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Bighearted Cowboy (Tarnation, Texas Book 5)

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by Rhonda Lee Carver



  (Book 5, Tarnation, Texas Series)

  Copyright © 2020 by Rhonda Lee Carver

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission from the author, Rhonda Lee Carver, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages written in a review. For information, please contact Rhonda Lee Carver at

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogue in this work are from the author’s imagination and creation. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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  This book contains material that isn’t suitable for anyone under the age of 17.

  For more titles by Rhonda Lee Carver, please visit or see her complete list of novels at the end of this book.

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  Edited by:

  Emily Kirkpatrick

  Cover Design:

  Rhonda Lee Carver

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  Period Images


  Brennan Colt sings happy birthday to a stranger and ends up with a wife. Now that's a story of a Colt brother!

  Charlotte has faced a hard knock life. At nine, she was shipped off to live with her aunt and there she had to grow up fast. Now, as an adult, it was time for her to think of her future, even if that means cutting ties.

  Headed to Tarnation so that she can nurse at a clinic, she enjoys the interaction with her patients, especially one who makes a memorable impression when he flashes her. She later meets that same cowboy at a local honky tonk and saves him from the claws of a thirsty woman, but she learns right away that he's more than a wide smile and broad shoulders. He also has a conundrum--a tad one. He needs a wife. No big deal, right? Can she help him? However, the cowboy offers more than just quid pro quo and she isn't sure she can handle the emotion.

  Brennan's burying his sorrow at the bottom of a bottle when in walks a savior with wild curls and amber eyes—and a smile that attaches to his big heart. Maybe he’d given up on getting hitched way too soon because suddenly his options are irresistible.

  If he doesn't marry in two weeks, he’d let his brothers, and himself, down. He had one last chance and her name was Charlotte. He’s not so sure about the whole idea, marrying a stranger and all, but what he felt in his gut when she was around didn’t feel too bad.

  He's learning about her, like how smart she is, how she loves chocolate and the way her eyes light up when she laughs, but he's also realizing she has a few secrets. Nothing says he has to get to know her, but the big hearted cowboy is curious...and maybe a tad in love. Yet, if she isn’t willing to let him in, he might have to wave a flag of surrender…

  She isn't the only one who has secrets. When an uninvited guest shows up at Grinning Spurs, it'll turn everything upside down.

  Dear Readers,

  I hope you love the final book in the Tarnation, Texas Series. I want to send a big thank you to all nurses. Their efforts can sometimes go unnoticed.

  Please stay tuned for my newest series coming soon. Cooper’s Hawk Landing.

  Please take a moment to review this book. ??

  LOOK for a bonus read at the end of the book…




































  “Don’t push!”

  “What’s going on? What’s wrong with my daughter?” The frantic mother stood by the table in the emergency room where her seventeen-year-old daughter was curled up in pain.

  Charlotte Sophia had worked as a nurse long enough to ably compartmentalize her emotions from professionalism. However, a part of her wanted to wrap her arms around the scared young patient and tell her, “everything will be all right” but the proficient nurse in her knew time was of the essence to save the lives of the mother and the unborn child. “Ms. Hampton, your daughter is pregnant, and she is in active labor.”


  “Yes. She’s having a baby. I know it’s a shock, but I need you to be strong for your daughter. Missy,” Charlotte directed her attention to the crying teenager. “Did you know you were pregnant?”

  Out came two moans before she finally answered, “No. I didn’t know. Am I going to live?” Frenzied-filled dark eyes stared up at her. “I feel like I’m being attacked inside.”

  “You’re going to be fine.” Charlotte wiped her face gently with a cool, damp cloth. “When did you first notice any cramping or pain?” Her intention was to get information while trying to calm Missy as much as possible. They were still waiting on an available doctor who could help deliver the baby.

  “I left school early because I was sick. I went home and was playing a video game and winning too. You know, the one where the cyborg attacks California and—”

  “Missy!” her mother reprimanded. “Stay on track, for God’s sake!”

  “Fine! I thought I was starting my period, the worst one of my life, but this sucks. Can you get it out? Can you give me something for the pain?” More tears flowed to mix with the streaks of mascara on her cheeks. “I have practice tonight.”

  “Listen to me carefully,” Charlotte said evenly. “I know this is painful and you’re scared. It’s important that you stay calm and whatever you do don’t push. So you play sports?”

  “Soccer. I-I play soccer.” She was in between contractions, but they were close together, so she didn’t have much of a break.

  “Ah, a soccer player. You’re determined and strong. Just like you do in the game when you’re ready to make a goal, you can do this, and you will d
o this, sweetheart. Just keep breathing and concentrate.” Charlotte looked up at the teen’s mother. “Stay with her and keep her relaxed as much as you can.”

  “Yes. I will, but where’s the doctor? Shouldn’t there be a doctor here?” Ms. Hampton looked like she was a thread away from collapsing. Who could blame her? “How could you do this, Missy? Wait until I get my hands wrapped around that boy’s neck.”

  Patting the mother’s shoulder, Charlotte gave her an encouraging smile. “It’ll be okay. We won’t let anything happen to your daughter or your grandchild. I know this is all a blow, but you can take care of the details of how this happened later.”

  Ms. Hampton gave a shaky nod. “I love you.” She laid her hand on her daughter’s trembling fingers. “I’m here for you. Now listen to what the nurse tells you.”

  Charlotte dropped her used gloves in the trash on her way into the hall where she said, “We need a doctor now!”

  “They’re still with the victims of the five-car pileup. We’re trying to pull a doctor from somewhere. I’ll call labor and delivery again to see why they haven’t come and got her,” Bristol said from the nurse’s station.

  That was how things tended to happen in the ER. Emergencies came in numbers.

  “Nurse! Nurse!” Ms. Hampton yelled, “Come fast!”

  Grabbing a pair of gloves from the box on her way into the room, Charlotte dragged them on as she stepped up to the table. Missy’s white-knuckled grasp on the pillow and her glazed over eyes told Charlotte the baby was coming, doctor or not.

  “I’m going to give you a quick exam to see how dilated you are, Missy.” Charlotte’s adrenaline spiked once she felt the baby’s head. “Bristol! I need you in here now!”

  “What’s happening?” Ms. Hampton wrung her hands.

  “We’re preparing you daughter for delivery. The baby is coming. Bristol, we’ll have to do this. Listen, Missy, I need you to turn onto your back and place your feet into the stirrups. This is Nurse Bristol, and we’re going to help you through this. Just listen to everything we tell you.”

  Feet in place and her bottom scooted to the edge of the bed, Missy was panting and whimpering. Charlotte paused a second to work through her mind what to do in an emergency delivery. She’d never performed one alone, but she’d assisted in several deliveries in nursing school.

  “I’m here! What’s the status?” Dr. Noah swept in, tugging on gloves and covering his face with a mask.

  “Patient’s name is Missy. She’s been in labor for approximately four hours. Baby’s head is in the canal. She’s ready to push.” Charlotte stepped aside so the doctor could take his place at the bottom of the exam table.

  “Hi, I’m Dr. Noah. Missy, Nurse Charlotte is going to help you push.”

  After twenty minutes of pushing, Missy delivered a boy who entered the world crying. They rushed him and Missy to labor and delivery where they would make sure mom and baby were okay.

  “That was amazing, wasn’t it?” Charlotte said to Bristol hours later when they met at the vending machines.

  “Amazing? Could you imagine finding out your teen is pregnant twenty minutes before she delivers? Whoa…I don’t think I’m cut out for parenthood. Do you believe she didn’t know that she was pregnant?” Bristol stabbed a button and a Coke bottle dropped.

  Charlotte shrugged. “Who knows. Kids today get so caught up in sports, and life, they sometimes don’t pay attention to the monthly call.”

  “I guess, but I think she had to suspect something wasn’t right. Anyway, how are mom and baby?”

  “I called upstairs earlier and they’re doing great. Fortunately, baby is healthy.” Charlotte dug the needed amount of change from her pocket and dumped them into the coin slot for a candy bar and coffee.

  “Who doesn’t know that they’re kid is pregnant? I thought Missy’s mom was going to flip out.”

  “I’m glad they’re both okay. This could have been a worse situation if she hadn’t done the right thing by telling her mom that she needed help.”

  “You certainly were amazing,” Bristol said as they walked outside to the employee break area. They took a table close to the water fountain.

  “I did my job. I felt so sorry for both moms. I don’t know how I’d handle the same situation if I were in their shoes.” She bit into the chocolate and chewed thoughtfully.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Charlotte looked up at her friend. “About?”

  “Moving? Leaving the hospital.”

  “Very sure.” She swallowed her candy with a sip of the terrible coffee. That was something she wouldn’t miss.

  “I’m going to be lonely.” Bristol puckered her bottom lip. They’d been roommates and best friends since they met in nursing school five years ago.

  “I’ll miss you. Promise me that you won’t eat ice cream for breakfast every morning. Eat something with real substance at least once a day.”

  “Maybe once a day.” Bristol crossed her legs on the chair. “Things won’t be the same around here without you. I’m going to have to deal with Hatchet Agatha myself. That’s so unfair.” She referred to their supervisor who ran the emergency department like a naval ship.

  “You’re going to be fine. Personally and professionally. You have Frank who seems to be keeping you busy these days.” Charlotte picked a piece of caramel from her candy bar. “You two are growing closer, unless my ears deceive me.” She wiggled her brows.

  “You heard, huh? I’m sorry. I’ve become one of those pesky roommates. I didn’t realize the apartment walls were so thin.”

  “It’s okay. I put in my Raycons and fell right to sleep. I just pray Betty Sue turns out to like sleep more than she enjoys midnight booty calls,” Charlotte teased.

  “On a serious note, how do you know you’ll even like Betty Sue?”

  Charlotte popped the last bit of candy into her mouth and downed the rest of the coffee. “She’s my cousin and she asked me to come. We haven’t seen each other in a long time, but as kids we were close. Anyway, I need a change of scenery. I want to have more bedside time with my patients.”

  “But do you think you’ll like working in a doctor’s office? It’s definitely a change of pace from working here.”

  “It’s actually a clinic and from what I hear they keep pretty busy because the closest hospital is almost an hour away.”

  “So Texas, huh? You don’t even own a pair of cowboy boots. You won’t fit in. Stay here.” Bristol put her hands into a prayer position and puffed out her bottom lip.

  “Please understand. I need to get away from Ohio. I want you to come and visit soon. It’ll give you an excuse to buy a new pair of jeans and boots.”

  “Don’t you mean you need to get away from Lucy? She’d finally driven you away.”

  “That too.” She couldn’t deny that going to Tarnation had a lot to do with her aunt.

  “That I can understand. It’s time you put a stop to her taking advantage of you.”

  “I think it’s the only way she knows how to show affection, by being abrasive.”

  Bristol popped a nut into her mouth. “That woman has never been affectionate. It’s not in her DNA. So what does she say about you leaving?” When Charlotte didn’t answer, Bristol’s eyes widened. “You didn’t tell her?”

  “Not yet. I plan on stopping on my way to the airport in the morning.”

  “Well, since I can’t convince you to stay, I might as well give you this.” She reached into her purse and brought out a small box.

  “You got me a going away present?”

  Bristol shoved the box toward Charlotte who took it and popped off the lid. Inside she found a heart necklace. “Bristol! You shouldn’t have. You can’t afford this.”

  “Anything for the greatest friend alive. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have made it through nursing school. You kicked my butt when I needed it.” Her eyes filled with moisture.

  “Don’t cry.” Charlotte pulled her friend in for a tight hug.

  “I’m not crying. You’re crying.” Bristol sniffed and pulled back, subtly wiping away the wetness. “Go and find yourself in Texas. If you don’t, come back because you always have a place here.”

  They gave each other another quick hug and Bristol stood. “I’ve got to get back to work. Don’t leave without saying bye to me.” She rushed off.

  Charlotte stayed a few minutes longer, taking in the beauty of the courtyard. She was both scared and excited to be leaving. Getting up, she threw away her trash and for the last time took the bridgeway into the emergency department. She was greeted by several co-workers and as she turned down a corridor, she helped an elderly patient who had dropped her purse.

  She stepped behind the nurse’s station and reached for the chart, opening it. She felt someone over her shoulder and looked up to find Agatha standing there, hovering. “I’m sorry that I’m a few minutes late. I’m going to check on my patient now.” She hurried to be on her way.

  “I wanted to stop and wish you well on your new journey.”

  Blinking, Charlotte couldn’t remember in the three years that she’d worked at the hospital having Agatha say one pleasant word. “Thank you!”

  The older woman started to step away, but she stopped, giving Charlotte a smile. “You’re a very skilled nurse. If you decide you’d like to come back, I’m sure we can find a place for you here in the ER.”

  Charlotte had to mentally shake herself.

  Although she’d miss her work family, she hoped she’d meet new friends.

  And she remembered this the next morning when she took the cab to the apartment building where she’d grown up.

  A familiar feeling of butterflies erupted inside her stomach as she was time machined back to the child who’d been awakened by a caseworker in the middle of the night and asked to pack her belongings in a trash bag because she was being taken away from home. The next events of that night and why she had been whisked away were all a blur, but she recalled how they’d driven for what seemed like hours until they pulled up in front of the apartment building where she’d call home for the next eleven years.


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