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Three of Hearts

Page 12

by W. Ferraro

  Mae rode in silence, taking in the scenery and feeling relaxed from the three glasses of wine.

  “You aren’t falling asleep on me, over there, are you?” Seth asked a few moments later

  “No, I’m awake.”

  “Good because you won’t be any good to me if you’re asleep, for what I have in mind.” Seth said with a wicked glint in his eye.

  They pulled into the drive a short while later, to find the house in darkness, except for Conner’s bedroom light.

  “I’m going to check in with Conner, is it alright if I come over after?” Seth asked staring at her mouth. It felt like an eternity since he had tasted her.

  “Of course, come right over.”

  Before Mae knew it, Seth came through the interior door, leaving it propped open.

  Without saying a word, he backed her against the nearest wall and filled his hands with her soft hair and used his lips to seduce. God, she tasted good. His lips molded to hers and his tongue hunted for her warmth. His hands roamed over her body as if memorizing every swell, rise and curve. He needed to get this dress off and get Mae underneath him. Her scent and throaty moans were enough to bend steel, let alone a man’s limits. The more he tasted and touched the more he needed Mae. She had somehow gone from his libido to his heart.

  Mae just as eagerly explored his body. She moved her hands from his large biceps to his massive shoulders around to his corded neck. His smell filled her nose as his taste consumed her mouth. Seth was just everywhere, surrounding her and taking over all of her senses. She felt his erection press against her and it filled her with pleasure, that she, Mae Turney, could do this to him.

  “If I don’t move you away from this wall, I’m going to take you against it,” Seth said against her neck in between small love bites.

  “As exquisite as that sounds, I’d much rather a softer horizontal surface” Mae said almost on a moan.

  Taking strength he didn’t know he possessed, Seth moved off Mae. He stood looking at this beautiful, sexy creature that had become as much a part of him as his own reflection.

  And with silent agreement, they climbed the stairs to Mae’s bedroom, hand in hand.

  When they reached the bed, Mae removed Seth’s shirt, belt, pants and shoes. He stood there staring at her in his gray knit boxers, and Mae was sure no one had ever looked so good.

  Mae started to pull down the back zipper to her dress, when Seth’s hand stopped her.

  “The best part of a gift, is unwrapping it yourself.” He said as he stepped close to her and nibbled at her bottom lip.

  Between soft kisses and long licks, Seth slowly let the zipper down. When it was at the bottom, he slowly peeled first the sleeves off Mae, then the bodice. As it gathered at her feet, he got his first glimpse at her skimpy underwear. The silver satin corset-like bra pushed at her breasts, causing them to be high and firm. He lowered his eyes and noticed the intricate boning that kept her flat and smooth. The matching boy short panties, were made of the same silver satin but had silver sparkle lace the covered the edging and framed her milky thighs.

  She was every adolescent boy’s fantasy and Seth’s personal wet dream.

  “God, Mae, you are beautiful. Your body is my private temple. Promise me Mae, mine and mine alone.” Seth said needing her to understand, that she belonged to him.

  “I promise” she answered, knowing it was as good as a brand.

  Seth picked her up and laid her across the bed, as he climbed over her, he whispered huskily, “the fuck-me-shoes stay on.” With that he nudged her knees apart with one of his and took his place over her. He kissed her all over, and she him. The kisses turned into nibbles as the nibbles turned into caresses. When he was about to enter her and find her sweet heat, he felt the need to echo her earlier promise, “You promised, mine and only mine.” He then slipped into heaven.

  They moved as if choreographed, he was hers and she was his. Mae’s orgasm began to build as Seth’s slow sensual torture began to increase in speed. She felt herself climb higher and higher and then Seth pressed his hand between them and rubbed her clit and she screamed out in completion.

  Watching Mae in the throes of orgasm had to be the sexiest thing in his world. Seth climaxed himself moments later and as he lay spent on top of her, he knew he should move, but just couldn’t make his body comply. When he finally did push himself off, Mae pulled him back. She didn’t want an inch to separate them. Eventually winning out, Seth moved on his back next to her and pulled her in close so her head rested on his chest.

  “Do you mind if I spend the night?” Seth whispered.

  Mae picked her head up and looked at this divine man as her heart filled even more with love and replied “please.”

  Seth listened as Mae’s breathing became more effortless and knew she was asleep.

  He rubbed his hand over his face and looked upward. How did this happen? How had she come to mean so much to him? Not knowing the how or why, he just knew that Mae did. As if begging forgiveness he closed his eyes and said, “Oh Maggie.” And fell into a sated sleep.

  Mae’s eyes opened and two tears rolled down her cheek, one for the love Seth lost and the other for the love Mae felt. Love that she was terrified would never be returned.

  Mae awoke the next morning to an empty bed. There was a short note on the mattress next to her

  Had to be up before the kids woke, last night was amazing, as are you.—S

  Mae held the note and smiled at the sweetness of his gesture. She refused to think about his late night last whisper to the heavens. She knew she would eventually have to deal with it, but not right now.

  She got up, showered and dressed for the day. She had an early shift then it was out with Robyn for some girl time.

  She headed out and didn’t look back.


  Mae’s shift at the hospital went by without much fanfare. She had a wonderful lunch break with Leo and Robert. They made plans to go for dinner sometime soon. Leo asked her if she wanted him to pick her up for the wedding or if she would just want to meet him there. Mae opted to meet Leo there, but she noticed that Robert became quiet when Leo mentioned it.

  On her ride home, she stopped at the gas station and was just about to get out to pump; when Dylan walked over and did it for her. Feeling silly sitting in her car while Dylan filled her tank, she got out and leaned against the hood.

  “So do you usually hit on woman at the gas station?” Mae asked jokingly, but had to admit she was curious.

  “Only if they are drop dead gorgeous like you, baby.” Dylan said with a smile that Mae was sure a lot of woman would drop their panties for.

  Not knowing what else to say, Mae just smiled and looked around for his truck. “Where’s your truck?”

  “I left the truck garaged today. It is so nice out, I took the bike out.” He gestured toward his Harley, parked two pumps over.

  “I didn’t know you rode a motorcycle, but I guess it does suit you.” Mae said.

  “Suits me? How so Sweet Mae?” Dylan asked with a devilish grin, knowing he was provoking her to blush.

  “I just meant you remind me of a modern day James Dean, with your ‘you-know-your-loved’ swagger and all” Mae said knowing Dylan would find the conceit in her statement funny.

  “James Dean, that’s a new one, but I like it.” Dylan finished and returned the handset to the pump.

  “Come on, let me show you her,” he said as he pulled Mae along over to the chrome machine.

  Dylan straddled the seat and turned the beast on. The rumble made her legs shake. She had never been so close to a motorcycle when it was turned on.

  Once she was sure the ground wasn’t going to crack from the noise, she really looked at the machine. Its vivid black color contrasted sharply with the bright polished chrome that dominated 70% of the bike. The handlebars were short compared to others she had seen and the wheels were much larger than she had thought.

  Enjoying her through examination, Dylan cut the en
gine and moved back onto the back seat and patted the spot he just vacated. Knowing he was pushing her comfort limits, he just couldn’t resist.

  “I don’t think so, Dylan.”

  “Come on, go for a little ride with me. It’s been a whole day since I’ve had a babe on my bike, and to be quite honest it’s been a while since I’ve had such a smoking babe like you, at that.” Dylan said knowing she wasn’t used to such blatant compliments, but damn, the girl should know how sexy she was.

  Shaking her head, Dylan said “Come on, I promise I’ll go slow and if you don’t like it I’ll turn right around.” Hoping she would let her hair down a little and have some fun.

  When else would she get an opportunity? And she trusted Dylan. “You promise if I say stop, you’ll stop?” Mae asked for sure.

  Dylan grew perfectly serious and said “Mae, when any woman says stop, no matter what it is about, I stop.”

  Hoping she didn’t hurt his feelings, she found herself agreeing.

  Dylan smiled his triumphant smile, moved so he was sitting in the driver’s seat and handed her the helmet.

  Mae, using Dylan’s shoulders for leverage, swung her leg around the bike and sat on the very small seat. Dylan pulled her hands so they were around his waist and he started the engine.

  The vibration from the bike gave Mae inappropriate thoughts of the uses for it.

  Dylan pulled out slowly and turned on to the main street. Mae had never felt anything so freeing as riding on the bike. The wind in her face and the feeling that she was flying, she thought, could become quite addictive. She loosened her hold on Dylan, but wasn’t brave enough to let go.

  She got nervous when they rounded a corner, but she quickly recovered and enjoyed the ride, which was over way too soon.

  Dylan pulled back into the gas station, behind Mae’s Camaro. Mae hopped off and took the helmet off. Knowing Dylan was a man of action rather than words, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, “Thank you Dylan, it was wonderful. I really enjoyed it.”

  “I’m glad Mae, I’ll take you for a longer ride next time. That’s if Seth lets me.”

  After saying goodbye to Dylan, Mae felt a need to feel the wind in her hair again. She rolled down the windows and turned up the radio. Gavin Degraw was booming out the speakers about someone else’s sugar being sweeter.

  Mae pulled into the drive and found Conner and Michael on the dock fishing. She decided to walk over to them and say hi.

  “Hey guys how’s it going? Are the fish biting?”

  “Oh, hey Mae, fishing is decent. Want to grab a pole and join us?” Conner asked.

  Wrinkling her nose, Mae said, “no thanks, I don’t do worms or slimy fish for that matter”

  Michael elbowed Conner as if hinting him to do something.

  “Uh, Mae, I heard you are going out with Aunt Robyn tonight, do you plan on being out late?” Conner asked with much trepidation.

  Confused over the odd questions, Mae wondered what was going on. “I don’t know what time I’ll be home, why?”

  “Well, uh, I was, uh, wondering if you would give us a lift to school again, you know in your Camaro tomorrow,” Conner said, pleased with his on the spot cover up.

  Though she couldn’t place it, Conner’s explanation just didn’t sit right. Mae said “I have to be at the hospital around eight, so driving you guys, I’m assuming you Michael, will want a lift as well, shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Cool, you’re the best Mae.”

  Mae said goodbye to the boys and hurried up to her apartment. She needed to get some laundry and other house cleaning things done, before she met Robyn.

  Two hours later Mae was dressed in her jeans, purple sleeveless blouse with her black wedge flip flops, when she walked out onto the deck.

  Seth and the kids, including Michael, were finishing up a meal of tacos with all the fixings when she joined them.

  “Looks like I missed quite the fiesta” she observed as she leaned over, giving Megan a quick kiss on her forehead.

  “Mae, Mae, can we have another tea party, pretty please?” Megan pleaded.

  “Not tonight, sweetie, but maybe on Saturday. I’m meeting your Auntie Robyn at Cal’s.”

  “Hey, what’s this about a tea party, I thought we were going to go to the movies?” Seth asked with exaggerated curiosity.

  When Megan agreed that was a better idea, Seth explained, that he told Aidan and Megan that he would take them to see the new animated movie.

  “That sounds like fun.” Mae said as she rubbed Seth’s back, as he without notice rolled his eyes.

  Seth instructed the kids to bring all the dishes into the house and get ready to go. When they were alone he pulled her down onto his lap and kissed her deeply on the mouth.

  “So how come you didn’t come out and kiss me?” Seth asked with masculine nosiness.

  “I wasn’t sure if you were ready for PDA’s in front of the kids.” Mae said as she rubbed small circles over his chest.

  “I’m ok with it, if you are. Besides there won’t be any excuse now that I can’t just grab you and do wicked things to you.” Seth said as he tickled her midsection.

  Mae squealed in delight and jumped quickly off Seth’s lap. He followed her up and put his hands at her waist. She leaned up on tiptoes and kissed him softly.

  “Next time I’ll be sure to lay one on you, in front of your kids”

  “Do that.” Seth said and leaned down and kissed her once again.

  “So I saw Dylan earlier today,” Mae said, wanting to tell Seth about her motorcycle ride.

  “Oh, yeah, what was the rascal doing?” Seth asked as he played with her loose hair.

  “He showed me his bike and took me out for a little spin. I thoroughly enjoyed it,” Mae said, recalling with pleasure the feeling of freedom.

  Warmed by the idea of Mae bonding with his friends, Seth smiled and said, “I’m glad, honey, just don’t let him talk you into it too often.”

  “Why?” Mae asked wondering what he meant

  “Hamden is a small town, I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea that you’re the woman of a dirty no good scoundrel,” Seth jested.

  Laughing, she whispered against his lips, “I’ll make sure you’re the only scoundrel that people get the wrong idea about.”

  Enjoying their easy banter, “Make sure of it.” He gave her a hard kiss, and slap on her full ass.

  Aidan and Megan came out, just as Mae was rubbing her bottom.

  “Everything ok Mae, did Daddy spank you?” Megan asked full of concern

  Laughing, but inclined by the thought, Mae looked down at Megan and said “no he didn’t spank me, we were just playing.”

  And to cast off into the new tier of their relationship, Mae put her arm around Seth’s waist and graciously tipped her head up to accept the kiss he gave her.

  Aidan looked as if it wasn’t anything new to see Seth kissing Mae and Megan looked as if she was just told she won a pony.

  Conner and Michael came out of the house just then; Conner said “Have fun, Dad.” And started down the stairs.

  “Hey Conner, remember my rules, no one but you and Michael around and in the house and if you need me call me on my cell.”

  Waving without looking back, Conner walked down the remaining steps and he and Michael headed out to the dock.

  Shaking his head at his eldest son’s attitude, Seth kissed Mae and headed out with the kids.


  Mae drove up to Cal’s and parked the Camaro next to a Lexus SUV. The building reminded her of an old general store. The clapboard was faded white and had a front porch that was adorned with rocking chairs of all different shapes and sizes. There was even one of those little bells that rang every time the door was opened.

  She checked her lip gloss in the rearview mirror and walked up the front porch. Once she stepped into the pub she observed the actual bar was tucked into the corner, but had plenty of seating: about 30 tables of different heights and size
s around a sunken dance floor. A stage in the opposite corner of the bar housed a full band set up. Through a wide arch Mae could see a billiard room.

  Mae’s eyes scanned the room, looking for Robyn, when she saw two hands waving frantically. It was Robyn’s friend Kathy.

  Mae walked over and took the seat opposite Kathy at a high round table.

  “Hi Mae, how are you? Any trouble finding the place?”

  “No not at all. How are you Kathy?”

  Kathy was a sweet, kind girl. Mae guessed her age to be that of Robyn’s, early to mid-twenties. Her ash blonde hair was cut in a pageboy bob with blunt bangs. Her thin body was draped in a strapless cotton dress matched with red sequined flip flops.

  “I’m great thanks. Robyn will be along shortly, something about not being able to find her car keys.” Kathy explained.

  Just then a young man dressed in green t-shirt with a yellow logo reading ‘Cal’s Pub and Eatery’, came over placed a bowl of popcorn on the table, and asked Mae what should would like to drink.

  “What are you drinking Kathy?” Mae asked, looking at the hurricane glass with an orange garnish.

  “This is a Hawaiian Seabreeze, it is yummy!” Kathy answered as she took a long sip from the straw.

  “I’ll have the same.”

  When the waiter left, Kathy and Mae talked about the growing crowd. Kathy explained that there was going to be a band playing later and they usually filled the house.

  Robyn walked in shortly after Mae’s drink arrived. She apologized for being late and took a seat at the table.

  Mae admired how lovely Robyn looked. Her white jeans looked fabulous with the teal tank top with matching sandals. Her hair was in a wispy updo that looked fun and sexy.

  Cal’s was really getting packed now. There weren’t many available tables.

  Mae, Robyn and Kathy ordered another round of Hawaiian Seabreezes and an order of potato skins and nachos.

  The conversation flowed from Mae’s job at the hospital to Kathy’s job at the local Chevy dealership. Robyn spoke of the wedding and honeymoon preparations. Their table was quickly being filled with emptied hurricane glasses. And Mae was having such a good time just talking, that she didn’t notice the two men that walked up to their table.


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