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Hers Page 8

by Hazel Gower

Brock’s brain was in overdrive. He now knew that Greg had been reported not only by Sammy but Susie and Sandy, too, and nothing had been done. Brock wondered what else Breakaway had gotten away with. He was more determined now to find out what went wrong and who the culprits were.

  “I will personally give Dr. Domino whatever he wants for contacting Susie and asking for help.”

  Sammy smiled up at him. He’d slowly been walking them to the hospital as they talked. “Thank you. I feel better. You’re right, too. Not everything bad has happened in hospital. There was a lot of good, too.” Sammy held his hand, and together they walked in and to the reception to find out where they needed to be for Susie.

  They went up the elevator to the maternity ward where he could see his brothers pacing back and forth outside of the room they were told to go.

  “Why are you out here? You didn’t leave Susie alone in the room, did you?” Sammy glared at his brothers.

  Blake snarled at her, and Brock was surprised when Sammy didn’t cower or back down. She narrowed her eyes and pointed at Blake.

  “Don’t snarl. That’s not an answer.”

  Brian groaned. “Mother is in with her. The doctor in there is trying to put an epidural in her back. Our bears just want to attack the man who’s doing it because it’s hurting Susie.”

  Sammy tensed at the mention of his mother, but sighed when she heard yelling from the room. “I hate them right now. It should be their hands I cut circulation off to and curse at.”

  Brock grabbed Blake as he went for the door. “Stay here until she has the epidural in. Sammy will go in, won’t you?”

  Sammy looked at him, and Brock could see the debate in her eyes. Could she handle his mother, being in a hospital, and helping Susie in her time of need all at once? Sammy took a deep breath, nodded, opened the door and walked in.

  Brock stayed quiet hoping his suggestion was right and his mother wouldn’t cause trouble. When nothing was heard for a while, Brock turned to his brothers. “Did they tell you how long she has to go until the babies could be here?”

  “She shouldn’t be having the epidural as she’s already seven centimeters, but Susie insisted. She begged for a while, and the doctor gave in. They want her calmer to deliver the twins. The doctor said if she keeps dilating the way she is we’re looking at early morning.”

  Brock had no idea if what Brian had said was good news or bad. “That’s great. Well, I’m here for you, little brothers.” He patted his brothers on the back and sat on one of the chairs against the wall.

  Ten minutes later a doctor walked out, and five minutes after that Sammy came out.

  “Susie is ready for you both again.” Sammy came and sat next to him.

  Blake and Brian went in the door to Susie.

  Sammy surprised Brock when she snuggled against him. “Don’t ever leave me alone with your mother again,” she whispered.

  “You weren’t alone. Susie was with you.”

  Sammy inched away from him and glared at him. “Susie was in no condition to protect me or help me.”

  Brock groaned and tried to imagine what his mother could have said. “What did she say?”

  “Let’s just say if looks and noises could kill I wouldn’t be sitting here now.”

  Brock pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. “Don’t worry about her. I want you, and my bear wants you. She has no say in it.” He held her tight and stroked her back.

  Slater arrived and sat next to Sammy. “Sorry. We had kitchen drama, and I turned off my phone when it happened and forgot to turn it back on. How’s Susie?”

  Sammy sat up and turned to Slater. “Susie just got an epidural, and they think she’ll have the twins by early morning.”

  Slater nodded. “So are we staying to help or going home and coming back later?”

  Brock knew Sammy would want to stay, so he wasn’t surprised when she said, “I’m staying. I want to be here if Susie needs me. You two are welcome to go, and I will stay here.” Sammy eyed him, and he knew she didn’t really want them to go.

  “No. I’ll stay here with you.” Sammy smiled at him and hugged him.

  Slater sighed. “Looks like I better get comfortable.”

  Brock eased back in his hard seat and tried not to listen through the thin walls at Susie’s groaning and cursing at his brothers. It was going to be a long night.


  In the early hours of the morning his mother came out and asked for Sammy to go in and help. His mum looked exhausted as she followed behind Sammy into the room. Brock sat on the edge of his seat as he heard the screaming and grunting from Susie. He could hear Sammy encouraging Susie and his mother soothing his brothers.

  What felt like hours later he heard the cry of a baby and the doctor and nurses telling Susie she was doing well. He heard Susie instructing Brian to stay with the baby and not let him out of his sight. It was quiet behind him for a while, only whispering and deep breathing, and then the groaning and grunting started again. Brock then heard another baby cry. This one was stronger than the first. Even through the wall Brock could hear how drained Susie sounded when she told Blake not to leave this baby’s side.

  Minutes later the doors opened, and Brian walked out with nurses and a bundle wrapped in his arms. “I have a son. I have to take him to ICU to get checked over, and they will do tests and other stuff to make sure he’s okay.”

  Brock stood, and Slater did the same beside him. They peeked at the tiny little bundle in Brian’s arms. Brock felt his heart beat faster, and he hoped that he would have the chance to help make something as perfect as his little nephew.

  “He’s very wrinkly, isn’t he?” Brock chuckled at Slater’s response.

  Brian snarled and shook his head. The taller of the two nurses tapped Brian. “Let’s get him checked out so he can get back to his mum.” Brian nodded and walked off with the nurses.

  As he walked off Blake came out with a bundle in his massive arms. Brock thought it looked strange to see his hulking brother very carefully holding a tiny bundle.

  “I have a boy. He’s a big boy, bigger than his brother. He still needs a check out, so I’m taking him to ICU. Mum is staying with Susie, and so is Sammy until we get back. You two okay? Listening to Susie didn’t put you off having one of these little guys with Sammy?”

  Brock grinned at Blake. “No. I look at him and look forward to having one. You’re very lucky, brother.”

  Blake had a massive smile on his face as he nodded and followed the nurses to the ICU.

  “Wow. You have two new little nephews.” Slater waked him on the back. “Do you think we’ll get as lucky as your brothers and end up having a couple of kids?”

  Brock looked at Slater, and he could see the longing in his eyes. Slater was in his late thirties, and Brock turned forty late this year. “I hope so. I hope so.”

  Chapter Six

  Sammy was still exhausted from the other night, and she hadn’t even given birth to the babies. She lay on the lounge waiting for Slater to arrive with the movies he’d gone to pick up. She and Slater were having a laze-about movie night. Brock was going to join them for an hour or so when he finished work.

  Her doorbell rang, and she shouted, “I’ve left the door open for you.”

  Slater came to her with DVDs in one hand and a bag in the other. He sat next to her placing the DVDs on the coffee table and the bag. “Hey, beautiful, I got the movies you requested, and in the bag are some chocolate milks and chocolate.”

  Sammy sat up and looked at the movies, one comedy, two action, and one romance. She leaned over to Slater and kissed him. “Thanks. I didn’t feel like heading out tonight.” He pulled her so she straddled his lap. “Getting back into the workforce has wiped me out also.” She circled her arms around his neck. “Thanks so much for giving me a job.” Sammy leaned forward and brushed her lips over his. “I really appreciate it.”

  Slater groaned and gripped her arse and moved her closer to his hard body
. “I like having you close. No need to thank me.” Slater winked. “But if you want to show your appreciation I wouldn’t stop you.” He ground his jean-covered crotch against her covered pussy.

  Sammy chuckled. “Oh really?” She leaned forward and kissed Slater. Her tongue sought entry, and he met hers. His fingers slid under her shirt and trailed up her back and around to cup and massage her lace-covered breasts.

  Slater lifted her shirt up over her head, and Sammy fought the need to cover her belly. Neither Slater nor Brock had seen her without her clothes on. Brock and Slater had both made it clear to Sammy they liked her body and had no issue about her weight, but Greg’s comments were forever stamped into her brain.

  “Yum. I love a bit of breast.”

  Sammy giggled, and her unease vanished at Slater’s words. Slater yanked her pants and undies down, and she lifted her body helping to accommodate him. His fingers slid along her nether lips and gently probed her pussy.

  Slater leaned back, and his gaze traveled up and down her body. “Beautiful. You’re so perfect. You smell like heaven to me, and I want to taste you.”

  Closing her eyes Sammy moaned. Slater kissed and sucked his way down her burning body. Sammy had never felt anything so good. Slater, honey, and chocolate surrounded her, and she just wanted to hold him to her forever.

  Sammy let herself go, crying out as Slater’s warm breath feathered over her pussy. Anticipation was making the fire burning in her higher, and she panted as she looked down and watched Slater’s tongue snake out and lap at her clit. “More. Slater, my body is on fire.”

  Slater grinned up at her, and a wicked gleam came into his eyes. “Oh Sammy, I’m going to make you combust.” His fingers dug into her arse as he brought her back to his mouth. His tongue dug deep into her core, and she gripped the sofa pillows as the tingling pressure built.

  His finger moved around and entered her pussy. Just one at first and it slowly set a steady pace, but then a second thick long finger joined the first and Sammy knew she wouldn’t last much longer.

  “Please. I need to come. I need to let go. Slater, please.” Sammy begged Slater to let her come. And he growled against her clit and nipped it as his fingers pumped faster in and out of her core. His growl and the pressure of the nip sent her over the edge into oblivion.

  “Slaattter.” She fell back on the sofa and enjoyed her bliss.

  Slater moved up her body and sighed. “You don’t know how bad I want you right now Sammy, but I can’t. If I take you I know I’ll mate you.” He kissed her lips and picked her up and walked down her hall to her room. “Come on. You shower while I calm myself down and get the movie ready.”

  “Mmmm aha. Sounds good.”

  Slater chuckled and put the lid of the toilet seat down and set her on it while he ran her shower and walked out. She watched him as she came down from her high. Sammy was so close to giving in to Slater and Brock. She knew she wouldn’t last much longer before she let them claim her. Sammy just wanted to be one hundred percent sure this time before she took any huge jumps in a relationship, like making love, becoming a mate, or moving in. She’d learnt her lesson.


  It took Slater a while to calm his raging bear, who yelled at him to go mate their woman, but Slater knew that would be a bad idea. He wanted Sammy’s trust and wanted her to be ready and sure of herself when she let him and Brock claim her.

  Adjusting his pants Slater wished Brock was here to help him calm his bear and assure him he was doing the right thing. He didn’t think the next time he was alone with Sammy he would be able to stop and not mate her. So tonight he needed to find things she liked to do that wouldn’t have them alone.

  Opening the bag he brought he placed the M&M’s and popcorn, snack block, and chocolate milks on the table. He chose one of the action films, staying away from anything that could make the situation he was in worse.

  Just as the first action movie was finishing Brock arrived, and Slater felt relieved that he would have help to resist Sammy. Brock sat himself next to Sammy on the sofa, and she leaned over and hugged and kissed him.

  “How was work?”

  Slater studied Brock and could see dark circles under his eyes, and his usual five o’clock shadow was more like a beard. Slater felt bad he hadn’t noticed the condition of Brock, but he’d had his own troubles and was trying hard not to let his bear take over.

  Brock shrugged. “Same old. Nothing important.”

  Slater’s whole body froze at the lie in Brock’s voice. Something was going on, and it was contributing to Brock’s stressed look. Brock shot him a glare, and Slater knew in that instant that whatever was going on wasn’t something Slater wanted to know.

  Taking the focus off Brock, Slater wrapped his arms around Sammy and moved her so she lay across him. “So, I was thinking we should go to the theater or aquarium, maybe even the zoo?”

  Sammy’s smile was bright and eager. “I’d love to go to a big theater production. My mother always wanted to take me to go see My Fair Lady or The Phantom of the Opera, but we never had the money.” Sammy snuggled between him and Brock. “The Phantom of the Opera is playing in Sydney, but it’s sold out. Maybe next time.”

  Slater grinned and glanced over at Brock, who had a satisfied look on his face. He nodded, and Slater was happy for once the Bears’ name would help get them what they wanted. He would get Sammy The Phantom of the Opera tickets, even if he had to talk to Brock’s mother, Adele, and ask to use their box seats.


  Slater and Brock had told her to get dressed tonight into something fancy. They were taking her somewhere special. Sammy didn’t have anything fancy. The closest thing she had was Sandy’s bridesmaid dress, so she got into that and did her hair in a neat braid.

  Her doorbell rang, and she walked to the door and opened it letting out a gasp at the two men standing in suits before her. Slater’s dirty blond hair was slicked back with gel. His face was clean shaven, and his suit fit him like a glove. Oh my, Sammy thought.

  Brock wore all black as always, but his suit made him look bigger, if possible, and more dangerous with his five o’clock shadow. Wow. Sammy clamped her thighs together as the sight of her two men brought her body to life instantly.

  Closing her eyes she took a deep breath in and regretted it as their honey and chocolate scent surrounded her. Snapping her eyes open she looked anywhere but at them. Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open as at the end of her driveway a limo sat waiting.

  Slater leaned forward with a gleam in his eyes and closed her gaping mouth. “Come on, beautiful. We don’t want to be late.” He brushed his lips over hers, and Brock grabbed her hand and guided her to the waiting limo.

  Sammy got in the limo in a daze. Slater sat on one side and Brock on the other. “Where are we going?” She was dying to know where they were going. All they had told her was it was a surprise and she had to dress fancy.

  Brock held her hand. “It’s a surprise. Be patient.”

  Sammy shook her head and leaned back into the leather seat, excited to see what they’d done for her. They sat quiet for a while as Sammy took in her surroundings.

  “So do you have anything planned this weekend? I have three wedding receptions, and some of my waitresses have come down with the flu.” Slater broke the silence.

  “I would help, but I’m going to Sydney this weekend for my first girls’ night out since the shifter killer mess.” She bounced in her seat and turned to Brock. “Your sister is coming. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Brock smiled at her and reached up tucking behind her ear a curl that had fallen out of her braid. “That’s good. It’s good that you’re ready to start living your life again.”

  Sammy nodded. “Yeah, no more hiding. I don’t ever want to be the victim again.”

  Brock brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it. “You never will be if I have anything to do about it.” Brock looked deadly serious, and Sammy got the strange feeling that Brock was doin
g something to make sure it didn’t happen not only to her but to other women.

  Slater cleared his throat, and she tore her gaze from Brock’s fierce one, telling herself she was reading too much into what he said.

  “Will you back for Sunday dinner with my family?”

  Sammy turned to Slater and grinned. “Of course. There is no way I’m ever missing one of those. Your mother is hilarious. And your brothers are growing on me.”

  “Kayon is more like a weed you can’t seem to get rid of,” Slater muttered.

  “I think all lawyers are like your brother. At least your brother can be pruned,” Brock added, and Sammy giggled.

  “He’s not that bad. He just takes time to trust.”

  “And many other things,” Slater said.

  “You know he kinda reminds me of what my mother would think would be a perfect child.”

  “You’re right, Brock. I always thought he was switched at birth with Zack.”

  Sammy laughed hard at the image that came before her. “Oh my God. I think you might be right.”

  They joked the whole ride to her surprise destination. When the car stopped Slater got out first offering her his hand. She took it and eased out making sure her dress didn’t hike up too much. Straightening she looked around at the casino and frowned. Sammy wasn’t one for gambling. Brock got out, and both he and Slater offered their arms. Not wanting to spoil the night by telling them she didn’t gamble Sammy hooked her arm through theirs and let them both guide her into the casino.

  When they walked by the gambling tables and slot machines Sammy’s curiosity was piqued. A squeal of joy left her, and she didn’t care who looked at her when they walked to the theater where on a big sign it read “The Phantom of the Opera”.

  “You two didn’t.” She jumped up and down, so excited that her two men had done something so special for her.

  “You said you wanted to go and wished you’d gotten to go with your mother, but we hope going with us will be a good consolation prize as she can’t be with you.” Before Slater had even finished Sammy was hugging him, and she reached up pulling him down so she could kiss him.


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