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Echos in the Shadows (Mystifying Music Book 2)

Page 6

by Elizabeth St. John

  “Can you hold the wheel straight so I can put her in the garage?”

  “Sure,” she nodded and sat in the driver’s seat. She pressed the break and slipped the car into neutral. Bowen pushed with everything he had. Ally slid her left leg out of the open door and used the leverage to help him get it going. Once in the garage, she popped the hood so he could access the battery. After removing the cables, he retrieved his battery charger and hooked it up to the connections.

  “It shouldn’t take too long. Maybe an hour.”

  Ally secured her jacket around her shivering body. “What do we do until then?”

  “Food?” he suggested.

  She tossed his suggestion around for a second. “Burgers?”

  His face crimped with distaste. “Chinese?”

  “Tex-Mex?” she questioned.

  “Yes. Perfect. There is a place only a couple blocks away.”

  The hostess seated the couple in a booth and took our drink order. Bowen watched Ally closely as she slipped her jacket off and tucked it behind her. She was a vision of beauty. Her skin was tan but creamy. Her lips naturally puckered and her blue eyes were electric. More thoughts of what her soft skin would feel like under his tongue tormented him. He had hoped it was as tasty as his dreams expressed. He quickly grabbed his menu and focused his eyes on something else. His body was betraying him from under the table and his arousal pressed against the buttons of his jeans. The hostess brought their drinks, as well as a basket of chips with sides of queso and salsa for dipping. Ally salted them before they could cool.

  Moments later, a waiter came over and took their food order. Bowen ordered a fully loaded burrito with extra meat and Ally chose to get cheese enchiladas with white cheese sauce. The waiter walked away quickly, leaving them alone. There weren’t many people in the small restaurant, giving them a little privacy. Bowen sipped his drink as an awkward silence floated around them. There were things he did want to talk about but couldn’t choose which subject to hit first.

  “The burritos here are awesome. I’ll let you try mine.”

  Ally chuckled at his attempt at small talk, “Thanks but I don’t eat meat.”

  Taken aback slightly, Bowen leaned in a little. “Ever? Seriously? Are you one of those animal rights people?” His dark eyes pinched, “Nah. You wouldn’t be working at the plant.”

  She scoffed as she sipped her drink. “No. Definitely not. I used to eat meat all the time until I started working at Fox. Now it turns my stomach.”

  “Is it going to bother you when people eat it?”

  “No. It doesn’t bother me at all.”

  Bowen smiled and leaned back in his seat. “Good. Cause I’m about to fuck up this burrito,” he replied, causing Ally to giggle. It was music to his ears. He enjoyed seeing her happy. “I knew you were different the first time I smelled you,” he stated in a low voice and watching her intently. She choked a little. “Are you alright?”

  She cleared her throat, “I’m fine.” She took another drink and grabbed a chip from the basket. She twisted it in her petite hands for a moment before breaking a small piece off and slipping it between her kissable lips. She sighed, “Me too.”

  “And what are you…exactly?” he replied, even though he already knew. He wanted her to open up to me. Her eyes drifted to something behind him and she quickly began to move her drink and dip. The waiter placed her hot plate in front of her and then placed Bowen’s in front of him.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you?” he asked.

  “This is great. Thanks,” Bowen assured and he hurried away. He could tell she was nervous while she poked at her rice with her fork, avoiding his eyes. “Are you going to tell me?”

  “Umm, “she paused and took another drink. “Well…I’m the same as you…kinda.”

  “Can you be a little more specific?”

  She finally made eye contact with him. His heart skipped for a half a second. Her stare was smoldering and damn sexy. She was intently searching his face. “Bowen, I don’t want to ruin things between us.”

  “Nothing you tell me could ruin this moment.”

  “It might,” she sighed again and bit her bottom lip. It was adorable as hell. The need to kiss her pouting lips caused him to physically ache.


  “You first.”

  He sat back and grinned. “I’m a Skinwalker.”

  Her nose scrunched in distaste, “Don’t say that.”

  “Why not? It’s true.”

  “No. It’s a derogatory word used for…” she paused and leaned in a little. “shifter.” He couldn’t help but chuckle. “It’s not funny. I hate it.”

  “Ally, it’s what I am. I have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “Can you be a little more specific?” she asked, using his own question against him and smiled.

  “Touché, Ally Cat.” He took a bite of his burrito. It was smothered in chili sauce and teased his taste buds to life, much like he had imaged Ally would do to him. “I’m what people call a Sasquatch.” He choked down his bite and took another quickly, allowing her to process what he had just said. When he looked up from his plate, she was glaring at him.

  “You’re such a liar.”

  Bowen was having fun watching her expressions. “It’s possible. I have large feet. And you know what they say about guys with big feet.”

  She smirked, “Yeah, that they have huge hopes and dreams.”

  Bowen hollered a laugh, “You’re funny.”

  “I’m glad I can amuse you. Now, tell me.”

  The pair watched each other for a few seconds before Bowen put down his fork and sat back. “I’m a Wooly Man.”

  “Bowen,” she whispered and took in his serious expression. His gaze was assertive. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m pretty sure,” he chuckled.

  “You wouldn’t lie to me?”

  He sat back in his seat. “Never.” After watching her silently pick at her food, he asked; “What are you thinking?”

  “Do you look like the typical…bigfoot?” she whispered the final word.


  “Yeah, you know, all hairy and stuff?”

  “No, I’m completely hairless, like one of those freaky cats.”

  An adorable smile pulled at her lips and her cheeks flushed. “You’re a fuckin’ liar. Can you not be serious for a moment?”

  Bowen snickered and sat back after taking another bite of his food. Ally hadn’t touched hers. “Alright. But only if you eat something.” Ally looked down at her food and cut a big bite and shoved it into her mouth. “Continue.”

  “Though I wish I were the legendary Sasquatch, I’m not. I’m what my people call a Skinwalker. It is not a derogatory word. It is what we are. It’s what I was born to be.”

  Ally’s brow furrowed deeply as she watched him, “Which is?”

  “I guess you could say I’m a shifter. I can turn into anything I wish.”


  “I have the ability to turn into anything I like.”

  He had her complete attention and focus. She leaned in a little, watching his eyes. “Even people?”

  “It’s possible, but that’s a step I would never take,” he confessed.

  “Why not?”

  His eyes dropped and a deep sigh escaped him. The thought of shifting into a person scared Bowen. He couldn’t imagine doing what others had done. People he had considered family. “There are some who have become different individuals, but it takes a great sacrifice in order to harness a power so dark.”

  Ally swallowed deeply. His words scared her a little. “What sort of sacrifice?” Her voice was barely a whisper. “Animals?” Bowen didn’t reply but kept an intent gaze. She leaned in closer to him and he did the same. “People?”

  “Everyone knows the truth behind the magic of the native people. Sacrificing someone and eating their heart isn’t exactly something my people share with the public.”

�pretty intense.”

  “It is. What makes it worse is…” he paused. “It can’t just be any person.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It has to be someone who loves you with all their soul. A grandparent, a parent, a spouse,” he scanned for anyone listening. “…or even a sibling.”

  Ally gulped deeply, “And you have never?”


  “So, what can you turn into?”

  “Any animal I wish.”

  “You’re a true shapeshifter, not just one specific creature?”

  “Exactly.” He leaned in even closer to her. “Now. Your turn, Ally Cat.”

  “It may scare you off.”

  “Sweetheart, I just told you I could turn into a person by killing them. It can’t get any worse than that.”

  “I’m a hellhound.” Her voice was hardly there. Fear of judgment washed of her as she waited for his verdict. Bowen watched her for the longest time. Having his vision proven true settled within Bowen. “Is…what I am…does it bother you?”

  “Was everything alright?” the waiter questioned, taking both Bowen and Ally by complete surprise. He looked at both of their plates. “Can I get you something else?”

  “No, everything is great.” Bowen replied and looked at Ally. “You wanna get out of here?”


  “May we get this to go?” Bowen questioned. “And can you toss in a couple pieces of that special lava cake?”

  “Yes, sir. Right away.” The waiter took the plates so he could box the food.

  The couple sat in silence until the waiter came back with two white plastic bags. Bowen paid for the food and gave the guy a large tip. On the drive back to his home, Bowen allowed his mind to race. “The draw. It’s all true.”

  “Bowen, are you alright?” Ally asked.

  Once parked, he looked at her intently before unbuckling his seat belt and sliding over next to her. He grabbed both sides of her head tenderly and covered her lips with his. Ally’s heart momentarily stopped as Bowen parted his lips and the kiss between them deepened. Complete surrender to his touch, Ally sighed softly. The energy surrounding their bodies pulled them even closer together. It was not exactly electric but a pulse was there. Ally clawed at his t-shirt in order to pull him closer to her. Bowen had never experienced a kiss such as this before. With his hands still holding her, he broke away.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Panting heavily, Ally replied, “I wasn’t stopping you.”

  “I know but I had to make sure.”


  “That what I’m feeling is genuine.”

  “And what exactly are you feeling?”

  Bowen sighed deeply and nearly kissed her again but released her. He slid back into his side of the seat and killed the engine. “Let’s go check on that battery.”

  Chapter 10

  There was no denying the attraction between them. Ally watched Bowen as he worked under the hood of her car. She took a moment to admire the curve of his back, the bend in his knees and the way the muscles in his arms flexed while he cranked the wrench. She tilted her head so she could adore his butt. He didn’t have much but it was enough to cause butterflies in her stomach.


  “So,” he groaned deeply as half his body was under her car hood. Bowen was trying his hardest to avoid looking at Ally. He couldn’t get their kiss out of his mind. Focusing on the car was the only way he was going to keep his hands off her.

  “You play the guitar in a band and work on cars?”

  “Something like that.”

  She picked up a socket wrench and began twisting it, creating its annoying click, “If you can do those things, why do you work at Fox?”

  Bowen finally stood and faced her. He toyed with the wrench in his hand. “It pays the bills.”

  “Mechanics get paid good money. Music has been lucrative for a lot of people too.”

  “I only do the mechanics stuff as a side job. My music is my passion, among other things.”

  The playful grin on his lips was enticing enough to cause heat to reach Ally’s cheeks. Though she had an extreme attraction to Bowen, she had to keep it cool. “You’re really good by the way. I enjoyed watching you play.”

  “Thank you. Ten years of lessons finally paid off. Well, sort of.”

  “Does music not pay?”

  He bent down under the hood again. “Not yet.” He and the guys had been playing publicly for a while now and still hadn’t sparked any interest, beside the small-town folks. Bowen did hope for a music contract one day. Even the chance to record one album would be a dream come true.

  “You’re good enough, though.”

  “Promoters haven’t offered me millions yet,” he groaned as he began to fight with a tight bolt. “But thanks.”

  “The key word is yet. I think you’re great.” Ally closed her eyes and thought back on the night before when he was playing. The way he moved, his intense expression, how he got lost in the music.

  “You alright, Ally?”

  Her eyes fluttered open and Bowen was standing there in front of her. His dark eyes, captivating. It wouldn’t take anything for Ally to grab him and kiss him again. She smiled, “I’m good.”

  “I found your problem.” The piece of metal in his hands was foreign to ally. “It’s not your battery as much as it is your alternator. It’s shot.”

  She cringed, knowing it was a necessary part for a running engine. “Is it expensive?”

  “A little, but it’s a good thing you know a cheap mechanic,” he winked.

  “Very good thing,” she smiled. “How long will it take to replace it?”

  “I will make some calls but we may have to order the part.” He twisted the broken part in his filthy blackened hands. “Maybe a week. Hard to say.”

  “Damn. I had hoped it wouldn’t be so bad and I would be mobile again.”

  “I can give you rides to work.”

  “No, you work nights and have the band.”

  He shrugged his shoulders, “It’s alright.”

  “You have to sleep sometime, Bowen.”

  He grew quiet for a moment, “You could take her truck. Then when you come back, I will be getting off. I can take it while you work your shift.”

  “But I don’t want to leave you without a vehicle.”

  “Woman, did I say I would be without,” he teased with a smile. “If I need a ride, I can get one of the guys in her band to pick me up.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’s no big deal, Ally. Really,” he assured.

  Her stomach growled, causing her eyes to widen. “Leftovers?”

  “Yes.” He stepped back and allowed her to hop down from the work table. He put the part on the bench and Ally followed him inside. While he washed his hands in the kitchen sink, she pulled food out of the fridge. “Plates?”

  “Up there,” he nodded to the cabinet above the sink. He shimmied his body to the right a little so Ally could open the cabinet. As she reached for the dishes, Bowen had stopped washing his hands to focus on her. When her arms lifted, as did her breasts and shirt, exposing a glimpse of the skin of her stomach. The ache of desire tightened in his jeans.

  His kitchen wasn’t large. It was a perfect size for two people to move around. There was a microwave on the counter next to the stove. It was pristine. Ally put Bowen’s plate in the microwave and started it. He made his way down the hall to change his clothes. His mind would stop imagining her following him and finding him naked. He wished she would.

  As he joined her in the kitchen, Ally was taking his warm plate out of the microwave. After grabbing two sodas from the fridge and two forks from the drawer next to the sink, Bowen took a seat on the other side of the bar. He didn’t bother with small talk while she warmed her food. He ate as if he were starving. Ally placed her plate on the counter in front of him and reached for a fork, but he grabbed it.

  “Come sit next to me.”

  With a small smile, feeling slightly intrigued, ally made her way around to his side of the bar. He handed her the fork as she sat down. “Thanks.”

  “No problem,” he winked.

  The pair ate until everything was gone and Ally was stuffed. “That was really good. Thank you,” she said with a satisfying sigh.

  “Wait until you taste the cake,” he said while standing from his chair and taking our plates to the sink.

  “Oh, no. I don’t think I can’t eat anymore.”

  “Come on. One bite?” The look in his eyes told her a completely different meaning behind his request but, she finally gave in with a nod. Bowen rinsed their plates off and placed them into the dishwasher. Ally rested her chin on her hands while watching him. There was nothing sexier than a man in baggy sweats she thought. Watching him clean made it even better for her. This was a rare treat. Feeling her eyes on him, Bowen took the cakes out of the fridge and put them into the microwave to warm them. “The caramel gets all gooey. So good,” he stated excitedly. “Ice cream?”

  “Yes, please.” The tiny cake smelled amazing. It had hints of coffee and the buttery caramel made her mouth nearly water. Bowen put a medium-sized scoop of vanilla ice cream next to her cake and placed it in front of her, after sucking a drip of melted ice cream from his thumb. Ally couldn’t help but watch him. She swallowed deeply, “Thank you.”

  He grabbed two spoons and handed her one. Their fingers brushed together for a fraction of a second, but he couldn’t deny his need. “This cake is almost better than sex.” He pondered his words. Thoughts of having Ally’s naked body riding him was tortuous. “It’s a real close second,” he stated and sucked some stray ice cream from his fingers again.

  A small laugh escaped Ally. “Well, I wouldn’t know so, I’ll take your word for it,” her cheeks burned as visions of her sucking the dairy treat from his fingers instead.

  Bowen’s eyes widened, “What?” He put some ice cream on his plate before smiling and leaning closer to her. “Ally Cat, are you saying what I think you’re saying.”

  Embarrassment and the need to flee took over her body. She wanted to crawl under the carpet and hide. Biting down on the inside of her cheek, she replied, “Yeah.”


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