 289

  talking to press about murder case 290

  view and treatment of Veronica 27–8, 154–5, 156–7, 163–4, 287, 364

  view of by police 288–9

  see also Aspinall, John; Benson, Charles; Elwes, Dominick; Goldsmith, James; Maxwell-Scott, Ian; Meinertzhagen, Daniel; Raphael, Stephen; Stoop, Michael

  Cluff, Algy 291

  Coles, Bruce 312, 314

  Coles, Flora 77, 226

  Colquhoun, Andrina 30, 200, 206, 212, 213

  communism 121–2

  Comyn, James (QC) 179–80, 189, 206, 349

  Cornwallis, 3rd Baron 378

  Coroner’s Society of England and Wales 312

  Corsair, Ford (borrowed by Lucan from Michael Stoop) 33, 68, 123, 208, 214, 235, 241, 256, 259, 260, 261, 303, 308, 310, 327, 342, 343, 345, 370

  Courvoisier, François-Benjamin 10

  Coutts and Co. 18, 201–2, 207

  Craven, Berkley 99–100, 306

  Crichton-Stuart, Sally 114

  Crimean War 12, 59–60, 73

  Crippen, Dr 7, 8, 14, 17, 25, 146–7, 348, 381

  Crockford, William 107

  Crockfords gambling club 19, 107

  Croydon poisonings 7, 14, 219–20, 380

  Cubitt, Thomas 14

  Curzon House Club 124

  Custody of Infants Act (1873) 180–1

  custody law 180–1

  Dacre, 9th Baron 377

  Daily Express 42, 128, 263, 265, 278, 286

  Elwes’ interview to 131, 286, 292

  Veronica’s interview to 159, 268, 314, 331, 343, 364, 366

  Daily Express powerboat race 96

  Daily Mail 268, 278–9, 287

  Dally, Dr Ann 166

  Dartrey, 1st Earl of 73

  Dawson, Edward 73

  Dawson, Kaitilin see Lucan, Kaitilin, Dowager Countess

  de Lima, Sergeant David 259

  De Sica, Vittorio 24, 86–7, 94, 156

  Derby, 18th Earl of 99, 109

  Devlin and Co. 190, 191

  Devonshire, 11th Duke of 84, 102

  Diana, Princess of Wales 56, 143, 150, 268

  divorce 8, 174, 180, 183

  Dixblanc, Marguerite 10–12, 17, 39

  Dixon, Piers 44

  domestic murder 7–15

  motives for 15

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor

  The Gambler 103, 105

  Downshire, 8th Marquess of (Robin Hill) 293

  Drobbins, Hazel (nanny) 192


  deaths by 5, 378

  outlawing of (1852) 5

  Duncan, Major Charles Moorhouse (Veronica’s father) 137

  Duncan, Thelma (Veronica’s mother) 137–8

  Duncan, Veronica see Lucan, Veronica, Countess of

  Eastham, Michael (QC) 176, 179, 232, 251, 252, 257, 311, 313, 335

  Eaton Row (5) mews house 14, 29, 148, 166, 169, 210, 226, 240, 282, 318

  Eaton Square 76–7, 79, 80

  Edgson, Billy (Clermont linkman) 215, 343, 344–5

  Elizabeth Street (72a) flat 29, 177, 189, 201, 209, 226, 235

  Ellis, Ruth 13

  Elwes, Dominick 36, 122, 123, 128–32

  background 128

  character 129, 130

  and Clermont Club 129–30

  criticism of Clermont set in Sunday Times Magazine 130–1

  Daily Express interview (1975) 131, 286, 292

  elopement and marriage to Tessa Kennedy 129

  and Lucan murder case 130, 131, 286, 292

  memorial service 131–2

  and police 288

  suicide 128, 130

  talking to press 290–1

  visits Veronica in hospital 285–6

  Elwes, Tessa (née Kennedy) 129

  Erroll, Earl of 6

  Eton 81–4, 88, 119, 125

  Fahmy, Marguerite 12–13

  Families Need Fathers 181

  Fathers4Justice 181

  Ferrers, 4th Earl of 4–5, 15–16, 28, 99, 379

  Ferrers, Countess Mary 15–16

  Finch, Lady Isabella 112

  First World War 64, 69

  Fitzpatrick, Michael 337

  Flood, Dr John 183

  Florman, Charles 238, 239

  Florman, Madeleine 14, 32–3, 37, 238–9

  Flyte, Lord Sebastian 90, 205

  Ford, Lee 311

  Forsyth, Detective-Sergeant Graham 178, 222–3, 226, 228, 249, 263, 279, 280–1, 288

  Fox, James 28, 30, 37, 99, 161, 258, 259

  Frenzy (Hitchcock film) 45–6

  Gaitskell, Hugh 74

  gambling 83, 98, 99–105

  as an addiction 103, 104

  and aristocracy 98–102

  and Clermont Club 98

  and Lucan see Lucan, 7th Earl of (Richard John Bingham): Gambling

  professional 104–5

  Gaming Act (1845) 100

  Gaslight 28

  GB75 (organization founded by David Stirling) 122, 122–3

  Genese, Charles 207

  George VI, King 66, 67

  Gerald Road police station (Belgravia) 225, 227, 256, 257, 266, 279, 288, 289, 291, 320

  Gerring, Chief-Inspector David 25–6, 28, 36, 77, 190, 212, 242–3, 343–4, 345

  belief that Goldsmith was behind Lucan’s escape 298–9

  busting of gangs 279

  and discovery of Ford Corsair 259–60

  dislike of Susan Maxwell-Scott 242

  dismissal from police force 281

nce given at inquest 249, 250

  interviewing of Susan Maxwell-Scott 291

  search for Lucan in Newhaven 264

  view of Goldsmith 288

  Gibbs, Sarah (née Bingham) (Lucan’s sister) 76, 188, 262, 272, 297–8, 337

  Gibbs, Reverend William 262, 316

  Gilson, Dennis 210

  Goldsmith, Isabel (née Patiño) (James Goldsmith’s first wife) 124

  Goldsmith, James 27, 35, 36, 83, 108, 122, 123–7, 307, 317

  and Aspinall 123–4

  behind Lucan’s alleged escape 298–300

  business dealings and wealth 125

  death of first wife and battle over custody of baby 124–5

  formation of Referendum Party 126

  and gambling 126

  libel actions against Private Eye 125–6, 283, 299

  love life 36, 114

  Lucan asks for loan from 206–7

  personality 124, 126–7

  racehorses 125

  relationship with Lucan 299–300

  view of by police 288

  Goldsmith, Lady Annabel (James Goldsmith’s second wife) 108, 130, 299

  Goletto, Pierrette (nanny) 172, 187, 191, 193, 195–7, 199, 333, 352–3, 358

  Gorhambury 63

  Grafton, 3rd Duke of 98–9

  Grants Hill House (Maxwell-Scott house in Uxfield) 133, 164, 187, 243, 256, 260, 301, 305, 353

  greyhound racing 89–90

  Griffin, Jane (née Bingham) (Lucan’s sister) 70, 75, 76, 78, 117–18, 145, 147, 161–2, 198, 203, 210–11, 262, 297, 307, 316, 318, 351, 354, 355–6, 357, 370

  Grosvenor House (Park Lane) 65

  Guilsborough vicarage 169, 262

  Hamilton Club 104, 151

  Hamilton, Patrick 28

  Hankins, John (Rivett’s boyfriend) 273, 274, 275, 336

  Hanratty, James 334

  Happy Valley set 6, 36, 119

  Hardy, David 42

  Harringay race track 89–90, 101, 103, 208

  Hastings, Lord 101, 102, 104, 171

  Heath, Edward 46

  Hensby, Albert (Rivett’s father) 268

  Hensby, Charmaine (Rivett’s sister) 276

  Hensby, Eunice (Rivett’s mother) 268, 276

  Hensby, Gary (Rivett’s son) 269

  Hensby, Sandra see Rivett, Sandra

  Hensby, Stephen (Rivett’s son) 268–9, 275, 317

  Heyman, Hans 140

  Heywood Hill bookshop 212

  Hicks-Beach, Michael 214, 240

  Hill, Billy 110, 241

  Hill, Brian 42

  Hill, Caroline 93, 211–12

  Hill, Graham 295, 300

  Hill, Robin see Downshire, 8th Marquess of

  Hitchcock, Alfred 45

  Holden, Charles 59

  Howard, Greville 37, 141, 154, 214

  as Enoch Powell’s private secretary 36, 123

  and Lucan murder case 289–90

  questioning of by police 289

  stays away from inquest 290

  treatment of by police 279

  Howard, Zoe see Peto, Zoe

  Hunt for Lord Lucan, The (TV documentary) 331

  Huth, Angela 93

  Ingrams, Richard 125–6

  IRA bombing campaign 47–8, 121, 213


  Census (1851) 59

  emigration 58

  and Land League 61

  and Lucan earldom 25, 54–5, 57, 71

  potato famine 57–8

  Irish Free State 65

  Irish Land Act (1881) 64

  Jack the Ripper 40

  Jacoby, Henry 5

  Jagger, Mick 118

  James II, King 55

  Jenkins, Lilian (nanny) 149, 169, 184, 185, 196, 336, 356

  Jenkins, Roy 123

  Johnson, John 4, 16

  Jordan, Rosemary 271

  Judd, Lady Zinnia 93

  Kagan, Lord 122

  Kamel Bey Fahmy, Prince Ali 12–13

  Kennedy, Ludovic 294

  Kennedy, Tessa 129

  Kent, William 112

  Knight, Kenneth 41–2

  Kotlarova, Jordanka 177

  Krays, the 110

  Ladbroke club 204, 209, 212

  Labour Party 25, 46, 71, 81, 84, 121

  Laleham 53–4, 56, 66

  Laleham House 59, 63, 66, 67–8, 171

  Land League 61

  Le Neve, Ethel 8, 348, 381

  Lennox, Cecilia 138

  Leverhulme, Lord 65

  Lindsay, Lady Annabel 278

  Lismore, Viscount 9

  Lloyd George, David 64

  Lower Belgrave Street 44–5

  Lower Belgrave Street (No. 46) 14–15, 25, 196, 210, 329

  selling of (1976) 318

  Lownes, Marilyn 115–16, 117, 120, 127, 130, 134

  Lownes, Victor 108, 115, 116, 209, 307

  Lucan, 1st Earl of (Charles Bingham) 55, 56

  Lucan, 1st Earl of (Patrick Sarsfield) 55

  Lucan, 2nd Earl of (James Sarsfield) 55

  Lucan, 2nd Earl of (Richard Bingham) 3, 8–9, 53–4, 56–7

  Lucan, 3rd Earl of (George Charles Bingham) 9–10, 53, 55–6, 57–62, 73, 93–4, 165

  army career 57

  and Charge of the Light Brigade 5, 59–61

  friendship with Marie Riel 11–12

  reform of Irish estates and eviction of tenants 3, 57–9, 61

  Lucan, 4th Earl of (Charles George Bingham) 54, 62–3, 65

  Lucan, 5th Earl of (George Charles Bingham) 63, 65, 66–8, 90

  Lucan, 6th Earl of (George Charles Patrick Bingham) (Pat) 25, 27, 69–75

  character 72

  death and will 145–6

  gives access to family papers 73

  military career 69–70

  political career and support of the left 70–1, 72, 73–4

  Lucan, 7th Earl of (Richard John Bingham)

  Gambling 26–7, 88, 95, 98, 119, 137, 170, 186, 188, 306, 351

  backgammon 151

  bridge 151

  and Clermont Club 18, 27–8, 29, 30, 144, 151–2, 172–3, 208

  decision to turn professional 104–5

  at Eton 82, 83–4

  Ladbroke Club 209

  losses 208–9

  poker 151

  selling items to pay for 171

  wife’s attitude to 150

  wins and losses 151, 170–1

  worsening of 97, 171

  Marriage 27, 28, 97, 136–69, 351

  allegations of violence towards wife 167, 197–9

  campaign to get custody ruling reversed 189, 200–1

  courtship and engagement 136–7

  custody battle 16, 29, 170, 174, 177–85

  dealing with wife’s mental state 30, 158–60, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165–6, 167, 183, 189, 195

  deterioration of 158, 169

  employment of private detectives to watch wife and children 190–1, 197

  given temporary custody of children 176–8

  and nannies 192–3, 196

  reasons for 140–4

  relationship with children 186–8, 212

  separation 28–9, 157, 169

  sex life 182

  spending nights away from home 166–7

  surveillance of wife and children 191–2, 197, 208

  taping wife’s conversations 189–90

  wedding day 145

  wife seen as victim of 146–7

  Personal Life

  appearance and demeanour 24, 26, 86–7, 94, 200

  attributes 351

  bank career 26, 87–9, 90–1

  bankruptcy 148, 208, 209–10

  birth 69

  bobsleighing 98

  borrowing money from friends and relations 202–3, 206–7

  cars and driving 95

  character traits 92, 143, 198, 351

  childhood and upbringing 25–6, 81–2, 143

  and Clermont Club set 18, 27–8, 29, 30, 98, 119–20, 144, 200

ly routine 171–2

  death theories 40–1, 259, 305–10

  debts and finances 16, 19, 30, 170, 173, 200–1, 201–2, 209–10

  disappearance and search for 34–5, 38, 39

  drinking 209

  education and schooling 26, 80–2

  at Eton 81–4

  evacuated to America during Second World War and stays with Brady Tuckers 76–9

  family background 53–68

  girlfriends 93, 200

  and golf 95–6

  greyhound racing 89

  High Court declaration of death of (1999) 211

  horseracing 26, 27

  insecurity and lack of self-confidence 144

  last weeks before murder 206–9

  leaves William Brandt’s bank 90–2

  lifestyle and social life 92–3, 95

  living in Botswana hypothesis 42–3

  myth of 23–49

  and National Service 85–6

  no body found and explanations for 308

  non-existent status of 40

  offered film role by De Sica 24, 94, 156

  pet dog 199

  powerboat racing 96

  rebellion against parents 84–5, 92, 93

  relationship with mother 80

  right-wing politics 350–1

  selling of family silver to pay for debts 149, 202, 207, 211, 330

  sightings of 41–4, 295–6, 309

  skiing and bobsleighing 95, 98

  squeamishness of 356

  suicide hypothesis 306–7

  value of estate in 1999 211

  view of women 141

  White Migrant yacht 78, 96–7

  Lucan, Elizabeth, Countess of 8–9, 138

  Lucan, Kaitilin, Dowager Countess (née Dawson) ( mother)

  appearance 75

  attempt to have inquest verdict retrospectively removed 317

  burial 74

  car accident 69

  defence of son 76

  denial of world of privilege 75

  dislike of gambling 84

  and education of son 81–2

  family background 73

  police statement and evidence given at inquest 175–6, 246–9, 247, 248, 251

  political beliefs/career 74–5

  and son’s custody case 178

  telephoning of by son after murder 33, 226–7, 239, 247, 251

  upbringing 72–3

  and Veronica 162

  Lucan, Margaret, Countess of 56, 138

  Lucan, Veronica, Countess (née Duncan) (Lord Lucan’s wife) 27, 137, 175–6

  allegations against Lucan of physical abuse 167, 197–9

  appearance 137

  Aspinall’s dislike of 27, 152, 168–9, 284

  attempts to keep in contact with by Lucan’s family 319–20

  behaviour 147–8, 164–5

  birth of children 149, 166

  childhood and upbringing 139, 144

  and custody battles 29, 177–85, 262–4

  Daily Express interview after murder 159, 268, 314, 331, 343, 364, 366

  education 139

  entering pub after murder covered with blood 221–2, 231

  evidence given at inquest 32, 176, 267–8, 312–13, 314–15, 335–6, 359, 361


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