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Risking Attraction Series (Contemporary Romance)

Page 3

by Jordan, Lucia

  “Oh God.”

  She once again dropped her head and Josh knew she was going to submit to another orgasm. Good thing, too, because he wasn’t going to last much longer. His spine started to tingle at the base and his balls were heavy and tight. Before he even reached his peak, he knew this orgasm was going to drain him. His hips jerked as his seed spilled from his body. Amy was seconds behind him, her pussy milking his cock for every last drop he had, and then some. She collapsed beneath him and he fell on top of her, his dick still tucked firmly inside of her. “Are you okay?” he asked as he pulled out of her.

  “Yeah,” came her muffled response.

  Joshua rolled onto his back, draped his arm over his face, and tried to calm his erratic breathing. “Holy shit.” He laughed. “That was…” A soft snore came from beside him. He sat up on his elbows and looked over at Amy. She was still face down and was sleeping. Joshua smiled. He’d never exhausted a woman to the point of passing out before.

  He got out of bed, picked up the condom from the floor, and went to the bathroom. After disposing of both condoms, and cleaning himself up, he returned to the bedroom. Amy was still asleep. He pulled the folded blanket from the foot of the bed and draped it over her naked body. Then he climbed back into bed and fell asleep next to her.


  Amy slowly awoke and stretched her body. “Ow.” She winced as her joints and private areas throbbed with a delicate pain. Her eyes fluttered open. It was still dark. She sat up and looked around. Where the hell am I? Then, like a slow burn, the events of last night seeped into her consciousness.

  Her colleague and friend Beth dragging her to a Halloween party. Having too much to drink. Dancing until her feet hurt. The sexy man in the leather pants watching her, summoning her to his room, kissing her. Her eyes widened. “Oh my God,” she gasped, cupping her hand over her mouth. “No…I didn’t.” She looked at the bed and sure enough, sprawled out next to her was the naked form of Joshua Hunter.

  Amy was horrified! She jumped out of bed and wrapped the blanket around her body. Now that the alcohol had worn off the reality of what she’d done was beginning to set it. “God, I’m so stupid,” she mumbled to herself as she searched the floor for her clothes, which was nearly impossible considering it was dark in the room. Having no luck, and getting frustrated, Amy dropped to her hands and knees and crawled around the floor, feeling with her hands for her clothes and shoes. After several moments, she finally found them.

  How could she have done something so reckless? She’d broken off her engagement to Christopher less than a week ago. And what’s the first thing she does? Fall into bed with the one man the entire town despises. That was just perfect.

  Amy quickly dressed and then glanced at the bed and Joshua one last time. She couldn’t deny that the sex was mind blowing, that his kisses made her toes curl, and his smile made her heart race. But, the shame and embarrassment of what she’d done outweighed the pleasure she’d gotten from him last night. Having sex with Joshua was a mistake – a mistake she’ll never forget and remember with fondness. No! She shook her head. No one could ever find out what she’d done. It would destroy her already fragile reputation and it would prove that her mother had been right all along. Amy would take last night to her grave with her.

  Careful not to wake him, she tiptoed to the door. When her hand closed around the doorknob, she breathed a sigh of relief. And then, as she pulled the door open, it was pushed from the other side. Amy fell backward to the floor with an oomph. She looked up to see a tall, gorgeous redhead staring down at her.

  “Who the hell are you?” the woman said.

  “Uh…” Oh crap! What the hell was she supposed to say? “I’m sorry, I was just leaving.” Amy stood and attempted to push past the redhead, but the woman grabbed Amy’s arm and stopped her.

  “I asked you a question.”

  Amy jerked her arm from the woman’s hold. “And I told you I was leaving. Why do you care who I am anyway?”

  The woman smiled. “Because I’m Josh’s girlfriend.”

  Risking Attraction Book 2: Hard Passion

  Joshua awoke slowly. The early morning sun filtered through the open curtains making further sleep impossible. Sure, he could get up and close them, but he was one of those people that once he was up there was no going back. He stretched his arms over his head and his cock, which was hard and thick, smacked against his stomach.

  “Mmm,” he groaned. Every morning he awoke with an erection. Some days it was worse than others and today was one of those days. It was the type of hard on that masturbation couldn’t cure. And that’s when he remembered.


  The hot little number he’d spent last night with. He grinned, happy that he hadn’t sent her home like he did all of his other conquests. His cock thickened more and jerked with anticipation at the thought of being buried inside of Amy’s tight little pussy. Joshua rolled over and reached for her. His arm draped over her stomach and he pulled her to him, nuzzling his nose into her hair. “What the fuck?” he said, sitting up. “Miranda?”

  “Hey there, sexy.” She sat up and the blanket fell from her body, revealing her naked breasts. “I tried waking you, but you were dead to the world. Party a little too hard last night?” Miranda laughed.

  “What the fuck?” he repeated. “What the hell are you doing here, Miranda? And where the hell is Amy?” Joshua got out of bed and grabbed a pair of boxers from his dresser. He slipped them on and turned to glare at Miranda.

  “Is that her name?” Miranda crawled across the bed toward him. “I caught her sneaking out of here like a thief. You might want to check to make sure she didn’t steal anything from you.” She reached up and trailed her hand down his chest.

  He shoved her hand away and took a step back. He was disgusted with her and pissed off that Amy had snuck out of his bed. “How did you get in here anyway?”

  “Frederick let me in.”

  Joshua frowned and made a mental note to have a little talk with Frederick about that. “You still haven’t told me what you’re doing here.”

  “You invited me, remember?”

  He had. He walked around to her side of the bed and gathered her clothes from the floor. Handing them to her, he said, “Well, the invitation is officially revoked. Get out.”

  She stared at him, mouth agape, eyes wide. “What? You mean…you don’t want to…”

  “No. I want you to leave.” Joshua grabbed a pair of jeans that were draped over the chair in the corner. “And I won’t be needing your services any longer,” he said as he zipped and buttoned his jeans. Miranda wasn’t a prostitute. He’d never paid her for sex, but she was his go-to girl when he needed a little action. After last night, there was only one woman he wanted in his bed for a while.

  “You’re a jerk!” Miranda screamed as she grabbed her clothes, climbed out of bed and stormed toward the door. “Don’t think you can call me up in a week and I’ll come running back to you.”

  “I’ll be sure to remember that,” he said dryly.

  “And if you think that little slut who snuck out of your bed is going to come back, you’re wrong. If she wanted you, she would’ve stayed.” Then, without another word, Miranda spun on her heel and walked out of his room.

  Joshua pounded his fist against the wall. He dragged a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. Miranda’s words swirled in his mind. She was right. If Amy wanted more from him, she wouldn’t have left.

  Well, he wasn’t going to let her get away that easily. They still had some unfinished business. All he had to do now was find her, which would be one hell of a feat considering she’d been a guest of someone else and he hadn’t bothered to get her last name.

  Joshua Hunter was nothing if not resourceful and determined. One way or another, he’d find her. And he knew exactly where to start: the party planning company he’d hired to organize the Halloween masquerade ball. He would figure out who was on the guest list, and then systematically call each one of
them until he found out who had brought Amy. Once he had that information, he could locate Amy and convince her to come back to his bed.


  “I’ve been calling you all weekend. You must’ve been really sick,” Beth said the following Monday morning at work.

  Amy looked at her confused. “What?”

  “Yeah, that Lurch looking guy from the party told me you left because you weren’t feeling well. I tried calling you all day Sunday and there was no answer.” Beth poured herself a cup of coffee, and then poured one for Amy. “If you weren’t feeling well you could’ve told me and I would’ve taken you home.”

  “Nah, it’s okay.” Amy dismissed her with a wave of his hand. “You looked like you were having a pretty good time with that guy you met.” Amy smiled and played along. She hadn’t been sick and she hadn’t left the party. She’d been upstairs in bed with Josh. Not that she was going to admit that and she was extremely grateful that he’d taken the initiative to explain her sudden absence. And he was discreet about it, which was a very gentlemanly thing for him to do. It was also something she hadn’t expected.

  “So, what was wrong?”

  “Huh? Oh, I think I just had too much to drink. It hit me rather hard. I got sick.” Amy laughed nervously. “I’m a lightweight.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Beth laughed. “It’s okay. Stick with me and I’ll fix that. In fact, some of girls are going out Friday night. You should totally go with us.”

  It was exciting to be invited out with the girls. Sure, they’d always invited her, but when she was engaged to Christopher, she always declined their invitations because she felt it wasn’t proper for an engaged woman to be in a bar without her fiancée. But now that she was single – it was a completely different story. “Where are you guys going?” she asked, genuinely interested.

  “Mallory’s down on Fifth. We’re going to go have dinner and some drinks right after work. You in?”

  “Sure. Sounds fun.”

  Beth smiled. “Great! We’re bringing a change of clothes with us so we don’t have to wear our work clothes there, just so you know.”

  Amy nodded. She was looking forward to it. “Well, I suppose it’s time.” She glanced at her watch – 8:30 a.m. Yup. They were officially on the clock. Amy made her way to her desk and sat. She fired up her computer and opened her email. But no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t concentrate. Her mind kept wandering back to the Halloween party and the night she spent with Josh. And the things he’d done to her. Just thinking about them made her warm. Of course, she could never tell anyone or see him ever again, but it sure was nice to remember it and fantasize about it.

  A few hours later, around noon, Beth wandered into Amy’s cubicle. “Well, I just got the strangest phone call.”

  “From who?” Amy asked without looking up.

  “Joshua Hunter.”

  Amy’s head jerked up and her jaw dropped. If Beth hadn’t been staring directly at her, she probably would’ve tipped over backward in her chair. Her heart raced and she fought to remain calm – or at least appear calm because on the inside, she was panicking. “Why would he call you?”

  “That’s exactly what I asked him. He said he was looking for you.”

  “Me?” This was so not good.

  “Yeah.” Beth sat on the corner of Amy’s desk. “Said he had something important to discuss with you.”

  Amy felt like she was going to hyperventilate and pass out. Why the hell had Josh gone to the trouble of tracking her down? He was famous for his one night stands. That was one of the reasons Amy had spent the night with him, because she knew it was only one night, and then they’d never see each other again. Clearing her throat, she asked, “Are you sure he was looking for me? Maybe he has me confused with someone else.” Please let him be confused!

  “That’s what I thought, too, but after talking to him, he was pretty clear. It’s definitely you he’s looking for.”

  “There has to be some mistake.”

  “No. No mistake.” Beth leaned closer. “Amy, what did you do? Did you steal something from him or see something maybe you shouldn’t have?”

  “What? No, of course not.” Amy stood, unable to remain still in her chair a second longer. She knew it was a mistake to sleep with him. “Did you tell him you knew me? Or where I was?” A fresh wave of panic erupted in her.

  “I told him I knew of you and that if he wanted a message passed along, I’d be happy to get it to you.”

  Amy sighed with relief. “So, did he leave a message?” She hated how she sounded interested.

  “He left his phone number.” Beth handed her a piece of paper with the number scrawled on it. “He said he wants you to call him as soon as you get the message.”

  Amy cringed and she tried to stop her hand from shaking as she took the paper from Beth. “Do you think I should call him?”

  Beth shook her head. “If you didn’t do or see anything that could be a problem, then no, don’t call him. That man may be fun to look at, but he’s trouble, Amy. Stay away from him.”

  She was right. Deep down, Amy knew that Beth was right. Josh was trouble and Amy had to stay as far away from him as possible. “I agree.” She crumpled the paper and tossed it in her wastebasket.

  Beth smiled. “Good. Now, if you’re on the hunt for a man, I can help you find one Friday night. But honestly, after Chris, I think the single life is the way to go for a while.”

  Amy laughed. “Thanks, Beth.”

  “No problem.”

  When Beth left, Amy dug Josh’s phone number from the wastebasket and smoothed it out. She stared at it for several moments, debating whether or not she should call him. Her curiosity was piqued and she really wanted to find out what he wanted. Surely this wasn’t about sex or the fact that she’d snuck out of his room. No. It must be about something completely different because Joshua Hunter didn’t have to track down women to have sex with him, especially not a woman like her who was, for all intents and purposes, inexperienced. Her gut told her to call. Her brain told her not to.

  For the time being, she listened to her brain.


  It had been a full week since Josh had seen Amy. A full week since he’d kissed a woman, had sex with a woman, or had an orgasm that wasn’t courtesy of his own damn hand. He was beyond frustrated. That Beth woman he’d talked to said she knew Amy. So, either Beth hadn’t given Amy the message – which pissed him off – or she had given Amy the message and Amy chose not to call – which pissed him off even more.

  “Excuse me, sir, but there is someone here to see you.” Frederick interrupted his thoughts.

  Immediately, Josh thought it could be Amy and his excitement got the better of him. He was extremely disappointed when he went downstairs and saw his attorney waiting in the foyer. “Mr. Moran, what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “I have the papers from Gould and Weismann. Their client is willing to sign, but has requested a private meeting with you first. And as your attorney, I have to say I don’t—”

  Josh held up his hand to silence his lawyer. “Yeah, I know. You don’t advise it. I get it, but I’m going to do it anyway. Don’t worry, Mr. Moran, I won’t blow it.” Josh patted the man on the back and laughed. Then he turned to Frederick. “Please call Mr. Sterling and tell him to meet me at Mallory’s tonight at six.” Mallory’s was Josh’s favorite bar and grill and he hadn’t been there in a while. This was the perfect excuse to get out of the house and hopefully get Amy off his mind. If he was lucky, he might just find someone to occupy his evening.

  “Yes, sir.” Frederick nodded, and then left.

  “Thanks for stopping by.” Josh took the papers from Mr. Moran, and then ushered him toward the door. “I’ll be in touch soon.”

  At six o’clock on the dot, Josh sat inside of Mallory’s and waited for Rick Sterling to arrive. Tardiness irritated the crap out of Josh and he hoped Rick wouldn’t be too late. Josh would have to ruin a perfectly good deal simply because
he was annoyed. Every time the bell above the door jingled, he’d look up. And every time he was disappointed to see that it wasn’t Rick. The waitress came back around to his table and asked if he’d like anything else. He shook his head and looked up once more.

  And that’s when he saw her.


  She walked in with a group of women, laughing, smiling and looking more beautiful than he’d remembered. His heart raced and at the sight of her. It took every single ounce of self-control he had not to jump up and go to her. But she’d snuck out of his bed and hadn’t called all week – there must be a reason for that and until he found out what that reason was, he would have to tread lightly. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her away. Again.

  He watched as she and her friends took a booth on the opposite side of the bar. They picked up menus and her face was hidden from his. He took a deep breath and willed himself to calm down and be patient. Unfortunately for him, patience was not a virtue he possessed. But tonight he would force it upon himself. Ordering another drink, he sat back and watched, waiting for his moment to go to her.

  It happened about half an hour later. Amy got up from the booth and walked toward the bar. Alone. She walked around until she found an empty spot that she could wiggle her way into, which just happened to be near him. He smiled and stood. Casually making his way toward her, he squeezed his way in to stand beside her, not noticing how packed the bar had gotten until that very moment. He purposefully bumped into her.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said with a light, airy laugh.

  “For what exactly? Bumping into me or sneaking out of my bed last weekend?” he asked, his voice a whisper.

  “She gasped, turning to look at him. Amy looked genuinely shocked to see him. “Did you follow me here?”

  Josh rested one arm on the bar and turned to look at her. He laughed. “No, I didn’t follow you here.”

  “Then what’re you doing here?”

  “Having a few drinks. Meeting a potential business client.” He shrugged. “It is a public place.”

  She shook her head, clearly flustered. “Yeah, right, of course. I’m sorry, I just…well, you call my friend early this week looking for me and now here you are. That doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me.”


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