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Need (Finding Anna)

Page 24

by Hayes, Sherri




  I was proud of her. She was doing so well. “I’m going to add a second finger. It should feel about the same as it did with your fingers. Remember to tell me if something’s wrong or doesn’t feel right.” She nodded and pressed her lips together. I felt her start to tense up again. “Relax. No pain, remember.”



  “Okay,” she said, and I felt her interior muscles begin to give.

  “That’s it,” I encouraged. Bending down, I began stroking my tongue against her clit again, exaggerating the movement for her visual benefit.

  It worked. Her pupils dilated and her lids started to close. “No, no. Eyes on me.” Brianna snapped her lids open. “That’s better,” I said, going back to my task.

  She continued to watch me as I swirled my tongue over and around her bundle of nerves. She didn’t even flinch as I eased my second finger inside her. The walls of her pussy spread easily, welcoming the intrusion. Brianna seemed to be enjoying it as well, as I started to move my hand, thrusting and twisting my fingers while still pressing and circling her swollen clit with my tongue.

  I knew she was getting close again when her skin began to take on that pink hue that spread from the tips of her breasts, up her neck to her face. Continuing the movement with my hand, I pressed the flat of my tongue against her cleft and made short hard motions. Her hands fisted the sheets, nearly pulling one side loose from the mattress as she arched her back and screamed her release. I was finding that Brianna was a very vocal lover, and I liked it.


  I did it. He had his fingers inside me, and I hadn’t frozen. My jaw was beginning to hurt from the smile that was stretching my lips. When I looked down between my legs, he was smiling, too.

  It hadn’t been bad at all. There’d been no pain, just as he’d promised there wouldn’t be, and there had been this feeling of fullness. Knowing it was him helped, too. I loved when he touched my skin, but this was more. He was literally touching me from the inside. I wanted more. At least, I wanted to try.


  “Yes?” he asked with a huge grin on his face.

  “Will you . . . ?” I knew he had said to look at him, but I couldn’t look and ask at the same time. I couldn’t. “Will you have sex with me?” The words spilled forth from my mouth so fast I had no idea if he caught them. They were hard for me to understand, and I’d been the one speaking them.

  The smile fell from his face, and I felt my anxiety rising. Something was wrong. What was wrong?

  His hands pressed down on the mattress on either side of me as he crawled up my body. I had no idea how to read the look on his face. He didn’t appear to be mad, but why wasn’t he smiling anymore? I loved it when he smiled.

  When his face was level with mine, he took my face in his hands, looking at me intently. I swallowed, trying to remember to breath and not to panic. There was a scent coming from his right hand that I remembered from before. It was the smell of sex. Memories started to swirl in my mind, but I forced myself to concentrate on him instead, and kept repeating his name in my head over and over again. Nothing could chase the bad away like Stephan could.

  “Do you mean it? You’re ready?”

  He’d heard me. “Yes,” I nodded, feeling his fingers digging into my scalp as I moved. I was as ready as I was ever going to be.

  “Say it again, and look at me when you do.”

  I didn’t know if I could, but I would try for him. I would try anything for him.

  My gaze locked on his, and I took a deep breath. “Will you . . .” I had to take another breath before continuing. This was so hard to do. I knew what I was asking him. “Have sex . . .” Another breath. “With me?”

  A hint of his smile came back, but it quickly disappeared. He leaned in to place a chaste kiss on my lips before finding my gaze again. “I want you to say it one more time, and I want you to say my name.”

  I had to say it again? And say his name?

  It was then I realized that I’d only once called him by his name, and that was when he’d forced it out of me over the phone. But I had never called him by name to his face. I knew he was Stephan, but calling him that didn’t feel right.

  I must have been taking too long because he said, “Are you sure this is what you want? It shouldn’t be so difficult to say again if it truly is what you desire.”

  At that point, I knew he was right. I needed to say it, and if he wanted me to say his name, too, I could do that. I would do that. Pressing my lips together to gather courage, I attempted saying it in my mind. Will you have sex with me, Stephan? After repeating the phrase in my head several more times, I felt I was as ready as I was ever going to be. “Will you have . . . sex . . . with me . . . Stephan?”

  The smile was back, and I breathed a sigh of relief. His hand cupped the back of my neck and tilted my head as he gazed down into my eyes. “I would love to have sex with you, Brianna Reeves. You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to make love to you.” I smiled, knowing I’d made him happy. “There are a few things we need to talk about first, though.”

  My smile fell. What things?

  “First, you are to have your eyes open and on me at all times. I don’t want you panicking because you’ve gotten lost inside your head. Two, if at any time you need to stop, I want you to tell me. If I do something that feels wrong, I need you to tell me that as well. You have your numbers. You always have your numbers. Use them. And if I ask you what number you’re at, I need you to respond immediately.”

  He gave me a pointed look, and I knew he wanted an answer. “Yes, Sir.”

  “And last,” he said, brushing my hair out of the way and running his nose along my temple down to my ear, “I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. Sex is supposed to be fun and enjoyable.”

  I took a deep breath and released it as I held onto his arms, trying to do as he said and relax. This was Stephan. I was okay.

  His mouth sought mine in a kiss that was both harsh and gentle at the same time. He plunged his tongue inside my mouth, tracing the outline of my teeth, while his lips were firm and demanding. The contrast between the two had me concentrating on what he was doing with his mouth and nothing else.

  When he pulled back, we were both breathing heavily. He placed a hard kiss on my forehead before lying back on the bed beside me. “I want you to undress me, Brianna.”

  After undressing him for our nightly showers many times, this I knew I could do. Sitting up quickly, I knelt before him and began working on the buttons of his shirt. I always started at the top and worked my way down for some reason.

  One by one, the buttons slipped from their hold around the fabric of his now-wrinkled dress shirt, revealing his chest underneath. It was a slow progression, partly because I was staring a little too long at the skin that was being uncovered. He didn’t seem to mind. Every time I glanced up at him, he was watching my hands with an intensity I didn’t understand.

  With his shirt completely unbuttoned, I released the buttons on his cuffs and he rose to help me push the material from his shoulders and down his arms. The movement brought us very close, our naked chests brushing. I felt a shiver run through me.

  He must have noticed my reaction. As he leaned back to lie on the bed once again, he was smirking, amusement danced in his eyes. I blushed, and turned to concentrate on his pants.

  Stephan always wore a suit to work, and today had been no different. His pants were soft and smooth. The fabric was thin, and it didn’t hide the evidence of his arousal. While the sight of him, in and of itself, didn’t scare me anymore, I was nervous about having him put his penis inside me. I tried to imagine what it would feel like and I couldn’t. His fingers had felt much better than I’d expected, better than how mine had felt.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  Oh. I looked up and back down at my hands. They were resting on the top o
f his slacks, both the button and the zipper still fully in place. “I was wondering how it will feel.”

  “How sex will feel?”


  “I don’t know how it will feel for you, Brianna,” he said, rubbing a hand comfortingly on my leg. “I imagine it will be similar to how my fingers felt for you, but I don’t think it will be exactly the same.”

  I nodded. That made sense. I pressed my lips together and returned to my task. He’d told me to undress him, and so far, all I’d done was remove his shirt.

  The button on his pants sprung easily, and the zipper helped itself halfway down before I’d even touched it with the pressure he was putting on it from underneath. I unzipped it the rest of the way, and he lifted his hips so I could push his pants down his legs. While I was down at his feet, I removed his socks, leaving him lying only in his boxers. He looked . . . handsome. Sexy? Yes, sexy, lying there. A warmth spread through my chest, followed by a tingly feeling in my belly.

  I climbed back on the bed smiling. He smiled back.

  His boxers were hung up on his penis, and it bobbed several times before it sprung free. I didn’t have much time to think about it, though. “Come here,” he said, as soon as I put his boxers with the rest of our clothing.

  I scrambled back onto the bed, and knelt beside him. But that wasn’t what he wanted. He reached out and pulled me down beside him. His bare skin against mine felt really good. He was warm and soft, yet hard at the same time, and I could feel his penis between us pressing just above the junction of my legs.

  He twisted one hand in my hair, while the other slid down between our bodies and began playing with my breasts. His lips brushed against my own as he hummed. “You are so very beautiful, and I’m honored you are allowing me to make love to you, my lovely girl.”

  His mouth went to work, first on my mouth, and then trailing down my body. He lingered on my breasts. It was the first time he’d taken them in his mouth and the feeling wasn’t like any I remembered. Even when he used his teeth on my nipple, it was pleasant in the same way his fingers were sending a surge of energy down low in my belly.

  When he was once again kneeling between my legs, he licked and kissed as he had before, making my head spin. This was what it was all about, I realized. This was what people in the books I’d read craved and this was why they craved it.

  The stirring of my climax began to build yet again. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t ever felt this way before Stephan, but in a way, I was glad. He seemed to love this and it was something I could give to him and love at the same time.

  Just when I was about to reach my peak, he stopped. Before I could even think, however, he was there, lying on top of me. His weight felt good, but it was scary at the same time. I kept my eyes on him as he’d asked, and he was watching me closely.

  I watched as he reached over to his nightstand and opened the drawer. His hand disappeared for a second, and reappeared with a blue square. I knew what it was. A condom.

  My eyes followed his movements as he opened the package and rolled the condom down his penis. I’m not sure why, but that made it more real for me than it had been only a minute before when he’d been between my legs.

  He readjusted himself on top of me. The moment I felt his penis, I jumped. “Shh. You’re okay. What number?”


  “Relax and stay with me. You’re really wet so he should just slide right in as long as you don’t tense up, okay?”


  “Deep breath now.” I did as he said. “Again.”

  The breathing helped. And after a few more, I did feel more relaxed.

  Instead of plunging right in, however, he took his penis and rubbed it up and down my slit. I could feel the moisture as it coated him. His knuckle kept brushing against my clit and eventually I started to feel that heat again.

  Then I felt it. Him. His gaze was intense, his face set in a mask of concentration. I knew he probably wanted to thrust inside me hard and fast, but he didn’t. Instead, he pressed in a little and stopped, waiting, before going again and stopping. It was a slow progression, but it helped me more than I would ever be able to explain to him. So far, this was worlds apart from my other experiences.

  His pelvis was against my clit, and I knew he must have been all the way inside. He stilled, and searched my face for something. “Number?”

  I took a breath and let it out. “Two.”

  He smiled and kissed me before his gaze returned to meet mine. “I’m going to start moving now.”

  The feel of him moving, thrusting, wasn’t like anything I’d felt before either. He didn’t start pounding away at me. Instead, he gradually built up to a steady rhythm and angled his hips so that with every inward movement he was pressing against my clit. The feeling wasn’t something I could have ever imagined. This wasn’t anything like my nightmares.

  Every now and then, he’d lean down to kiss me, or his hand would slip between us so he could play with my breasts. It didn’t take very long for me to feel that energy rising again. This time was more intense than before. The feeling was taking over faster. I hung onto his shoulders, digging my fingers into his skin. He was breathing hard, his chest covered in sweat.

  I felt his hand move lower, brushing the skin of my stomach before reaching my clit. It was almost like an electric shock when he touched me there. “Come for me,” he rasped. His fingers circled several times before pressing down hard and then pinching. My head fell back and my mouth opened to make a sound unlike any other as I fell over the edge into the most intense orgasm yet. It sounded somewhere between a scream and what a wounded animal would make.

  As I came back to reality, I realized he was still moving, thrusting in and out of me. My flesh was sensitive, but it didn’t hurt. His brow furrowed and he let out what sounded like a grunt as he pressed against me and held.

  He was completely still, his eyes glassy and his arms shaking. I thought maybe something was wrong, but then he collapsed on top of me, wrapping me in his arms. “Thank you, my love,” he whispered, kissing my neck. He was breathing hard, but I could tell he was smiling.

  I did it. We did it. With a smile on my face, I circled my arms around him. Maybe I could do this. Maybe I could be what he needed.


  All was right with the world. Sex with Brianna was absolute heaven. Never in my life had sex been like that, and it was only our first time. It was much more than physical, although that was certainly there. The love I felt for her seemed to magnify when I was inside her, feeling her surrounding me. It was truly an out-of-body experience and something I’d never felt before. I couldn’t wait to do it again.

  We’d lain in my bed holding each other until almost ten o’clock. I couldn’t let her go, though. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to let her sleep in her own bed again.

  With reluctance, I helped her out of my bed, and we took our nightly shower together. There was a lot of touching, but I kept it innocent for the most part. She was very relaxed, and I wanted to keep it that way. My own body felt heavy, and for the first time in my life, I felt satisfied.

  After drying her off, I quickly changed the sheets and curled up with her in my bed. She stiffened a little when I tried to spoon her, so I rolled us over and brought her head to rest on my chest. The tension in her muscles relaxed right away, and she cuddled closer, resting her hand on my bare chest.

  I didn’t get much sleep, but it was purely a choice on my part. It was difficult to sleep knowing she was finally there in my arms. I’d drift off to sleep only to wake an hour or so later smiling like a schoolboy.

  Brianna slept soundly throughout the night. I thought she was going to wake once when a dream seemed to take hold of her, but with some gentle caresses and whispered words, she fell back into a deep slumber. The alarm startled her a little, but as soon as she realized where she was, she smiled up at me shyly. It was adorable considering she was lying flush against me without a shred of clothing on, a
nd that I’d gotten to know her on a most imitate level last night.

  Truth be told, I didn’t want to leave her this morning. Then again, I never did. I could have lain there with her all morning, even if all we did was touch and kiss, although I’d be a fool not to want to have her body again. She was perfection, and she was mine.

  When we said good-bye, our normal kiss was drawn out into something that could have led to me being very late had I not stopped it. Even so, we were both quite worked up by the time I left. I had to stop outside the door for several minutes to calm down before getting in the elevator. The last thing I wanted was to give one of the other residents a show that early in the morning.

  The morning went slow, but well. I conducted the final interview for Karl’s replacement. Michael James was older, in his mid-fifties, and had been working in the financial world for over twenty years. One of the other executives had recommended him. They’d worked with him previously, before they came to the foundation and thought he’d be a good fit. So far, I had to agree. Mr. James had a solid resume and came across as very personable. I’d taken my time in hiring him, given what had happened with Karl. It was much better to search for the right person until I found him or her than hire the wrong person and have to deal with the likes of our former CFO again.

  By the end of the interview, I was certain. He was the one. I had Jamie schedule an executive meeting for the next week and told him he should be hearing from us soon. It was one more thing I could cross off my list. And even with the loose ends hanging out there, I was feeling content with my life.

  At lunch, I called Brianna. She’d been cleaning. I’d given her permission this morning to go in my room, and apparently, it had needed a deep cleaning since I’d not allowed her in there before now. By the time I hung up the phone, I was ready to dive back into the work sitting on my desk in hope I could leave early.

  I was just finishing the reports I needed to approve when my direct line rang. This was the number that bypassed Jamie. Not many people had it, so it was either one of my family, Brianna, or only a handful of others. “Hello,” I said, not bothering with my official greeting.


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