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Hers Page 7

by Hazel Gower

  Brock shrugged and nodded to Slater. “No. My mother and Jake’s mother, who are both bears, seem to be missing that gene. Slater’s mother has it, but she’s human. Aunt Grace has it and the other mothers in the family, but mine it skipped.” Brock kissed her forehead. “I will say this though. She is that way with Matty, and she’s very excited about Susie’s and Sandy’s babies.”

  The music stopped, and the announcer’s voice interrupted Sammy’s reply as he said, “The bride and grooms are leaving and starting their honeymoon.”

  Everyone stood and cheered as Sandy, Jake, and Zack left the reception.

  When the music went on again and guests started dancing, Sammy could see that she and Jane were the only people left from the bridal party.

  “Do you think it would be rude if I went home now also?” she asked Brock and Slater.

  “No. I’ll go talk to my parents. They organized this part of the night. Go with Slater, and I’ll help with anything that needs to be done.”

  After what Brock had just said she wasn’t leaving him. “No. I’ll stay. I’m the bridesmaid.”

  Brock pulled her to him and kissed her. His lips traced hers, and his tongue sought entry. Sammy opened and let him and held him to her. Right now she didn’t care what anyone thought or said. Brock pulled away and passed her to Slater.

  “Get what she needs to go home. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes. Let me just talk to my parents.”

  Sammy tried to get out of Slater’s hold to go with Brock, but she had no luck.

  “Let him go and do this.”

  Sammy said her goodbyes. All the time she held Slater’s hand, and as she grabbed her purse Brock came back.

  “We can go. Mother organized a cleaning crew, and the wedding planner will get anything that they miss. So we can leave. Come on. I’m beat.”

  Sammy smiled at Brock and linked her arm around his. “Sounds good. Let’s go.” She walked out of the reception holding Slater’s hand and her arm linked with Brock’s, and Sammy felt good, relaxed, and just plain old happy.

  Slater and Brock made her feel good, whether it was just talking and listening to a soothing voice or dancing and having fun with Slater.

  Chapter Five

  Friday afternoon Slater drove to Sammy’s house to pick her up for his family dinner. He was feeling better about where he stood with her. Sandy’s wedding had been a success, and a lot of family and friends knew he and Brock had a mate. Slater was happy his mother and father had introduced themselves and organized a dinner tonight. Sammy seemed to really like his mother even if his mother was over the top and bossy.

  The biggest surprise this week had been that Sammy had liked self-defense. She and her friend Jane had a ball. Slater really enjoyed watching Sammy laugh and smile. Slater smiled as he remembered Sammy giggling on the way home at the way the women had acted around him and Brock.

  “Are women always throwing themselves at you two and I’ve just missed it?”

  “I don’t get as much attention as Brock, as he has the badge bunnies to contend with as well, but being part of the Bear family still gets me a lot of female attention.” Slater sighed. “When I was younger I admit to taking advantage of that and having a new woman almost every week, but I’ve had enough of that. I’m ready to settle down, maybe even start a family.”

  “I’m in total agreement with Slater. I’m ready to have the whole thing, someone to come home to every night, a house with a woman I love, and children.” Brock had been confident.

  Sammy hadn’t responded to their words that they were ready. But he and Brock could both see she was thinking about what they’d said. Sammy must have been happy with their response because the next day Slater got a visit at work from Sammy asking if he would help her find some easy part-time work to help ease her back into the work force. Slater offered her a couple of jobs and was happy that she took one from him in the end. She would be a cleaning waitress. She would wipe down the tables and get the dirty dishes and so on. She’d asked to start with lunches as he wasn’t so busy then.

  Slater was happy Sammy felt safe and comfortable enough to ask him about jobs and was willing to work with him. She was going to do three days a week to start with and then see how she went from there.

  Parking out the front of Sammy’s house Slater couldn’t get rid of his nerves and wished that Brock was here now and not meeting him later at his parents’ house. Slater told himself there was no reason for him to be nervous since Sammy had already met his mother and father, but it didn’t work. This was different from the meeting at Sandy’s wedding though, more intimate, and she would see the house he grew up in and meet his brothers.

  Slater got out of the car and made sure his clothes sat right before he walked to the front door and knocked.

  “It’s open,” Sammy yelled.

  Opening the door he walked in and towards the peaches and honey scent. “Why the hell don’t you have your door locked? That’s so dangerous.”

  Sammy turned from the mirror in her bedroom where she was putting lipstick on and glared at him. “You don’t have to speak like that. I had the door unlocked because I knew you would be here any minute and I wasn’t ready.”

  “Oh.” Slater deflated and looked at Sammy. She was in black fitted pants and a cream colored top that sat low showing just the right amount of cleavage.

  “My face is up here, Slater. Do I need to change my top? I don’t want to show too much cleavage. I liked your parents, and I don’t want to do anything that would have them think less of me.”

  Slater grinned up at Sammy before he pulled her to him and rubbed his erection against her. “I like that top. I like what you’re wearing. You look good.”

  Sammy giggled against him. “I can tell you like it, but I want to look perfect for your parents. I don’t want to look like a hussy or a skank.”

  Moving his hands down to cup her arse he squeezed the round globes. “You look beautiful. You always do. Stop worrying. My parents already like you.” Leaning down Slater kissed her, enjoying her taste and her groan of pleasure. Sammy’s hands slid up his chest, and she pulled his shoulders farther down so she didn’t have to strain on her tip-toes as much.

  The phone in his pocket went off, and he knew without answering it would be his mother. Moaning at the interruption, Slater pulled away and answered his phone on its last ring.

  “Hi, Mum. We’re just about to head over to you now.”

  “Great. I was just making sure you hadn’t distracted her and that’s why you’re not early. You’re always early, Slater. Today is the first time you might be actually be running late. What’s wrong? You’re not embarrassed, Slater? I only have ten photo albums out. Not all fifty.”

  He sighed. “Mum. I’m going. Thanks for the call.” Slater hung up before his mother could say anything more.

  Sammy smiled up at him with laughter in her eyes. “We better go. Don’t want to make you even later. I can do the rest of my makeup in the car.” As she walked by him a giggle slipped out, and he moaned. Now he remembered the real reason why he was nervous. This was the first woman he’d ever brought to meet his parents and see the house he grew up in.


  Sammy stared at the massive mansion in front of her. It backed onto a reserve and fit in perfectly with its surroundings. The house was white, wide, and two-storey with the vines climbing up the windows and a red thatched roof.

  “You grew up here? It’s gorgeous.”

  Slater shrugged like it was no big deal. Sammy started to feel out of place. She’d never been in a house like the one she was staring at out of her window. Sure, she’d been to Susie’s and Sandy’s new houses, but that was different. They were her best friends. The house she’d lived with her mother in she could probably fit into Slater’s family home four or five times.

  The front door flew open, and Slater’s mother rushed out of it and over to their car. “You’re finally here.”

  Sammy chuckled as Slater groaned bes
ide her. “Mum, we are only five minutes late.”

  Slater’s mother Abigail pulled Slater into her embrace. “I know that, baby, but for you that’s late. You’re always early.”

  Abigail came over to Sammy and hugged her. “Welcome. Come in. I have so much to show you.” Abigail grabbed her arm and practically dragged her through the door and to a huge lounge room with two white leather sofas and brown soft carpet and pictures, which covered the walls.

  “Sit. The dinner is only fifteen minutes away. That’s plenty of time to start showing you these photos. We’ll start at the baby ones, and you can see how cute Slater was as a baby.” Abigail reached for her hand and squeezed it. “You and Slater would make gorgeous babies. I don’t have any grandkids yet, and I’d love them.”

  “Mum, stop with the baby talk,” Slater said as he came in with his father Daren and sat on the other sofa across from her and Abigail.

  Abigail shot Slater a stern look. “I will not. Your brothers won’t be giving me any grandbabies soon. They’re not even looking for or wanting to find a mate.” Sammy bit her lip to hold in her giggle as Abigail placed her hand on her heart. “Do you know what Jordan told me when I ask him to come?”

  Slater huffed out his breath. “No, Mum.”

  “He said he didn’t want to come in case the mating bug somehow rubbed off from you and caught him. Can you believe it?” Abigail shook her head. “Kayon wasn’t much better. I actually got a phone call from him just before you arrived. He was trying to get out of coming to dinner. Jordan said too many of the Bear family were falling with the mate curse. Kayon called it a curse. I hope you set him straight tonight how wonderful it is to find your mate. The love of your life. Your soul mate.” Abigail gave a warm smile to Daren.

  Sammy watched the exchange and hoped that she could have what Slater’s parents had one day. Soon, she hoped. The way they looked at each other made Sammy feel like she was intruding on a private passionate moment.

  “Mum, don’t push them. Fate will get them when they’re ready.” Sammy could feel Slater’s stare on her as he spoke.

  Abigail placed a green album in front of her and opened to the first page. A picture of a newborn baby was on the page with a sprinkle of almost white hair on its little head.

  “That’s Slater, about half an hour after he was born. Cute, isn’t he?”

  Sammy glanced at Abigail and smiled. “Yes. He was.”

  “Keep going through it. This book goes until he’s one. The next is the red. Get through what you can before dinner. I’m going to leave for a moment or two and go check on it. Ask Daren about some of the pictures.” A wicked gleam came into Abigail’s eyes. “Slater loved being naked. I had a hard time keeping clothes on him. He was my little feral baby.”

  “Mum, please.” Slater’s voice didn’t sound too upset as he reprimanded his mum. Sammy could hear the love shine through it.

  Abigail left the room, and Sammy smiled as turned the pages of the album and found only one of Slater clothed. Sammy laughed and teased Slater. He came and sat next her taking Abigail’s spot and groaned at the pictures. Sammy was enjoying herself. She asked Daren about one or two of the pictures, and he had a great tale for each.

  At the end of the second book two men similar to Slater strolled in. One was clean shaven and wore a black expensive looking suit. The other had a slight five o’clock shadow, nothing like Brock’s, but had super short hair and wore a comfortable suit.

  Slater and Daren got up with welcoming smiles on their faces. “Kayon, Jordan, you’re just in time. I can smell Mum taking the roast out of the oven now. You both have just enough time to meet Sammy, my mate.”

  Sammy stood up by Slater as the two men blatantly stared at her. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you.” She put her hand out ready for them to shake.

  The all-business clean shaven one took a deep breath in and snarled. “How come you’re not mated? You’re not his mate. If you were Slater’s he would have mated you.”

  Sammy felt herself shrink back at his words.

  “Kayon, apologize right now, son. I—your mother—we brought you up better than that. You have no idea what Sammy has been through. For her to be in a relationship at all I think is brave.” The look of disgust on Daren’s face was evident as he glared at his son.

  Slater was snarling and growling so loud Sammy found it hard to hear Daren. Sammy looked at Daren surprised at what he’d said. She could feel her emotions bubbling to the surface, and she told herself she shouldn’t worry over the fact that Slater’s parents seemed to know about her past.

  “What is going on? I leave for fifteen minutes to get the dinner out and you’re starting World War Three.” Abigail shot a glance at everyone before her glance rested on her husband and son.

  Kayon’s dark brown eyes, which looked almost black, rested on her. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize you are the woman I helped do the restraining order up for. I apologize for my behavior.”

  Slater pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her. Sammy was glad because she needed his strength right now as she stared into his brother’s cold eyes. “That’s fine. Forget about it. I would be cautious, too, if I had any siblings. I haven’t let them mate me properly because I want to get to know them first. I don’t ever want to make the mistake I did with Greg ever again.”

  The cold black eyes softened a bit, and Jordan gave a slight tilt to his head. “Very wise. It’s nice to meet you, Sammy.”

  “Dinner is ready. Let’s go eat.” Abigail grabbed Sammy from Slater’s hold and pulled her to another room with a big table filled with a feast. “Sit. Don’t worry about the boys. They’ll sort it out. Kayon is my intense boy. He means well.” Abigail sat next to her and reached over getting bowls of food and piling it onto her plate while she talked that she was glad all the awkwardness was out of the way.

  Sammy wasn’t sure about that, but five minutes later to her surprise all the men walked in, including Brock, who must have only just arrived, and sat down to dinner, laughing and joking like nothing had ever happened. Abigail got up and moved next to Daren, and Slater sat on one side of Sammy with Brock on the other. Sammy relaxed, feeling instantly safe as she sat between her two men and listened to childhood stories.

  Throughout the dinner Slater and Brock gave her slight intermittent touches here or there, rubbing her leg, holding her hand, stroking her hair or face, leaning over and brushing kisses against her skin. Her heart picked up every time, and Sammy relaxed so much she joined in the laughter and started to feel loved, cherished, and a part of the family. She was a goner if Brock and Slater kept this up.


  Brock got the phone call from his brothers that Susie was in labor late Sunday night. He was working the late shift and still had a few hours left. His partner told him to go get his mate and go help his brother. He called Slater to see if he would pick Sammy up and he would meet them at the hospital, but Slater didn’t answer any of his calls. Giving up on Slater he called Sammy. She picked up on the third ring.

  “Brock. I was about to call you. Slater isn’t answering his phone, and I got a call that Susie’s in labor. I’ve called a taxi, but they said they’re about twenty minutes until one will get to me.”

  “Don’t worry about the taxi. I’ll be there in fifteen. It’s quiet, and Kegon said he’d cover for me for the last few hours.”

  “Thank you. I will be ready.”

  Brock disconnected and thanked Kegon as he got what he needed and went down to his car. He called Slater again leaving a message on his voice mail of what had happened and that he would have Sammy with him.

  He made it to Sammy’s house in record time, parking in the driveway behind the Commodore he taught Sammy to drive in. Brock got out of the car only to see Sammy shutting her front door.

  “No, stay in the car. I said I would be ready.” Sammy walked over with a huge black handbag on her shoulder and opened the passenger door and sat down, putting her seatbelt on. Sammy clutched the
bag to her. “I’m ready.”

  Nodding he put his seatbelt back on and backed out of her driveway and drove in the direction of the hospital. Sammy sat quiet in the car for the drive. When they arrived at the hospital she stared at the building.

  “Are you okay?”

  Sammy shook her head. “No. I hate hospitals. They remind me of the couple of times I ended up in them. The pain in my back and head and anywhere he broke hits me, reminding me of what he did. What I let him do.”

  Brock and his bear wanted to rip Greg to shreds for what he had done to Sammy. He got out of the car and walked around. Opening her door, he pulled her out of the seat and hugged her tight. The bear part of him wanted to soothe her, hug her, and make sure she knew she would be safe from now on. The human side of him whispered that now was the perfect time to get the information he needed to help find out what happened with the Breakaway precinct.

  “This visit will be a good one and will end with life being brought into the world.” Brock kissed her forehead. “This hospital is the one I met you in. It’s the one that we got Greg in and put him behind bars.” He stroked her hair. “And, angel, you didn’t let Greg do anything to you. Greg took choices away from you. Did you okay the doctor the first couple of times to tell the police, or did you do it yourself?” Brock squished the guilt he felt for using this moment to see if he could get information by repeating to himself that he was helping make sure something like what had happened to Sammy wouldn’t happen again.

  “I did it with Susie the first time. I went in and reported Greg to his peers. I learnt never to do that again, when he came home. The next time Sandy and Susie did it, and a couple of times nothing was reported. The last time the doctor rang Susie. He knew of my bad experiences and offered help.” Brock felt Sammy straighten her shoulders. “I owe that doctor my life.” Sammy turned in his arms. “I want to do something for this doctor. Will you help me find out what Dr. James Domino wants and help me get it for him?”


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