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Scars Of The Soul

Page 13

by J J Cobban

“Ditto.” Jez agreed “It weirds me out even saying kink and Drake in the same sentence.”

  Kasia rolled her eyes before looking back at me.

  “Just talk,” she encouraged “I’ve known my brother and his band since they were kids, I know most of their weird habits but not that. Come on, spill the beans.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Why do you need to know everything about them?”

  Kasia sat back a bit, a shocked look crossing her face before she replaced her sarcastic shield and simply rolled her eyes.

  “Jeez, take the fun out of it.” She sighed “Fine, if you won’t share Drake’s embarrassing bits then at least tell us if he’s packing down under.”

  She shot Jo and Jez a mischievous smile as they both simultaneously gagged. I smirked alongside her as I pretended to think about it.

  “Oh he’s packing so much it’s nearly too much.”

  “Please stop.” Jo begged as Jez covered her ears and sang loudly. Kasia laughed and threw a small throw pillow at them before turning to me and wagging her finger.

  “And you, young lady, there is no such thing as too much penis.” She tutted at me, shaking her head in disappointment just as Nico walked into the room.

  He was sporting a man-bun today that looked like it had seen better days. Hair was falling around his face as he closed the door behind him. His usually hard face softened when he looked towards his fiancé. In turn Jo’s eyes looked to light up when she met Nico’s stormy gaze. I found myself watching for longer than I would have normally, fascinated by the way their entire demeanour changed so suddenly.

  Nico crossed the room, his arm stretching out towards her before he even reached her. Jo’s smile blossomed into a full out grin as she took three steps towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He tilted her chin before kissing her gently on the lips. It was a side of Nico I had never seen before.

  “I’d say get a room but, well,” Kasia gestured around her and shrugged “we kind of hijacked your room.”

  “You could always leave?” Jo batted her eyelashes sweetly at Kasia before turning back to her fiancé. I watched them for a moment longer before feeling uncomfortable and looking away.

  “Well ladies, I’m gonna head back to my room and see if my lovely husband is home yet.” Rissa smiled at her cousin, picking up Dakota’s carry cot and making her way to the door.

  “He should be back by now.” Nico supplied, opening the door for her “I’ll walk you up there.”

  “Nic, I’ll be fine.” Rissa laughed.

  Nico raised a brow before looking around the room.

  “Did anyone else think I was asking to walk her up?”

  We all shook our heads as Rissa rolled her eyes as she shouldered the pink changing bag from beside the door. Nico took the carry cot from her and gestured her out of the door first. Rissa sighed as she smiled up at him.

  “Thanks, Nic, I’ll see you girls later.”

  It was then I remembered tomorrow’s plans, or should I say, today’s plans.

  “Oh, I meant to say,” I stopped Rissa from leaving “Before everything kicked off I’d arranged a photoshoot for the bands. I’m gonna phone them first thing and just make sure it’s still on. I’m sure the magazine would love some comments. Everyone keep their phones on them, I’ll text everyone later.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Kasia saluted, also heading towards the door that Nico still held propped open with his foot “Walk me to my door, stud?” she teased him.

  Nico rolled his eyes, “Anyone that tried to snatch you up would give you back in less than a fucking hour.”

  “Love you more, man-bun.” She sang as she walked out with Rissa. Nico shook his head as he left to walk the girls back to their room. My chest warmed at his actions. The hotel was perfectly secure but he still felt the need to walk his best friend’s wife and sister back to their rooms. Who said chivalry was dead?

  “Is he really okay?” a lilted voice asked from somewhere behind me.

  I took a deep breath before I turned to look at Jez, almost wincing at the concern in her young, blue eyes. I shrugged my shoulders, still trying to figure out how to answer her.

  “I honestly don’t know. I think he’s used to shouldering everything himself.” I moved myself towards the door “Drake is strong and he’ll pull through, it’s just gonna be a long haul.”

  I had the door opened before Jo stopped me. Her long fingers wrapped gently around my forearm. I glanced down to her engagement ring and then up to her face. There was something about the look in her eyes that made my stomach drop. It was hard to describe the look but if I had to I would have said fear mixed with worry.

  “We don’t doubt his strength but everyone has their limits.” her voice was quiet and guarded “Don’t push him towards his.”

  Well there it was.

  My warning.

  The two of them were too close for me to get away with sleeping with Drake without getting some kind of warning. She may not have said it outright but the warning was there. Hurt Drake and I’d be sorry. The thing is, I couldn’t even be mad or pissed at her for it. After hearing Drake’s past I was glad that he had someone as ballsy and protective as Jo in his corner. I gave her a quick nod before moving out into the hallway. A yawn took me by surprise as I walked slowly down the lobby towards my room. I pulled out my phone to check the time and felt myself groan inwardly. It was nearing three o’clock in the morning and I had to be up and ready to work in five hours.

  One of these days I was going to get a decent night’s sleep. I was so sick of running on nothing but caffeine and adrenaline.

  It wasn’t until I reached my room door that I realised I didn’t have my damn key. My head lolled back as I knocked and prayed that Drake had decided to crash with me tonight. There was a muffled shuffling sound before the door cracked open to reveal Drake’s face and shoulder but nothing else. My heartbeat instantly picked up as I remembered he was still naked.

  “Password?” he demanded with a straight face.

  I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows at him.

  “It’s my fucking room, open up.” I was trying to keep a straight face but I knew it would never last. Drake sighed dramatically and shook his head.

  “Fine, strip and I’ll let you in.”

  “I’m not stripping in a hotel lobby,” I whisper yelled. I tried to push the door open to find that the bastard was most definitely not going to let me in.

  “I’m not stripping off where anyone could see me!” I hissed when he just raised his eyebrows expectantly at me “This is sexual harassment.”

  It was Drake’s turn to look disbelieving as he leant his forearm against the doorframe, exposing more of his chest. My mind wandered momentarily as I remembered just how warm his chest was.

  “That look and disobeying an order will get you spanked.” My eyes shot up to his as my thighs squeezed together. Fucking hell. Spanked by Drake? What the hell were we arguing over again?

  “Strip. Now.”

  Oh yeah, that.

  “Watch the tone, Jackson, I don’t do bossy assholes.”

  “Liar.” He grinned “You may be in charge during the day, darlin’, but when the sun goes down you’re all mine. You can deny it all you want but I know for a fact you love it when this bossy asshole tells you what to do.”

  Fucking hell, he wasn’t wrong.

  “That’s what I thought.” The heat in his eyes tripled “Now, strip.”

  I glanced left and right before swallowing what was left of my reluctance and pride and pulled my shirt over my head. I threw the shirt at him, feeling myself smirk when he caught it effortlessly. Drake’s grin dropped to a wicked smirk as he watched my hands move to the waistband of my leggings. I slipped off my slippers, kicking them in the small gap of the door. My body thrummed with nerves as I remembered I hadn’t put my panties back on, a fact that Drake also hadn’t forgotten by the look in his eyes. My heart felt like it was trying to escape my ribcage
as I pulled my phone, which was safely tucked into my bra, out and tossed it to him. I couldn’t delay it any further now.

  My hands stilled as I looked at him directly in the eye before pulling them down quickly. Just like the shirt they were thrown to Drake so that I could quickly unfasten my bra. I’d barely gotten the clasp undone when strong, warm hands were grasping my hips roughly. I yelped as he pulled me into the room, slamming the door behind him. Drake’s strong, calloused hands were suddenly gripping my thighs, pulling them apart and up. My own hands gripped his bare shoulders as he lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist.

  “So fucking hot.” Drake’s lips brushed against my neck, sucking and nipping roughly “Fucking love how submissive you are.”

  A desperate mewling sound was all I could manage as I felt his dick rub against my throbbing clit. My hand raked into his hair as my hips lifted to accommodate him.

  “Only had one condom.” He groaned as his lips trailed up my jaw, “We’re gonna have to get creative.”

  His lips claimed mine as he carried us further into the room. My teeth sank into his bottom lip as he lowered us onto the soft comforter of the bed. My playful nip solicited a guttural murmur from his chest as he pulled his mouth from mine. My hand remained in his hair as his lips trailed down my chest, latching on to one of my nipples. A desperate plea flew from my lips as I arched my back into him. His hands ran up my waist as his mouth continued to blaze a heated trail down to my hips.

  “What are you-”

  “Hands up.” He demanded gruffly, interrupting my question “I want them on the headboard.”

  His command shot straight to my pussy as I lifted my arms to hold onto the headboard.

  “They stay there, or I stop,” he warned.

  I bit my lip as I watched him lower his face between my thighs. I held my breath as I waited for the blissful contact. His skilful hands moved up my thighs, pushing them apart until they were nearly flat against the mattress.

  “You’re fucking soaking.” He crooned, blowing his hot breath against my already sensitive clit. My head shot back into the pillows as I clenched the headboard so hard I feared it would snap.

  “Shit!” I cried as his tongue finally made contact with my pussy “Jesus Fucking Christ!”

  “No, darlin’, just me.” He smirked darkly before returning his attention to my clit. My cries became louder as he worked his tongue over me roughly. I’d had oral before but nothing like this. Drake wasn’t just doing it to get it over with, no, he was enjoying it. Each time I groaned, his hands gripped my thigh tighter, like he was barely holding on. If I thought my earlier orgasm was intense it was nothing on the build-up happening now. My entire body was writhing in pleasure. My hips arched, causing him to move his hands up. One big palm was flattened against my abdomen as he brought me to the brink.

  Then I shattered.

  My back arched almost violently as my hands flew from the headboard and into Drake’s hair. My fingers wrapped into it tightly as my whole body flushed with endorphins. He didn’t stop though. No, Drake’s lips closed over my clit, sucking harshly, drawing out my orgasm. My throat hurt from the scream that filled the hotel room.

  When the rush finally started to fade my body began to uncoil slowly. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Drake watching me heatedly. He moved up my body slowly, resting his chin on my belly, his big body between my, once again aching, thighs.

  “You didn’t stop.” I smirked, running my hands through his hair.

  “Thought you were gonna rip my fucking hair out.” He laughed “I’ll be sure to spank you later for disobeying though.”

  He kissed my stomach tenderly before resting his chin against me again.

  “You never got to, uhm, you know,” I cleared my throat “I never took care of you.”

  Drake’s smile was charming as he moved further up my body until he lay beside me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer until I was half lying over him. My eyes drifted to his groin. He was most definitely still aching. My hand traced down his abs, on a mission to reach his aching dick.

  Until Drake stopped me. His hand dwarfed mine as he pulled it back up his chest, placing a gentle kiss on my palm.

  “Don’t worry about me.” He smirked “You need to sleep.”

  “I don’t mind.” I insisted as he pulled my head down to his chest, even as I said it I was fighting a yawn.

  “Sleep, darlin’.” I could hear the smile in his voice as I wrapped an arm over his waist.

  “You do make a pretty comfortable pillow.” I smiled against him “You’re warm too.”

  “Only for you, darlin’.”

  My eyes grew heavier as I listened to the rhythmic beating of his heart. I fell asleep to the steady beating below my ear. I may have only gotten a few hours of sleep, but they were the best I’d had in a long time.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The morning had started off on a fucking high.

  I’d woken up with Scouts perfect lips wrapped around my dick, devouring me like she was starving. I’d barely finished when her phone began to blare loudly from the bedside table.

  It was from there that my morning went to hell.

  “Yeah, yeah.” She sighed “I’ll be there in an hour.”

  I kissed the back of her shoulder as she hung up the phone, instantly typing something out on the stupid handheld device. She craned her neck to the side, giving me better access to the sensitive spot below her ear.

  “Fuck the interviews today.” I growled into her skin “Stay here and I’ll make it worth your while.”

  She laughed as she put her phone down, turning over to look up at me. Her green eyes danced with mischief as she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer until I was flush against her.

  “I would love that,” she purred “However, the venue manager needs to run over some details with me. I’ve just forwarded the details onto everyone in a group text. Including Rissa and Jez. So everyone knows what they’re doing today and where they should be by what time.”

  Scout’s hands trailed over my shoulders and down my biceps as I frowned at the knowledge that she wouldn’t be joining us today.

  “You’re going to do great,” she smiled “I’ve told the interviewer what you’re all willing to talk about and what’s a no go. If they ask something you don’t want to answer then just say ‘no comment’ and move on.”

  This wasn’t my first interview but it was a nice change of pace to have someone I was intimate with fretting over my wellbeing. I pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead, feeling suddenly thankful to have her by my side. Scout cupped my face tenderly as her eyes grew serious.

  “If you need me though, just call.” She pulled me back down until our lips touched gently “I’ll help with whatever I can.”

  Her phone started to sound off again.

  Scout groaned as she moved to answer it.

  I smirked as she placated whoever was on the end of phone while she gathered her things together. Scout hung up the phone, dropping it on the armchair before turning to throw me a saucy smile.

  “I said I’d be there within an hour. Come help me scrub my back?”

  And well, no man in their right mind would deny a request like that.

  By the time we both finished up in the shower Scout was running late and in a mad hurry to change and leave the hotel room. With a towel wrapped around my waist I lay back on the bed, watching her. Scout pulled on a pair of ripped skin-tight jeans with a plain white tee. She shoved her feet into a pair of well-worn sneakers and grabbed a plain black hoodie from her case. I tilted my head as she slipped her phone into her back pocket and grabbed her handbag from beside the armchair.

  “Alright, so, keep me updated,” she remarked moving towards me. I sat upright, hand already reaching out to touch her.

  “I’ve messaged Seth and asked him to bring you something to wear. The last thing we need is so
mebody taking a picture of you in all your naked glory on the way back to your room. He sent me a winking emoji back, so I assume he’s on his way.” I could feel myself getting turned on as her business hat was back in place.

  “You’re already late, stay and let me make it worth your while.” I smirked, slipping my hands around her hips to grip her toned ass. Scout moved in closer until I had to tilt my head back to look her in the eye. She placed a gentle, sweet kiss on the tip of my nose before stepping back. Disappointment pulled my brows together.

  “You’re adorable when you sulk,” she teased kissing me once more on the forehead before grabbing her room key and heading for the door. A knock sounded just as Scout’s hand connected with the door handle. Scout grimaced at me, knowing who was on the other side, before opening the door.

  “Morning, Boss.” Seth sang, leaning against the outer doorframe with a roguish look in his baby blue eyes. Scout swept her arm out, gesturing for Seth to enter. I felt my lips twitch as Seth came to a stop in the middle of the room. He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, swaying on his heels slightly as he looked between us. I’d known him long enough now to know when he was about to be smartass.

  “Spit it out, Seth,” I smirked, amazed at his restraint so far “You’re fucking dying to say something.”

  Seth held a hand to his heart, feigning hurt.

  “Mr Jackson, I am wounded by your implication that I would stoop so low as to make fun of your carnal joining.”

  Scout groaned as she let her head drop back, “Don’t ever say ‘carnal joining’ again, it weirds me out.”

  “I just have one question,” Seth’s face became serious as he moved closer to Scout, clasping his hands behind his back “What are your intentions with our Drakey boy?”

  “I’m late for work.” Scout looked around Seth to send me a small smile “Remember what I said and try not to kill Seth while I’m gone. One PR nightmare at a time is enough.”

  I gave her a smile before she darted out the door.

  The door had barely closed before Seth’s grin had tripled in size as he threw me my bag of things. I rolled my eyes at his shit-eating grin before pulling my clothes out of the bag. At least the smug bastard had remembered why he was making an early morning delivery. Seth paced around the room, stopping at the window to gawk outside as I made quick work of slipping on my boxers and jeans.


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