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Echos in the Shadows (Mystifying Music Book 2)

Page 11

by Elizabeth St. John

  “Haven’t you learned it’s unsafe with this guy?” Mike questioned.

  “I appreciate you guys helping us but I’m perfectly safe with Bowen. I think the cops have the real bad guy in this situation. I’ve decided to press assault charges.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Theron questioned.

  “He would have raped me if Bowen hadn’t stopped him from getting me in that room. I’m sure of it. He deserves to be in jail.”

  “That’s not what I mean, Ally,” Theron replied.

  Her words were a knife to Bowen’s heart. The thought of Brent even looking at her set him into a demanding rage. He wanted to go back into the club and end his existence. Mike and Theron were right. Bowen had put Ally in a horrible and unthinkable situation. If anything, ever happened to her, he could never take it back. He removed his arm from her shoulders and turned her body so she could face him. “Maybe you should go with them.”

  Ally quickly looked up at him confused. “What?” Her expression tightened and she shook her head. “No, I’m going with you.” There was no arguing with her. She would stay either way. Her arms crossed over her ample chest and a stern glare began to pinch her lovely eyes when she turned to face her cousins again. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Fine, but you call me if anything happens,” Theron stated and climbed up into the driver’s seat. Ally rolled her eyes. Mike lingered for a couple seconds longer and gave Bowen a quizzical glare before returning to the passenger’s side of the large white truck. His eyes literally pinched tight and the color of his eyes shifted to silver for a fraction of a second.

  After they drove away, Bowen smiled down at Ally. “You think they like me yet?”

  She giggled, “I wouldn’t go that far, but it was nice of them to help.”

  “I agree.” He put his arm back around her shoulders and they began to walk back toward Bowen’s truck.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  He smirked down at her, “No.”

  “Yes. Your guitar and coat.”

  “Shit. Your right.”

  The couple entered the back door and EMT’s were still inside, getting Brent squared away. Bowen scowled at him as they rolled him out on a stretcher, shooting daggers in his direction. Brent had the audacity to lift his head and grin at the two of them. His left wrist was cuffed to the stretcher. He was sure to keep his lips tightly shut as the police escorted him to the hospital. After Ally pressed charges against him, they planned to make the arrest the moment he was released by the doctors. “I want you to have your hands looked at, Bowen. I’m worried.”

  Bowen tucked her hair behind her left ear. Pain struck his right wrist but he didn’t give her any clue to it. To tell the truth, it hurt like hell to even move. “Whatever you say.”

  The medics concluded Bowen had probably had a sprain or even a fracture. They wrapped his right hand in a splint and bandage. “You are very lucky, Mr. Cage. A hand injury to a guitarist can be devastating,” one of the female EMT’s explained and handed him a release form to sign.

  “I know, but it was worth it.” He winked at Ally.

  “Have a good night, you two,” the paramedic concluded and walked away.

  “Come on, beautiful.” Bowen put his right arm around Ally’s waist and grabbed his guitar case. She grabbed his jacket for him. There was no way Bowen was going to get his arm through the sleeve with the brace on his wrist. They made our way outside. Bowen stopped by the truck and put down the case. His keys were in his right pocket. He tried to get them out with his left hand but Ally stopped him.

  “Here, let me help.” She slipped her left hand into his slacks pocket. She ignored the keys and found something else entirely. Bowen’s cock twitched as she grabbed it in a gentle touch. He groaned in pleasure. “Oh, here they are,” she chuckled and released him before pulling the keys out.

  “Pure evil.”

  She giggled and unlocked the doors with the button on the remote. Bowen put the guitar case in the back seat and waited for Ally to get in before he got behind the driver’s seat. He had to use his left hand to turn the key. Ally slid next to him and took his busted-up hand into her lap. Her fingertips brushed the naked skin of her exposed inner thigh. She rested her head on his shoulder and settled in for the long drive to Bowen’s home.

  Chapter 17

  While driving down the dark road toward Bowen’s house, his cell phone rang. It was Chuck. Bowen began their conversation with an apology but Chuck completely ignored it. “Where are you?”

  “I’m on my way home.”

  “Get your ass back here. My friend is not a patient man, Bowen.”

  Bowen had completely forgotten about the producer. “I’ll be right there.” He ended the call.

  “What’s wrong?” Ally questioned as Bowen took the next available turn.

  “The producer. He’s waiting on me.” By the time they made it back to The Whiskey Room, the parking lot had cleared out. Ally grabbed Bowen’s guitar from the back seat. He flexed her fingers the best he could with the brace but stopped walking. “Shit! I’m not sure I will be able to play.” He began to unwrap the elastic bandage from his wrist.

  “No way! You could do more damage.”

  “Ally,” he protested. “It’s only for one song. I’ll be fine.” He handed her the bandage and brace before flexing his entire hand. It automatically began to swell. He had a feeling it was worse than the EMT first initially thought, but he wasn’t about to let Ally in on it until after this session.

  “You good?”

  Bowen nodded, “Good. Let’s go.” He took the guitar from her and grabbed Ally’s hand carefully as they entered the backstage door. Her touch was tender. Barely there. She was careful not to squeeze Bowen’s hand too tightly. She knew he was injured more than he was leading on. They quickly made their way past the stage and onto the main floor. There, in the middle, was a single table and a man was seated there. He seemed official enough, though he was dressed in jeans and a button-down pinstripe shirt. The top two buttons of his collar were open and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. A black cowboy hat was sitting on the table next to a glass of water.

  Chuck was seated with him. Once he saw Bowen, he smiled and stood. “Elias Lane, this is Bowen Cage. The man I told you about.”

  Elias smiled and stood from his seat. He outreached his right hand and Bowen had no other choice but to drop Ally’s and take his. When he did, his grip proved his fears. The bones crunched under the slightest pressure. Ally watched intently as Bowen held back a wince. “Mister Cage. It is wonderful to finally meet you.” His voice held a thick country twang. He looked at Ally and smiled before dropping Bowen’s hand and presenting his to her. “And who is this lovely lady?”

  Ally placed her hand into his. “This is my girlfriend, Allyssa.” Bowen replied proudly.

  “Lovely to meet y’all,” he nodded while shaking her hand and dropping it.

  “Lovely to meet you too,” Ally replied.

  “Miss Allyssa. Chuck explained to me what happened. I do hope you’re alright.”

  “I’m fine. Just a man trying to have his way,” she replied and looked at Bowen, judging his reaction. He was calm. “I was lucky Bowen was there to take care of it.”

  “Good to hear.” Elias turned to face Chuck and then back to Bowen. “Chuck has told me quite a bit about you, Mr. Cage. I have been searching for new voices to add to my label. He says your talents may be just what I’m looking for.”

  “Yes, sir. I hope so.”

  “I was here during the performance of your band, but I happened to get an important business call during your solo and had to step out. Would you mind doing it again?”

  Bowen tried not to smile too broadly and nodded. “Absolutely.”

  “Allyssa, I have a seat for you right over here,” Chuck said and pulled out the chair next to his. Ally gave Bowen a reassuring nod before taking a seat.

  Bowen made his way backstage and pulled the gui
tar out of the case. His right hand was throbbing. “Don’t freeze up. You can fuckin do this,” he whispered to himself before stepping out onto the stage. Then his stomach grew into tight knots as the hot stage lights beamed down on him. Everything in front of him was dark, preventing him from seeing the producer. There could be one person or a million and he wouldn’t know.

  “Any time you would like to begin, Mr. Cage,” Elias announced from the darkness. He was a decent enough guy. Bowen had never had been so nervous in his life. “Is there a problem?”

  Bowen’s heart jumped into her throat. He had to clear it. “No, sir. Everything is fine.”

  “Shall we begin, then?” he pressed. Bowen cleared her throat again and closed his eyes so he could clear his mind.

  Ally sat with both of her hands clasped together and held them up to her mouth. “You’ve got this,” she whispered. “You can do it.”

  Bowen took a deep breath and pressed his lips to the microphone. The last thing he remembered was strumming the first note against the tight strings of the guitar and pain shooting all the way up to his elbow. He sang the final word to the song and played the last note. As the sound vibrated in his ears, everything else grew silent. Bowen finally opened his eyes to the bright lights in his face. As the deafening silence surrounded him, it was invaded by the quick sound of clapping hands. Ally and Chuck were both standing and giving Bowen praise for the performance. He had no idea what song he even played. He was in complete robot mode. He remained seated on the stool and waited. “Mr. Cage, would you please join us off stage?” Elias asked.

  He stood and placed the guitar against the stand before making his way to the floor. Ally met him half way. “You were really great,” she whispered happily.

  Bowen couldn’t stop smiling when they finally joined the producer and Chuck at the table. “Mr. Cage.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I have to be honest with you.

  “Alright.” Bowen nodded and focused on him. This was it. His life was about to change. He flexed his sore fingers around Ally’s under the table. She gave him an assuring squeeze as they waited for the verdict that could make or break Bowen.

  “When Chuck first contacted me about your band, he was apprehensive. I deal with Indie bands all the time. Most amount to nothing special and eventually, they do get lost in the cracks, but Chuck is my friend and insisted I was missing something huge. I took the gamble and came to Oklahoma.”

  “Did the gamble pay off?” Chuck questioned.

  Elias snickered and picked up the short glass of water in front of him. He sipped the brim and put it back down before replying, “It’s clear you are a soul-inspired vocalist, but do you always play when you sing?”

  Bowen had to force his excitement down. He feared his inability to play properly would screw this up. “Yes, sir.”

  His expression pinched, “And how long have you been playing?”

  “Ten years.”

  He nodded, “I have to be honest. For a man who has been playing so long, you should have a smoother sound.”

  “I agree. I’m sorry you didn’t get my best.”

  “Elias, I assure you, Bowen can play,” Chuck injected.

  “I can vouch for that,” Ally stated.

  “I’m sure, if you hadn’t gotten into a fight tonight, you would have done a lot better.” Elias stated.

  “Yes, sir,” Bowen replied.

  “But a unique voice is what I’m after. Maybe even a duet.” Elias implied with a glace toward Ally. A rush of fear came over her and her grip on Bowen’s hand grew tight. He winced slightly.

  “Sorry,” she gulped.

  Bowen shifted in his seat slightly. “Well, Ally has an angelic voice.”

  Ally blushed deeply, “No. It’s average at best.”

  Elias sat back in his seat and eyed Ally for a moment. “I’d love to hear it.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Lane. But this is about Bowen. Not me.”

  “Go on, Miss Ally. Give it a shot,” chuck stated happily. Ally looked at him and he was grinning widely. He nodded toward the stage. “I can have some music put on for you.”

  “No, chuck,” Ally insisted but he ignored her pleas. Chuck looked back at the bartender and gained his attention. He instructed he put some slow music on. The soft tune by Florence and the Machine began playing over the speakers. Bile began to rise in the back of Ally’s throat.

  Elias leaned closer. “The stage is yours, Allyssa.”

  “Seriously?” she asked with her eyes wide.

  “As a heart attack,” the producer replied.

  “I’ll join her.” Bowen stood and pulled Ally up with him. As he escorted her to the stage, she began to hyperventilate. “I can’t do this,” she whispered and sweat began to bead on her upper lip. “I’m gonna be sick.”

  After positioning her on the stool, Bowen took her hands in his. “Look at me, Ally Cat.” She lifted her eyes to his. “You’re amazing.”

  “No, I’m not,” she expressed with watery eyes. Her emotions were spilling out of her.

  He released her hands and gently took her round face into his warm hands. “You are,” he insisted and finally winked, making her crack a smile. “I’m right here, love.” Hearing him say that one word helped her relax.

  “Ok,” she sighed. Bowen handed her the microphone and sat down on the stage facing her.

  “Start it up again,” he called. Chuck had the bartender begin the song again.

  When the music began again, Ally lifted the mic to her mouth. The sound that emitted from her caused Elias to stand from his seat. He was completely mystified. Ally was a lure, a sweet siren that he couldn’t resist moving closer to. Her voice held a tender angelic tune. It was full of pain and love. Over time, Elias had been beaten down by the business. The passion coming off the young lady on stage caused his hardened heart to weep.

  Bowen absolutely adored Ally as she spilled her soul out for everyone to hear. When she finally looked at him, his heart skipped a beat and breath caught in his throat. The love he felt for her in that moment swelled inside him. He couldn’t believe how lucky he had gotten. Bowen had found his true love. His dream woman. His protector and he knew he could never let her go and he never would.

  When Ally released the final note and the song ended, a single tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and smiled at Bowen. “Phenomenal,” he expressed. Ally giggled and Bowen stood and wrapped his arms around her. With his face buried into her neck, he whispered. “I love you, Ally Cat.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Wonderful job,” Elias announced at the foot of the stage and was clapping. “Absolutely incredible.” Bowen pulled out of their embrace and turned to face Elias. Ally bowed her head a little and thanked him. “You both are going to change the world and make millions doing it. Either a package deal or solo acts, I would like to sign you both, right now.”

  Bowen couldn’t believe this was happening. He looked down at Ally. “What do you say, Ally Cat? Wanna be famous?”

  Apprehensive, Ally bit into her bottom lip. “I don’t know. This is all so sudden. I mean, I didn’t even expect to sing tonight. I don’t want to invade your dreams,” she expressed to Bowen.

  He kindly smiled, “You are my dreams, Ally. You always have been.”

  “I’m willing to offer you both a contract,” Elias stated enthusiastically. “Of course, unless your loyalties lie with your band, Mr. Cage.”

  Bowen looked at Ally again. “My loyalties lie elsewhere.”

  The only sound in the cab of the truck was the grumble of the engine and their breathing. Ally made it extremely hard for Bowen to focus on the road. She was gripping his arm as he stroked her thigh softly. Her grip would grow tight around his muscle the closer his fingers got to her core. Her legs even parted slightly. Bowen wanted nothing more than to touch her but he wanted her in his bed. Plus, the brace Ally insisted he put back on was making it hard to maneuver his wrist. It was probably for the best. T
heir first time together had to be more than a quick bang in the front seat of a truck.

  Bowen pulled into the driveway and killed the engine. He didn’t hesitate to grab Ally and pull her over onto his lap. She straddled him willingly. The exciting news of their future together set her body into motion. She needed to release the energy that was currently coursing through her body. Bowen kissed her. With their mouths busy, he slid his hands down to her full ass and pulled her even closer to his growing cock. A sighed moan escaped her lips, driving Bowen mad with desire. Even through her pants, the heat of her body radiated against him.

  Ally broke out of the kiss and gazed into his eyes, “Take me to bed.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Bowen lifted her off of his lap. Ally giggled as he jumped out of the truck and pulled her along with him.

  Once inside, their petting and kissing escalated when they entered her bedroom. Ally fumbled with the buttons of her stained coat. Bowen smirked while trying to help her. Once open, she flung it to the floor. The dress she wore was sheer with spaghetti straps and cut in such a way, it exposed her deep cleave. They fell on the bed without skipping a beat. Ally held his shoulders tightly and allowed Bowen to explore her neck with his tongue. Her desire raged.

  Bowen had never wanted a woman more than at this moment. Nestled between her thighs, he pressed his need into her. Ally quivered at the sensual sensation but Bowen didn’t want to rush. He snaked slowly down the length of her body and lifted her skirt. Beneath, she wore lacy royal-blue panties. He drew in her arousal and his cock twitched in anticipation. He skillfully explored the constricting but soft fabric, causing Ally to whimper when he finally brushed against her swollen mound. With a soft touch, Bowen shifted the fabric to the side. Ally gasped deeply when he applied the first tender lick. She tasted of sweet perfection. The honeysuckle body oil she used gave Bowen senses a tantalizing tease while tasting her.

  With his mouth busy on her clit, he teased her opening with his fingers. Her juices coated his fingers when they entered her. Ally moaned and couldn’t remain still as Bowen pleasured her. He released his mouth and looked up at her while stroking the upper wall of her vagina. She had her head back and was panting as she grew tighter around his fingers. Bowen gave special attention to her g-spot, pushing her to the edge. “Cum for me, Ally.”


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