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Bears of Burden: STERLING

Page 26

by Candace Ayers

  He moved to the driver’s seat and shifted out of park. He hit the gas and the wheels squealed as the car lurched down the road. He took her hand and squeezed it.

  She couldn’t stop the tears that were falling. It was taking everything in her to not break down completely. He drove them to his apartment, and he half carried her into the living room. Once they were inside, he picked her up and brought her to the bathroom. He sat her down on the toilet and turned on the bath. The sound of the water soothed her.

  “Sit in the water for a bit, I need to make a few phone calls. Let my people know that you’re safe.”

  “Your people?” she asked.

  He brushed his hand over her tear-stained face. “I wasn’t out looking for you by myself, darling. I practically had the whole pack mobilized.”

  Tears began to fall again. “Thank you.”

  He shook his head and kissed her softly, his lips barely brushing hers. “I will do anything to keep you safe, Lexi.” He brushed her hair back from her forehead. “Take a bath, relax a little bit. I’ll be right out in the bedroom if you need me.”

  She nodded and watched him go. He closed the door halfway, so she was able to see him. She turned off the taps and shed her dirty clothing, dumping it in the garbage can. She slid into the warm water. Her muscles ached horribly. She scrubbed her skin, and then pulled the plug on the drain to let the dirty water filter out of the tub. She listened to Shane’s voice as he made his calls and she ran clean water over herself.

  It felt like a baptism, a renewal. Shane’s voice in the distance washed away Adam’s. The water washed away the physical reminder of what she had been through. She stood and grabbed a towel from the rack. She wrapped it securely around herself and walked into the bedroom.

  Shane looked at her, and quickly ended his phone call. “Everyone is out looking for Matt. We’re going to bring him in.”

  Lexi nodded, not trusting herself to say anything without crying. Shane pulled her into his arms and she leaned against his chest, listening to the strong, steady thump of his heart. “Oh!” she said as she remembered something. “The hospital, I’ve missed shifts.”

  Shane ran a calming hand through her damp hair. “I called them. You’re on a leave of absence.”

  She could have kissed him. She was amazed that he did something so small but so important to her. She would have been devastated if she had lost her job.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Of course.” He carefully peeled the towel away from her and pulled one of his shirts over her. He carefully examined the bruises on her torso. “You said you weren’t hurt.”

  “It’s not bad. It doesn’t hurt much.” He drew her to him gently and held her close for a minute. She inhaled his scent. He carefully let go of her and pulled the sheets down.

  He tucked her into bed and turned to walk out of the room. “Shane, can you stay with me for a little bit?” She needed to feel his arms around her right now, she felt too vulnerable.

  “Of course.” He toed off his shoes and slid into bed with her pulling her hard up against him, his arms around her. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

  She shook her head. “Just hold me. I need to just feel safe again.”

  She knew that he felt almost as helpless as she did but for a very different reason. She was sure he was upset about not being able to protect her. He had been surly since they got to his apartment. She knew that he needed to feel like he was keeping her safe. She buried her nose against his chest and wrapped her arms around him tightly. His hand moved up and down her back, and sometimes he stopped at her neck to rub some of the kinks out.

  She sighed against him. She lifted her head and pressed a kiss to his neck. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

  He snorted. “You rescued yourself, darling. I was the get-away driver.”

  “The only reason I was able to escape was because I knew you were coming for me. I could have easily given up. But I wanted to make your life a little easier.”

  He laughed, and she could feel the vibrations against her chest. “You were being held captive, by people who are after me, and your concern was that you didn’t want to put me out by rescuing you?”

  “When you put it like that it sounds silly.”

  He tilted her head back and kissed her softly. “You’re amazing.” His lips brushed her jaw. “And beautiful.” He moved along her neck. “And so strong.” She nuzzled against him and peppered his chest with kisses.

  His hands moved up her back, bringing her shirt up. His fingers danced along the edge of her panties, and she moaned. He immediately stopped. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  He let go of her. “We can’t do this. You were just captured and injured and all I want to do is make love to you.”

  She took his hands and pulled him back to her. “Make love to me,” she whispered.

  “You’re injured.”

  “I don’t care. I just want you. And I want you to make me forget about everything that’s happened in the last few days.”

  Shane’s eyes went dark. His hands moved up her back and he pulled her on top of him. “You set the pace. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re not going to hurt me!” she protested.

  “Lexi, you don’t get it. You make me want to lose control. You should have seen me when I was looking for you. I was scary. I’ve never been so frustrated, and angry and afraid in my entire life.”

  She pulled him into a seated position and wrapped her arms around him. She leaned in, pressing her chest against him. She brought her lips to his ear. “I trust you.”

  Her words changed something in him. He turned them so her back was on the bed, and he pressed his lower half into her. She could feel the length of him, hard and hot, between layers of cloth. She fisted the back of his shirt in her hands, needing to feel anchored. He moved his hips in slow circular motions, giving her a taste of what was to come. His teeth ran across her collar bone.

  She gasped, and her mouth opened, giving him the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue inside. She pulled at the hem of his shirt, trying desperately to get closer to him. She needed the feeling of his warm skin against hers. He got the hint and crouched on his knees, between her legs. He pulled his shirt up and over his head. It was like he was exposing himself tantalizingly slowly. She wanted more of him, all of him, immediately. She reached forward, her fingers brushing the hard ridges of his lower abs.

  “You are so beautiful, Lexi,” his voice was tight with desire. She could see the outline of his cock as it strained in his pants. She let her fingers trail downward, and across his length. He hissed in pleasure and his head fell backwards, exposing the musculature of his throat. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed.

  “Fuck, Lexi.” He drew her name out. It sounded like a benediction.

  “Your pants,” she reminded him. It wasn’t fair that she was naked and he wasn’t. She wanted to even the playing field. He reached down and unbuttoned the top buttons of his jeans, and pushed them down his hips. Somehow he was able to gracefully get his pants off. She wasn’t sure how. If she was trying to do the same thing, she was sure she would have gotten tangled up and fallen over.

  He straightened back up. He huge cock stood at full attention. Lexi pushed herself up. Her legs were between Shane’s knees. She touched the head, gently running her finger across the drop of pre-cum that was on the tip. She loved the way he groaned when she touched him. She felt so in control.

  She leaned forward, and her tongue followed the line of her fingers. She marveled in the taste and smell of him as she ran her tongue across one of the veins. His hands fisted in her hair but he didn’t direct her in any way. He seemed content to allow her to explore him.

  She ran her tongue around the rim of the head, and then moved downwards. Her fingers gently massaged his balls, making him twitch. She almost laughed at the immediate reaction from him.

  “Are you almost done teasing me?” he asked, looking down at h

  She smiled at him and slid his whole cock in her mouth. She relaxed her throat as she tried to take the length of him. When it became too overwhelming, she eased back. He swelled even more in her hand.

  “I need to taste you,” he demanded.

  She let go of his cock and he carefully guided her onto the bed. He lifted her leg and kissed the inside of her knee. His tongue made slow circles against the area. She wasn’t sure how such an innocuous area could turn her on so much but she was practically shaking with desire. His fingers danced up the inside of her other leg, as his tongue moved upwards. He ran his nails along the crease between her sex and her thigh. She shivered.

  One of his hands went under her butt, so he could angle her upwards slightly. He licked a long line from the start of her slit to her clit. His free hand traced shapes on the outer parts of her. He captured her clit between her lips and sucked on it, his tongue circling and grinding against the tiny bundle of nerves. He sucked one of her lower lips into his mouth, brushing his teeth against it, and then repeating the same thing on the other side. She hadn’t realized every part of her was so sensitive.

  His tongue dipped inside of her, tasting her juices. One finger slowly joined his tongue, and he curled his finger up against her. She jumped slightly as the pad of his thumb hit a spot that made her feel even more turned on. He rubbed the spot, and his tongue moved back to her clit. He hummed against her, sending vibrations throughout her pussy. She felt the stirring deep in her belly. Her hands fell from his hand and onto the bed.

  She clutched the sheets as the first wave of an orgasm crashed over her. He slid another finger into her wet tunnel, and she gripped down on them. “Cum, Lexi. Cum for me.”

  And she did. One hand went back to his hair, holding her down to him. She couldn’t take the pressure on her clit and g-spot any longer, but she needed more. She felt wired and full of contradictions. It was amazing.

  His tongue was restless and drew another orgasm from her. “Shane…I need…” she began, her breath coming in shallow pants. “A break…too much.” He eased off her clit and g-spot, only stroking her leisurely. Her legs spasmed as she tried to get ahold of herself. He grinned up at her, and right when she was ready to go again, he dove back between her legs and brought another orgasm from her.

  “Shane, make love to me,” she begged. He looked up at her. His mouth was covered in the silky sheen of her juices. He licked his lips, and began to kiss her hip bones. He moved up her body, his lips and tongue running along her skin. It was like she was on fire, and the only thing that could soothe her was his touch. He kissed every inch of the scar on her stomach. She wanted to flinch away. The scar always reminded her that she wasn’t beautiful, but he held her in place.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said against her skin. “All of you.” As he reached her breasts, he said, “You’re perfect.”

  He took her nipple into his mouth and ran his teeth gently across the areola. He kissed between the valley of her breasts and then moved to the other one.

  Lexi’s hands fisted in his hair, pulling him closer to her. He hummed and she could feel the vibrations all the way down to her toes. Her eyes fluttered shut. “Shane, please.” She needed him more than she had needed anything in her entire life. She felt so connected to him. It scared her, but it also excited her.

  His arms went to the side of her, and she wrapped her legs loosely around his hips. His cock brushed against her pussy. He took his length in his hand and ran the head between her folds, not quite penetrating her. When she looked between them, the head of his cock was coated in her juices. It was an insanely erotic sight.

  He did that a few more times, running his cock along her sensitive pussy lips. She bucked up twice, but he pushed her hips back down, making it clear that everything was going to happen when he decided it would.

  “Shane.” His name sounded like a plea when it fell from her lips.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, his eyes searching her face as he positioned himself at her entrance.

  “Yes,” she whispered breathlessly. “Yes.”

  Chapter 15

  Shane felt it the moment he entered her. The feeling filled him completely, leaving him warm, and sated even though he hadn’t reached completion yet. It was her. This was it, everything that he had ever heard about finding your mate. Lexi was his mate. He was positive now.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer. It still wasn’t enough. He somehow needed to be completely inside of her, surrounded by her. Her presence filled him with a pure sort of joy that left him reeling.

  “Lexi,” he gasped. He looked into her gorgeous eyes and brought his lips to hers. He wanted to stay like this forever, connected with her in such an intimate way. Her inner walls clenched around him and he knew he needed to finish with her in order for the mating to be completed.

  He slowly rolled his hips, pushing even deeper into her. She was so warm, so wet, and she gripped him perfectly. He whispered her name against her skin, over and over, as he slowly pulled out of her. She moaned at the loss of him.

  “Shane, I need you,” she whispered. He pushed back into her, just as slowly, savoring every inch. She bucked against him but he pressed her hips down with one hand. He was setting the pace. He was in charge of their love making.

  He had let her take her time, let her decide things for a while, but it was his turn now. He cradled her body against his, his arms pressed against her back. He needed her as close to him as possible. He needed the connection on every level.

  There was an intensity in their love making that he had never felt with anyone else before. When he was inside of her, her inner walls gripping down on his cock, he felt like he was home. All he knew, all he wanted, was Lexi. It consumed him. Was this what finding your mate was like? This intense need, this energy? He couldn’t tell if he wanted to make this last forever, or if he wanted to cum immediately. He wanted both to happen at the same time.

  He buried his nose against her neck. Her pulse raced against his ear. His tongue danced across her sweat-drenched neck. The taste of her was like Persephone’s pomegranate. He would never be able to leave Lexi. She was part of him now.

  The little moans she made every time he pushed back into her were addicting. He turned them, so he was on the bottom. He wanted to see her ride his cock. Her hands were firmly set against his chest, and she used him for leverage as she maneuvered herself up, and then slowly back down his hard length. Her lips were parted in a soft ‘O.’ Her breasts swayed with her rhythm. His fingers circled her wrists, holding her down to him.

  A moment later, he pulled her down so she was flush against him. The soft pillows of her breasts were cushioned against his chest. He captured her lips and thrust upwards into her. His hands roamed her back, and squeezed at the soft flesh of her ass. He could feel the rough skin of her scar under his fingers. He wanted to erase her pain, he wanted to erase the reminder of everything that had happened to her before they made love.

  She gasped into his mouth as an orgasm took her. She clenched down, her inner muscles milking him. He couldn’t hold off any longer. With a moan, he released into her. His warm seed filled her. He thrust twice more and slowly relaxed back down onto the bed.

  He carefully rolled her off of him, and placed one more kiss on her lips before standing up. “Where are you going?” she asked. She looked at him through half-lidded eyes, still filled with desire, but also slightly nervous.

  “Bathroom. I’m going to get a washcloth to clean you up. I’ll be back in a moment, darling.” He felt his eyes on her as he went. He ran a cloth under hot water, knowing it would be lukewarm by the time he got back to the bed.

  He rang out the extra water and reentered the room. She had pulled the covers over her body. He tugged the sheets back down, and was rewarded with her flushed nudity. He could get used to this. Picked up one of her legs and rested it in his lap. He ran the cloth along her folds and wiped up the mess they had made.

sp; She hummed low in her throat and it made him hard all over again. He had never had a response from anyone quite like he responded to her.

  “Uh, Shane?”

  “Yeah, darling?”

  “This is going to sound kind of crazy, but did you feel that?” she asked tentatively as he dropped the wash cloth onto the floor.

  He rolled over and looked at her. She was so beautiful. Not classically so, but beautiful to him. “You’re not crazy. That was, uh, my fault. We’re mates.”


  “A shifter, a wolf, has one mate. We can go our entire lives without finding our one true mate, but if we do, when we make love for the first time, the emotion, the depth is overwhelmingly intense.”

  “Are you saying…” she didn’t look upset, just confused.

  “Yes. You’re the one.”

  She took in a deep shaky breath. “Wow.” His heart sank. Was she unhappy with being his mate? He had, after all, complicated her life irreversibly. She must have noticed his expression because she placed her hands on his face. “It’s not a bad wow. It’s just a lot to take in. Things are so new with us, but we’ve been through more shit than most couples will go through in a life time. But…” she trailed off, as if searching for the words. “I’m not trying to complicate this, but basically, what I’m trying to say, is that I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  Shane’s heart swelled. “I am in love with you, Lexi.”

  Chapter 16

  For a few brief hours, everything was too good to be true. Shane made love to her again before they fell asleep, and he woke her up with gentle kisses and they made love again. He couldn’t get enough of her. They showered together and he made her breakfast. They curled on the couch together and he held her. Every few minutes he confirmed that he wasn’t touching her bruises. It was sweet how worried he was about her. She thought about how nice it would be to have him around every day, checking in on her, making sure she was okay. The thought of it made nervous bubbles blossom in the pit of her stomach.


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