Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy)

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Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy) Page 16

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  The door opened suddenly and Reid’s hand was once again offered in comfort.

  “You ready, Molly Anne?”

  Taking one last glance in the mirror, I quickly brushed off my cheeks again and gently took Reid’s waiting hand.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, stepping out of the car.

  “Not a problem, Love.”

  All I wanted to do was throw something sharp and pointy at Brantley right now. Then, I wanted to turn and shout obscenities at Reid for being so damn two sided. How in the world could my life get so complicated after one tall, big boobed blonde showed up unexpectedly? I dealt with women like that all the time; just never thought it would be with the man I had started to have feelings for, and apparently knew nothing about.

  Most of the guys had already entered the back of the hotel, and it was just a few stragglers left out in the service entrance; Tiny, Reid, and I.

  “Did you know?” I quietly asked Reid, reaching for the door handle.


  “And you didn’t say anything?” My blood began to boil just knowing that this man knew that Brantley was married. He knew I was going out with him last night and didn’t say a damn thing about it.

  “It wasn’t my place, Molly Anne,” Reid whispered while walking through the kitchen.

  “Whatever Reid,” I seethed. If he was messing around with someone that I knew was married, I would have said something. Come to think about it, probably half the women he dabbled with are of the married variety. What a douche waffle.

  We stepped into a conference room, where the rest of the guys were waiting for their hotel keys. I thanked the waiting desk clerk for handing me the room packets, and started passing them out to the men.

  “Is your guest staying with us long?” I asked Brantley calmly. There was no reason to start a damn fight right here with an audience.

  “Ashley, Babe, how long do you plan on staying?”

  “Just for the night, Honey, I have to get back to the baby tomorrow,”

  Oh just fucking great. I had slept with a man that was not only married, but had a baby as well. Pretty sure I was going to hell. I’ll be damned if that just didn’t confirm my reservation right there.

  I smiled at the happy, stupid couple, and handed over the room key. There was no apologetic look in Brantley’s eyes; something that I just couldn’t believe from the man that was basically perfect for me before this little incident.

  “Reid, Brody, Tysen, and Ryder?” I called out before the guys left for their rooms. “You four have a radio interview with KXZZ tomorrow morning at seven-thirty. I’ll send a wakeup call at six. Does that work for you?”

  “How about you just stay in my room tonight, Molly? We can just stay up all night; no need for that wakeup call,” Brody teased, thrusting his crotch in my direction.

  “Did you need me to make you an appointment for that itch, Brody? You will have some free time tomorrow morning if you want to finally get that rash on your junk checked out,” I snapped right back, rolling my eyes at the idiot.

  “Fuck no.” Brody laughed, full on grabbing his package and giving it a jiggle.

  “Classy,” I muttered, turning to go talk with Cooper. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Reid and some short little brunette talking against the far wall.

  “Oh hell no,” I mumbled rather loudly, storming over to where they were conversing. I had just dealt with finding out the man I had been pseudo dating and fucking, had a wife and child, there was no way I was going to deal with a groupie slut opening her damn legs for Reid tonight.

  “Excuse me, Reid, we have a real early morning tomorrow,” I said in a sickening sweet voice. Sure I was pissed and hurt; however there was no way this chick was going to know it. These damn women seemed to prey on emotions, using any damn trick to weasel their way into a hotel room.

  “Yes; you said that earlier, Molly Anne,” Reid replied, offering me a weird smile.

  “Well, that means she, I’m sorry I never got your name can’t stay tonight.”

  “Oh, you thought I was…………..oh no,” the woman replied, quickly taking a step back from Reid. “My name is Megan; I’m your assistant for the next couple of weeks,” she smiled, thrusting her hand out to me.

  I grew up in a very judgmental world. Normally, I was on the other end of the judgmental comings, thus always tried to give people the benefit of the doubt before I jumped to conclusions. This instance right here just confirmed how much I had changed while working this job. I would have never judged a person on their appearance before going on tour with these boys. I was no better than my mother at the end of the day, and I should be ashamed of myself.

  “I am so sorry. I can’t believe I just assumed you were here for them,” I gushed, quickly grabbing her hand and giving it a firm shake. “I’m Molly, and once again completely sorry for the mix up.”

  “It’s not a problem; I’m just excited for the chance to work with you all.”

  This woman seemed sweet, and if I hadn’t had my head up my ass this entire time, I probably would have realized there was something different about her. Look what stupid hot men do to my mind. I’ve turned into a raving jealous bitch, with no grounds to stand on. Now there is a winner right there.

  “Good night, Molly Anne,” Reid smiled, placing a kiss to my temple.

  I nodded my head and offered a small smile back. I must really look like a psycho bitch now.

  “Are you two……” Megan started to comment.

  “Oh gosh no,” I interrupted. I was taking a vow of celibacy from this moment on. The only action my vagina would be seeing was with my battery operated friends.

  “It just seemed like there was something between you two,” Megan stated uncomfortably, fidgeting on her feet.

  “Nope, just friends,” I reassured her. Watch, I would find out that Reid was married, too. Wouldn’t that be my damn luck?

  Megan smiled and I motioned for her to follow me.

  “So, this is my first time being “in charge” so to say, so if I look lost or confused, it’s probably cause I am.” I laughed, hitting the call button for the elevator. “We have an early morning tomorrow, so I’ll head to the radio station with Black Laden in the morning. Can you be responsible for Political Downfall and make sure they get to the venue by noon at the latest? You will need to confirm the car service in the morning and have them wait out back in the service entrance.”

  Megan nodded while writing things down on the tablet she was carrying.

  “Here is the car service number, and the guys are staying in rooms 3312-3315,” I added, handing over a business card with the digits. “Oh, and Brantley’s wife is with him, so please make sure you get her a car to wherever she needs to go.” I had to really work on my tone for that last comment, considering I wanted nothing more than to punch that woman in the face. Sure, she did nothing, and it was entirely the bastard Brantley’s doing, but it still didn’t help the jealous side of my inner demons.

  Shaking my head, I handed over an extra room key to Megan.

  “Thank you. Anything else you need help with tonight?”

  “Nope, just enjoy the peace and quiet. Tomorrow will be enough of a whirlwind, so savor the evening.” I laughed stepping out of the elevator on my floor. “I’ll call you in the morning, and I’m really sorry about earlier,” I apologized again.

  “No worries, Molly,” Megan chimed in with a small wave before the doors closed. Wonderful first impression I made there.

  I had a decent sleep last night, and didn’t get up ass early this morning; so why in the world was I so tired tonight? All I wanted to do was strip off my clothes and crawl into bed; but I knew if I didn’t shower tonight, having enough time in the morning to get ready wasn’t going to happen.

  I placed my clipboard down on the desk and did a quick visual of the room, making sure my luggage and Simon got brought to my room safely. Stripping off my sweatshirt, I tossed it on the chair and wandered into the bathroom, quickly tu
rning the shower head on. Shutting the door, I waited for the steam to fill the room, and then stripped off the rest of my clothes.

  Standing in the shower was incredible. The hot water pelted my skin as it tumbled down above me, turning my creamy complexion into a wonderful shade of bright red. The heat eased my tense muscles, and the silence relieved my warped mind. Being around people so much in the last couple of weeks was taxing on my sanity, so it was times like this that I relished in the solitude.

  The one good thing about being in a hotel was the hot water supply. I had been standing in the shower for at least forty minutes, and the heat never seemed to waver. If only the bus had these capabilities I might actually tour for the rest of my life.

  Climbing out of the heated palace, I dried my body off with the fluffiest towels my skin had ever come in contact with and ran my hands through the curly wet mess of my hair. Dropping the towel on the floor, I reached for the door and let the cool air of the room intermix with the heat I had trapped in the bathroom.

  “What the fuck?” I screeched, jumping back into the bathroom and clumsily grabbing the door. “What in the world are you doing in here, Reid?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he mentioned, letting a naughty smirk crawl across his face.

  “How did you get in here?”

  “Really, Molly Anne?”

  I knew exactly how he got in this room. He wandered his stupid self down to the lobby and sweet talked the poor desk girl into giving him a key.

  “I’m fine, Reid. So you can go now.”

  “Just come talk with me,” Reid begged, patting the side of the bed next to him.

  “Reid, I’m naked,” I whined, starring directly at my suitcase sitting on the floor.

  “That’s okay with me,” he teased, licking his lips suggestively.

  Groaning, I leaned forehead against the door, silently cursing at the situation. I heard the bed rustle, and opened my eyes to Reid digging through my suitcase.


  “I was looking for panties, but I can’t find any,” he tossed over his shoulder, still arms deep rifling through my suitcase.

  “You won’t find any. Will you please get your grubby little hands out of my suitcase?” I scolded, pulling the towel tighter around my body, leaning down to push him away.

  “This towel is really soft,” Reid taunted, rubbing his hand down the side of my body.

  “Reid,” I groaned, grabbing a pair of yoga pants and a tank top.

  “I’m not trying to get your naked, Molly Anne, but I wouldn’t protest if you wanted to. I just came to see how you are doing after what happened earlier.”

  I snorted while walking back into the bathroom. I didn’t believe that he just wanted to talk. This was a full blooded male with a rather large penis. His brain might claim he wanted to talk, but his penis was the one who would try to carry out the action.

  Stepping out of the bathroom, fully clothed, I noticed Reid had made himself comfortable on my bed with Simon sitting in his lap. Even with all my frustrations from today, seeing that man sitting on my bed instantly made me stop and breathe for a moment. How could I have ever been so blinded by what Brantley had to offer, considering it was this man sitting on my bed that held my attention?

  “Nice piece of wood you have here,” Reid commented, not taking his eyes off Simon as he strummed the twelve string tenderly.

  “My grandfather gave me him to me for my eighth birthday,” I said, climbing up on the foot of the bed.

  Reid simply smiled and went back to plucking at the strings, letting the music fill the hotel room softly. I was so attracted to the musical abilities of Reid, that the whole situation of today seemed to melt away, slipping further into the back of my mind.

  “Molly Anne, you have to know that it killed me to not say anything.” Reid broke the musical moment, setting Simon down next to him on the bed.

  “I get that it wasn’t your place, Reid. I know you all have this bro-code on the road, but for some reason I thought we were different.” I shrugged, trying hard to force the tears back from making an appearance again.

  “I’m not going to lie to you and say that the guys on tour are complete gentlemen and secrets don’t exist. Everyone tries to mind their own business, even if it’s something that someone doesn’t agree with. I hate saying that it’s the lifestyle of being in a successful band, but it’s the truth. Women on the road were nothing but filler, expendable to the point where we would get done with one, and another would be waiting to give it a go.”

  I cringed at the last comment. I wasn’t a stranger to their extracurricular activities on the road, considering I’ve walked in on several of the boys quite a few times. It was still harsh and crude to hear Reid openly admit that women were used for a certain purpose, and then tossed out. Unfortunately, I was just that for Brantley, someone to occupy the time.

  “Molly Anne, you are a different soul. You take no crap from anyone, and have no apologies for who you are. In a room full of people, you always manage to capture everyone’s attention, even if you are just standing there doing nothing. The amount of balls it took coming on the road with a bunch of horny, alcohol dependent rock stars was nothing short of amazing. Not only have you stood your ground with all the groupies, but you have gained the respect from all the band members on this tour. Sure, there is one total fuck tard who shouldn’t have dipped into the honey pot with what he had going on back at home, but don’t let that one stupid decision bring you down.”

  “I feel like a total hussy,” I managed to snort out, between tears and hiccups.

  “Well, I’ve been known to be a man whore at times,” Reid joked, offering me a genuine smile.

  Laughter overtook the small room as we both lay back on the bed. Sure, I made a huge mistake in thinking that someone was who he claimed to be, but it didn’t have to happen again. I have always been the strong one, so I needed to start acting that way again.

  Chapter 21: And you thought Godzilla was pissed, baby you haven’t seen nothing yet.

  We had to be ready and in the waiting cars at seven, so standing here starring at the time on my clock flash six-fifty didn’t sit well with me. I probably got the least amount of sleep out of the whole crew, since Reid and I stayed up until three, playing music and talking about everything under the sun.

  “Elliot, you got the wakeup call, right?” I asked one of the waiting body guards.

  “Yes, Molly, it rang through nice and early,” he scoffed, sipping the coffee cup in his hand.

  Shaking my head, I headed back into the hotel, stomping my way to the elevator. I smashed the call button several times, grumbling quietly at the men who better not still be sleeping.

  The door opened and out rolled Tysen and Ryder. “Morning Molly,” both boys chimed. Nodding my head, I rushed into the waiting lift, once again hitting the button to their floor a little harder than needed. My anger rose with each floor that passed. I told them to be downstairs and ready before seven. Did anyone ever fucking listen to me?

  Stepping off on the top floor, I marched down the deserted hallway to one of the presidential suites. I didn’t know if it was Reid’s or Brody’s room, but didn’t really care who I got to first.

  “Brody, Reid, get your lazy asses out here,” I yelled through the door, pounding my fist rather loudly on the wood. “Seriously guys, we need to go.”

  The door down the hallway opened and out stumbled Brody, looking like he just woke up.

  “What good are wakeup calls if you don’t actually get up? We have to leave in like five minutes Brody!” I hollered down at the man, who clearly didn’t give a flying fuck that we were going to be late. I was just about to storm after the beast when Reid finally opened his door, letting it swing open to reveal a woman getting dressed in the background.

  “Seriously? After last night, I find you this morning getting naked with another chick. Un-freakin-believable.” I scowled at the man and pointed to the elevator.
  “Molly, I didn’t…..”Reid stammered.

  “Don’t fucking care, and don’t want to hear it. Just make sure she is gone before you shut the door, okay?” I raged down the hallway to Brody’s room, where apparently he didn’t shut the door all the way. Bursting my way into his room, I found him sitting on the couch sprawled out.

  “You have got to be joking,” I fumed. “Brody, get the fuck up!”

  Grabbing a banana out of the fruit basket in the entry way, I chucked it at his miserable slothful self, hitting him square upside the head.

  “What the……………….oh, hey Molly,” Brody slurred, his eyes barely focusing on anything in the room.

  “We need to go, like now, Brody.”

  Brody’s head fell back on the sofa and his eyes glazed over. Really; right now? I didn’t need to deal with a drugged out stupid rock star. We had radio interviews in twenty minutes and a comatose drum player still in the hotel.

  “Brody, wake the hell up.” I smacked the side of his face rather hard. It stung when our skin connected, and the damn man didn’t even stir. Throwing my hands up in the air, I was about to pull my damn hair out, when I noticed the thin white substance that littered the glass coffee table.

  “Really, you fucking idiotic baboon? Coke? Genius idea, Brody, fucking genius!” There was no way I was going to be able to get this fool up and out the door anytime soon. Drugs were something I never messed with, but knew several people growing up who did. There wasn’t a quick fix for this stupid choice of his. He had to just ride out the high until he was coherent again, then I would strangle his stupid ugly neck for fucking today up. If he wanted to do drugs and ruin his career that was fine by me. Who was I to stop him? The nitwit wouldn’t listen to my suggestions anyway.


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