Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy)

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Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy) Page 17

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

Grabbing my phone, I hit the button for Tiny and hoped he would pick up.

  “Where you at, Molly?” Tiny answered quickly.

  “Slight problem, Tiny; is Reid down there yet?

  “Yeah, I just got him into the car.”

  “Okay, can you ride with the guys and make sure they get to the radio station. After it’s done just take them straight to the venue, got it?”

  “Yeah of course, but where is Brody?”

  “Well see that’s my problem. Any chance you can spare Elliot this morning?” I knew I couldn’t haul this man into the shower on my own, nor did I want to be the only one left with the slime ball when he came back to the land of the living.

  “Sure, Molly, I’ll send Elliot up,” Tiny commented.

  “Thanks Tiny,” I said into my cell, ending the call and setting it down on the coke covered coffee table.

  “You owe me, jackass,” I growled at Brody, who was still blissfully enjoying his idiotic high. Why must men make my job difficult?

  I had Elliot haul Brody into the large bathroom, as I turned the water on. So there I sat, on the counter, watching the fully clothed Brody get pelted by luke-warm water. I couldn’t just leave him, in fear of the dumbass drowning; but at least this way he wouldn’t have to smell the stench of booze and strippers that rolled off his body. A knock came from the partially closed bathroom door.

  “Need anything else?” Elliot asked, shaking his head at Brody.

  “Maybe more towels? I don’t want to leave a huge mess for the maid’s service later.” I sighed, realizing this was going to take a lot longer than I wanted.

  “Sure thing,” Elliot replied, giving me a quick smile and disappearing around the door.

  “So, Brody, since you can’t talk right now, all you get to do is listen. I have been through so much shit in my life. I grew up in a family where I was always the black sheep at any function. Never once did I ever feel included the entire time I lived with my parents. I was the child they wanted to hide, so they had my sister, who definitely made up for all my mistakes in being a McGlenister. I can count on my hand the number of times my mother told me she loved me, isn’t that sad?

  Not only does my family suck my nonexistent balls, but so does my love life. You know I wasn’t asked out on a date till I was twenty one? I was completely ignored in high school by both members of the sex. I had no friends, except my guitar, and the one time a male showed interest in me outside of a casual fuck he turned out to be a complete lunatic. I would have rather been called a slut in high school; at least they would have realized I was there, instead of just pretending like I didn’t exist.

  So now, here I am almost twenty-six, with one failed relationship and no possibility of ever recovering from it. The moment I meet someone, a man who I thought was decent and good, I was bluntly reminded by the cruel universe on how I would never be number one in anybody’s book. Sure, I might be good for a one night stand, and if it worked out, he would come around for a second helping later, but nothing other than a booty call.

  There is a saying for girls like me, and no Brody, it’s not cold hearted bitch. It’s a ‘see you next Tuesday’ kind of girl. Here one day a week and nothing more. At least I’m consistent in something in my life. After this tour, I’m sure you all can go on forgetting about me, since everyone else in my life always does.”

  “Are you done having your pity party there, Sunshine,” Brody grumbled from inside the shower.

  “You heard that?” I winced, hopping off the counter and reaching into the large open shower to turn off the water.

  “Put your big girl panties, on Molly, and deal with it.”

  “I don’t wear any,” I snorted

  “Well, maybe you should.”

  I called Tiny to check in on how the interviews went, then texted Stephanie to let her know why Brody wasn’t present with them. She didn’t seem surprised when I told her he was too strung out to join the guys this morning; I was betting it wasn’t the first time someone found him like that.

  “Hey Brody, are you almost ready?” I called out from the living room. Brody was finally coherent and alive for the most part, and I left him alone in the bathroom to put himself together.

  “I was serious, Molly; you really need to deal with shit,” Brody remarked, stepping out of the bathroom, buttoning up his shirt.

  “This coming from a man who was too coked out to get his responsibilities done this morning?” I hated being lectured when I was younger, and despised it even more now that I was older.

  “This is the life I choose to live. It is my decision to do the things I do, and no one else’s. If I want to get blazed off my ass and enjoy my night, then I’m going to do so.”

  “Yeah, but your little stunt is causing interference with your job,” I added, rolling my eyes at the unintelligent statement he gave me.

  “You forget that without me you wouldn’t be here. So what, I missed a radio interview. I’m sure the guys did just fine without me. It’s rock and roll, Baby; don’t get your panties in a bunch…………….oh wait, I forgot you don’t wear any,” Brody mocked, crossing his arms against his chest.

  “I’m sorry, Brody, I totally forgot who called the shots,” I taunted back, patting his chest and heading to the door.

  “Did Reid make sure that chick left his room this morning?”

  “What are you talking about?” My heart started to race, please don’t tell me she wasn’t there for Reid.

  “Yeah, I went over to his room with some chick, we partied for a little bit in Reid’s room when I ran back to mine to take care of some things.”

  “You mean snort some coke?”

  “Yes, Molly. I wanted to get some California cornflakes,” Brody glared at me, stepping into the waiting elevator.

  “So you just left her in there?”

  “Ha ha, yeah I guess I did. Must have been fun since we left her clothing in my room earlier,” Brody laughed, leaning back against the mirrored walls.

  I really have a way of jumping to conclusions way before I actually know any facts. Once again, I looked like a total stark raving mad lunatic in front of Reid, when apparently he didn’t do anything. This was becoming a pattern of stupidity when it came to interactions with that man. Sighing, I watched as the digital numbers subtracted on the elevator wall. Maybe I should just wear a sign that read stupid.

  We arrived at the arena during PD’s sound check. I could hear the band blasting through the back hallways, as we entered the venue.

  “I’m going to go find Megan. Do you need anything?” I asked Brody before he disappeared into their dressing room.

  “Maybe a hooker and an eight ball?”

  “Not going to happen, jackass,” I yelled back, heading out for the sound stage. I knew he only said that for a reaction, and I refused to give him one. It’s like training a dog not that I ever had one growing up, but I have watched some T.V shows on it. You reward the good behavior and not the bad. Reacting to his comments was bad behavior; simply biting my tongue and not telling him what I thought of those comments was like the good behavior. Holy shit, I needed more friends.

  “Hey, how did this morning go?” I asked Megan, who was watching PD finish their set on stage.

  “Oh fine; we got here a little over an hour or so ago.”

  “Any troubles with the wife?”

  “No, not at all. She was really nice and gracious for the help.” Megan smiled.

  I really wanted to hate Brantley’s wife. Secretly, I hoped she was a raving bitch, who was ratcheted to everyone and demanding all the time. However, from the small amount of time I spend around her and Megan’s take on her this morning, I was beginning to think I was the bitch in that story.

  “Oh well I’m glad,” I lied through my teeth. How could such a total slime ball get a good girl? Where in this universe is that right? “Well come on, I’ll quickly show you the ins/outs of their riders before I need to make sure the meet and greet is set up.”

flashed a bright white smile, and nodded her head. I wanted to hate her, too, but I doubted that would be possible. I really needed to work on my attitude, this was getting pathetic.

  “Hey Reid, do you have a minute?” I asked as he walked through the door.

  “Not really.”

  “Please, it will only take a second,” my eyes begged, hoping he would give me a chance to apologize.

  Reid raised his eyebrows, as I motioned for the door. The hallway was still littered with people milling about, but it was a lot more private than doing it in the meet and greet room.

  “I just wanted to say I was sorry for this morning. I had no right to get angry on a situation I didn’t have a clue about, and it was childish of me to act that way.” I had to bite the inside of my lip to keep my eyes from watering up; what a fricken’ girl I was turning into.

  “Thanks, Molly Anne, I appreciate that you took the time to tell me,” Reid stated, nodding his head and turning back to the conference room door.

  That wasn’t the reaction I expected. Well, I really don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t that. For some reason, I thought maybe a hug and an “I understand”, or even a kiss on the cheek would have sealed the apology. Just a thank you and walking away kind of sucked no, actually, it hurt. I have walked in on this man banging other chicks, got verbally scolded when I shooed his groupies out, and spent the entire night talking to him about my dreams and aspirations. He had never apologized to me for his actions, and I guess he never will. What was I thinking that things between us were going to be different? Maybe I should take Brody’s advice and start wearing the big girl panties after all.

  Chapter 21: I’m not your late night booty call.

  The concert tonight in Austin was amazing. Black Laden had totally sold out the arena, and couldn’t have played any better. The guys played an extended encore, since the crowd was fucking fantastic, which gave me a little more time to go over the next week’s schedule with Megan.

  “There you are,” Brantley’s voice came over my shoulder; his arms snaked around my waist, pulling me closer into him.

  “Excuse me,” I barked. There was no way in hell he was going to get away with this. I wasn’t a home-wrecker. I didn’t care who he was, or what the ‘code on the road’ was. He had a wife, and there was no way I was going to take part in his cheating ways. I had morals, and letting that man try again with me was crossing that line.

  “What’s wrong, Molly?” Brantley let go of my body and gave me a questioning look.

  He knew exactly why I was pissed at him. It might be dumb for a man to cheat on his wife, but never call that man stupid. Nope, it took a lot of thought to do what Brantley did, so stupid he was not.

  “I’m sorry, Megan, can you go check with Danielle in wardrobe to make sure things are ready to be loaded on the truck?” I offered an apologetic smile to her.

  “Sure thing, Molly.”

  I glared at the man standing there guiltier of something than a pregnant nun, and motioned to BL’s dressing room. I don’t think I have ever been angrier at a person in my entire life, than the feelings I was hashing out for Brantley right now. My mother pissed me off, my sister irritated the living daylights out of me, and my ex tortured my soul. But Brantley, well, he hit an all-time low in my book, just looking at him made me want to take a swing at the fucker.

  I heard the door click behind us, and that was all I needed to unleash the anger I had held inside for the last twenty-four hours.

  “How in the fuck could you possibly think that what we were doing was okay? I honestly thought you were one of the few good guys left in this fucked up world. But oh good lord was I wrong.” I was screaming at the jackass, and if the band wasn’t still playing I’m sure everyone in this entire place would have heard the words spewing from my mouth.

  “Molly, it’s not what you think,” Brantley said calmly.

  “It’s not what I think? Oh please, Brantley, let me know what I’m thinking,” I mocked, clenching my fists tightly to my sides. I knew if I didn’t keep myself in check, I was bound to come off the handle and lob this fucker right across his smug little face.

  “I got married a couple years ago. We are off then we are on, it’s not really like we have a great relationship. I like what we have, Molly, you are completely different than what I’m used to.”

  “What we have? You stupid mother fucker! There was no what we have, nor was there ever anything between us. You lied to me, Brantley; you flat out lied to me.”

  “I never lied, Molly,” Brantley said firmly.

  “Bull-fucking-shit! I can’t even believe the crap that comes out of your mouth, Brantley. Never once did you mention you were married. That’s lie number one. Never once did you mention you had a kid. That’s lie number two. Who knows if anything else you told me was true? I’m betting every single thing that came out of your mouth with complete bullshit. I don’t know who was more of an idiot; you, for spewing that kind of crap, or me for believing it.”

  Brantley took a couple steps toward me, holding his hands up in some sort of peace offering.

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” I seethed, taking a few steps back.

  “Molly, come here.”

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” I screamed, louder than I ever expected to. My body was shaking and my teeth chattering. There was no controlling what I was about to do next.

  “Just walk away, Brantley,” Reid’s voice boomed from behind him.

  My head snapped over to the voice before I could even think about taking a swing.

  “Mind your damn business Reid,” Brantley cautioned, taking another step closer to me.

  “She is my fucking business, so I suggest you think twice before moving one more inch closer to her.”

  You could feel the tension in the room, and for once, I didn’t know what to do next.

  “It’s not about you, Reid, so I really don’t want to do this,” Brantley sneered, turning to face Reid full on.

  “Leave,” Reid threatened, his body now rigid and ready to fight.

  Both of these men could hold their own in a brawl, but Reid had at least a good twenty pounds on Brantley, so I was betting whatever happened wouldn’t turn out in douche bags favor. The two men stood mere inches away from each other, both ready for whoever would swing first.

  “Both of you back off,” I snapped, realizing if I didn’t do something, this altercation was going to end badly.

  All of a sudden the door slammed open again and in ran Brody, Tysen, and Ryder.

  “Calm down, Reid,” Ryder exclaimed, placing a hand on Reid’s anxious shoulder.

  “Do as your friends tell you, Reid,” Brantley taunted, as a sickening smile spread across his lips.

  That was all I could handle from Brantley. That man made a complete fool out of me, and now he was taunting Reid, who only got mixed up in this mess because of me. It wasn’t Reid’s battle to fight, nor did I want him to. Someone needed to teach this man some manners. If not for me, but for his damn wife and kid.

  “Hey Brantley,” I called, standing directing behind him.

  Brantley whirled around with that stupid looking grin, as I heaved my foot up into his balls, smiling like a sick bastard once my foot connected with his crotch.

  A high pitched squeal came from the pig as he cupped his junk and immediately fell to the floor. I watched as he writhed in pain on the cold concrete floor, moaning and groaning loudly.

  “Fuck you.” I smirked, stepping over his body to exit the room.

  Reid, Tysen, Brody, and Ryder sported the look of complete shock as I smiled, walking past them. That had to be the most satisfying thing in the entire world. Really all douche bags needed to be lobbed in the balls every now and then to help them face reality.

  “Have a good set, boys?”

  “Uh……………….yeah.” Brody laughed, while opening the door for me.

  “Good to hear, you all about ready to head out?”

  A collective laug
h came from the four of them as I kept walking down the hallways. Brantley deserved more than a kick to his balls, but I’m sure karma would come back for an ass kicking later on. I had to trust in the universe to deliver the rest of the goods to the two timing douche canoe.

  “Hey Megan, I need you to make sure PD gets on the bus tonight, thanks,” I said with a wicked smile while waiting for the rest of the boys to finish getting cleaned up, and other activities they partook in after the show.

  “I’m sensing some tension between you and that band,” Megan pried.

  “Nope, no tension at all.” I couldn’t help but laugh after that comment. Sure, Brantley sucked a big fat toe, but racking him in the man-jigglies was really satisfying for my anger issues. I could totally see why women were getting into the MMA thing. Sure, they would cheapen the sport with a swift kick to the naughty bits, but I can see why it’s catching on.

  Once I managed to tear Brody away from the twins that were servicing him, the rest of the round up was quiet easy. It was only a nine hour drive to Jackson, so the morning was wide open for rest and relaxation. I was looking forward to finding a coffee shop and cracking open my notebook and writing.

  “You riding with us tonight?” Tysen asked as he headed for the bus. I really hadn’t thought about where I was going to ride. Normally Stephanie had a car that she drove to the next location, either that or she flew. Now that we had Megan, we were short one bunk on the crew bus.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” I responded, flashing a small smile.

  “Wow, don’t sound so excited now,” Reid softly stated behind me.

  Pursing my lips, I rolled my eyes at the man. Sure, he was becoming a good friend, and yes he was fantastic in bed, but that was all that would develop with our relationship. I started out on this tour playing over and over in my head that this was a job. I completely lost sight of that with Brantley, and once again I had come to my senses.

  “Whatever, Reid; just get on the bus.” Once all four members of BL were on the bus, I set out to find Megan and let her know the sleeping arrangements. I watched as Brantley walk out the back door, talking in a hushed tone on his cell phone. The fucker didn’t even look over at me as he stormed over to his bus. My middle finger instantly shot up as he climbed on the bus.


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