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Broken Pieces (The Riverdale Series)

Page 22

by Janine Infante Bosco

  He grabbed his keys and stormed out the door of his apartment, stomping down the iron staircase taking two steps at a time. If she wasn’t going to answer his calls, then he’d just go to her house. He almost went last night, but thought maybe she needed time to cool off. He sat in bed all night pondering their situation. He even put himself in her shoes and tried to figure out how it would feel if he saw her with someone he considered a best friend, which was a little weird since he automatically thought of Luke.

  Nick stopped short when he spotted Erica as she leaned against his car. He had thrown her out of his apartment before she could even explain why she came and destroyed everything. Truth be told, he still didn’t want to deal with her, but he needed to know why she showed up out of nowhere, if only for his own sanity if nothing else.

  Erica quickly pushed off from the truck and offered him a cup of coffee she had bought him at the deli down the block. “Still drink it black?” She asked hopefully.

  Nick snatched the coffee from her hands, but didn’t bother to answer her. “Start talking, why the hell did you showed up on my doorstep last night?” He snarled as he took the first sip of the piping hot beverage.

  Erica sighed, stepping back, putting some distance between them. “Look, I’m not here to start trouble for you. I came here because I tried calling you a thousand times and when you ignored every call I had no choice. I don’t know where else to go.”

  Nick swallowed another sip of his coffee and studied Erica. He had ignored her calls, just like he had with his father’s. Between the both of them his phone hadn’t stopped. He hoped that they would get the hint, not show up uninvited.

  “Your father said he will fire me if I don’t bring you back to close some deal. I don’t even know the details of the deal, just that the closing of this deal relies on you.” She stared up at Nick. “I don’t know why he thinks I have any kind of hold on you. I know better.” She said looking away.

  Nick nodded shortly. “I still don’t get why you’re here.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Erica, you and I had a good run, we had some fun times together, but that’s it. I’m not going to put everything I have on the line for you. No offense.”

  “I guess your father figured that since you were the reason I stayed in Seattle and you were the reason he gave me a job, maybe you would be the one to save my job.” She put her head in her hands for a moment. “Nick I have nowhere to go. I can’t just pick up and come back home like you did. I can’t make a life here anymore.” She dropped her hands from her face and peered up at him her eyes pleading.

  “I know you don’t owe me anything. I know that I don’t mean anything to you, but there was a time when we both turned to each other to get us through the rough times. You turned to me, and I never turned you away. Not once. No matter how much I should’ve.” She shook her head disgusted with herself. “God, Nick I was Sam’s best friend. I knew how much she cared for you and I still didn’t say no to you.”

  Nick looked at her for a moment, remembering the nights when he reached for her instead of a bottle to fill the lonely nights. She never denied him and never asked for much in return. He had used her, and never once had he felt guilty. Not until now. “I never twisted your arm, Erica. You made your own decisions.” He said, needing to clarify that more for himself than her.

  “You’re right.” She sighed. “Look, I had to come here. I had to try. I didn’t know that you and Sam had found your way back to each other or that she had known about us at all. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble for you or her. I really just needed you to help me out with your father, to help me keep my job and the life I built in Seattle.”

  “When does the deal close?” Nick asked, not committing to anything, but at this point, maybe getting away from here would give Sam time to cool off and be ready to talk. He had been having trouble trying to come up with ideas, to get her to listen to him, disappearing wasn’t sounding so bad right now.

  “I think by the end of the week they expect to close. I know the investors are due into the office by Wednesday.” She said as she took in a sharp breath.

  “That’s tomorrow.” He said as he reached around to grab the back of his neck. “Fine, I’ll do it. Book us on a flight, I want to be there by Wednesday and meet with the investors myself.” He watched the smile bloom on her face. “Erica, I’m doing this, this one time. I have a life here now, and I’m not looking to escape it or have someone help me forget it.” Her posture straightened and he peered at her sternly. “I’ll close the deal.” He said confidently. “But if my father doesn’t secure your job, that isn’t on me.” He stared at her. “Do we have an understanding? This is a one shot deal if it doesn’t work…” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll still be on a plane back here Saturday, regardless.”

  Erica tried to contain her smile, still the edges of her lips curved. “I understand. Thank you, Nick. Thank you so much!” She exclaimed happily and debated whether or not to hug him.

  He nodded. Turning toward his truck he gestured for her to step aside from the driver door she had been blocking. “Work on getting the tickets, I have to get to work.”

  Deciding not to go in for the hug, she sidestepped allowing him access to his truck. “Okay, I’ll call you and tell you what time the flight is.”

  Another nod accompanied by a grunt, then Nick got in his truck, peeling out of the parking lot, leaving Erica standing there with a grin on her face. She reached into her purse and quickly found the contact she needed and hit send. The recipient of her call answered right away and her grin widened. “Mission accomplished. Now I need tickets back home, A.S.A.P.”

  * * * * * *

  Phillip looked down at the tray in his hands and frowned. There sat a burnt English muffin, a cup of instant coffee and a box of tissues. It was pitiful, he knew it, but it would have to do, he wasn’t exactly prepared for a heartbroken houseguest. He kicked open his bedroom door and glanced at the unmade bed and his friend who had curled up into a ball in the center of it.

  “Rise and shine, beautiful.” He sang cheerfully as he placed the pathetic tray on the night stand.

  “Go away.” She muttered into the pillow.

  “Well, at least you’re not thrashing anymore.” He said, thoughtfully and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “It’s not funny Phillip!” She pushed the sheets off of her and turned around to face her friend that had consoled her through the night.

  “No you’re right. I’m sorry.” He said sincerely as he slung his arm around her shoulders. The poor thing looked like she went through the ringer. “Will it make you feel better if I personally beat the crap out of Mr. Hot Stuff?”

  Sam leaned her head against his shoulder and groaned. “Can you please not call him that?” She said as the events of the night before started to play over in her head again. She still couldn’t believe the irony of it all. The moment she let him into her heart willingly, the past resurfaced and broke her heart all over again. She glanced up at Phillip, tears welling in her bloodshot eyes. “Why does it have to hurt so badly?”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “It hurts as much as you love him, and girlfriend you love that man more than the air you breathe.”

  “A lot of good that did me.” She said as the tears fell down her cheeks. “I was so stupid to believe that I’d be enough for him.”

  Phillip petted her hair almost as if he was on autopilot with his actions. He was just as exhausted as she was, being on duty when your best friend breaks up with the love of her life was grueling work. He yawned. “You know, Samantha, you don’t even know why she showed up.” He said considering that maybe there was a way to salvage this mess. Sam pushed against him and looked at him incredulously. Phillip sighed; clearly salvaging this was out of the question.

  “It doesn’t matter why she was there. She flew across the country and showed up at his doorstep. I know why a girl does that, I am that girl!” She stood up and paced the length of his small bedroom. “I was the girl w
ho originally flew across the country to be with Nick Foti. The stupid bitch is just following in my footsteps.” She rolled her eyes.

  Phillip dropped his head in defeat. For the last twelve hours they had been on this roller coaster. She would cry one minute and then her anger would take over the next minute. “Please hurry, Mallory.” He whispered.

  “What did you say?” Sam asked as she shot him a wary glare.

  “Nothing, sweetheart, nothing at all.” Phillip lifted his head and crossed his heart. “I swear.”

  Sam went back to pacing then stopped abruptly. “Where’s your phone?”

  Phillip reached over to the night stand and unplugged his phone from the charger. He held it out to her. “Who are you calling?”

  “My voicemail, I want to listen to my messages.” She said as she called her own phone number. The doorbell sounded and Phillip hurried out of the bedroom to answer it. He opened the door to Mallory, who greeted him with one hand on her hip.

  “Do you have any idea what time it is?” She said not liking the early morning phone call demanding she get her ass to his apartment.

  Phillip grabbed her arm and pulled her into the apartment. “She’s driving me crazy!” He said in a harsh whisper his eyes slightly bulging out of their sockets.

  Mallory absorbed Phillip’s expression, her own eyes widened in surprise. “Whoa… it’s that bad?” She asked almost scared to find out the answer.

  Phillip let go of his hold on Mallory and began to rummage through his liquor cabinet. He’d drink schnapps if he had too. Frazzled, he took a bottle of Irish Crème out of the cabinet and figured that was his best choice given the hour. He looked over at Mallory as he made his way into his kitchen. “I got to tell you, I don’t even know why she’s upset because she hasn’t told me what he did wrong.”

  “Well, you said the friend he banged in Seattle showed up at his apartment.” Mallory said as she followed him into the kitchen.

  “Sssh! Keep your voice down, or crazy will come in here!” He said as he poured himself a drink.

  Mallory eyed him cautiously. “I’m pretty sure I’m looking at crazy.”

  “Touché!” Phillip said as he saluted her with his glass before he took a sip, hoping to take the edge off a bit. He let the alcohol settle and then looked towards his bedroom door and then back towards Mallory. “I’m serious, she’s crying one minute, the next she’s ripping the bitch’s eyeballs out and castrating Nick.” He threw his hands up in defeat. “I don’t know what to do for her.”

  “Okay, so what do we know?” Mallory asked as she took a seat at his kitchen island.

  “She went, to hot stuff’s house and told him she wanted to be with him and the wicked witch of the west showed up and apparently ruined everything. Long story short, she told him she knew about him screwing the broad on his desk and she stormed out of the apartment, declaring it was over between them.” He paused wondering if he had forgotten anything.

  The bedroom door opened and Sam’s cell phone flew, spiraling through the air like a football.

  “I hate him!” She said miserably as she walked into the kitchen. “He had the audacity to leave a message telling me that he would give me a day to calm down and then I need to snap out of it! Is he out of his mind?”

  “Sounds like a solid plan.” Phillip muttered and took another sip of his drink. Sam looked at him.

  “Should you be drinking this early in the morning?” She asked incredulously.

  “Don’t judge me! You’re the reason my liver has taken a beating this morning.” He said and looked at Mallory to say something.

  “So let me see if I’m up to date. We hate Nick again?” Mallory asked.

  “Yes.” Sam answered quickly and then looked back at Phillip. “Do you have any ice cream?”

  “Oh my God do the two of you have your period?” Mallory said, looking back and forth between the lush and the one raiding the freezer. Sam stopped and turned around slowly.

  “What did you say?” She asked as she slowly closed the freezer door and stared at Mallory livid.

  “Relax, it’s just a joke.” She pointed to Phillip. “If anyone should be offended it should be him.”

  Sam shook her head. “No, that’s not it.” She swallowed hard and looked at Mallory. “Did you get your period this month?”

  Mallory searched Sam’s face and saw the fear register in her eyes. She and Sam were like clockwork. Mallory would get her monthly visitor first and Sam always had hers four days later. Their cycles were in sync for years. “Yes.” She said slowly.

  Sam stared into Mallory’s eyes and saw the hesitation. “How long ago?” She asked hoarsely.

  “Two weeks ago.” She said softly.

  Phillip looked back and forth between the two females flabbergasted. “Can we maybe talk about something other than this?”

  “Oh my God.” Sam whispered as she sank into a chair.

  “Oh great, the crazy train is back.” Phillip said and rolled his eyes.

  “Shut up you idiot!” Mallory told Phillip before turning around to Sam. “I take it we have a missed period?”

  Sam nodded slowly, not looking at Mallory. It had never dawned on her that she and Nick hadn’t been careful. At first when they first started having sex it just kind of happened, neither, one of them had planned on it and so neither one of them planned on condoms, she supposed.

  Phillip looked at Mallory. “Would you care to fill me in, I’m confused?”

  Mallory glanced at him warningly. “Do I have to spell it out for you?” She asked between clenched teeth.

  Sam swallowed hard and slowly looked up at Phillip. “I’m probably pregnant.” Her voice was barely audible.

  Phillips eyes widened and he reached for the bottle of Irish Crème. “Well, shit, things just got interesting.”

  * * * * * *

  Luke was switching out the exhaust pipe on a restored Thunderbird, switching the original for a supercharged one. He walked over to the portable tool chest and looked for the necessary tools he needed when he heard Nick slam the door to his truck. He shook his head slightly and glanced up at him. He wasn’t in the mood for a lecture, and by the series of phone calls, his friend fired at his phone, he was sure that was what he was in store for.

  “Do you have a minute?” Nick asked as he ran his hands over his head, frustrated.

  Luke placed the tools back on the cart, crossing his arms at his chest, he turned and faced Nick fully. He wasn’t about to answer any questions, hell the truth of the matter was he didn’t have the answers himself. “I don’t want to talk about what happened last night.” He said adamantly and then paused and looked at Nick for the answers. “Did Cara say anything to you when you dropped her off?”

  Nick’s eyebrows drew together at his question. It had completely slipped his mind about what had transpired before the Sam and Erica disaster. He shook his head slightly. “No, actually she didn’t. She just thanked me for getting her out of there.” He waited a beat. “I know you got a lot of shit on your plate, and I hate to do this to you right now…” Christ it felt like Déjà vu, suddenly it was seven years earlier and Nick was letting Luke down when he needed him, much as he was present day. “I’m leaving tonight. I have some business in Seattle that I need to clear up.” He looked away, not able to meet Luke’s gaze, he hated himself for skipping out on him.

  Luke dropped his crossed arms and looked at Nick taken aback. “You’re leaving?” He said, sounding surprised.

  “I’ll be back by the end of the week. There are just some things I have to tie up.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “Your sister won’t take my calls.”

  Luke bit the inside of his cheek and raised an eyebrow at his friend. “Are you really coming back or is this just another escape from Riverdale?”

  Nick stared straight into Luke’s eyes. “I’ll be back.” He said firmly and straightened his shoulders.

  Luke waited a moment, taking the time to search for the sincerity in his
friend’s eyes. Satisfied with the determination in his voice he nodded. “Alright, I will hold things down until you get back.”

  Nick had no doubt that he would, but this time he wasn’t just leaving a business behind. He was leaving his heart. “Sam…” Nick let out an exasperated breath. “Like I said, she wouldn’t answer my calls. I’m going to swing by her place on my way to the airport, but I’m not putting too much stock in that.”

  “What are you asking me?” Luke asked.

  “Don’t let her give up on me.” Nick answered automatically. “She’s upset Luke, and she’s not giving me a chance to make things right.”

  “To be fair, you’re not really giving her a chance to change her mind. You’re flying across the country.” Luke pointed out.

  Nick, let his friend's words sink in. He had a point, but the quicker he took care of this the quicker they could bury Seattle in the past where it belonged. He heard the tone in Luke’s voice and knew that he had gone from his friend to Sam’s brother, in an instant. “I’ll be back.” He repeated. “And I’ll make things right between me and your sister.”

  Luke watched him turn on his heel and walk out of the garage and towards his truck. He shook his head slightly and sighed. He silently prayed his friend would return, knowing that the odds were fifty-fifty.

  * * * * * *

  Phillip and Mallory stood huddled outside the bathroom door, their ears pressed against the wood.

  “How long has it been?” Phillip asked anxiously.

  “Ten seconds.” Mallory snapped, annoyed before she knocked softly on the door. “You okay in there?”

  Sam didn’t answer. Phillip stood up straight and glared at Mallory.

  “It’s been like two minutes not ten seconds.” He knocked harshly on the door. “Sam I’m coming in!”

  Mallory stood in front of the door barricading it so Phillip couldn’t enter, when Sam opened the door softly. Quickly Mallory caught her balance and both Sam’s friends looked at her wide eyed.


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