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Monster Girls 2

Page 11

by Edward Lang

  I’m happy to report that it all looked human and downright gorgeous.

  And totally bare. I didn’t know if it was just part of my Scott-dies-and-goes-to-monster-girl-heaven perks, but there were no fur bikinis to be seen. Not even a landing strip.

  First the centaurs, now the harpies – I was loving the whole natural Brazilian wax thing.

  Actually, now that I thought about it, Alia, Dyra, and Spirella didn’t have pubic hair, either. Only Zala did – and she was human. Or had been until she’d come back as a lich.

  God bless whatever gods designed this world…

  And then I went from googly-eyed and turned-on, to getting the shit scared out of me.

  “HUMAN!” an imperious harpy shouted, the one who had yelled at the centaurs while flying.

  She looked to be in her late 30’s, with dirty blonde curls spilling down her shoulders and dark brown wings. Imagine Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, but with much longer hair – and not just crossing her legs once, but letting you see all of it for as long as you wanted.

  She extended one slender leg with a scary talon pointed right at me, the same way a human might point a finger. “You are brave indeed to come before us, considering the last of your kind I saw, I disemboweled him after coitus!”


  I was beginning to think that maybe trying to recruit the harpies hadn’t been such a great idea.

  She continued. “And a lamia, a dryad, and an arachne… why do you drag such a motley crew before me, centaurs?”

  I wanted to shout out GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS! but I didn’t think my Mötley Crüe-themed humor would go over well.

  Besides, the harpy was addressing the centaurs, not me.

  Most of the horse ladies were incensed at the harpy’s tone, and pawed the ground angrily – but if the Chieftess was bothered, she didn’t show it. She just answered in an even voice, “The human male asked for an audience with you, and we were honor-bound to fulfill his request.”

  “‘Honor-bound’? Why?” the harpy asked with a nasty sneer. “Did he service you?”

  The rest of the harpies tittered.

  But now the female centaurs weren’t irritated anymore; they were grinning.

  The corner of the Chieftess’s mouth turned up the tiniest bit. “He did, in fact.”

  “You said ‘we were honor-bound’ – are you queen of the horses now, that you speak in the royal ‘we’?” the harpy asked mockingly.

  The female centaurs grew furious again over the harpy’s insolence – but the Chieftess wasn’t fazed in the least. “Not at all. I was speaking of the entire tribe.”

  “He mated with you all?” the harpy asked, incredulous.


  The harpy smirked at me. “I’ll bet you barely felt him.”

  The other harpies cackled atop their stones – an ugly sound coming from such beautiful faces.

  The Chieftess could barely repress her smile. “He is a Sex Mage, and has the magical ability to grow his natural endowment to a prodigious size. So, yes… we felt it. Every… single.. inch.”

  That got the harpies’ attention.

  They all turned into meat inspectors as they eyeballed my crotch.

  Not that there was anything to see at the moment, since I’d long since returned to my ‘natural endowment.’

  The lead harpy cocked one eyebrow at me, as though seeing me in a whole new light. “Reeeeaallllly.”


  “Well… have you come to flaunt your promiscuity, or is there another reason for your intrusion here atop my mountain?”

  “I will let Scott speak for himself,” the Chieftess said, and withdrew slightly, leaving me standing alone before the harpies.

  “Scott, eh?” the harpy said frostily. “Odd name for a Sex Mage.”

  I had no idea what Sex Mages normally went by on this planet, so I wasn’t exactly in a position to argue.

  “I guess,” I said. “And your name is…?”

  “Raptora,” she said frostily.


  Birds of prey.

  On the nose again with the naming conventions.

  “Well, Raptora, thank you for listening to what I have to – ”

  “I’m not interested in pleasantries,” she interrupted. “Get on with it!”

  What a bitch.

  But I kept my tone civil. I didn’t want to pick a fight with somebody whose help I needed… much less one who disemboweled her one-night stands.

  “I heard your ancestors attacked the Grim Keep,” I said.

  The harpy drew herself up to her full height and smiled proudly. “That they did – the only time the Grim Keep has ever been conquered.”

  “Well, I came here to ask you to do it again.”

  The harpies all looked at each other in surprise.

  Raptora frowned. “Why would we do such a thing?”

  “The Grim Keep has been taken over by a female necromancer from the Imperium – ”

  “We know this already. Nothing on these mountains escapes our watchful gaze.”

  “Well, she attacked my friends and possessed them, and I want to get them back, unharmed. So I need your help to – ”

  The harpy scoffed loudly. “How could she have possessed them, unless they were liches?”

  “Because that’s what they are – liches. And one of them is my girlfriend.”

  The harpies about lost their minds, and started whispering loudly to each other.

  “SILENCE!” the head hen screeched, then turned back to me. “You have lain with a lich?”


  Raptora cast a jaundiced eye on Dyra, Alia, and Spirella. “And these other mongrels are your concubines, as well?”

  “Don’t call them mongrels or concubines, LADY,” I said angrily. “They’re my girlfriends.”

  There was electricity in the air as all the harpies and centaurs tensed, waiting to see how Raptora would react.

  Diplomacy… or disembowelment?

  She squinted at me angrily… then sniffed. “Fine. These other… females… you have lain with them, as well?”

  “They’re all my girlfriends and we have sex, if that’s what you mean.”

  Raptora smirked. “If you can successfully service a centaur, I would have thought you would split these other girls in half.”

  “I use my regular size with them, and my… uh… bigger one on the centaurs.”

  Raptora regarded me coolly – then sneaked a quick peek at my crotch before saying, “So you wish to attack the necromanceress. Why on Atras would we help you?”

  “Well, since the Imperium wants to kill all mons– um, all non-human females like you, I figured you might want to help us take them down.”

  “Ha!” she laughed contemptuously. “Listen to the fool plotting to destroy the Imperium! Perhaps next week he will dethrone the Dark Immortal himself!”

  The other harpies snickered.

  “We already defeated the Baron,” I snapped.

  “Oh, the BARON,” Raptora said as though she were impressed, then turned catty again. “I know of no ‘baron.’”

  “He was based near a village called Mereep,” I said, then added darkly, “And we killed him.”

  “Who is ‘we’? These centaurs?”

  “No,” I said, then gestured at Alia, Dyra, and Spirella. “Me, my girlfriends, and our lich friends.”

  “Ohhhh – your lich friends, whom you immediately lost on your way to destroy the Imperium?” she asked with mock sincerity. “Tell me, how incompetent must you be to lead an army of liches straight to a necromanceress?”

  I glowered at her. “We didn’t know Necra was there – ”

  “So – not competent at all, then. And you want us to follow you into battle? Ha!”

  Fucking bitch.

  I thought about blaming Parch for not informing me beforehand about Necra, but the truth was, I was the leader – and the buck stopped with me.

  Not to mention I really didn�
��t want to go into explaining what the hell Parch was.

  I tried again with the whole ‘defeating the Baron’ thing.

  “My friends followed me into battle, and we ended up killing one of the Imperium’s most – ”

  “Exactly: one. You killed one of their errand boys. There are hundreds more. And I will not endanger my flock on a fool’s errand.”

  “What’ll you do when they come for you, then?” I asked angrily.

  “The Imperium will never come here – not this far up. And if they do, we shall merely fly away to another land.”

  I thought about saying, I’m sure your ancestors who conquered the Grim Keep would be SOOOO proud –

  But making her furious wasn’t going to win her over to my cause.

  Of course, nothing else was working, either, so I tried switching tack.

  “If that’s your plan, then maybe just one of you could help me. I just need help getting into the Grim Keep, and fast. If just one of you could swoop down and drop me off – ”

  “You apparently know nothing of the Imperium, boy. If one offends them, the punishment will be borne by all. They will slaughter our entire flock without a second thought.”

  “You just said that if that happened, you would fly away to another land.”

  “IF they come after us. I see no need to provoke them into doing so, and I have no desire to leave my ancestral home.”

  “So you’ll just keep on living under their thumb, always afraid to step out of line – is that it?”

  “Better than being slaughtered for following a fool.”

  Okay, fuck this.

  I needed a new plan.

  The harpies had been very interested when they’d found out about me having sex with the lady centaurs. Hell, they’d practically been eye-fucking me.

  All I needed to do was have sex with one of the harpies, and I could count on half the group’s support. Hell, if I could do them like the female centaurs, I could persuade the whole flock to attack the Grim Keep.

  I would have preferred banging somebody other than Raptora – she was hot, but a bitch and a half.

  However, she was the one I was talking to. I hadn’t established any kind of rapport with the other harpies.

  Dance with the one who brung ya, right?

  “So there’s nothing I could do to convince you?” I asked as seductively as possible.

  Raptora snorted derisively. “Convince me of what – that you’re not a fool? Short of killing the necromanceress first, in which case you wouldn’t need our help anyway… no.”

  “I was thinking of something more… personal,” I said in my best bedroom voice. “You know… I do something you really want… and you do something I really want. You scratch my back… and I do whatever you want.”

  Although I sure as fuck didn’t want her scratching my back. Not with those talons.

  Raptora eyed me distrustfully for several seconds… then said, “Actually, there is something you could do for me.”

  “Yes?” I asked suavely.

  “In fact, the entire tribe needs it.”


  “We need it badly.”

  Ohhhhh yeeeeaaah…

  I could almost hear the 70s porno music starting up.

  Bow-chikka-chikka-bow-bow –

  “Whatever you need. Whatever alllll of you need.”

  “Good,” Raptora said grimly. “I need you to kill something for us.”

  The imaginary porno music ended with a screeching needle scratch.


  “…say what?” I asked.

  “There is a creature that lives at the top of the mountain that has been terrorizing our flock. I want you to kill it.”

  Something that terrorized harpies?

  That sounded not fun.

  On the other hand, I’d originally met Alia when I’d taken the quest to ‘Hunt Down The Beast, Dead or Alive.’

  Maybe this was just another sexy, sexy monster girl waiting for her prince.

  I hoped.

  But I needed more information.

  “Terrorizing you how, exactly?” I asked.

  “It has been eating our eggs.”

  I stared at her in horror. “Your… unborn children?!”

  “No,” she snapped, “our eggs! They have not been fertilized, so there are no living chicks within.”


  That was a little different.

  I mean, Baby Yoda kept eating that frog lady’s eggs in The Mandalorian… and he was cute and cuddly.

  Even if it was super fucked-up to be potentially ending her genetic line just because he wanted a snack.

  But he was a baby. He didn’t know any better. (I mean, a 50-year-old baby, yeah, but…)

  Maybe there was a similarly reasonable explanation here.

  Maybe there was a hot monster girl at the top of the mountain who just liked scrambled eggs and was thinking, Well, there aren’t any LITTLE harpies inside that shell…

  “Oh,” I said, probably a little too dismissively, “that’s not so – ”


  “Jeez, okay, okay,” I muttered. “Fine, I’ll go and kill it. In exchange for your help in attacking the Grim Keep.”

  Raptora smiled cruelly. “Agreed.”

  I did not like that smile.

  I looked at her distrustfully. “Where is this ‘creature’?”

  She pointed up the mountain – up the horrendously tall mountain, at the very highest peak – with her talon. “Up there.”

  “Alright – well, I guess we can go and – ”

  “I shall send my daughter to lead you to its lair,” Raptora said, then yelled, “HARA!”

  A head popped up over the edge of one of the stone pillars, apparently from where she’d been hiding. It was like something out of a cartoon.


  She had a gorgeous, innocent face with big, blue eyes, and long golden hair with lots of curls.

  From what I could see of the tops of her wings, they were white like a swan’s.

  If I hadn’t known she was a harpy, I would have thought she was an angel.

  Except she looked a bit… concerned.

  “Y-yes, mother?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Weren’t you listening?” Raptora snapped. “Take this human and his harem to the top of the mountain, and show them the lair of the beast!”

  Hara stared at her mother. “But mother, the creature will – ”

  “He OFFERED to kill it in return for our help, so you will TAKE him there so he can do it,” Raptora said with a diabolical smile. “Do you understand?”

  I was really not liking Raptora’s vibe combined with Hara’s reluctance.

  My fantasies of a smokin’ hot, totally misunderstood, egg-eating monster girl were rapidly fading.

  “Y-yes, mother,” Hara said.

  “Go at once.”

  “Yes, mother.”

  Hara gracefully leapt up off the top of the pillar and flapped her snow-white wings several times as she landed gently on the ground.

  She was tall and lithe and gorgeous, with a tiny little waist and legs that went on for days (until they ended in yellow eagle’s feet, that is).

  Best of all, though, her barely-there necklace and loincloth made of feathers flipped up as she jumped off the monolith, revealing two incredibly pert little B-cups with bright pink nipples, and a gorgeous camel toe.

  Or it would have been a camel toe if there was anything covering it.

  Which there wasn’t.

  And the rug didn’t match the drapes – because there was no rug. Just the sweet little cleft of her pussy.

  Ho-leeeee SHIT.

  “Why bother with the feathers at all?” Dyra griped behind me.

  “I know – why doesn’t she just go naked?” Alia agreed acerbically.

  I wouldn’t have minded.

  Hara looked over at me with her sapphire eyes
and smiled bashfully. “I’m Hara.”

  “I’m Scott. This is Alia, Dyra, Spirella, Seera, and Seera’s tribe.”

  “Hello!” Hara said brightly, lifting up her folded right wing up in a gesture of greeting.

  My girls just gave her a bunch of side-eye and shady looks. Even the female centaurs – the Chieftess, Ilvya, and the others – squinted at her peevishly.

  Wow. Jealousy popped up fast.

  “I guess… I’m supposed to take you to the creature,” Hara said haltingly – maybe even mournfully.

  “Let’s do it.”

  “Alright… follow me!”

  Hara leapt up from the ground, flapped her voluminous wings, and took off into the air.

  She was a good 50 feet up in the air before she looked back over her shoulder – and then circled back down to the ground and landed again.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, blushing. “I forgot you can’t fly…”

  “No, we can’t,” Seera said haughtily.

  I just grinned at her. “It’s okay. You mind walking with us?”

  Hara winced apologetically. “I’m not very good at walking…”

  She demonstrated by taking a few steps.

  Ever seen a pigeon move as it bobs its head back and forth?

  Take away the bobbing head and you’ve got it.

  Not bad, but not graceful. A little more waddle than sashay.

  It was obvious she was more at ease in the air than on land.

  “…but I’ll try,” she promised.

  “You can just fly on ahead and meet us up there,” I offered.

  “No, no, I want to go with you so I can answer any questions you have.”

  “That would be greatly appreciated.”

  She beamed. “Well, then, it’s settled – I’ll walk with you.”

  “Cool.” I looked back up at Raptora. “I’ll be back shortly to collect my part of the bargain.”

  “Of course,” Raptora said with an evil smile. “That is… if you come back.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “What’s up there you’re not telling me about?”

  “Nothing that a conqueror of the Imperium can’t handle.” Raptora smirked. “Good luck… human.”

  I gave her some side-eye of my own, then started up the mountain.


  The plateau where the monoliths stood didn’t last for long, and then we were back to fighting our way up a steep slope.


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