Book Read Free

Three of Hearts

Page 10

by W. Ferraro

  “Please don’t tell my dad, he’ll have a coronary.” Conner pleaded

  “Conner, I don’t know if I can do that. He specifically told you, you couldn’t. You don’t even have a license.” Mae said looking at the boy who looked so much like his father.

  “Mae, I’ll do anything. Anything!” Conner said willing to get on his knees to beg

  Going against her better judgment, Mae thought she could agree to that. I mean after all, he didn’t actually get on the boat which meant he didn’t actually go against his father.

  Other than being out of bed and sneaking out, he didn’t do anything. Yeah, Mae, who are you trying to convince?

  “Ok, fine, Conner, but promise me, you won’t try this again.” Mae said with a guilty conscience.

  “Oh Mae, you are the best, I won’t do it again, thanks, thanks a lot” Conner yelled excitedly and ran up and hugged Mae, which squeezed breathe from her.

  Winded from his strength, she said, “Ok, Con, back in the house and you are doing the breakfast dishes in the morning.”

  “Absolutely, no problem.” Conner gave her a wicked grin that would put his father’s to shame.

  Mae watched as Conner ran up the stairs and ran up to his room.

  She stood in the yard and watched as his bedroom light was turned on then quickly turned off. She sighed and began the slow walk back up to the house.

  Back in bed, Mae found herself unable to fall back asleep. She sat up and turned on the bedside lamp, releasing a soft yellow stream of light. A glimmer of light reflected off Maggie’s picture.

  Mae stared at the woman who was Seth’s wife, and the mother of his children.

  As sad as Maggie’s tragic end was, Mae respected her. She gave up her life, for her family. She wanted Megan even though she knew she would never see her grow up. Remembering how she thought earlier Maggie’s smile looked as if she had a secret; Mae considered that maybe that secret was Maggie’s courage and unconditional love.

  The next morning, after breakfast, Mae instructed the kids to get ready for school.

  Conner and Aidan were so excited that they were going to ride in Mae’s Camaro. Holding Megan’s backpack, Mae made sure Aidan and Megan were buckled into the back. Mae climbed into the car to find Conner toying with the radio. She gave him a firm stare.

  “What?” Conner said.

  “Don’t you know it is a deadly sin to change a girls’ radio station?” Mae asked in good fun.

  “Oh, sorry” Conner said as if Mae caught him sneaking off again.

  “Conner, I’m just kidding, go ahead put on whatever you want,” Mae laughed.

  They pulled out of the driveway and Conner asked Mae to stop for a moment. Michael Upton was coming down his porch and his smiled radiated when he saw Conner inside the Camaro.

  “No way, dude. You’re going to school in that? So jealous.” Michael said.

  Conner looked at Mae, Mae looked at the small backseat holding Aidan and Megan, “Come on, hop in Michael!” she told him.

  Following Conner’s directions, Mae pulled into the school’s complex and watched as Conner and Michael climbed out of the car and strutted off to the door, as if it was a natural thing for them to get a ride in a sports car.

  They were so into character, they didn’t even notice, or least acknowledge, the group of girls staring after them.

  With a smile on her face, Mae drove over to the smaller of the two buildings and dropped Aidan off.

  Aidan turned to Mae and said “Thanks Mae, it was really cool of you to hang out with us yesterday and to drive us to school this morning.”

  “Any time, Aidan. Have a good day.” Mae said, touched that Aidan complimented her with so many words, considering how quiet he is, generally.

  Looking in the rearview at Megan, Mae pulled out and said “And off to your preschool, Sweetie.”

  Megan smiled her toothless smile and looked out the window.

  When Mae arrived at the preschool, she was sadly mistaken, to think that she would just be able to drop Megan off. Megan pleaded for Mae to come in and see her school and meet her teachers. Realizing that her denial was as strong as a cup of jello, Mae gave in to Megan and let her pull her toward the school.

  Megan took Mae on a tour of her preschool, stopping at all of her favorite areas; from her cubby, where her coat and backpack went, to the kitchen play area and lastly over to the reading area that was furnished with pillows of every color of the rainbow thrown all over the place.

  As Megan was telling Mae all about story rug time, Mae heard, “Megan who is your friend?”

  Mae looked over to see a young lady, with warm chocolate skin and long dark hair, around Robyn’s age, standing next to one of the small bookcases.

  She was about the same height as Mae but her figure was much smaller. In fact the more Mae looked at her, the more she thought, the woman really didn’t have a figure; she was just straight from shoulder to feet.

  Afraid she was caught staring, Mae extended her arm and said “Hi, I’m Mae Turney, a friend of Megan and her family.

  With a warm smile, she reached out and returned Mae’s handshake. “Hello, Mae, I’m Crystal, I’m one of Megan’s teachers.”

  “Hey Megan, Miss Carole is about to start and art project, do you want to go and join them?” Crystal asked Megan, knowing the little girl couldn’t pass up an art project.

  Megan, ran off toward the art center, when she got about 10 feet away, she ran back to Mae and hugged her with all her might. “Thanks Mae, I had so much fun, love you, bye!”

  “Love you too, sweetie. Go have fun” Mae said, and knew she meant every word.

  How could you not fall in love with that little girl? Megan was exactly like what Mae had hoped her daughter would be like someday.

  Returning her attention back to Crystal, Mae started to excuse herself when Crystal said “Mae, can I show you something?”

  “Okay.” Mae said hesitantly not sure what Crystal could possible want to show her.

  They walked over to where a bulletin board was decorated with all kinds of pictures. Some painted, some done with stickers, and others drawn only in pencil or with colorful crayons.

  Still unsure of what she was looking for, Crystal pointed to a picture.

  Mae immediately recognized the scene. There was a slanted line gazebo and inside was a stick figure with red hair and another with brown hair in a ponytail. There were some dolls and a book, and above the gazebo, were three hearts.

  Mae was speechless.

  Crystal waited to let the picture sink in, before she said “We asked the kids to draw a picture of their moms or an important woman in their family and this is what Megan drew.”

  She stared at the picture, a childlike mixture of crayon and markers. Tears welled in her eyes and fell over. Not wanting any of the children to hear her crying she covered her mouth with her hand. Crystal handed her a tissue, and Mae dabbed her face.

  “I just wanted to show you, how Megan sees you. Hamden is a small town, so I know you are new to the area and to Megan. I just thought you should know,” Crystal said as if issuing a warning.

  Mae read between the lines and thanked Crystal for showing her the drawing.


  Once Mae was in the privacy of her car, the water works started all over again.

  Realizing that she needed to leave the parking lot at the preschool, before Megan saw her, she quickly put the car into gear and drove back to her apartment.

  When she pulled into the drive, she was relieved to see that Seth hadn’t returned home yet. Mae decided a long hot shower was needed. Back in her bedroom, she quickly stripped her clothes off and walked into her shower. She was just done rinsing the shampoo out of her hair, when she opened her eyes and screamed.

  Seth was standing just outside the shower door, with his arms crossed over his massive chest, a smile that confirmed he knew exactly what he was doing—and not to mention, buck naked.

  Once she confirmed her hea
rt didn’t come all the way out of her chest, she smiled at him.

  “May I join you?”

  “Yes… how long had you been standing there?” she asked as his hands wrapped around her and rested on her ass.

  “Long enough to get hard, but not long enough to thoroughly enjoy the show” he said with his sexy smile as his lips touched hers.

  His kiss was like touching fire. She burned every second the kiss went on, but there was no stopping it.

  When they were both breathless and Seth’s erection was prodding against her belly, he said “I forgot how much I enjoyed kissing you. God, I missed you, Honey.”

  Toying with his chest hair and smiling she said “I’m quite fond of kissing you too, and I also missed you”

  To emphasize the point, she lifted up on tiptoes and kisses his lips once more.

  Grasping that he was with her, in a house she locked up, she asked him “How’d you get in?”

  Smiling and wondering if she would realize how silly that question was, he answered “the interior door was open.” Not being able to resist, he also stated the obvious “I have a key, Mae.”

  “Oh,” was all Mae could think to say.

  Not wanting her to feel embarrassed, he tried to distract her.

  “So why don’t I show you how much I missed you?” Seth said as he leaned down and took procession of her mouth.

  “Mmmm hmmm” was all Mae could get out, considering Seth’s tongue was in her mouth.

  His hands roamed all over her soft flesh. Standing in her shower, her signature scent was so strong; he deduced the tropical scent must be from her shampoo or bath soap.

  His lips sought and hers answered. Their hands moved, touching and caressing as if they just had this one time, to take it all in. Seth pinned her to the wall and lifted one leg and then the other so he was supporting her. He pressed his throbbing cock against her opening and leaned his forehead against hers. Mae closed her eyes in anticipation of the ecstasy she was about to experience, but Seth wanted her to look at him.

  “Open your eyes honey. Keep them on me. I want to watch you watch me, as I take you.” Seth uttered as the head probed her entrance.

  Blue staring at green, Mae never wavered in her gaze.

  Seth entered her slowly and when buried all the way, he held still.

  Mae’s nails left faint crescent marks as she dug into his shoulders.

  “Ready?” he asked praying she was, he needed to move, to consume, to ravage.

  Mae nodded her head just once, but once was all Seth needed.

  He started a fierce pace, jackhammering into her. The blood was leaving his head, his legs were weak, but nothing would stop him. He would massacre himself, before he denied Mae and himself this.

  Mae’s moans became louder and louder. In the acoustics of the shower, she sounded like she was in pain, but the only pain she had was the kind that her desire for Seth caused.

  As her thoughts slowed, the feeling of her inevitable climax grew until she was sure she was going to split in two.

  One more pump and she was plunged into oblivion. Her whole body vibrated and shook with the effect of her orgasm.

  Seth was in such agony from delaying his own gratification, that when she peaked he followed right behind. He let go of her legs and crushed her against the tiles. They stood there so long, the water grew cold.

  Mae reached over and turned the shower head off and shook Seth’s shoulder. He answered by kissing her shoulder and then leveling himself off of her.

  After seeing Megan’s drawing this morning and experience this carnal connection with Seth, a connection that transcended the mere physical, she needed to ease the intensity of the moment.

  “You apparently didn’t really miss me that much, huh?” She said hoping Seth would find her comment humorous and not be mad.

  “Nah, not much.” He said and she was glad the she succeeded.

  After they were both dried and dressed, they sat on her bed and Seth rubbed her bare feet.

  “So tell me all that happened while I was away.”

  “Well Conner had an orgy, and Aidan joined a cult and Megan decided to annihilate anyone that’s name began with “d” . . . oh, tough brake ‘D-a-d” Mae answered not missing a beat.

  Laughing she gave his chest a playful shove, “Nothing much, had a tea party, ordered some pizza, watched movies.”

  “Well that sounds like fun, thanks again, Honey, for staying with the kids.”

  Feeling guilty for holding back what happened with Conner, Mae quickly changed the subject.

  “So everything is back on schedule with the hotel?”

  Seth moved from Mae’s feet and sat leaning against her pillow and placed Mae’s head on his stomach so she was facing him, so he could stroke her long loose hair.

  “Yes, we should have the structure up in about one month and it should be ready to open by the end of the year, if all goes as planned, and Mr. Moneybags, doesn’t have another meltdown.” Seth said dryly.

  The continued to talk about the project and Mae told Seth about driving the kids to school, leaving out the interaction with Crystal.

  Before Mae knew it, she needed to be getting ready for her shift.

  “When can I see you again?” Seth asked before walking down the stairs from her bedroom.

  “I’m working until ten tonight, so if you want we can hook up then.” Mae said already imagining what their ‘hooking up’ would entail.

  “Looking forward to it, honey” Seth leaned down and gave her another deep kiss and then swatted her behind for good measure.

  Mae was walking from the garage to the employee entrance, when she saw Leo, racing toward her. She stopped and waited.

  “Hey there, how are you?” Leo asked with a smile on his face

  “I’m good, Leo, really good” Mae said, and blushed slightly thinking of why she felt so good.

  “I wanted to tell you,” Leo said shaking with excitement. “I gave that guy a call this morning, that Wes had recommended and I have an interview the end of next week.”

  “Leo, that is fantastic! We need to celebrate.” Mae hugged her friend.

  Laughing, Leo said “Well let’s save the celebrating until after the interview, at least. By the way, we are still on for Saturday right?”

  “Definitely, I just have to make sure I’m not on the schedule, but even if I am, I’m sure I can find another nurse to switch with me.” Mae answered, momentarily forgetting about going to his brother’s wedding.

  “Awesome. Thanks Mae. Besides, I assume Robert will be ok with me going on a date with you; you’re not really a threat!” And on that jabbing insult, Leo whooshed in gave her a swift kiss on her cheek and ran off to clock in for his shift.

  Still smiling from her meeting with Leo, Mae reached the floor just as two of the other nurses were dealing with a man, insisting on seeing his wife.

  Mae quickly put her things down on the reception desk and went over to the small group.

  “I want to see Catherine!” the old man yelled.

  Dori, one of the two nurses who were trying to calm the man said, “Mr. Graham, Catherine isn’t here. Why don’t you come down the hall with us and we can talk about this.”

  “I don’t want to go down the hall with you, I want to see my wife!” and the elderly man lashed out striking Dori in the arm.

  The other nurse, Tina, who now was restraining the man, yelled for security.

  Mae tried to get the man’s attention.

  “Mr. Graham, my name is Mae. Are you looking for your wife, Catherine?”

  “Yes I need to see my wife, but they won’t let me,” the man spat out with disgust.

  Giving them the sign to release him to her, Mae walked the man in to the closest open exam room and told him to have a seat while she got him some water.

  Mae closed the door and asked Dori and Tina what was going on.

  “It is so sad,” Tina began. “Mrs. Graham died six months ago. Mr. Graham has dementia, a
nd every now and then, he comes here looking for her. We usually take him in, tell him the truth, call his son, and he comes and gets him. But the last two times, he’s become abusive. We can’t keep letting him come here if he is going to injure someone.”

  Tina Bradley was one of the toughest people Mae knew. It took a lot to get her riled. She attacked everything in life with her no nonsense outlook. She was kind and sweet to all the patients and tough as nails when it came to any injustice she felt her patients were going through. Her dark hair was cut fashionably close to her head, as only an African-American woman could wear. Her warm chocolate complexion was always accompanied with a warm smile that Mae soon realized was her signature emotion. Her dark eyes missed nothing that went on around her but she could keep a confidence without any doubt.

  “No, of course not. Dori, is your arm alright?” Mae asked as she looked at the scratch marks on Dori’s arm.

  “Oh nothing I can’t handle. Besides I’m more concerned about Mr. Graham than my arm.” Dori said with worry etched across her heart shaped face.

  “Since he seems to be willing to let me talk to him, I’ll tell him about Catherine.” Mae said “I’ll go in with you” Tina said, concerned for Mr. Graham but also her fellow nurse.

  “I’ll call Mr. Graham’s son.” Dori said as Mae grabbed a bottle of water from the nearby nurse’s station.

  Mae opened the door and walked over and gave Mr. Graham the bottle of water. Tina entered the room and stood by the door. Mr. Graham paid no attention to her.

  “Mr. Graham, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but you’re Catherine, isn’t here. She passed away, about six months ago.” Mae said as she grabbed the man’s hands, both for support and for restraint if need be.

  Mr. Graham looked at Mae, then at Tina, around the sterile exam room, and finally back at Mae.

  “My Catherine’s gone?” he asked in confusion.

  Mae closed her eyes and prayed for strength, “Yes sir, she passed on. I’m so very sorry.”

  The man began to cry and held onto Mae’s hands as his tears rolled down his face.

  Mae nodded to Tina, to let her know she was ok with him now. Tina went out the door, to find out where his son was.


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