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Model Attraction

Page 9

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Gorgeous and private were her first thoughts as she perused the yard that was hidden from others by tall cedar trees. She leaned against the railing and took in the in-ground lap pool surrounded by lounge chairs. The numerous flower beds, strategically placed, had to be the source of the scent of roses that had permeated the air the moment she stepped outside.

  “Did you want to eat first or go for a swim?” Austin said, stepping out onto the deck. Janna turned and an intense quiver raked over her flesh when he stood before her, all tall and sexy. The light blue T-shirt he wore stretched across his chest and showed off his thick biceps. Her pulse kicked up when her gaze went to his flat abs and the denim shorts that hung low on his hips. She loved that he opted for boat shoes versus sandals or flip-flops, which she hated seeing men wear.

  “You look good,” she said before she could catch herself. “I mean...I’m starving.” And not for food was what she wanted to add, but she kept her mouth closed, letting him think whatever he wanted to think.

  The corners of his lips lifted into a grin. “Then I guess I should feed you.” His voice was seductively deep and by the desire in his eyes, Janna was reminded that they weren’t kids anymore.

  He extended his hand to her and she took it, wondering where he was leading her.

  “Come on. You can help me cook.”

  Okay, that wasn’t what she had in mind. “Just so you know, I still can’t cook.”

  Austin shook his head and laughed. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “In my defense, I travel more than I’m at home. So I haven’t had much opportunity to learn.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” he said, rinsing his hands in the kitchen sink. “If I’m not mistaken, you never had a desire to learn how.”

  “I’ll admit, you’re right. Maybe one of these days.”

  They laughed and talked as he instructed her on seasoning the chicken while he prepared the burgers. When he called earlier to ask her how she felt about them grilling outside, she had told him that she would give anything for a good, juicy burger. That was something she hadn’t had in almost a year.

  “I never got a chance to congratulate you on winning the bid Saturday night. I spoke to T’Keyah this afternoon.”

  Austin had earned huge points with Janna when she found out that he had bidden on the item she donated to the silent auction. Then he gave the gift to the daughter of a friend.

  “T’Keyah was the first person I thought of when I saw what you were offering. She has had a tough time coping with her mother’s death and I thought spending time with you would be just what she needed.”

  “I see you’re still a sweetheart,” Janna said, popping a grape into her mouth. Austin had pulled a fruit tray out of the refrigerator.

  “I don’t know about all of that. I’m sure others who bid had someone special in mind, too.”

  “Maybe.” Janna pushed the tray of fruit away before she filled up on grapes and cantaloupe.

  “So when are you meeting with her and what do you have planned?”

  Janna explained to him her desire to help young women learn the proper techniques of applying makeup. She had also arranged with Nordstrom to bring T’Keyah for a mini shopping spree. That all would take place on Friday and then Saturday morning Janna would take her to a famous hairstylist. She wanted T’Keyah to look perfect for her prom Saturday night.

  Once the food was done, Janna and Austin sat on the deck, reminiscing about their high school days. She was surprised to hear how many people they knew who had moved to Atlanta from Edison. Leaving school a year early, she hadn’t kept in touch with anyone. Something she regretted.

  An hour later, Janna and Austin were still on the deck talking. The setting sun helped bring the temperature down but it was still fairly warm outside.

  “Why don’t you take a dip in the pool while I clean up?” Austin suggested and stood with their plates. At that moment, lights around the pool flickered on.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to help?”

  “No, I have it. Oh, and there are towels in the cabinet to the right inside the cabana.” He nodded toward the structure on the other side of the pool before disappearing into the house.

  Janna stood and quickly undressed, her swimsuit beneath her clothes. She’d been eyeing the water all evening and couldn’t wait to dive in. After a few laps, she hung against the edge of the pool, her body still submerged. She could get used to this. Normally her days were filled with traveling, photo shoots and attending various events. Rarely did she have a chance to just hang out and be carefree.

  “I have a surprise for you,” Austin said from behind her. She turned to find a bowl with two spoons hanging out. “Do you still love ice cream?”

  “Are you kidding? Of course I do.” She climbed out of the pool, not missing his appreciative perusal of her white bikini. She should’ve felt bad about deciding to wear it for him, but she didn’t. She wanted him to notice, and by the ardent look in his eyes, she received the results she was going for.

  She took a slow stroll to the cabinet holding the towels, making sure to put a little something extra in her walk. She almost smiled when he cleared his throat before claiming one of the lawn chairs.

  “So what type is it?” she asked when she sat next to him.

  “Butter pecan, of course.”

  A smile covered her lips. “I can’t believe you remembered.”

  “I remember everything about you,” he said and held a spoonful of ice cream toward her.

  Meeting his gaze, she opened her mouth and let him feed her. Eating ice cream and watching movies used to be their favorite pastime. God, I’ve missed him.

  He continued feeding her, and the romantic gesture was turning her on. No other man had ever fed her, and even if one had, somehow she knew it wouldn’t have been the same.

  Some ice cream missed her mouth, falling to her chin. She lifted her hand to wipe it off, but he stopped her.

  “Let me.”

  Instead of using the spoon, he lowered his head and his mouth touched her chin, his tongue tickling her. Heat shot through Janna’s body and the erotic gesture sent warmth up her spine. It took everything within her to sit still and let him clean her up.

  She swallowed hard when he lifted his head slightly, his eyes meeting hers. Without him saying a word, his lips met hers in the sweetest kiss. She whimpered when he captured her top lip and then her lower as he teased her with his gentleness. Oh, yeah, she could definitely get used to this.

  He moved to her cheek and worked his way down her neck. When he made contact with the sensitive area behind her ear, she squirmed and giggled.

  “I see you’re still ticklish,” he mumbled against her neck, nipping and licking. She fidgeted and couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Okay, okay.” She laughed outright, trying to pull away from him. He had a loose grip on her and she leaped from the chair.

  “Come back here. I’m not done with you yet. I think some ice cream dripped onto your shoulder.”

  She laughed. “I don’t think so, Mr. Reynolds.” She jumped into the pool, surprised when he jumped in after her, shoes and all. They laughed and played in the water. She loved seeing this fun, lighter side of him. So often growing up, he’d acted as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, more serious than he needed to be. She remembered his mother saying that he had always been very serious, even as a child.

  He chased her in the pool, making her laugh harder. When he caught up to her, he locked her in place, his arms on each side of her. “That’s better.” And his mouth covered hers again.

  One of his arms went around her waist and her body molded to his. Janna looped her arms around his neck. She loved the feel of his hard body against hers. The evidence of his desire pressed against her stomach. Her heart thumped harder. His large hand c
overed her breasts, kneading and squeezing. His nimble fingers tweaked her nipple, eliciting a soft moan from her. Janna didn’t know how much she could take. Her body was on fire.

  Holding on to his neck tighter, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Now he was the one moaning as he ground against her. One of his arms held her securely around her waist as the other gripped the back of her head, deepening the kiss.

  Moments later, his mouth pulled away, letting her come up for air. “God, I want you.” His husky voice turned her on even more.

  Before she could respond, he angled his head and captured her lips again, devouring her mouth. She arched into him when he lowered her slightly. Rotating her hips, she loved the feel of his erection grinding against her throbbing sex. The material between them had to go. She wanted to feel him. All of him.

  “So, what do we have here?”

  Austin dropped her legs and leaped back like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. They both turned in the direction of a woman’s voice. Janna gave her a once-over, admiring the cute strapless dress with the matching sandals. Though she had no clue who the woman was, she immediately recognized her from the photo on the mantel.

  Janna’s gaze bounced from her to Austin as he cursed under his breath, a pained expression darkening his features.

  Yes, indeed. What do we have here?

  * * *

  Shocked to see Zoe standing on the side of the pool, Austin was temporarily at a loss for words. A quick glance at Janna, her eyebrows raised heavenward, and he knew he had some explaining to do, but first he had to get his body under control before climbing out of the pool. He’d gone from zero to fifty on the lust-for-Janna scale.

  “Hey, Zoe. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Apparently,” she said, and Austin noticed a little attitude behind the one word.

  “Janna, this is Zoe Davis. Zoe, Janna Morgan.”

  “I thought I recognized you,” Zoe said to Janna. “But I’m a little surprised to see you kissing my...” Her voice trailed off and Austin felt more than saw Janna stiffen next to him.

  “Your what?” Janna asked carefully.

  Zoe hesitated, her gaze holding Austin’s. “My...friend.”

  Austin released the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Janna knew nothing about his engagement—that is, his broken engagement. Considering how they were getting along and how he felt about her, it was probably a conversation he should have had sooner rather than later.

  “Austin, may I speak to you inside for a moment?” Zoe nodded toward the house. “Nice meeting you, Janna,” she said before turning and walking away.

  “Sorry about this,” Austin whispered to Janna. “I’ll explain everything in a minute.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Austin snatched a towel from the cabinet and hurried toward the house, tempted to look back when he heard Janna climb out of the water. He had to be the lowest form of human life, wanting to get another look at her skimpy bikini while another woman waited for him inside his house.

  “Well, I guess I no longer have to wonder about the woman who holds your heart,” Zoe said the moment he stepped into the kitchen. “It seems I missed a lot this week. Care to catch me up with what’s been going on?”

  Considering he was a man who didn’t like drama and pretty much led a boring life, the past week had been anything but that.

  “You deserve an explanation,” he finally said. Then again, she was his ex. He really didn’t have to explain anything to her, but he would. They were friends long before they got engaged and he had too much respect for her not to answer any questions she might have regarding Janna.

  “Give me five minutes to get out of these wet clothes and I’ll explain everything.”

  A short while later, he sat on the bar stool next to Zoe.

  “Why don’t you start with the photo I saw of the two of you earlier this week?”

  Austin almost chuckled. Had it only been a week since he first ran into Janna? Or should he say, since she ran into him?

  He told Zoe about the past week, including seeing Janna at the bakery as well as the fundraiser. Saying everything out loud, Austin was taken aback by how easy it had been for him and Janna to pick up where they left off, despite the way they had parted ways. Had someone told him a month ago that they would one day be frolicking in his pool, he wouldn’t have believed them.

  Silence filled the room once Austin finished telling Zoe about Janna and the role she once played in his life. He’d never intended to hurt Zoe, but talking about a past love made him realize even more how unfair it was to have proposed to any other woman. Memories of Janna had often invaded his mind, holding him back from fully giving his heart to anyone. Sharing everything with Zoe, he realized how much Janna still meant to him.

  But he had no intention of risking his heart to Janna again. Yet he couldn’t help but wonder if Janna had been correct in saying that it was fate that brought her back into his life.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Zoe stood and stepped away from the counter they were sitting at. Austin stood, too. She folded her arms, her hands moving up and down them as if trying to get warm.

  “None of this was planned. I haven’t seen Janna in years, and I never stepped out on you while we were together.”

  “I know.” She looked up at him, tears pooling in her eyes. “I never should have agreed to marry you.”

  Ouch. Austin flinched at her words.

  “I think, in the back of my mind, I always knew there was someone else.”

  “There wasn’t—”

  “Yeah, there was. Janna might not have been around physically, but she was always in the middle of our relationship,” Zoe spat out bitterly, but she quickly harnessed her temper. So like her. Always in control of her emotions. “I’m not trying to go all clinical on you, but subconsciously you have never gotten over her. And no other woman will ever stand a chance until you either see where things end up with you and Janna, or you let her go. For good.”

  What could he say? Zoe was right. Question was, was he ready to put it all on the line for another chance with Janna?

  Chapter 8

  Janna stuffed her wet bikini into her bag and zipped it. Grateful that Austin had an outdoor shower and changing room near the cabana, she had taken full advantage of them after swimming a few more laps. Sitting on the deck, she placed her bare feet up on the railing and lounged, enjoying the beautiful evening. Every so often she would try to listen to see if she could hear Austin and Zoe, but Janna heard nothing. At least there wasn’t any screaming and glass crashing against the walls. She didn’t know who this woman was to Austin, but considering she had a key to his house and he had a photo of her on his mantel, it was safe to say she meant something to him.

  “And the fact that he’s left me out here for almost twenty minutes speaks volumes,” she mumbled in the stillness of the night.

  She lowered her feet and slipped back into her sandals. She moseyed over to the guesthouse, which was a few yards from the cabana, hoping the door was unlocked. During dinner, Austin had mentioned that he did his woodworking there. If she knew where the heck she was beyond the suburb of Johns Creek, she’d call a cab.

  Trying the handle, Janna smiled when it turned and she pushed the door open. Feeling against the wall, she searched for a light switch. She should feel guilty about invading his private space, but she didn’t. As far as she was concerned, when he left her out there alone, he gave her free rein to check everything out.

  After she found the switch, the room was immediately bathed in light. She stood frozen in place. This was some guesthouse. From where she stood, it looked larger than her first apartment.

  She turned back and closed the door before roaming around the space. The open floor plan revealed a cute little kitchen with a lo
ng eat-at counter that overlooked the living room. If it belonged to anyone else, she would have considered the space a man cave, with the large-screen television mounted on the wall and a host of electronics in a nearby corner. The huge leather furniture took up most of the space.

  Janna glanced back at the door before heading down a hallway. She passed a full bathroom but stopped at the first open door. Flipping on the light revealed Austin’s workshop. As she moved farther into the room, it seemed as if he had knocked down several walls to create a massive area. Woodworking equipment, lumber and a few finished pieces filled the bulk of the space.

  “I see you found my workshop.”

  Janna whirled around, her heart racing. Austin was leaning against the doorjamb.

  “You scared me.” Her hand rested against her chest.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “I hope you don’t mind—” she pointed her thumb behind her “—but I decided to show myself around, since you were occupied.”

  “I don’t mind,” he said quietly, his gaze steady on her.

  Janna turned away from him and continued her perusal of the space. “Bookcases, huh?” She risked touching one that was lying on two drying horses, hoping it wasn’t still wet, but curious nonetheless.

  Austin pushed away from the door. She had noticed right away that he had showered and changed. A vision of him wet with his visitor popped into her head, but she quickly shook the thought free. The last thing she wanted to do was imagine him with someone else.

  “I started with small items like jewelry boxes, birdhouses and such. Then it was chairs and benches. Lately, it’s been bookcases.” He ran his hand down the side of one that was standing upright near the back wall.

  “What do you do with your finished products?”

  He shrugged. “Give them away or donate them to various organizations.”

  “Well, from what I see in here, if you ever decide to give up your day job, you can definitely make a living making furniture. Your pieces are beautiful. It’s remarkable that you can add such details without a whole lot of equipment.”


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