The Barrier: A Novel
Page 22
It was midwinter, in the full swing of social events, yet Judith hadbeen withdrawing herself more and more from what was going on. Shedisliked people's talk; besides, her interest in mere frivolity wasgrowing less, fixing itself with proportionate keenness upon Ellis'saffairs.
For Ellis came continually oftener, and at last she had begun to lookforward to his visits. More than one of his interests had been growingcomplicated; he told her of them freely. Most of all, the street-railwaymatter promised trouble from the threatened strike.
On the evening of Ellis's and the Colonel's third exchange of note andcheck Ellis came to see Judith; she was very ready for a talk. Itpleased and flattered him to see the flash of the eye lighting up herbeauty, the eagerness with which she led him to the familiar subject."Stunning!" he thought to himself. "Is she dressed up so for me?" Thehandsome gown, the few but valuable jewels--and the face! "Soon!" hesaid to himself confidently. Meanwhile, step by step!
He had planned the next one carefully, spending on it more thought thanon many of his great strokes in politics or business. She was more onhis mind than ever, partly because, as a woman, she was a strangeproblem to him; partly, however, because his interest in her was growingsteadily deeper, and to win her was becoming constantly of greatermoment. The unnamed emotion still increasing in him, he explained it bythe fact that it was impossible for him to be contented as he once was,in the days when he drove without rest at his politics or business,having nothing to look forward to at the day's end, and with only thedull set of common-minded men as his companions. How far finer wasJudith than they! Though he still feared her idealism, it gave him asense of the worth of beauty and refinement. And that other faculty inher, to appreciate his material achievements, was not only a stimuluswhich he felt had become indispensable, but was also the susceptibilityby which he hoped to win her. Aiming all his powers at that weakness,and looking back on the occasion when the mere sight of Mather wasenough to capture Judith's attention from him, Ellis planned so to raiseher interest in himself that it would permit of no interruption.
He told her of the threatened strike. The demands of the men were notserious; it would not be a great drain on his pocket to grant theincrease in wages. The free transfers would be troublesome; the extraservice in rush hours a bother: nevertheless, all this could beundertaken, and would be, if it were not for the principle involved. Andin order that he might know how to decide, he needed her help.
"My help!" cried Judith.
"Perhaps," he said, smiling at her interest, "you don't realise that Iconsult you, Miss Blanchard. But all these things I speak to you abouthave more or less dependence on the state of public feelings. Do youknow that I have come to consider you as a kind of barometer of that?"
"Me?" she cried again, much pleased.
"You read the papers, and digest the news. You see people and talkthings over. You're rather above ordinary business, naturally, and so,looking down on its workings, it seems to me as if you see _into_ it. Doyou understand? You see clearer than the men themselves who are in themidst of it."
"I never supposed that," she said. "I never dreamed of it!"
"You have a habit of looking forward, too," he went on. "That's what Ilike, what I need. I get confused myself, sometimes; I can't see thebattle for the smoke. My own strategy is often doubtful to me. Then Iturn to you."
"You overrate me," she exclaimed.
"Not I," he answered. "You aren't offended if I speak so frankly? For Iwouldn't make use of you unless you are quite willing."
"Certainly I am willing to help," she said.
"Thank you," he replied. "Now it's this way, Miss Blanchard. I'm notworking only for the present, as I think you know. I'm looking ratherfarther forward than most people. Besides, I'm mixed up in many matters.Finally I'm rather alone. Politics, the railway, the cotton corporation,half a dozen things I carry almost by myself; I'm the chief, anyway; Ihaven't even a partner to consult. I have to watch my own lieutenants tosee they do things right, good workers as they are. It's brains I needto help me--reliable scouts and clear-headed advisers."
"I can't be an adviser," said Judith, "but I could scout, perhaps. Willyou let me?"
"I want you for both," he returned. "You can advise, and you do. I wantsome scouting just now, and advice after it, by somebody absolutelyimpartial. Somebody who wouldn't hesitate to set me right if she sawthat I was wrong."
"Tell me!" begged Judith.
"I have my preconceived notions," he said. "Let me explain them to you,so that you can understand the line I'm working on. This isn't capitalversus labour, Miss Blanchard; it isn't even the corporation against thepublic--not as I look at it. No, it's the present against the future. Icould do the things the public wants; certainly I could. But that's notthe point. The question is, do they know what's best for themselves?That's for you and me to decide!"
He had been leaning forward, speaking with emphasis; now as he finishedhe sat again upright, but the flash of his eye kindled an answering firein hers. "For you and me!" she repeated.
He leaned forward again, holding her glance with his. "The people," hesaid, "think they know what they want. But the best of them are veryshortsighted, even the educated men. Your friends are beginning to jointhe cry against me; I won't deny it sounds mighty reasonable: Betterhours and pay for the men; better service for the people. Well, do youor I suppose that's all there is in it?"
She drew in her breath; how much more he saw, and knew, than others!
"Let's go back," he said. "I'm in politics, indirectly. I'm blamed forit. Fellows, good fellows I've known for years, are looked down on andcalled Ellis's men, just because they see things as I do. All very wellfor men who sit back with white gloves on their hands and say thatpolitics aren't clean. Come now, I'll acknowledge it to you, MissBlanchard, politics are not clean. I've seen things done that--well,never mind. I believe corruption has been in the world since the firstof time; I think it's in a certain grade of human nature. You can't getit out. But there's less of it than is supposed; and on my word, MissBlanchard, none of it can be laid to me!"
Again she drew a breath, and still meeting his eye, she nodded heragreement.
"If one of those fellows, in the city government through no act of mine,votes for my measures, shall I pay him not to? There are few enough ofthem. Well, we understand that, but people might ask me why I'm inpolitics at all. Miss Blanchard, I point to what I've done. And to whatI'm doing! Sometimes it hurts me that people misunderstand me; mostly Ilaugh. But I want you to know, as I guess you do anyway. I'm buildingthis city for the future."
Again he drew away and made the impressive pause, but in a moment he wasonce more at the charge. "The water-works affair, look at that! Peoplecry 'Steal! Boodle!' But do they know what I'm doing? Do they know whatI'm saving them from? Miss Blanchard, you know, if they don't, that thiscity is at a turning point in its development. We're just growing from asmall city into a big one. Then it's the part of the men with brains toprepare for the change. Look at Boston, look at New York: see howthey're struggling with their water problems, their lighting problems,above all with their transportation problems--and why?" He snapped outthe question abruptly, then answered it himself. "Because they didn'tlook forward and prepare! But that's just what I propose to do forStirling!"
She was quite his own now, listening as if fascinated. Her bright eyewas fixed on his, confusing him slightly, yet it gave encouragement. Hisconfidence increased, and after a moment he began again with moreenergy.
"Look at the water-works--they're vast! I've condemned a whole valleyout Grantham way; the reservoirs we're making are much too large forthe city. But in ten years, what then? Still too large, I'll grant. Yetwhen Stirling is twice its present size, _then_ the reservoir and parksystem, for I'm combining them, will have been got so cheaply that thiscity will be richer than any other. Water system installed, lightingproblems solved, all land necessary for muni
cipal purposes bought andpaid for _now_. The next generation, Miss Blanchard, will have reason topraise us. Isn't that plain? And I mean to do the same with thetransportation system."
"Go on!" she begged him as he paused.
"It's somewhat different in this case," he said. "The water-works arebeing made with public money, the parks also. But the street-railway isa corporation, and although I control it, there are stockholders toconsider, and a great big public to keep in good temper while at thesame time I am working for the future. There's a problem, MissBlanchard--to pay dividends, put on extra cars, and raise wages, whileI'm buying land for future stations, barns, and terminals, and while I'meven thinking of the construction of a subway."
"A subway!" she cried.
"Yes," he answered, "don't you see the advantage of it?"
"Indeed I do," exclaimed Judith. "Our streets are very crowded now, downtown, and the cars make such blocks! But a subway! Wouldn't it beterribly expensive?"
"Looked at in a broad way, no," he answered. "To condemn and take thenecessary real estate will cost nothing now to what it will ten yearshence. And can you doubt that it will be needed then? Then why not setabout it now? Why not ask the public to incommode itself for a while, togain a permanent benefit? What they ask is only temporary; if we letthings slip along from year to year, patching up and patching on, we'llnever be better off. There was a man hired a place; in fifteen years ofrent he paid the whole value of it and yet didn't own it. Better to havemortgaged and bought, in the first place. That's what I propose to dohere."
"I understand," she said.
"I acknowledge," he went on, "that I appoint myself to do these things.Officious, isn't it? And I'm selfish about it. I want to do it my ownway, and I want to have the credit of doing it. Oh, it's a job, it's atask!" As if carried away by enthusiasm, he rose and stood before her."I tell you, Miss Blanchard," he cried, "I am just beginning the hardestfight of my life! But I like work, I enjoy a fight, and with the help ofmy friends (and you're the chief of them) I shall put it through!"
He took three steps away from her, and she watched him, not feeling herthrobbing heart and quickened breath. As he turned again, she asked himhow he meant to go about the work.
"By legislative help," he explained, coming back to his seat by herside. "Prepare to hear a good deal against me: that I've bought thecommon council and own seats in the legislature, for instance. It's longbeen said that the mayor's my own--for purposes of corruption, ofcourse. Now you can see that my plans are too big for me to carry out bymyself, or even for the corporation to do alone. I must have publicmoney to help me. And besides that, more than that, I must be grantedthe application of a principle which has seldom, almost never, beenallowed out of the hands of the legislature or the courts."
"What is that?" she asked.
He answered, "Eminent domain!"
"To be able," she asked in astonishment, "by yourself to condemn andtake land?"
"Yes," he answered confidently.
"You will meet very strong opposition."
"I expect it," he replied. "And I shall be justified in asking for theright. I am looking to the result."
She nodded thoughtfully.
"Now, your part in this," he began again, and she looked up quickly, "isto be, if you will let me say it so, my ear. The plan will be proposedsoon; I shall know what's said for it, I want to know what's saidagainst it. You can help me gage the quality of the opposition. Will youdo it?"
"Willingly," she answered. "But the strike?"
"Ah," he returned, "I wish I might ask you to help me there also. Thereare two things which can assure a strike success: one is determinationin the men themselves, one is the sympathy of the public. Do you goabout enough, do you see people enough--of the middle class, I mean--tobe able to form an opinion on these two points?"
"I can do so," she answered.
"Thank you," he said eagerly. "One thing more--your advice! When youhave done all this, will you give me your opinion freely?"
"If it is of any worth," she replied, "you will be welcome to it."
The enthusiasm, he feared, had lapsed; he did his best to rouse it. "Ifyou range yourself against me, I shall not be surprised."
"I? Against you!" she cried.
"I appreciate the ties of habit and friendship," he said. "But for themthere are many who would be with me. Conservatism is a strong force, asI know very well."
"Do you think," she inquired, "that I cannot see the wise course whenyou show it to me so clearly?"
He concealed his gratification by a counter question. "Do you see thestruggle which is to come out of this?"
"How much and how long will it be?"
"It may take years," he said. "Political campaigns may turn on it. Nextfall's election, the mayoralty, may be determined by what we two, herein this parlour, talk over by ourselves." He saw the flush whichoverspread her face, the pride which came into her eyes, yet hehesitated before the final stroke.
"Will all that happen?" she asked eagerly.
She opened the way for him. Dropping his eyes, he sat for a moment tocollect himself; when he looked up his face was serious. "MissBlanchard," he said, "there will be from all this certain results,personal to me, which are beginning to show very clearly. Whether yourfriends are going to make this a demonstration against me, or whetherthey think they must act, I can't say, but we are going to come to anopen rupture." Then he looked at her with a smile which was half amused,half deprecatory. "Do you remember that I once confessed to you myfoolish social ambition?"
"It was not foolish!" she objected.
"Perhaps not," he returned, "and yet--perhaps. At any rate, I had theambition once."
"Do you not now?" she asked.
"If I have," Ellis answered, "I may have to give it up. For if yourfriends come out against me, and if we fight this to a finish, then itwill all amount to this: that I must choose between my career andmy--acquaintances."
He was managing her well! He felt an unauthorised emotion, promptinghim to say words akin to those which he had heard Jim say to Beth,but--with such inspiration as Judith's--far more strong and eager. Yetall such feeling he beat down, and though she felt the lack, he wassucceeding with her. Coldly as he made his statements and carefullyrepressed all emotion, he was still able to rouse her enthusiasm.
"Would you hesitate?" she asked with spirit.
"It seems easy to you," he returned steadily, "but consider. It meansthat I must live a life alone. I have the American spirit, MissBlanchard, which urges me upward. I have seen what is better than what Ihave; I am trying for it. Whatever happens, I won't go back. But thedoor is shut in my face. So I stay alone outside."
"It must not be!" she exclaimed.
"But if it happens so?"
"It is too unjust!" She could say nothing more, but her feelingsenlisted her on his side, and she restrained herself with difficulty.Her generosity, her energy, showed so plainly in her glowing featuresthat he asked himself: "Is this the moment?" Then the rings of theportieres rattled.
It was the Colonel, who, having heard the earnest tones, and knowingwell how to approach Judith on an unpleasant subject, chose to come nowin order to protect himself by the presence of a third person. "Judith,"he said, standing before them, beaming benevolently, "I have just had anidea. It was very pleasant when Mr. Ellis dined with us recently.Suppose we ask him again, and have some others here: Mrs. Harmon, say,for a matron, and some of our friends.--With Ellis here," the Colonelthought, "she can't refuse."
But he was surprised at the eagerness with which she accepted thesuggestion. Judith began at once to plan whom she should ask, andastonished the Colonel by the names she mentioned. The Judge, theFennos, none of the younger people. "A formidable affair," exclaimed he,surprised and puzzled. "Do you think that you care to attempt so much?"
Judith turned to Ellis. "You shall see!" she said.
"You are very kind," he answered.
And now he was all on fire, waiting for the Colonel
to go. This girl, socold to others, so kind to him, was wonderful. With her, what could henot achieve? "Go, go!" he found himself muttering impatiently, as stillthe Colonel stayed. Why did he not leave them to themselves?
But it was Judith who was keeping her father, for she had seen theshadow of the approaching crisis, and feared it as a woman may who,having once dreamed of love, flinches at a union devoid of passion. Notyet! So she made the Colonel talk. Ellis finally took his leave;certainly much had been gained. Judith accompanied him to the door.
"I shall think over all you have said," she told him. "It is wonderful,what you have planned!"
"And you will help me?" he asked.
"Be sure of that," she replied.
Yes, much had been gained, he told himself as he went away. He hadthrilled her, and if he could rouse her so easily----He struck his handstogether. There should be no more delay.
Judith went into the sitting-room, where her father was explaining toBeth the plans for the dinner. Judith felt that she was trembling withthe reaction from her previous excitement; as Beth's quiet eyes restedon her it seemed as if her feelings could be read. "Don't you think itwill be pleasant, Beth?" asked the Colonel.
"No," answered Beth firmly. "I hope it will not be done."
Leaving her father to expostulate and argue, Judith went up-stairs toher chamber. Beth's disapproval had the effect of a cold sponge pressedupon her temples; she began to control herself. Never had Judith beenable to overlook Beth's opinion lightly; she expressed the feeling ofthe best of their caste. What power had Ellis, Judith asked, that hecould so carry her away? She sat down to reason with herself, to measureby line and square the structure reared by his imagination. Then shebegan to glow again: how wonderful, far-reaching, philanthropic were hisplans!
In that mood she went to bed, and had fallen into a doze when she becameaware that some one was replenishing the fire. When the bright blaze hadlighted up the ceiling, Beth, in her wrapper, came and seated herself atJudith's side.