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Scars Of The Soul

Page 18

by J J Cobban

  I wiped a single tear away as I closed the website. He’d done it. He’d managed to reach somebody that had suffered similarly to him and let them know it wasn’t okay. Drake had done it.

  I sniffled as I sent a quick text back to my father asking how things were on his end. I had to wonder if people were looking for more interviews or television appearances. I sent the message before checking my emails. I laughed a little humourlessly as I read through the third email requesting Rayne of Glory to give an exclusive on their personal life. The email asked for the band, but I had a funny feeling that a lot of our regular magazine were going to be looking for something from Drake. Each tabloid was going to be looking for something different, something that would sell their product.

  So far there was no backlash to the interview. On my end, it was all positive.

  I wrote an email explaining that the band was on tour and that I would pass on their information to the home office. I sent the email out to anybody requesting an interview of some kind. My father would be able to see what was doable and arrange all the details while I focused on the tour events. I clicked on the last email as I heard the shower switch off.

  This email touched my heart as I read their information.

  It was a charity organisation asking when and if Drake would be interested in working with their children’s charity. The charity worked with children who had been removed from violent or dangerous situations. It gave them somewhere safe to stay and even worked with professionals that could help a child or young person understand what had happened to them. I didn’t hesitate in responding, expressing how I was sure that Mr Jackson and the rest of Rayne of Glory would love to help. Once I’d emailed them back I then forwarded the charity’s details onto my father.

  Drake emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and a smile playing with his lips.

  “What’s got you so bubbly?” He queried, as he began gathering clothes to put on.

  “My dad just sent me the link to a website with a ton of reviews about your interview on it.” I started, trying to keep my excitement to a minimal. Drake nodded, his smile slipping slightly as he waited for me to finish.

  “Drake, babe, there were some bad ones, but the majority seemed to support you all the way.” My smile escaped as I took him in, “I think it’s over. You’ve captured the support of a ton of people. They want more celebrities to stand up like you did. Hell, I’ve forwarded a ton of requests for the band to do an ‘up close and personal’ interview to my father. There’s also a charity that wants to work with Rayne of Glory. They help kids who’ve been in shitty situations. They get them counselling and house them safely. I said we’d be in touch.”

  Drake slipped into his boxers and jeans before perching himself on the bed. I moved towards him, slipping my arms around his waist and resting my chin on his shoulder. His hands covered my own.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the shit’s settled, I really am, I just don’t want every interview to be about me,” He sighed.

  “I get you and it won’t be. I can compile a list of questions you’ll answer and each interviewer must stick to them. Then the rest of the interview will be about the band. We can handle this.” I paused. “One of the reviews was from somebody who’d been beaten by their father. They carried that trauma all alone and said they were grateful you’d spoken out. You’ve already reached so many people, Drake, you’re changing people’s lives.”

  Drake cast a warm look over his shoulder, his smile slowly returning as he rubbed my forearm tenderly. I leaned further over his shoulder, pressing my lips to his as his hand came up to cup the side of my head. His lips moved against mine slowly, passionately. My lips parted as my tongue sought his. A throaty murmur left my mouth as Drake pulled me from behind him until I was perched on his jean clad lap. My arms wrapped around his neck as our lips continued to move silently against each other. Drake cradled me to his chest with one arm while his free hand moved down my stomach, reminding me suddenly that I was still naked.

  Drake’s movements were agonisingly slow as his fingers slipped between my thighs. My breasts felt weighted as I felt the slow burn building in the bottom of my stomach. It was like my insides were slowly turning to liquid under his touch.

  “You’re fucking beautiful.” He breathed against my lips as two of his fingers dipped into my pussy. A whimper was about all I could do to answer him as he began to work two fingers in and out of me. I parted my thighs as far apart as our position would allow, groaning when Drake curled his fingers inside of me so that they brushed along the top of my G-spot. I could no longer concentrate on kissing him as the sensations became too much. My entire body purred with the need for release. I clung to Drake’s shoulders as my head fell back in ecstasy.

  “That’s it, darlin’,” Drake cooed as his fingers picked up speed. His hand pressed harder against my throbbing clit creating a delicious pressure.

  My breathing turned to panting as my orgasm finally erupted. A high-pitched scream tore from my throat as my body flooded with pleasure. A flush overtook my body as the waves slowly began to ebb. My heart felt like it was ready to fly straight out of my chest with how hard it was beating.

  “You still with me?” Drake teased, kissing my temple as he eased his fingers out of me. I gave a lazy nod before dropping my head back to his shoulder. There was no way I could stand yet. Even sitting down my legs felt like they were quaking.

  “We’ve got that show tonight, better get down to sound check.” Drake squeezed my thigh gently.

  “Ugh, I need to shower.” I sighed “I don’t know if my legs will work yet though, I still can’t feel them.”

  Drake chuckled before grinning devilishly.

  “I can think of other things to do before sound check.” Drake stood with me in his arms before turning to drop me unceremoniously on the bed. I giggled like a teenager as he moved to the bag he’d grabbed from his room last night, pulling out something from the side pocket. I pressed up on my elbows with my knees bent slightly as I watched him come back to the bed. He unfastened his jeans as he came closer. My pulse sped up as I noticed the condom in his hand.

  “How about I see if I can fuck some feeling back into you?”

  I shook my head and laughed as he crawled onto the bed like a predator after his prey.

  “You realise that makes no logical sense, right?”

  Drake gave a lopsided smirk as he grabbed my ankle and hauled me roughly down the bed. A squeal left me as Drake loomed over me suddenly with a primal lust in his eyes.

  “How about we test my theory first, huh?” Drake pressed his lips to mine, “For scientific purposes, of course.”

  I gripped the waistband of his jeans as I wrapped my legs around his waist, crossing my ankles above his ass.

  “Well, if it’s for science.” I purred flirtatiously.

  “Fuck yeah it is.” Drake’s lips pressed against mine fiercely. All of his earlier gentleness was forgotten as his mouth moved down my body. My eyes rolled back as Drake worked magic with his tongue and lips. My body was already lighting up again and he’d barely touched me. My hands moved up his back and onto his head as his mouth moved towards my core.

  My sex drive had gone into overdrive since Drake had moved past my defences. I was pretty sure he just walked into a room at this point and my body started to get ready for him. I was definitely going to have to work extra hard on my concentration whenever Drake was in the vicinity.

  My thoughts scattered suddenly when Drake’s talented lips clamped down on my clit.

  “Holy shit!” I hissed, gripping his hair. Drake looked up at me from between my legs with an unsated heat in his gaze. He was about to give it to me in exactly the way I needed it and my body practically vibrated with that realisation. My hands tightened in his hair as Drake began to move his mouth expertly.

  I was never going to get enough of this guy.

  At least I hoped I wouldn’t.

��r Eighteen


  Three mind blowing orgasms later, followed by a shower quickie and I was finally heading out of the hotel room. I moved down the hotel corridor with my phone in hand and a spring in my step. My father had gotten back in touch telling me that everything was under control from his end but that the little terror of a dog he was watching for Rissa had destroyed his favourite tie. Turned out the little Pomeranian had a penchant for chewing ties.

  Nico and Jo’s door was the first one I reached after my call to my father. I checked one more email on my phone before reaching for their door.

  “Let’s go,” I called as I knocked on the door. A second later a freshly showered Nico answered the door. His long hair was swept away from his face and there was at least a day’s worth of stubble on his chiselled face. Nico may not have been my cup of tea but I could definitely see his appeal.

  “Sound check in an hour, just wanted to make sure you were both up,” I explained, offering a polite smile as I looked behind Nico to where Jo sat on the bed towel drying her hair.

  “You couldn’t have texted?” Nico raised an eyebrow.

  “If I texted and you were still in your bed then you could reply and go back to sleep, this way I know your ass is up,” I smiled as Jo came to the door. Her smoky eyes were bright and showed no signs of a hangover that I had been certain she would be suffering with this morning.

  “Morning, how are you feeling?” she beamed.

  “Better than I imagine Lacey and Kasia are feeling.” I smirked “I don’t think I can ever get rid of the image of Lacey and Kasia trying to work the stripper pole.”

  Jo laughed as she moved back to the bed to grab the towel she was using on her hair.

  “Try having images of your brothers twerking with your best friend stuck in your head.” Nico smirked as he watched Jo disappear into the bathroom.

  I laughed as I remembered Alex and Joe shaking their ass with Seth as the night came to an end. It was something to behold. I glanced down at the time on my phone as I realised I was going to have to haul ass to get to everybody else’s rooms.

  “Alright, I’ll see you guys later.” I had barely taken three steps when Nico’s deep voice stopped me. I turned to see him pulling the door closed as he moved out into the hallway. I frowned as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

  “I don’t like fucking around in anyone’s business, but I need a favour,” He started, “last night, Joe and Kasia were getting a little cosy. Ash warned Joe to keep a distance and Joe seemed to listen but when we got back to the hotel last night Kasia and Joe disappeared together. If anything happened with them and Ash finds out, he’ll go ballistic. Any chance you can maybe drop in and make sure the two of them behaved?”

  It wasn’t something that was exactly in my job description. Kasia and Joe were both grown ass adults that should be able to handle their own business. They weren’t involved with the band and should therefore be none of my business. As I looked at Nico though, I knew I was going to be making an extra room call. There was a hint of worry in his usually stoic eyes. He was genuinely worried about his best friend finding out about his brother’s possible interest in Kasia.

  “Alright, give me the room number and I can check in with your brother,” Nico let out a sigh of relief at my request before reeling off the floor and room number to me. I typed the room number into my phone so I wouldn’t forget it.

  “Alright, I’ll catch you later, Nico.” I paused “Do me a favour and call Jace and Rissa? I’m pretty sure they’ll be up but just to be sure. I don’t think they’ll need a personal visit.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Nico agreed “I’ll rally the Benson’s.”

  I smiled a thank you at him and continued towards the stairs. I had a sneaking suspicion that most of the men would have crashed in the same room, so I made my way to Joe’s room first. Thankfully it was just one floor down. I glanced at the golden numbers on the doors as I made my way down the hall. I rapped my knuckles sharply against the door as I reached Joe’s room. There was a loud crash, followed by a curse as the hotel room door swung open.

  I tried, I really tried, to keep my eyes on Joe’s face as he answered the door in nothing but a pair of navy boxers.

  I failed miserably.

  As my eyes slid down Joe’s chest and abs I found myself being momentarily caught off guard. Joe was a big guy, you could see that much with his shirt on. He was similar in size to Drake but with more definition. After taking in his impressive form I focused my gaze on his face. Joe may have been built like a Greek statue, but it was really doing nothing for me. Especially since I now had my own masterpiece in my bed. A smirk I often saw on Nico’s face was fixed in place as he raised his brows at me, equal parts confused and amused as to why I was knocking on his door.

  “Is Kasia here?” I took a deep breath, trying to peer into his room. Joe pulled the door in to his side, blocking my view.

  “Why do you think she’s here?” he deflected. I rolled my eyes as I scrolled through my phone, finding Kasia’s number and hitting the call button. I raised my eyebrows at him as a phone began ringing from somewhere behind Joe. Satisfied that I’d proven my point I hung up the phone and slipped it into my back pocket. Joe hung his head in defeat, smirk still in place, as Kasia appeared from behind him wearing his shirt. I groaned out loud when I took in her unkept hair and bare feet. Of course she had slept with him. I mean, I didn’t blame her, Joe was a good-looking guy with his short dark hair and blue green eyes. Then there was the bod, that sure as hell wasn’t something that could be snubbed.

  “Hey, Scout.” She gave a small wave as she squeezed past Joe. I took a deep breath, realising that if Asher found out about this then all hell would break loose. Drake had filled me in on what he knew about Ash and from the sounds of it Asher was of the firm belief that nobody was good enough for his baby sister.

  “Okay, as far as I’m concerned, I came to Joe’s door looking for Seth. I never saw Kasia and I was never told by Nico that he had seen the two of you sneaking off together.” I crossed my arms, hoping they understood that I was going to be playing dumb to their little fling.

  “Kasia, you need to get your ass dressed and think of what you’re going to tell anybody that asks where you crashed. My suggestion is you crashed with Jez since she’s by herself in a double room. Joe, you need to keep your distance from Kas in case her brother gets suspicious. I’ve cleaned up one mess I do not need another.” I looked between them both, “Got it?”

  “Jesus, yes, ma’am.” Joe’s eyes had widened at me spiel “I can see why the boys listen to you now.”

  “I’m taking that as a compliment.” I smirked “I’m heading to get everybody else up so get your ass’s moving.”

  I turned on my heel and continued on my way to the next set of doors. I turned to look up the corridor before I knocked on the boys’ room door. A rush of relief flooded me as I watched Kasia shooting out of Joe’s room in a pair of his boxers and his shirt with her own clothes tucked under her arm. She sprinted towards the elevator, pushing the buttons frantically before disappearing inside. Once I was sure the doors had closed and she was halfway to Jez’s floor I knocked on the door. At first there was nothing.

  Then chaos broke out.

  I rolled my eyes as a series of male grunts and curses rang out before a ruffled looking Seth swung the door open.

  “Boss, always a pleasure to see you.” His voice was deep and husky as he offered me his trademark charming smile. I pressed up onto my tiptoes to see over his shoulder, only to have him block my view. I pressed my lips into a firm line when all he offered was a mischievous grin.

  “Alright, Davenport, move.” I ordered, growing annoyed when he didn’t offer to budge.

  “Uh-oh, I know that tone.” A female voice laughed from behind me. I looked to my left to see Lacey and Travis making their way towards us. Travis looked as fresh as a daisy while Lacey looked a little heavy around the eyes.
Clearly one of them was suffering from the after effects of the alcohol from the night before.

  “Seth, let the lady in,” Travis advised smirking.

  “What’s everyone doing out in the hall?” this time the voice was from my right. Jez was smiling in confusion as she reached us.

  “Seth is being an asshole.” Lacey filled Jez, “I think Scout was about to threaten his balls.”

  “You don’t know that.” Seth laughed, finding the whole situation funny.

  “Oh, doesn’t she?” I challenged, making him flinch slightly before recovering and opening his mouth to release another smart mouth answer.

  “Oh, fuck this, time is ticking,” Lacey blurted out, shoving Seth out of the way as she stormed into the room. She came to a dead stop in the middle of the room as her eyes landed on something to the side of the room. The rest of us filed into the room to see what was happening. Travis swore quietly under his breath as we saw what had Lacey rooted to the floor. This was Asher and Mikey’s room and Asher had clearly made good use of the bed despite sharing the room with three other guys and their bed partners for the night. How they’d all managed to find somewhere to sleep was beyond me.

  Asher lay in the bed with the blonde waitress from the strip club sprawled across his chest and Mikey was in the bed next to him with a girl on either side of him. Alex was standing in the bathroom doorway in his boxers and Seth was now looking a little red in the face as we all took in the scene. My stomach churned slightly. I had learned to expect all sorts of wild behaviour from the bands I worked with. Shit, I’d walked in on plenty of weird scenes before but this was different. I respected everyone had different views and different tastes when it came to sex but that didn’t make it easy to accept sometimes. Especially when whatever had happened seemed to strongly affect somebody I was growing close to. In this case, Lacey. Her eyes were glued to Asher as he seemed blissfully unaware of what his actions were doing to her.


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