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Page 15

by Hazel Gower


  Something wasn’t right. Brock looked in his review mirror to see Slater driving slowly behind him. Brock slowed his car also as he drove down the winding path to the house. As the house came into view a small boy ran out in front of him. Brock slammed on the brakes and swerved to the side. Turning the car off, Brock jumped out and gathered up his nephew.

  “He killed Grandma,” Matty sobbed. “He’s got Aunty Sammy, and he’s screaming and hitting her. She’s screaming back and kicking and punching him. He’s a bad man, Uncle Brock. You have to go save Aunty Sammy before he kills her like he did Grandma.”

  “Oh shit,” Slater said behind him. “You kill the bastard, and I’ll sort your mother out and look after Matty.”

  Brock handed Matty to Slater and nodded. He reached into his car and pulled out his gun. Loading the chambers Brock entered the house ready once and for all to kill the man who had terrorized his mate.

  The screams and yelling were loud, and Brock sighed in relief knowing if Sammy could scream she was still alive. Quietly sneaking up the stairs and hugging the walls, he followed where the smell of blood was the strongest, in the kitchen. The sight that greeted him had Brock freezing in shock. A bloody knife lay by the French sliding doors, and Sammy stood over a blood covered body as she whacked him with pieces of what looked like a gravy bowl over and over.

  Sammy screamed at the body. “Never again. Never again. I won’t do it. No. Never again.”

  Brock’s heart broke at the sight of Sammy. Taking a deep breath in and listening with his shifter hearing he could hear a barely-there heartbeat from Greg. Brock knew he had to stop her before she killed him. Sammy would never forgive herself if she did that, no matter how much she hated him.

  Emptying his gun, he placed it on the floor. Sammy was in so much of a trance she didn’t even hear him.

  Slowly he put his hands up and used his soothing voice. “Angel, it’s Brock. I’m here now. Drop what you have and come to me. Let me see if you’re okay.”

  Sammy blinked and looked over to him. Brock could see the blood dripping from her hands as she held the shards. In a daze she dropped the shards and stumbled over to him. “Did Matty get to you?”

  Brock caught her in his arms. He could smell she’d lost a lot of blood of her own. Big chunks of hair were missing from her head, and her face and any visible parts of her were black. It took all his control not to kill the man on the floor. “Yes. Slater has Matty. He is keeping him safe.”

  As soon as he’d told her that, a dam seemed to break, and she looked behind her, nodded, and said, “I killed him. I couldn’t go through it again. I’m sorry.” And with that she passed out.

  Knowing Slater would have already called the police, Brock cradled Sammy in his arms. The bastard on the floor wasn’t going to move anytime soon. Brock walked to the lounge room and laid Sammy on the sofa and grabbed the phone. He called his brothers knowing as they lived down the road that either Blake or Brian would come.

  “Blake, Greg came to our home. Get here now.”

  He called his partner next. “Kegon. Greg came here. I need your help. Sammy’s in a bad way, but I think Greg is worse.”

  “Fuck me. I’m on my way.”

  He called Jake. He knew he would want to know. “Jake, we had two visitors tonight Greg and my mother. Kegon’s on the way. I know Slater called the police, and he would have called the ambulance. Matty was here. He’s safe, and Blake should be here any minute.”

  “Shit. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m sure Kegon will be on the phone to the captain now.”

  Brock almost cried in relief when he heard Blake. His voice cut off as he came upon the scene. “What the fuc—”

  “I’ll talk to you when I see you. Blake’s arrived, and I need help.” Brock hung up and turned to see Blake coming to him with a worried look.

  “Is she alive?”

  Brock closed his eyes and listened to the faint sound of Sammy’s beating heart. “Yes. She needs immediate medical attention.”

  “How on earth are you so calm?”

  Brock had no idea. He knew he had to be calm so Sammy would be okay and get the help she needed. “Sammy needs me with my head on straight. I need you to check on Greg. Yell to me if he’s still alive. If he can’t move, go take Matty home and keep him safe. If he’s dead do the same. If Greg’s more alive than I thought and trying to get away or anything that doesn’t look right, do something about it. Got it?”

  Blake nodded and walked away. Brock could hear the sirens in the distance and prayed they would hurry.

  “He’s alive. Barely,” Blake yelled at him. “I’m going to get Matty and take him away from this.”

  Brock didn’t say anything back. He didn’t need to. Slater came to him as Brock heard the sirens turn down there road. Slater fell to the ground next to where he had laid Sammy and wept.

  Brock knew that Slater wouldn’t leave Sammy now he’d seen her. Getting up he did what he had to do. He got his badge out ready, and checked on Greg, then went down to meet the police and ambulance.


  Slater couldn’t believe what had happened. What he’d seen. As soon as Blake came and got Matty taking him away so he was safe, Slater went to Brock’s mother. She lay breathing heavily in her bear form bleeding from a deadly wound to her chest and neck. There were other wounds, but those were the deadliest. With so many injuries Slater knew it would be hard to change and start the healing process. Taking off his clothes, he changed to bear beside her, and then he helped her change back to human sharing his magic as he changed. Adele moaned and grumbled until her bloodied naked form lay beside him. She’d lost way too much blood. Adele looked pale and still close to death’s door because she hadn’t been able to change and heal. Slater reached for his shirt and gently put it on her. He then went inside to find Sammy. He knew Adele would be okay. She was too stubborn to die.

  He came upon a battered and bruised Sammy. At first he’d feared the worst and thought she was dead. Then Brock told him she was alive, and he heard the faint beat of her heart. He broke down crying like a baby in relief knowing she was alive. Slater wasn’t going to leave her ever again.

  The police came up, then the ambulance. They wanted to see Greg first as he was in worse condition than Sammy, but Brock wouldn’t let them, and Kegon arrived to help.

  Slater sat back and watched the paramedics work on Sammy. He followed when they put her on the stretcher.

  “Sir, only family can ride with us.”

  Growling at the paramedic who put his hand out to stop him, Slater ignored him and got into the truck. “Sammy is my fiancée. I’m not leaving her.”

  The ambulance arrived at the hospital in record time. Slater stayed with Sammy for as long as he was allowed. His mother and father arrived, and his mother fretted over him and helped him worry over Sammy. His brother Jordan came over to him in his scrubs. He told them what he could.

  “Sorry, Slater, they won’t tell me much as she’s family. Sammy’s in the best hands though. I made sure of it.”

  “Thanks, Jordan.”

  They all waited in the waiting rooms for what seemed like hours until a man in scrubs came out. Slater stood.

  “Mr. Bear. We have done what we can. The bleeding at the back of her head is worrying us and we have eased it, but with it being a head injury we have to be careful. Samantha has been moved to recovery, and when she’s moved to a room we will tell you and you may see her.”

  Slater nodded feeling numb inside. He hoped Brock would get everything else sorted out, so they could focus all their attention on Sammy’s recovery. His mother’s arms wrapped around him, and he let the warmth of her love seep into him.

  “Sammy will get better. She will be fine. Sammy is strong. She’s survived before. She’s a fighter.”

  Slater knew his mother was right. Sammy was amazing. She’d saved herself and protected Matty. She would live.


  Pain was like a constan
t shadow. Sammy tried to pry her eyes open several times, but every time she saw light the energy it took her to do that one act seemed to knock her out again. Sammy knew there were things she needed to do, people she needed to check on, but nothing seemed to work. She fought for what felt like days trying to open her eyes and do what she needed to do.

  The searing pain radiating around her body woke her on a moan. Sammy felt like weights were holding her down. She struggled to break free until gentle, familiar fingers stroked her cheeks.

  “Angel, calm down. You’re safe. Slater and I are here.” At the sound of Brock’s voice she stopped her struggles.

  Slowly easing her eyes open, she blinked at the bright lights. Sammy gazed around her at the stark white walls, pausing when she came to the window and a table filled with bunches of flowers, balloons, and two teddy bears. Slater sat on her right and Brock on her left.

  “Beautiful, you had us scared there for a while.”

  Sammy moved her head to Slater, wincing at the ache it caused her. She needed to know if she’d done what she said she would. She didn’t know how she’d live with herself if she’d killed a man, evil or not. “Did I kill him?”

  Brock came into her vision next to Slater. “No, angel, he’s alive.”

  Sammy sighed, only to give a pitiful cry as a piercing sharp stinging ran through her. Brock left her line of vision, and she heard him yelling from the door. Slater’s fingers caressed her cheek. She needed to know if she was safe now. “Am I safe? Greg can’t touch me? Will he go back to jail?”

  “Oh Samantha, my love, my beautiful mate. Don’t worry, you are safe. Greg won’t ever touch or come near you again. This I promise you.”

  Sammy could feel the tears falling down her cheeks. She believed Slater. She now knew she was strong enough to defend herself and the people she loved. She’d won.

  A nurse came in, pressed buttons on the machines behind her, and then she injected something into her IV. Sammy’s pain eased, and she felt like she was floating. Her eyes drooped, and she giggled at the free feeling. Because she was free. She was stronger than she thought she could ever be. Thanks to her two men, Slater and Brock, Sammy had overcome her fear of Greg and what he did to her.

  A peace settled into her as she felt Brock and Slater sit on either side of her holding her hands. “I love you two so much. Thank you for being mine.”

  Sammy had her men, and she knew she was safe. Letting the drugs the nurse had given her take fully over she closed her eyes and let sleep take her.


  Slater checked they had everything one last time, passports, luggage, and flight information. He and Brock were starting back at work in a week, but before they had to leave Sammy they’d organized a surprise for her.

  Sammy had slowly healed. The bruises were now gone. She still had aches and her head pained her, but thanks to the mate bond she’d healed quicker and would make a one hundred percent recovery.

  Brock’s mother Adele had recovered, but she’d been so close to death it had taken all her shifter strength. Slater’s magic had helped when he’d changed with her, but because she’d been shot so many times and had lost so much blood it had put her out of commission for a while. Adele was only now getting up and around.

  Slater’s mother and father had stepped in helping everyone as much as possible. Even his brothers had helped with his restaurants, and they taught self-defense classes. Neither he nor Brock would leave Sammy.

  Brock had taken Sammy out this morning to visit Sandy and Susie. Sammy’s friend Jane had come over and spent the morning packing for Sammy. Jane had just left, and Sammy and Brock would be home any second he hoped, as the limo was due to arrive soon.

  Slater heard the front door open, and Sammy growled.

  “I mean it, Brock. I can walk. If you don’t give me at least breathing room, I’m going to kick your arse. For the millionth time today, I’m fine. In fact I feel great, fan-fucking-tastic.”

  Slater chuckled. He and Brock had learnt that Sammy was no pushover. She knew what she wanted, and Sammy told them how she felt and didn’t hold anything back. Sammy marched into the lounge room where he sat next to three large suitcases.

  “What is going on? Where are you going?” Sammy eyed the suitcases before turning her gaze to him.

  “You mean where are we going?” Slater got up and pulled Sammy into his embrace. “It’s a surprise.” He leaned down and kissed her. Sammy melted into him wrapping her arms around him.

  Brock cleared his throat. “We have to go.”

  Slater let go of Sammy. “Let’s go, beautiful.” He got two suitcases, leaving one for Brock to get, and went down the stairs. Sammy followed close behind him.

  “I haven’t packed anything. We can’t go anywhere.”

  “Angel, while we were gone Jane came around and packed,” Brock said.

  “Hey, hang on. What do you mean Jan—” Sammy broke off as she saw the Hummer limo sat out the front. “Oh. My. God.” She squealed and ran to the door, opened it and got in.

  “Well, I guess she’s excited.” Brock laughed.

  They put the luggage in the boot and got in with Sammy. She bounced around the lavish leather interior.

  “I always wanted to have a go in one of these. They are so cool.”

  Slater couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he watched Sammy in her excitement. The car started down their driveway, and Sammy’s eyes were lit up like a kid in a candy store.

  The fifty-five minute drive to the airport was filled with Sammy begging them to tell her where they were going. When they got out at international Sammy’s eyes became as big as saucers.

  First class had no line, so they walked straight up and Slater gave them what they needed. Sammy handed her passport over. The luggage was taken, and they received their boarding passes. Slater grabbed the tickets, and they walked through security and down to the terminal. Sammy was quiet as she took everything in.

  The three of them sat at their gate, and Sammy fidgeted between them. “I can’t believe you did this. How did you organize this? You two barely leave my side.”

  Slater kissed her, lingering on her lips. “We had help. Brock and I wanted to do something special with you before we had to go back to work.”

  “Thank you.”

  The hour wait passed quickly as Sammy told him about Susie’s and Sammy’s babies. The call came over that they could board. Slater loved watching Sammy as she was alight with happiness as she boarded and took her seat. Brock sat next to her, and Slater sat behind them.

  The almost four hour flight seemed shorter as Sammy babbled on excitedly. First class was the first to get off, and the flight attendant said as they left, “I hope you enjoy your time in Vanuatu.”


  Sammy couldn’t believe what her men had done for her. They’d arrived in sunny Vanuatu, and she now stared at the bungalow on the water, which Slater was opening the door to. She was speechless at the beauty around her. Almost pure white sand and crystal blue water surrounded her. Lush green gardens were back on the land behind her. Sammy was in heaven.

  She followed Slater into the bungalow to see the floor covered in roses. Her heart beat so fast she swore it would beat out of her chest. The bed was covered in a blanket of red rose petals, and she turned to see both her men standing beside each other watching her.

  Sammy felt the tears sliding down her cheeks. “You two did this for me?”

  They both nodded, and she took a step back in shock as they both got down on one knee and Brock held out a small box.

  “Samantha Gardner, will you do us the honor of becoming our wife?” Slater said.

  Brock opened the box, and a huge diamond sat in the middle of two smaller ones.

  Sammy looked at her two men and knew without a doubt she couldn’t ever live without them. Throwing herself at Slater and Brock she screamed at the top of her lungs, “Yes. Yes, I will marry you two. I love you. I love you so much.”

  Sammy cover
ed her men in kisses. She felt happier than she ever had in her life. Sammy knew with Slater and Brock by her side she could conquer anything.

  The End

  Other Books by Hazel Gower:

  If you enjoyed this book, you may also like:

  Under the Harvest Moon by Kerri M. Patterson

  Claiming Their Mate by Stacey Espino

  A Fox Between the Bear’s Sheets by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing

  www. evernightpublishing. com




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