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Risking Attraction Series (Contemporary Romance)

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by Jordan, Lucia

  Copyright © 2013 by Lucia Jordan

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Table Of Contents

  Risking Attraction Book 1: Hard Desire

  Risking Attraction Book 2: Hard Passion

  Risking Attraction Book 3: Hard Surrender

  Risking Attraction Book 4: Hard Forever

  Risking Attraction Book 1: Hard Desire

  Amy gave her friend Beth a dirty look. “I can’t believe you dragged me here,” Amy said as she looked around. They were in a mansion, literally, for a Halloween masquerade. Her mother had told Amy that it was a mistake, that Amy couldn’t take care of herself, and that she needed a man like Christopher in her life. Amy was determined to prove her mother wrong. She didn’t know anyone except Beth and Amy felt out of place. She looked down at her costume, which paled in comparison to the others. She wore a deep red mini dress with four-inch heels and a red flowered, jeweled mask.

  “C’mon, it’ll be fine. You look great.” Beth took Amy’s hand and dragged her toward the bar.

  Amy really hadn’t wanted to come to this party, but Beth had insisted, saying that it would do Amy some good to get out and widen her social circle. A week ago, Amy broke off her engagement to Christopher – a straight laced good boy with strong morals and a religious upbringing. To anyone looking in from the outside, Christopher was the perfect man. And he was a great guy, there was no denying that, but Amy just didn’t feel connected to him like she thought she should. So, she’d ended their engagement.

  “Here.” Beth handed Amy a glass of something red. Amy sipped. It was fruity and went down easy. She figured the only way to make it through this party was to get drunk so she finished the drink and asked for another.

  Amy leaned up against the bar and looked around as Beth flirted with a guy standing adjacent to her. Amy had to admit, the house and the party were impressive. As her gaze scanned the room, she locked eyes with a man standing at the top of the massive staircase. He had a broad, muscular bare chest, perfect abs and arms to match. She allowed her gaze to roam down his body. He wore black leather pants that were tight in all the right places, and no shoes or socks whatsoever. A bare footed man was sexy, in her opinion. Slowly, she lifted her gaze back to the man’s face, which was covered with a black mask that covered his eyes and nose, leaving his plump lips exposed and tempting. Lips that were now smiling. She had no idea if that smile was for her, but for the moment she was going to pretend it was.

  Her heart rate tripled and her throat went dry. “Beth,” she nudged her friend, not taking her gaze away from the sexy, mystery man, “who is that up there at the top of the stairs?”

  “No idea. Why don’t you go ask him?” Beth laughed.

  Yeah, right. Amy couldn’t just walk up to a stranger and ask him his name. She wasn’t like that.

  The man Beth was flirting with turned to Amy and said, “That’s the host. Haven’t you met seen him before? That’s the one and only Joshua Hunter.”

  Amy’s jaw dropped. That was Joshua Hunter? That man had a reputation in this town and wild stories were always circulated about him. No one knew if they were fact or fiction, but his persona was one shrouded in mystery in hearsay. He was ridiculously wealthy, always throwing extravagant parties – usually for no real reason – and rumors swelled that he was bedding a different woman every night of the week. There were also rampant murmurs that he got off on the kinky stuff. No self-respecting woman in this town was ever seen with Joshua Hunter. And if they were, they weren’t respected much longer. And here she was, making eyes at him, fantasizing about what his lips would feel like. That was just great.

  God, if her parents, friends, co-workers ever found out that she was lusting after Joshua Hunter. And yet, there she was, fantasizing about a man that was pure trouble, a man that, in all honesty, probably wouldn’t give her the time of day.

  “Hey, wanna go dance?” Beth asked.

  “Yeah.” Amy gave Joshua one final look before letting Beth lead her to the dance floor. Amy didn’t have to see him to know that Joshua’s gaze was still on her, following her. Knowing he was watching made her want to be seductive; it made her want to hold his attention, because honestly, men like him didn’t take an interest in a women like her and it was exciting to know that he was watching her every move. As Beth was always saying, “Lighten up and have some fun.” So, that’s exactly what Amy was going to do. She put her hands in the air and moved her body in the most seductive way she knew how – swaying her hips, tossing her hair, shaking her ass – all in an attempt to keep Joshua’s attention. Why? She had no idea because she had no intentions of ever getting involved with him, but it was nice to be wanted. Apparently, her little show was working, too, because every time she’d glance up, his eyes were focused solely on her.


  Josh stood at the top of the staircase and stared down at the woman in the red dress and mask. She was stunning and sexy as hell. He narrowed his eyes and studied her intently. He’d invited Miranda to come over later tonight so that he could sleep with her, knowing he’d need the release after dealing with his “friends” and guests, knowing that he wouldn’t find anyone at his party to take to his bed. He rarely picked up women at his parties because they were all usually snobby, well-kept women who believed the rumors that circulated about him. But now…well, now his plans had suddenly changed. There would be no Miranda tonight. Oh, no. Tonight, he wanted the woman in the red dress.

  He once again studied her, his cock hard as he watched the way she moved her body. He wanted that body pinned beneath his. Picking up women had never been an issue for him. Reading them was just as easy. It was something he was good at, but this woman befuddled him. There was something about her. The way she’d looked at him – it was sexy and innocent and it drew him in. Something in her eyes called to him, begged him to free her. Her movements, her actions screamed that she was in need of a man to take control, to dominate her and unlock the burning passion she kept hidden deep inside. She was like a wild animal, caged and desperate to be set free.

  He was sure she didn’t know it, but she’d made the call for help and he was going to be the one to answer it.

  Josh continued to watch her dance as a man came up behind her, putting his hands on her waist and grinding his crotch on her ass in a tacky and feeble attempt to dance with her. Josh’s eyes narrowed with disgust and his anger spiked. Oh, hell no! “Frederick.” Josh waved his assistant over.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you see that woman down there? The one in the red dress and flowered mask?”

  “Yes, sir, she’s quite stunning.”

  “Do you see that man behind her, touching her?”

  “Yes, sir, shall I—”

  “Have him removed from the party immediately.”

  “As you wish, sir.” Frederick hurried away, but not before Josh gave him one final instruction.

  Josh smiled to himself. No one was allowed to touch what was his. Granted, no one, not even the woman, knew that he’d claimed her, but still…this was his house and his rules.


  Amy had no idea who the man behind her was and she really didn’t
care. What harm could come from dancing with a stranger? She was enjoying herself, which is exactly what Beth had told her to do. But the next moment he was no longer there. She turned to find out why and noticed two men in security guard uniforms escorting him to the door. Well, that was strange. Then a tall, lanky man in an expensive and impeccably pressed suit approached her.

  “Excuse, Miss, but Master Hunter has requested your presence upstairs.”

  Her eyes widened. Master Hunter? As in Joshua Hunter? That wasn’t possible. Her heart raced as she searched her mind for an excuse not to go. She couldn’t find one. And truth be told, her curiosity was piqued and her inhibitions were lowered thanks to all the alcohol she’d consumed. So, she grabbed Beth’s arm and shouted over the music, “I’m going to use the bathroom.” Beth nodded and resumed dancing with the man she’d met at the bar.

  “This way,” the tall man said.

  Amy followed him through the crowd and up the stairs. Her legs were shaking she was so nervous. What could Joshua possibly want with her? The man stopped in front of a set of heavy, wooden, double doors. Pushing them open, he motioned for her to enter. She did, fully expecting him to follow, but instead, he closed the doors behind her, leaving her alone with the man she’d been fantasizing about not too long ago. Amy cleared her throat.

  Joshua turned around and smiled. Lord almighty that smile was dangerous. “I honestly didn’t know if you’d come.”

  Good God, that voice. It was deep, husky, and dripping with sexuality. “I almost didn’t, but my curiosity got the better of me.” She laughed nervously and forced herself to look away from his hypnotizing blue eyes.

  “You have no idea how glad I am that it did.” He winked.

  “Why?” she asked, hoping her flushed cheeks didn’t show under her mask.

  “I was watching you down there, you know.” Joshua swirled the ice in his glass and took a sip of the amber liquid. “I enjoyed watching the way you moved.”

  Holy shit! Maybe her harmless little game of seduction wasn’t so harmless after all. What did I get myself into? “Thanks,” she mumbled and looked around for the first time since entering the room. “Hey, this is a bedroom,” she said dumbfounded

  He chuckled softly and a shiver shot down Amy’s spine. “It’s my bedroom,” he corrected with an arrogant grin. “It’s the one room in the house that’s off limits to my guests and the one place we can have a bit of privacy.”

  Amy’s heart raced and she was awash in so many different thoughts and sensations. “Why would we need privacy?”

  Joshua took several steps toward her and Amy was frozen in place. She couldn’t move, couldn’t think, couldn’t comprehend what was happening right now. Amy knew she was in trouble. Not in a harmful sort of trouble, but a devious sort of trouble. He licked his lips and she suppressed a groan. “What’s your name?” he asked.

  “Amy.” She cursed her voice for choosing that moment to give out on her. “You’re Joshua Hunter, right?” There was no need to wait for an answer. She already knew. “This is a great party.”

  He continued to stalk toward her – not walked, stalked, like a predator closing in on its prey. “It’s about to get a hell of a lot better.”

  Then he did something she never expected. He slid his hand around to the back of her neck and lowered his mouth to hers, parted her lips with his tongue, and kissed her. Her mind exploded the moment their lips touched, and again when his tongue pushed against hers. She couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her. Joshua didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he used that as an invitation to deepen the kiss.

  Her brain screamed at her to stop, to get the hell out of his room and back down to where the party was. But her body had a mind of its own and right now, her body enjoyed the desires coursing through her veins. She’d never done anything like this before, and she probably wouldn’t be doing it right now either if she weren’t a little drunk. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t bring herself to stop him. And why should she? Didn’t she deserve a little bit of fun?

  Just as quickly as he’d embraced her, he released her, leaving her gasping for breath. She stood there, stunned, watching as he calmly walked back over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. “I hope I didn’t overstep my bounds.”

  “Uh, no, it’s okay.” She reached up and lightly touched her lips. They tingled from his kiss and craved to feel them again.

  He stood and walked toward her, stopping in front of her, so close her breasts brushed against his chest. “Did you enjoy kissing me?”

  “Yes.” There was no use lying.

  “Do you want to do it again?” His gaze lowered her mouth and the look in his eyes was hungry and demanding.

  Her breath caught. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Then come here.” His entire demeanor changed when he said those words. His voice deepened and commanded obedience from her, which much to her dismay, she was more than willing to give to him. His eyes darkened making them appear wolfish with hunger as he took her hand and led her to the bed. He sat on the edge of the mattress and she stood before him.

  Her body buzzed to life and she was ripe with anticipation, waiting to see what he’d do next. Her heart thundered in her chest and ears making it difficult to think straight.

  Joshua devoured her with his eyes and a satisfied smile pulled at his lips. “This outfit is such a tease.” Joshua reached out and touched her bare leg, dragging his fingers up her thigh and around to her ass. She said a silent thank you to herself for deciding to go with a pair of sexy panties tonight. He eased his fingers into the band of her panties and stroked her skin. His touch sent a shiver through her body. “Sit.” He patted his lap.

  Without hesitation, Amy sat on his lap. Joshua put one hand on her bare knee, caressing it softly. He put his other hand in her hair, bunching it between his fingers, and holding the back of her head. She drew a shaky breath and waited.

  “You’re so damn sexy,” he said bringing her face down to his so that he could kiss her again. Just like the first time, this kiss was hot, toe-curling, and full of mutual passion.

  Amy let her hands roam freely over his bare chest, her fingers circling his hard nipples. He groaned into her mouth and deepened the kiss. Without breaking it, Joshua adjusted her so that she was straddling him. His erection was unmistakable and before she could stop herself, she pressed down on his crotch, grinding her sex on his hard, leather-clad cock. She moaned her approval.

  “I want you, Amy.” His mouth left hers and he dragged his teeth down her neck. She shuddered in his arms, her body wracked with so much pleasure she didn’t think she could handle it. He rotated his hips, grinding his crotch against her. “Do you want me, too?” He nipped at her earlobe and continued to grind beneath her. His hand coursed up her body and cupped her breast.

  Her only response was a moan. He felt just as good as he looked and all she wanted was to feel more of him.

  “Tell me,” he said. “Tell me you want me.” Joshua left her breast and reached between her legs. He slipped his hand down the front of her panties and teased around her clit, eliciting another moan from her.

  God, this was all happening so fast. But it was so good, too. Throwing caution to the wind, she murmured, “I want you.”

  Joshua moved his fingers lower, plunging them deep into her wet, aching pussy. “I’m going to slide my hard cock up in here,” he said, curling his fingers against her sensitive walls. “I’m going to fuck you until you scream my name.” His teeth caught her earlobe again and tugged. “Then I’m going to fuck you some more.” Joshua slid his fingers from her pussy and circled her clit, applying just the right amount of pressure to send her straight to the edge of her control. She grabbed his arm and tried to hold his hand still, but it was useless. “Would you like that, Amy? Hmm? Do you want me to fuck you like that?”

  “Yes,” she cried out, grinding on his hand, desperate for release.

  “Uh-uh,” he said, removing his hand from her. “Not yet.” Joshua mo
ved her from his lap and she groaned. Her knees shook from her almost orgasm. “Lie down,” he instructed.

  Amy happily did as he instructed, hoping that the faster she obeyed, the faster he’d touch her again. She watched with fascination as he methodically unzipped his pants and lowered them. He wasn’t wearing underwear and his erection jutted out proudly in front of him. Amy couldn’t look away. She didn’t want to. He was so damn sexy and she itched to get her hands on him, to explore and touch him, to bring him the same kind of pleasure he’d just given her.

  Joshua stood at the edge of the bed, just out of her reach. “Take that damn dress off. Now,” he growled.

  She sat up, tore the dress off, and tossed it to the floor. It was one of those dresses that didn’t allow for a bra, so when the cool air of the room hit her breasts, her nipples hardened immediately.

  “So sexy.” Finally, Joshua climbed onto the bed. He used his knees to spread her legs, and then he pressed his hard length against her sex, rubbing his cock over her panties, kissing her hard and deep, his tongue mimicking the movements of his hips. She arched into him and grabbed at his shoulders, digging her fingernails into his flesh. Amy dug her heels into the soft mattress and lifted her hips in an attempt to get closer to him.

  He spread his legs, and then flattened his body to hers, effectively preventing her from moving beneath him. Then he removed her hands from his shoulders and pinned them above her head. He smiled in a way that indicated he was doing something. “What’re you doing?” she asked.

  “Shh.” He silenced her with a kiss. “Don’t move your arms.”

  “What? Why?” Panic was replaced with fear. God, what the hell had she gotten herself into? She knew better than to jump into bed with a total stranger.

  “Relax, Amy. I won’t hurt you. I promise.” He caressed her nipples with the back of his hand and smiled with appreciation. “I like having a beautiful woman’s body on display for me to touch and explore. Can I do that? Will you let me explore you, Amy?”

  His tone was soft and soothing and it put her at ease. Her body relaxed and she nodded. “Yes.”


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