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To Tame A Lady (The Reluctant Bride Collection)

Page 7

by Megan Bryce

Jameson and Robin arrived for dinner the next night. Jameson gave her ear a small sniff going in. “Just seeing if you’ve recovered yet from our little escapade.”

  She sniffed. “Yes, although it was not without some loss of dignity. And you?”

  He held his arms wide. “You’re welcome to test me.”

  She gave him an arch look. “And your valet? Has he recovered?”

  “Should he eventually recover, I think it unlikely he will ever forgive me. I’ve been forced to order an obscene amount of clothing to placate him.”

  “An expensive outing.”

  “You’ve no idea. However, to see your smiling face is all the thanks I need.” He smiled charmingly at her.

  She looked at him, surprised. “Am I smiling?”

  “My dear, any expression less murderous than what you were previously directing at me I will consider happy and carefree.”

  She laughed. “Then you may consider it successful; kindly do not upset me quite so violently again. I have no desire to revisit the Smithfield cattle market ever again.”

  He looked crestfallen, then rallied. “I thought it unlikely I could ever get you there again. I shall have to find another destination; that will be easier than keeping you happy.”

  She pursed her lips and turned toward her dinner. “You mean easier than restricting yourself to socially acceptable behavior.”

  “That, too.”

  It took only a whispered word from Jameson to her mother to clear the room after dinner. Lady Beckham absconded with Robin and Amelia was left alone with the reprobate.

  She nodded at his offer of a drink. “My mother is on your side, I see.”

  “I can’t decide if she thinks me a good candidate for son-in-law, or if she thinks it unlikely you will ever accept so why not play along, or if at this point any bachelor would get her help in getting you married. In any case, I will accept any assistance from her. Or anyone, really.”

  “I did wonder at cook’s choices for this evening. All my favorite dishes. Was that to put me in a good mood?”

  Jameson threw a smile over his shoulder. “Noticed, did you? I can’t even take the credit. Your mother did that on her own.”

  “Hmm. I don’t like this collusion between you two. At least Robin is not in on it.”

  “I don’t know what you did to the boy but he will not hear a word about it. And I, his closest friend.”

  He handed her a drink and she nodded her thanks. “I had to make it clear early on that he was not to interfere in such matters. It would have become too much for either of us.”

  “Well, he is heeding your word. I’m surprised your mother was able to get him to quit the room so easily. Don’t give him too much grief for it.”

  She smiled slightly. “No. He has always been the dutiful son; mother could get him to do anything. It is lucky for me she does not abuse the power.”

  “Lucky for him, I suspect. Was your mother anymore like you, poor Robin would be trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea.”

  She laughed self-reproachfully. “And this is what you wish to marry? Perhaps you should put this fanciful notion out of your head and consider yourself lucky I did not accept.”

  “My dear, I would be the luckiest of men if you accepted my proposal, despite your sharp tongue. I wish you would reconsider it. You would keep me in line and I would keep you entertained. What more are you looking for?”

  Amelia looked down into her drink. “I don’t know what I am looking for. I had thought I would recognize it when I saw it.”

  “I recognize what I want, what I need. I need a woman I could never disgrace. My dear, the shabbaroon tried with all fervor and could not succeed. His actions would have toppled other women and you did not even flinch. I could never humiliate you unwittingly as my father did my mother. Among other things, I would be too scared to.”

  “You are very unflattering, Jameson.”

  He knelt at her feet, his hands resting on her knees. “That was a most sincere compliment, my dear. You have such fire, such passion. It tires me to even think of living as determined as you do. No one would ever harm you, you wouldn’t allow it.” He rested his head where his hands had lain. “You would burn away my fear.”

  Amelia ignored the tumult in her stomach at his closeness. And she tried to ignore his pretty words and the sadness behind it.

  She had always been his friend and as such had always done what was best for him, no matter if it was what he wanted or what the cost would be.

  She had always loved him; it would be no hardship for her to marry him. He cared for her. They were familiar and comfortable with each other. That was more than most marriages had.

  She sighed and ran a hand over his hair. “I’m tired of the game, Jameson. We’re both tired of being chased. You for your title, fortune, and pretty face– never mind your bad habits. And me for my fortune, family, and the challenge– never mind my reputation.”

  “You exaggerate your reputation, my dear.”

  She lifted his head and looked him directly in the eye, a hint of temper peeking through. “I know about the bet at White’s. I’ve known for years.”

  Jameson shook his head. “Some woman is going to have to tame that mouth of your brother’s one of these days. But even with that bet no man would shackle himself for life without some bit of optimism.”

  “You wound me. I know what optimism they carry for me. I’m only a great catch on paper.”

  His eyebrows rose. “As am I.”

  “Well, you do have your face to recommend you as well.”

  “And you are too hard on yourself. I personally like sharp teeth and smoke coming out of the nostrils.”

  Amelia shook her head. “Is this your idea of wooing? I’m surprised you found any girl to marry you at all.”

  “My dear, would you like for me to play the besotted beau? I hadn’t thought you enjoyed that overmuch.”

  She sighed. “No. But I’m thinking you have the right of it.”

  Jameson said, “Pardon me?”

  “I’ve changed my mind. Your stupid idea, while still stupid, might work to both our advantages.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m not quite following you.”

  Amelia tapped his forehead. “I’ll marry you.”

  “Oh, that stupid idea. Well, thank you, my dear. I accept your acceptance.”

  “Don’t make me change my mind again.”

  He sat for a moment at her feet. “I didn’t just imagine that, did I?”

  She laughed. “No.”

  He jumped to his feet and rushed out the door. “I need witnesses! Come quick before she changes her mind!”

  Amelia laughed and rose to follow him. She could be sure of only one thing by marrying Jameson– boredom would never be her companion.


  Her mother had been quite unsurprised by their impending nuptials, only kissed them both and wished them a happy congratulations. Robin had stared at them blankly before patting Jameson on the shoulder and taking a long drink. Which he’d coughed back out when Jameson had said, “Can I tell her now, old chap, that I have your ble–”

  Jameson had spent the next few minutes thumping Robin on the back and Amelia had let it pass. Her brother looked sufficiently befuddled that any blessing wrung from him must have been under duress. And obviously with the assumption that she would never accept Jameson’s hand. Since she’d felt the same until only recently, she merely gave his wild-eyed look a small smile and offered him another drink.

  He’d only looked more horrified, which had made her smile even more, which had made him even more horrified, and it went on and on until Jameson had rolled his eyes and said, “Amelia, really.”

  She thought it highly unfair that it was he who was ending her fun. But he’d only laughed when she glared at him and said, “I am highly immune to that look, my lovely, blushing bride. Do you have anything else in your repertoire?”

  But that had been yesterday and today she insisted on neg
otiating her marriage contract. Had anyone really thought she would leave it all to the men?

  Oh, the money would be taken care of. Robin was extremely conservative and would make sure she was well-provided for. Not to mention Jameson had merely waved him off with a “I’ve taken your advice on financial matters for years, old chap; just give me the thing to sign. And make sure you bugger me in favor of Amelia. I do not want to start this marriage worrying about a knife in my back.”

  Amelia had thought it quite prudent of him.

  But there were other matters that needed attending to that wouldn’t be in the legal papers.

  She said, “I think it highly unlikely I will be able to either obey or serve you and we should both go into this thing accepting that.”

  Jameson snorted. “Agreed. Next.”

  “I also think it highly unlikely you will be able to forsake all others as long as we both shall live. I do know that most, if not all, men keep a mistress. As long as you are discreet I won’t question you.”


  He looked furious. Gravely insulted, and to tell the truth, a little murderous.

  “Not all men, Amelia. I won’t be one of them. I’d think we’d both know the consequences of that.”

  Perhaps. Though she thought if he’d been a little older when his parents scandal had broken out, he would have learned a different lesson. Like not to flaunt your mistress, not refuse to have one.

  She said, “Well, I can hardly question your panicked breaking of your betrothal to Clarice now. It does seem the thought of only one woman for the rest of a man’s life leaves most of them chafing.”

  Jameson closed his eyes. “Amelia, sometimes you are too much.”

  “What, are mistresses and the need for them something I should be blind to? You kiss far too well, Jameson, for me to doubt you are as inexperienced as I.”

  He smiled at the back-handed compliment. “And will you be forsaking all others, then? I think it only fair that if I’m to give up the banquet, so shall you.”

  This time it was she who snorted. “Yes, my myriad of lovers will no doubt throw themselves on the fire. You do not need to worry about me straying, Jameson.”

  He nodded. “As long as that’s written and signed for.”

  She looked at him in surprise. “Are we really to put this all down? I thought agreeing to it would be enough.”

  “Don’t you want something physical to show me when I start expecting you to be obedient? We can each keep a copy to push in each other’s face during an argument.”

  She looked at him approvingly. “Yes, I would.”

  He nodded. “Good. Anything else?”

  “What about children?”

  “Yes. I think we should have some.”

  “I’m not entirely certain you should. I take you out of reach of the unsuspecting women of the ton and then introduce a few more like you for the next generation?”

  “I’m sure you can control any offspring we create.”

  “It gives me shivers to think of it.”

  A slow smile spread across his face and she fought back a blush. She said, “What I meant was I don’t think the world could survive a combination of you and me.”

  “Are you telling me you’re going to deny your mother any grandchildren? That’s not going to go over well.”

  “There’s always Robin.”

  Jameson raised an eyebrow at her and she tapped her chin.

  “Yes, you’re right. I must start looking for a suitable girl. He’ll never find one on his own.”

  “Get him a nice one, someone not too bossy. He deserves it after growing up with you.”

  Jameson reached for her hand and slowly pulled her to him. “Was that it, then?”

  “I can not currently think of anything else requiring our attention. Although I reserve the right to amend said contract.”

  He said, “Seems a fine idea. We’ll draw it up and sign later but for now how about sealing it with a kiss.”

  Amelia took a deep breath and went to him without fighting. If she was to marry him, she would have to get used to this after all.

  He leaned toward her, his face blocking the light.

  She whispered, “Jameson? This will change everything.”

  He stopped, watching emotions flicker in her eyes. “Yes, it will. But it might be a change for the better.”

  She glanced at his lips. “Maybe. What if it’s not?”

  “Better to know now rather than later.”

  “A very valid point.”

  “May I continue?” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A sweet puff of air tickled his face. His rapidly beating heart told him this was no mistake, and why in God’s name had he taken so long to get here?

  She said, “All right. Do your worst.”

  He chuckled, lowering his lips until he brushed a feather kiss against hers.

  He pulled back, looking at her with bemusement. “Amelia, what are you doing?”

  Her eyes were screwed tight and her mouth puckered. Her eyes blinked open.

  “Jameson, I’m trying my best here. Would you please shut up and get on with it?”

  He leaned back. Her face was flushed and if he didn’t know better, that would be panic in her eyes.

  He said, “We have done this before, if you will recall.”

  “Yes, well, that time you surprised me. I’ve had time to think about it now.”

  “I didn’t realize this would be so hard for you. Am I that repugnant?”

  “No. As I’m sure you’re well aware.”

  “Then why are you making that face?”

  She sighed and took a small step away from him. “There are two problems, and you’re both of them.”

  “I usually am.”

  “You usually are.”

  He said, “Tell me.”

  She glanced away and he said, “Or I’ll start to believe you’re the two problems.”

  “Well, first of all, and believe me when I say I have nothing against you personally–”

  “Thank you.”

  She pinned him with her gaze. “But you’re a wastrel and a rake. And though I forgive you, I believe there will be quite a number of ladies, and others, to compare me with.”

  Jameson nodded sagely. “You’re afraid you won’t compare favorably. Well, you’ll just have to try harder. The second problem?”

  “I’m adding a third.”

  His teeth flashed.

  “The second and third problems are, and you just demonstrated this quite well, you are you.”

  “I see. I think my thick skin just took a beating there.”

  “Oh, Jameson. I mean we’ve known each other forever. We grew up together. You were like an older brother and I adored you.”

  “That doesn’t have to change, although I never saw you adoring me. You might want to rethink how you express that particular emotion.”

  “Never fear. It’s been awhile since I’ve had to.”

  He said, “I do understand. More than you know. A growing man, frankly, must rein in his libido.”

  “Oh, yes. Did you ever try that?”

  He ignored her. “And no matter how lovely your frock was, or how much you had to go swimming with us, I always had to remember you were off limits.”

  “I always thought you and Robin didn’t want me swimming with you because you were mean.”

  Jameson nodded. “That, too.”

  She huffed out a breath. “You are not helping your case here.”

  He grinned. “Very well. Then I shall simply say, Amelia, that you think entirely far too much.”

  And he grabbed her and kissed her.

  And she stopped thinking entirely.


  Amelia headed to breakfast in a surprisingly good mood. Say what you would about Jameson, he was an excellent kisser. She was still reeling from the night before. Perhaps marriage would agree with her, after all.

  She greeted her mother warmly, who nodded to the newspap
er sitting on the sideboard and said, “Jameson has been up to his usual tricks.”

  “It is too early. Perhaps after breakfast I will care.”

  Amelia filled her plate, ignoring the paper. There had been too many days lately of Jameson’s usual tricks. She felt slightly numb.

  But after a few bites she sighed loudly and went to retrieve the paper.

  Her mother had conveniently left it open to the offending page and there in large letters it read:

  Lord Nighting Engaged Again! To none other than Lady Amelia Delaney. Our source? Lord Nighting himself!

  “Oh, Lord. I have lost my mind.” Amelia threw the paper on the table. “I’ll have years of this ahead of me.”

  Her mother smiled. “He does like to make a scene. And dear, you would have had years of this even if you weren’t the one marrying him.”

  “I had thought his wife would take over the duty!”

  “So she will. Perhaps when you are living under the same roof you will be able to steer him a little easier.”

  “Easier? I doubt it. Earlier, perhaps. That may be all I can expect.”

  “Perhaps once you are married, you will find ways to distract him that are unavailable to you at present.”

  Amelia looked in astonishment at her mother. “Yes, well. . . hmm.”

  She hastily changed the subject as Jameson entered, bringing two bouquets of flowers. “For you, Lady Beckham. I must stay on the good side of my future mother-in-law.”

  She smiled as he kissed her cheek. “Flowers will do it nicely.”

  He offered Amelia’s flowers to her with a flourish. “And for my lovely, blushing bride.”

  Amelia looked at the proffered flowers. “Well, thank you, Jameson. This is new; usually you bring me charred pheasant.”

  He kept his face quite neutral. “It’s a gift to my affianced. Or a bribe to get her in a better mood. It could go either way depending on if you’ve seen the paper or not. You seem rather in a good mood so I think you must not have yet.”

  Amelia handed the flowers to the butler and settled back in her chair.

  “You proposed to me on a dance floor. It can hardly surprise me that you would take out an advert in the Times when I finally accepted.”

  He grinned. “I simply thought none would believe me unless I made an announcement.”

  “I think it likely none will believe you still.”

  “Which is why I think a nice walk along the green with you on my arm is in order for the day.”

  She sighed loudly. “I suppose if I’m to marry you, others will have to know about it.”

  “Take heart, my dear. Most will think I either tricked you or seduced you with my evil ways. There are none who know you that will ever think you less for it.”

  Amelia looked at him. “Jameson, everyone who knows me will think less of me for it.”

  He acquiesced. “I suppose it is inevitable; even I think you have gone barmy. Which is why I am announcing it to all and sundry.”

  “Again with the all and sundry. At least this time you are using the phrase correctly.”

  “You have no idea. Even the flower purveyor was forced to hear how I won your hand. He was quite excited about his elevated prospects; he for some reason thinks I will need a regular supply of flowers.”

  Lady Beckham chuckled and Amelia nodded. “An astute man. Although flowers are too easy. Perhaps I shall write you up a list for those times you put your foot in it.”

  “Ah, well, the flower man will be disappointed. But a list is an excellent idea; we’ll put it in our marriage contract.”

  Amelia laughed. “I do believe we will have the most peculiar marriage agreement.”

  “Only fitting, as we are two of the most peculiar members of the ton. Shall we to the green?”

  “Let us get this over with. I can not imagine what we will be subjected to.”

  “None will believe me until they hear it from your own mouth.”

  She sighed heavily, then rose to join him. “You should have brought more than simple flowers for today.”

  Jameson grinned. “Let’s see how bad it is, then you can tell me how much your gift will have to cost.”

  She looked at him with an interested expression. “An intriguing idea. Shall we add a remuneration scale to the list? I shall simply tell you what grade blunder you currently are paying for?”

  “That will certainly make things easier for me.”

  “It does make one wonder how much that trip to Smithfield’s would have cost you.”

  He said, “My dear, that black mood would have cost me my entire fortune.”

  She looked at him archly. “Yes, it would have. Let’s hope today’s outing does not upset me quite that much.”

  “I do hope, with all sincerity, that I never upset you that much ever again.” He bowed and took her hand. “And not just because it will now cost me my fortune.”

  Amelia smiled at him. “How very sweet. Although, the thought of some recompense does make the inevitable future embarrassments less intolerable. I am very nearly giddy with excitement that today will be horrible enough for the landau I’ve been wanting. Robin has continued to deny me due to the expense.”

  He looked appalled. “I think it highly unlikely today’s outing will be worth that.”

  She took his arm and smiled. “One never knows.”

  Jameson groaned, hoping she was kidding. But indeed, one just never knew.


  “Miss Underwood!”

  Clarice curtsied, her furious face refusing to smile. Robin Delaney was always kind, never talking down to her. She appreciated it more than he knew. It was a shame he was friends with that reprobate. Not to mention she was here for his sister’s blood. He might not look so kindly on her once she was done with Amelia Delaney.

  “I wish to see your sister, Lord Beckham.”

  Robin’s face turned slightly pink. “Ah, well, unfortunately she’s not here.”

  She stared at him.

  “She’s, ah, on the green.”

  “With him?”

  Robin turned to look for inspiration but found none.

  “Let me call for my mother, Miss Underwood.”

  “No, thank you. I would like to give Lady Amelia my message in person.”

  Robin cleared his throat. “This engagement was very sudden.”

  “What I find reprehensible is she pretended to be my friend. She tried to make me think it was for the best and what a terrible husband he would have made. And I believed her.”

  “Dear girl, he would have made you a terrible husband. He’s much too wild for a sweet girl like you.”

  Clarice sighed. “A terrible husband is better than no husband.”

  Robin frowned. “Miss Underwood, you deserve far better than that. You deserve better than Jameson Pendrake.”

  She nearly softened, then stamped her pretty little foot. “And now I’ll never get it, thanks to him. I’m a laughing stock. I was thrown over! And for Amelia Delaney!”

  She gasped but Robin took no offense. His sister was hard-nosed, stubborn, and painfully intelligent. Not exactly the traits most men looked for in a wife. Whereas Miss Underwood was pretty, petite, and normally very sweet. Robin suspected that any woman’s disposition would crumble under Miss Underwood’s recent travails.

  “I’m sorry, Lord Beckham. I shouldn’t speak this way to you.”

  He smiled kindly. “May I offer you tea?”

  Clarice blinked. Lord Beckham was so quiet and always a companion to his sister or him that he was easy to overlook. But he was just so kind. And now, right now, Clarice needed kindness more than anything.

  She smiled shyly at him, nodding. “Thank you.”

  There was silence between them as tea was brought.

  She said, “I wanted to thank you for escorting me home the other day as well. I’m afraid I was not good company.”

  He smiled. “You had received quite a shock. Please forget it.”

�I do not wish to forget it. I was engaged to him, left by him, and he barely acknowledged me. He only looked at her.”

  She took a deep breath and looked away from him for a moment. Then, “You are his friend.” He nodded. “Her brother.” He nodded again.

  She opened her mouth to say something, then apparently changed her mind. She said instead, “Are they always like that?”

  “You mean exhausting?”

  She looked at him in surprised disbelief, then nodded fiercely. “Yes! They are so. . . much.”

  He smiled slightly. Then he laughed.

  She blinked at him and her mouth twitched. She held a handkerchief up to her mouth to hide her giggles.

  When their laughter had died down, Robin said, “Miss Underwood, that is quite the understatement.” And the giggles erupted again.



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