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Torn: A College Sports Romance (Cherry Grove Series Book 3)

Page 3

by Cole Lepley

  Judah looks down for a moment, vulnerability flashing in his eyes as they meet mine again. “Um, I need you for accountability. To keep me on track.”

  “Short attention span, huh?”

  He laughs. “Something like that.”

  I see straight through his attempt at appearing aloof. There’s something he doesn’t want me to know and I can respect that. I wouldn’t want to release all the skeletons in my closet.

  “Okay, then.” I thumb through the papers in my bag, pulling out the next assignment. “We can work on this one. We’ll get a head start since you have a game this week.”

  A crooked smile appears on his face as he takes it from me. “You know I have a game?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I go to this school too.”

  “It just surprised me, is all. You don’t really seem like the type of girl to have a lot of school spirit.”

  My eyes narrow. “There you are making judgments again.”

  “I’m sorry.” He reaches over and places his hand on mine. “Honestly, I am.” He gives my fingers a squeeze and pulls it back. “I shouldn’t do that. It didn’t make me feel that great when you did it to me.”

  “It’s fine.” My voice is curt and I pretend to be engrossed in what’s on my computer. It goes quiet for a moment until he speaks again.

  “Um, are you coming?”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Coming where?”

  “To the game,” he says, smiling again like I’m an idiot.

  “No.” I answer him like it’s the most repulsive idea I’ve ever heard. The look on his face tells me I should have had a less hostile reaction.

  “So, you don’t like football?”

  “It’s not that,” I say, a slight edge still lacing my voice. “I already have plans.”

  That’s a total lie, but it’s all I’m willing to give.

  He nods. “Cool.”

  The simplicity of his words almost makes me laugh. He always comes off being really inattentive and kind of dumb. I’m getting the impression that isn’t true at all. I focus my attention back to my computer screen for a moment until Judah’s phone buzzes on the table. He glances at the display and silences it with a grunt. It doesn’t go another minute until it starts again.

  “You can get that,” I say with a nod.

  He clenches his teeth, but forces a smile through it. “No, it’s nothing.”

  “Doesn’t look like nothing.” At this point I’m prying a little, but he looks distressed now.

  He shakes his head and holds the button down to shut his phone off. When he looks up at me again, his expression is unreadable. “Like I said—distractions.” He shoves it in his bag with a terse smile before redirecting his attention back to his notebook.

  This time I keep my thoughts to myself. I watch him tap his pen on his paper while he pretends to finish the problem set. We hardly know each other so it’s not my place to invade his privacy if he doesn’t want to talk about it, but there’s something about the way his mood shifted so fast that makes me feel for him.

  Judah walks me outside after our hour is up. He pauses on the steps in front of the library.

  “Thanks for helping me today.” The subdued expression on his face still bothers me. He doesn’t seem like the type of guy to get upset over something small.

  “No problem.” I nudge him in the arm, and he smiles a little.

  “I’ll see you next week then.” He walks down the steps, and before I can stop myself, I call after him.

  “Good luck.”

  He turns around and walks backward a few steps. “With what?”

  I laugh. “Your game, Judah.”

  Judah bites his bottom lip, a smirk peeking around the edges. “I thought you didn’t like football.”

  My eyes narrow. “I never said that.”

  “I’m kidding, babe. See you around.”

  He winks at me and before I have time to chastise him for his choice of words, he turns around and walks through the quad. My instinct to be annoyed is replaced with amusement and I smile. By the time I make it to the parking lot I’m still smiling, and I don’t know why.

  “Could you at least pretend like you give a shit?” Zander motions his hand up and down my outfit with disapproval and I laugh.

  I glance down at my torn sweatshirt and yoga pants. “What? This is comfortable.”

  “Exactly. You look like you’re about to binge an entire season of Gossip Girl, not attend an epic party.”

  I roll my eyes as I step around him into the kitchen. “I don’t know how epic it will be.” After grabbing a water from the fridge, I turn to face him. “It’s a Thursday.”

  His perfectly sculpted eyebrows rise. “Mack, Thursday is the best night of the week. Besides, you don’t have class until eleven tomorrow.”

  “Doesn’t mean I feel like being hung over for it. Whose party is it anyway?”

  He shrugs before focusing his attention to the phone in his hands. He smiles at the display before answering me. “Um, Preston Myers.”

  “Should I know who that is?”

  Zander gives me an incredulous look. “Seriously? You really need to get out more.” He holds a finger up before pulling up a video on his phone. He holds the screen to me.

  “Oh my God,” I say as Preston’s loud voice fills our kitchen. He’s in the locker room holding his phone out and shouting obnoxiously to all the guys on the team. His videos always go viral around campus and probably further to be honest. It’s even rumored that he got in trouble for posting them during practice and after games. Not that it stopped him, I think it made it worse, actually. I’ve never paid too much attention, though. I didn’t even know his name.

  “That guy? Really?”

  Zander nods with a grin and I shoulder past him. “He’s an idiot.”

  I hear him laugh from behind me as I make my way back to my bedroom. He leans in my doorway. “Are you sure your irritation has nothing to do with the fact that a certain someone will also be there?”

  “I don’t know who you’re referring to.” I pull my sweatshirt off and grab a lacy T-shirt from my closet.

  “Okay, sure. I’ll just pretend that you’re not having intimate study dates with the hottest guy on campus.”

  I shoot him an irritated look while reaching for a denim skirt on the top shelf. His smile widens.

  “What do you call it, Mack? You said yourself he doesn’t really need help.”

  Jumping slightly, I finish pulling the skirt over my hips and glance in the mirror. “He said he needs someone to hold him accountable. I’m like his babysitter.”

  “That’s kinda hot.”

  Zander bites his fist and I throw my discarded sweatshirt at him. “You’re not funny.”

  After fluffing my hair, I reach for my lip gloss. I catch Zander’s smug smile in the mirror.


  He shrugs. “Oh, nothing. I won’t point out the fact that you’ve just tarted yourself up since I mentioned Judah would be at the party.”

  I pucker my lips and a throw my lip gloss in my bag. “You don’t know that.” I grab my phone from my dresser and give him a shove. “Besides, you said I looked like shit. You should be happy.”

  “I am.” He throws his arm over my shoulder and gives me an appreciative once over. “In another life, I would totally be into you.”

  “I’m actually kind of flattered.” I bat my eyes at him mockingly, and he laughs, pulling his arm away.

  “Joke all you want, Mack. It would blow your mind to know all the guys I’ve hooked up with.”

  Smiling, I grab my keys from the table in the living room. “Oh, yeah. Like who?”

  He pulls his jacket on with a demur smile and motions me toward the front door. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  Honestly, it doesn’t surprise me. Zander is undeniably gorgeous, much to the dismay of most of the girls on campus when they realize they’re wasting their time.

  After slipping on some heels, I step out into th
e hallway. Zander pulls the door closed and turns to me, suddenly serious. He places his hands on my shoulders so I have to look up into his eyes.

  “Same rules as always. You only take drinks from me and if you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable, we’ll leave. No questions asked.”

  I nod slowly, but don’t reply. He plants a quick kiss on my forehead before leading me to the stairwell. If this were a year ago, I couldn’t even leave my room, let alone attend a party. I never thought I could get back into this setting again, but Zander has changed that for me. He’s been my rock in so many ways. Always pushing me to do things I’m afraid of, all the while making me believe it’s what I truly want.

  He’s wrong about Judah, though. That’s one fear I’m not ready to take on again.

  Chapter 5

  After The Rain


  I’ve only been at Preston’s for about twenty minutes and I’m already bored. Parties like this don’t hold the appeal for me like they used to. It’s either that, or they suck a lot more since I’ve been trying to stay sober. Alcohol wasn’t my actual problem last year, and I know that, but my emotions were a hell of a lot easier to deal with when I was shit-faced.

  Elliot’s older brother, Ollie, has been texting me more than usual. As fucked up as it seems, he’s one of my closest friends. He was like a brother to me for so many years it’s kind of hard to imagine not having him in my life. He helped me through a lot of shit even when I didn’t deserve it. I can tell he’s going through something major and I owe it to him to help. That’s what he’s always done for me.

  All the whiskey swirling around inside me is threatening to spill out as I wait for Oliver to get back to the truck. I’m very aware that I look like a crazy person right now. Never in all my life have I lost my shit like this before, but I couldn’t help it. Elliot has been avoiding my calls since Fall Festival and I have no idea why. I thought everything was going good again, or at least, heading in the right direction. The look on her face tells me I was wrong.

  I can see Hunter and Oliver in a heated discussion from my seat down the driveway. There’s something not right about this situation. Ever since Hunter moved into the guest house, she couldn’t care less what I do.

  Oliver stomps back to the truck and I take a breath. I’m fully prepared for him to hit me. She is his sister after all.

  He climbs inside and cranks the ignition without a word. His silence makes me even more nervous as we start down the road. We make it across the bridge to Cherry Grove before he speaks.

  “You know that was fucked up, right?”

  I nod when he glances over at me. What comes next surprises me more than anything. Oliver never misses a chance to call someone out for being a pussy. The fact that twenty minutes ago I was full on crying in his driveway gives him all the ammunition he needs to call my manhood into question.

  He reaches over and turns the knob on the radio down to an inaudible hum. “When I was about your age, I lost my shit too. I did the stupidest fucking thing imaginable and fell for my best friend.” His hands grip the steering wheel tighter. “The worst part is, she loved me too. She loved me and I couldn’t say it back.” He pauses and glances over at me again. “That makes me a pussy.”

  I laugh a little. “I would never call you that, dude.”

  Oliver smiles. “My point is, even though what you just did was highly irrational and somewhat desperate, at least you had the balls to tell her how you feel. Sometimes you wait too long and then you never get that chance.”

  I bite my lip and stare out of the window at the fields rushing past us. “Doesn’t matter though. She may tell me she loves me, but I don’t believe her.” I turn to him so I can see his expression with my next statement. “I think she’s seeing someone else.”

  Oliver laughs again. “No, you put an end to whatever was going on with her and Dylan. I haven’t seen him around since her party.”

  “I’m not talking about Dylan. I’m talking about Hunter.”

  His face scrunches up like it’s the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever said. “No way. I think I would know if there was something going on between them. Elle tells me everything and Hunter is my best friend.” He stops for a second and shakes his head. “Besides, she promised.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Promised you what?”

  His mouth opens, but he remains silent for a moment. “Um, it was nothing.”

  My stomach rolls. I can tell when Oliver is lying. He’s worse at it than his sister is. “Come on, man. I have a right to know.”

  He sighs. “They were acting kind of shady a couple months ago and I asked her if anything was going on. She promised me they were just friends and I haven’t seen anything else to make me believe otherwise.”

  “Maybe they’re just getting good at hiding it.”

  “Trust me,” he says before giving me a pointed look. “I know my sister. There’s no way she’d be able to keep something like that from me.”

  The urge to argue further is strong, but I keep my mouth shut. I’m lucky he’s being so chill with me considering the scene I just caused in their driveway.

  He pulls into the parking lot of our local diner and lets the truck idle for a second before turning to me.

  “As much as I get what you’re going through, if you ever step out of line with her again, it will be the last thing you do. I’m not fucking around either. I like you, Judah, but Elliot is the most important person in my life and there is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her safe.”

  I hold my hands up. “Ollie, I swear. I would never hurt her. I drank way too much and I know I was pushing it and I’m sorry. I’ll apologize to her the first chance she gives me.”

  He nods before reaching for the door handle. “Okay, then. Let’s get some food and sober you up a bit.”

  I exit the truck and fall into step beside him. Before we get to the entrance, I hold out my hand to stop him. “Maybe it’s not too late for you either.”

  His eyebrows pull in as he looks over at me. “Too late for what?”

  “The girl. Whatever happened to her?”

  Oliver’s teeth clench and his eyes drift around the parking lot for a moment. “Not everyone gets a second chance.” He clasps me on the back and pushes me forward. “I’m fucking starving. After we eat, I’ll tell you the rest of the story. Some people don’t deserve redemption, and I think I’m one of them.”

  Oliver’s words play over in my head as I type a message back to him. I’m going home next weekend so we’re arranging times to meet up. The reason behind him confiding his secret to me is still unclear. I don’t know if it’s because he felt sorry for me or that he really does trust me.

  “Judah!” Preston calls to me from across the room. He flashes me a megawatt smile as he weaves his way through the people crowding his apartment. I laugh as I take in his hot pink T-shirt and faded jeans. He always likes to stand out, no matter what the setting is.

  He hands me a beer before throwing his arm around my shoulder. “Look around, player.” He waves his free hand over the room. “There’s a roomful of smoking hot girls just waiting for the chance to get with you. You’re standing over here, by yourself, looking all bored and shit.”

  I shrug him off with another laugh. “I’m cool, man. It’s been a long week.”

  He tilts his bottle against mine. “Drink up. You’ve been off your game lately.”

  After taking a long, welcomed drink, I let out a scoff. “My game? I haven’t been with a girl for a while.”

  “Exactly. What are you waiting for?”

  Leaning back against the wall, I shrug. “I don’t know. Something.”

  “Something, huh?” Preston gives me a once over and then motions for Holden to join us.

  Holden whispers to the girl hanging off of him before crossing the room toward me. A smirk spreads on his face when he notices the bottle in my hand.

  “That didn’t take long.”

  “Don’t start with him, man
.” Preston gives him a shove and turns back to me. “He needs to loosen up or we’ll never win that bet.”

  A laugh bursts from my lips before I take another drink. “That’s never going to happen. That girl wants nothing to do with me.”

  Preston runs his hand along his jaw. “Well, Judah, that’s kind of the point.”

  I’m about to protest his misguided assumption when the sight of Mackenzie entering the room nearly knocks me to the ground. The tiny skirt she has on accentuates her long, slender tanned legs. Although she looks beautiful, that’s not what I notice the most. It’s the guy she’s clinging to. He looks like a real life Ken doll. Blond hair, green eyes, flawless smile—almost like he’s airbrushed. I’ve seen him a time or two around the building, but I’m not sure of his name.

  I nudge Preston with my elbow. “Who’s that guy?”

  “What guy?”

  “The one standing next to Mackenzie,” I say dryly.

  He smiles again as his eyes lock on her, still lingering in the foyer. “Oh, so that’s your secret tutor.” He elbows me in the ribs. “She’s cute. Kind of familiar looking, but very nice choice, brother.”

  “So, maybe I have a type.”

  “Sure, that’s what it is. Anyway, I think he’s in my Econ class. Zack, maybe?”

  I decide to see for myself. Preston’s chuckle echoes behind me as I walk over to her. When she sees me coming, she inches closer to her apparent date.

  “Didn’t expect to see you here, babe,” I say coming to a stop beside them.

  She tenses briefly before locking her hand with his.

  “Is this your guy?” I ask, gesturing toward him.

  “Yes,” she blurts. “This is Zander, Zander this is Judah.”

  He extends his hand to me with a coy smile. “Nice to meet you. Mack here can’t stop talking about you.”

  She shoots him a look and I smile. “Is that so?”

  Mackenzie shakes her head, dismissing his comment. “I probably mentioned what a pain in the ass you were, but that’s about it.”


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