by Lucy Inglis
Royal Society 125
Rush, Benjamin 152–3
Inquiry 152
Russell & Co. 192
Russell, James 230
Russia 303, 304
and Afghanistan 308
heroin addiction 321
see also Soviet Union
Rynd, Francis 210–11
Sabiani, Simon 267
Safavids 115, 117–18, 144
court of 117
opium use 117–18
St John de Crèvecoeur, J. Hector
Letters from an American Farmer 151
St Mary’s Hospital (London) 233
Salerno medical school 51–4
Salerno Regimen of Health 54
Salvarsan 278–9
Samarkand 38
San Francisco Chinatown 219–20
Sassanids 32–3, 34–6
scarification 12, 22
Scuola Medica Salernitana (Salerno) 51–4
sea exploration, early 72–5
Second Carnatic War 169
Second Opium War 196–9
Second World War 273, 282–9, 332
American casualties 292
and field medic 282–3, 287
medical supplies 283
medical testing on concentration camp inmates 287–9
pain relief 285–6
use of amphetamines/methamphetamines by soldiers 284, 285
Séguin, Armand 161
Selkirk, Alexander 133
Seneca the Younger 30
Sertürner, Friederich Wilhelm 160–2, 209
Seven Years War 168
Shakespeare, William
Othello 122
Shanghai 263–7
Shanghai Convention (1909) 252
Shilts, Randy 347
shipbuilding 71–2
Sicilian Mafia 270–1, 273
Sicily 270
citrus market 271
and Operation Husky (1943) 274
Siculus, Diodorus 17, 45
signatures 134
Siku quanshu 96–7
Silk Road (Internet) 370
Silk Roads 20, 26–9, 30–1, 33, 34, 39, 61, 71
silk trade 29–31, 33
Sinaloa (Mexico) 256–60
slavery/slave trade 73, 92
Smith, Edwin 15
Snyder, Solomon 343, 344
Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge (SPCK) 139
Society for the Reformation of Manners 98, 139
Society for the Study and Cure of Inebriety 238
Sogdians 33, 34
somniferous sponge 52–3, 63–4
South Africa 328
Southern Route 326–8
Southey, Robert 157
Soviet Union
and Afghanistan 310, 311
collapse of (1991) 321
invasion of Afghanistan 313–15
withdrawal from Afghanistan 315–16
Spain 5–6, 368, 9293
East Indies and Chinese trade 80, 92–3
rule of in Philippines 246–7, 249
sea exploration 74–5
slave trade 92
and tobacco 93
trade deals with England 88
war with America (1898) 145
Spice Islands 78–9, 86
spice trade 26, 31–2
spices, opium classed as 77
Spirito, Francois 267, 268
Sudak 55
sugar 168
opium and female 173
Suleiman the Magnificent 116
Sulphanilamide 283
Sumerians 10
supercargoes 108
Swearengen, Al 225–6, 227, 228
Sydenham, Thomas 122, 124, 125–9, 133
syrette 285–6
Taiping Rebellion 198
Taiwan 106
Taliban 318–21, 322, 326
Tang dynasty 38
Taraki, Nur Mohammad 312
tatula 117
tea trade 164, 165, 166–7, 181
tea/tea-drinking 88–92, 164
British consumption and demand for 164–5
and Chinese culture 88–9, 90–1
medicinal properties 89–90
ritual of taking 167
smuggling of 165
Tell Abu Hureyra (Syria) 4
temperance movement 236
Thailand 291, 296
Akha people 349
and heroin 358
Royal Project 348
Theophrastus 18–19
theriac 24, 61–2, 94, 127
Thomas, Gaillard 229
Thompson, Hunter S. 341
Thomson, Samuel 205–6
Thomsonian Medicine 205, 206
Tientsin, Treaties of 197, 198
tobacco 92–4
mixture of opium and (madak) 95, 96, 97
Trainspotting (film) 366
Transoxonia 38
Triads 264–5, 359, 376
and Canton 183
domination of global heroin trafficking 360
and Hong Kong 351, 354, 355
turf war in 1970s 359
trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) 128
Trotter, Thomas
An Essay 153–4
Trotula 52
Truck Act (1887) 239
Turkey 261–3
heroin and morphine production 262–3
opium production 144, 262–3
see also Ottoman Empire
Twain, Mark
Roughing It 220–1
Uganda, drug trade 327–8
Ulbricht, Ross William 370
Umayyads 37–8
Únětice culture 11
United Kingdom Alliance 236
United States see America
Urban II, Pope 46–7
Utley, Dr Vine 204
Uyghur people 33
Venice 76
guild system 55
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie see VOC
Victoria, Queen 190
Viet Cong 294–5
Vietnam War 294–300
drug addiction amongst soldiers 295, 296
My Lai Massacre (1968) 296–7
Vikings 46
VOC (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie) 85–6, 87, 96, 108, 109
Volstead Act 255–6, 259
Voltaire 144
von Niemeyer, Felix 213
Wahhabism 317–18, 326
Walpole, Horace 171
Webb v. United States (1919) 339
Weddell, Captain 99–103
Wedgwood, Tom 155, 157
Wellesley, Lord 176
Whiffens 331
Whitear, Rachel 363–5
Whitman, Walt 215
William of Tyre 49
History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 49
Wilsford Shaft (Wiltshire) 8–9
Wing Tsue 226
and opium addiction 229
role of in War on Drugs 362–5
suicide and opium 173
Wong, Kay 359
Wong, Shing May 359–60, 362
Wood, Alexander 210–11
working class 136, 137
and addiction 237–8
and gin intoxication 136–8
Wren, Christopher 124–5, 210
Wright, Hamilton 252, 253
Wu, Emperor 28, 29
Yao Lu 95
Lushu 94
Ye Mingchen 196, 199
Yongzheng Edict (1729) 98
Young, George 146–7
Young Turks 261
Zahir Shah, Mohammad 309–10, 311
Zhang Qian 29
Zheng Chenggong 104, 105
Zheng He 73
Georgian London
Pegasus Books Ltd.
148 W 37th Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2019 by Lucy Inglis
First Pegasus Books cloth edition February
Illustrations by Hemesh Alles
Map artwork by ML Design
Typeset by Palimpsest Book Production Ltd, Falkirk, Stirlingshire
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
ISBN: 978-1-64313-055-2
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Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.