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Bighearted Cowboy (Tarnation, Texas Book 5)

Page 12

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  She opened her mouth but a thumping noise from inside the house paused her. “Did you hear that?” She reached for the screen door and swung it open, stepping into the empty kitchen. “Melba?”

  No answer.

  “Where is she?” Brennan asked from behind her.

  “I don’t know.” Standing at the bottom of the steps, she called up them, “Melba?”

  Still nothing.

  “I’m going up to check on her.” Charlotte took the stairs two at a time. Something wasn’t right.

  Once she stepped onto the top landing, she saw Melba’s foot.

  Rushing into the bedroom, Charlotte found Melba sprawled out on her back, mumbling incoherently.

  Dropping beside the elderly woman, Charlotte shook her gently. “Melba? Are you okay?”

  “I-I…I’m on the floor. I don’t know what happened. I was standing and the next second I was here.” She tried to push herself up.

  “Don’t move. Not yet.” Charlotte gave her a quick exam, finding nothing broken or strained, at least not anything obvious. “Are you taking any medications?”

  “I take something for my diabetes.”

  That made sense to Charlotte. “Did you take it this morning?”

  “I-I don’t know. I can’t remember.”

  “Is everything okay up there?” Brennan called.

  “Could you come up here?” Charlotte yelled.

  Within seconds he was in the bedroom, looking worried. He grabbed a pillow off the bed and bent down on the other side of Melba, lifting her head. “Here you go, Melba. Is she okay?”

  “I think her sugar dropped. Stay with her while I run and grab something.” Charlotte hurried down to the kitchen, and searched through the cabinets and refrigerator, settling on a glass of skim milk. She hurried back upstairs. “Melba, here, you need to drink this.”

  With Brennan holding her head, she drank the milk.

  “That’s good.” Brennan soothed her.

  “I’m so glad you two were here,” Melba said.

  “We are too.” Charlotte met Brennan’s gaze for a second. “Let’s help you up and over to the bed so you can lie down.”

  Once they had her on the bed with her feet up and her color was slowly returning. Charlotte sat down next to the woman’s hip. “Where do you keep your pills?”

  “Downstairs in the kitchen. Next to the toaster so I don’t forget them. I have toast with apple butter every morning.”

  “I’ll grab them,” Brennan offered.

  “How long have you had diabetes?” Charlotte asked, paying close attention to Melba’s speech.

  “Two years ago. Or maybe it was three. I don’t know. I hate taking medicine.”

  “Where do you keep your testing kit?”

  “Right there, dear.” Melba pointed at the drawer in the nightstand.

  Charlotte was taking out the kit just as Brennan returned with a plastic pill holder. Charlotte looked at the days full compartment. “Looks like you didn’t take your pill, any of your pills, this morning.”

  “I didn’t? I thought for sure I did.” Melba sighed. “The breasts go and the memory soon after.”

  Charlotte smiled at the woman’s humor and prepared the tester. “I’m going to test your blood. Okay?”

  “Whatever you think is best, dear.”

  “How about I go downstairs and finish bringing in the wood while you two take care of business. You’re in good hands, Melba,” Brennan said, already backing toward the door.

  Charlotte understood that he was giving her time to ask Melba more questions that she might be more comfortable talking about in private.

  Once she had the needle in place and one of Melba’s fingers cleaned with the alcohol pad, Charlotte warned, “You’re going to feel a stick.” Clicking the button, the needle stuck the skin, and while the machine did its job, Charlotte patted Melba’s hand. “Feeling better?”

  “Just a little lightheaded still.”

  “Not taking your meds can cause problems.”

  The machine beeped and Charlotte read the numbers. “Just as I thought. Your sugar level is very low. How long has it been since you checked your blood level?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Yesterday maybe.”

  Charlotte wasn’t convinced. “I’m sure the milk will help some.”

  “You remind me of my daughter. She wanted to be a nurse too. That was her plan.” Tears filled her eyes. “I sometimes see her in my dreams. She’s beautiful and smiling so big. I think she comes to visit me to let me know she’s okay. Take it from this old lady. Live while you have the chance. Find happiness where it’s offered. Don’t waste the wonderful moments given to you.”

  “I’ll remember that, Melba.” Charlotte gave her a smile. “Although your color is returning, I think it’s best you’re seen at the clinic. Diabetes is nothing to fool with.”

  “Oh, honey. That’s not necessary. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be fine, but I still think it’s best that a doctor checks you over.”

  She sighed. “If you say so. You’re such a kind girl.” She patted her hand.

  Charlotte blinked away tears. She wished she could do more for the sweet woman.

  Charlotte had told Brennan that he didn’t have to come to the clinic with them, but he wouldn’t hear otherwise. In the end, she was glad he didn’t take no for an answer.

  “Would you like a coffee?” he asked once they were settled into the waiting area.

  “No, thanks. It tastes like tar from the vending machine.”

  “I’ll risk it. I need a caffeine boost.”

  While he went in search of coffee, Charlotte checked her messages.


  She looked up from her phone to see Dr. Healey.

  “How is she, Doctor?”

  “She’s doing okay right now. I hooked her up to an IV, got her some lunch, but I’m going to have an ambulance take her onto the hospital for observation. They’ll probably keep her overnight, just to run a few more tests and make sure her sugar levels don’t drop again. Does she have any family that we need to call?”

  “No. I’m afraid the closest relative lives in Ireland.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing you found her when you did. At her age, health conditions can change suddenly. If you’d like to see her, I think you could go on back.” He started to go then he turned around. “We’re lucky to have you here in Tarnation.”


  “What’s the news?” Brennan asked from behind her.

  “Dr. Healey said they’re transporting her to the hospital. She’s improving but she needs observation.”

  “That’s probably best.”

  “I think so.”

  He shifted in his boots. “I think I should be going. I need to get to the ranch and then I should head back out to Melba’s and finish up. Will you need a ride back to the farm to get Betty Sue’s car?”

  “Oh no. I forgot that I had her car. I’ll figure something out, but I’d like to stay with Melba, at least until the ambulance arrives to get her. I’ll be okay.”

  “Okay then.” He lifted off his hat, tore a hand through his hair, then resituated the Stetson.

  “Maybe I’ll see you later?”

  He gave her a half smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Sure.”


  Lightning lit the sky and a loud boom sounded right outside the window. The electric had gone out hours ago and Brennan had come upstairs, climbed into bed, and stared at the ceiling fan.

  After he’d worked most of the afternoon at the ranch, he’d gone out to Melba’s and finished up the fence. A part of him had hoped he’d see Charlotte, but she still hadn’t come for the car when he left.

  He had no clue what time it was, but he was tired.

  Sleep eluded him while images of Charlotte filled his brain, like a sad classical movie.

  Brennan groaned and rubbed his forehead. He didn’t like wallowing in self-pity,
but damn, he couldn’t help himself.

  Maybe he just needed to forget her. They barely knew each other, as she’d made it clear. The kiss they’d shared meant nothing, and he’d had better…


  Who was he kidding? It’d been the best kiss he’d ever had. She was beautiful for sure, but there was so much more to her than just her looks. She was amazing. Kind. She treated people with compassion and care.

  He closed his eyes and rolled over onto his stomach, wishing sleep would come. The rain came down hard, hitting the tin roof, playing a musical that should have had him out like a light.

  All his brothers were gone. He was lonely. The thunder was the only sound in the house.

  Then he heard a faint pounding. What the hell?

  It sounded like someone was at the door.

  He jumped up from the bed, grabbed the towel he’d thrown over the end of the bed and secured it around his bare hips. He wasn’t expecting company.

  Hurrying down the stairs, he dragged open the door and smiled. Charlotte, soaked from head to toe, stood on his doorstep. Her hair clung to her face and shoulders. Her clothes hung on her body and she dripped from every part of her.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I-I needed to see you,” she said through trembling lips.

  “Come inside.” He stepped back.

  “I’m wet. I’ll make a mess on your floor.” She had her arms over her waist, shivering.

  “Get in here and quit worrying about the floor.”

  “Your electricity is off too.”

  “It has been for some time. What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I couldn’t get Betty Sue’s car to start. I had Meka drop me off there.”

  “You walked all the way here?”

  “At the time it seemed like a good idea. But once I realized how stupid the plan was, I had already made it too far to turn around and walk back to Melba’s. Two miles seems like a lot in the dark and in a storm.”

  He shook his head, not sure whether to laugh or frown. “Why didn’t you call?”

  “I tried but I kept getting voice mail.”

  “Oh shit! Sorry. I forgot to charge my phone. Come on. Come and I’ll grab you some dry things.” Once they were upstairs, he took her into his bedroom. The candle he’d lit earlier was the only source of light. “I think I have a shirt that might fit you without falling off.” He grabbed a T-shirt from the drawer and handed it over. “I think this will be okay.”

  “Thank you, Brennan.”

  He nodded. “I’ll grab you a towel.” He wasn’t sure what to think. Why was she here?

  Returning with the towel, he knocked on the door and she opened it. She had changed into the T-shirt and because she was so tiny it fit her like a gown, the hem falling several inches above her knees. She took the towel and wrapped it around her shoulders.

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “No. I’m fine,” she said shyly.

  “You said you needed to see me.” The lightning struck close, followed by a loud boom that made her jump. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, but he kept his hands to himself. Having her in his bedroom already had his body surging with need.

  “I enjoyed the kiss.”

  He chuckled, thinking she was joking but everything in her expression told him she was serious. “You walked two miles, in a thunderstorm, just to tell me this? I would have understood if you’d waited until later.”

  “That’s not all.” She used the towel to dry the damp ends of her hair. “As I was sitting there watching Melba sleep her words kept going through my mind.”

  “What words?”

  “She wanted to know when we were getting married.” Her gaze came up to meet his. “I know that sounds crazy, but Melba is anything but crazy.”

  “I agree, but she is forgetful.”

  “That’s true. But…”

  “But what?”

  She lowered her gaze.

  “How would you like to get out of this house?”

  “In this weather?”

  “No better time. You don’t even have to change. I will grab you a jacket though. And a pair of pants for myself.”

  Once she had his jacket on, more like a blanket, and he had his jeans on, he grabbed an umbrella and together they raced out to his truck. He started the engine and turned on the heat. He rubbed his hands together and looked at her. “Warmer?”

  “Yes. Where are we going? You never did say.”

  He offered her a smile. “Not far. There’s something I want to show you.”


  Overcome with a mixture of excitement and curiosity, Charlotte watched through the window as they followed the narrow gravel lane that led through a field until they came to a large metal pole barn that was nearly as big as the main house. He parked outside the double doors then turned to her. “Give me a second to open the doors. I’ll meet you inside.”

  She waited, then when he waved at her, she climbed out and ran for the barn. She caught a strong odor of oil. Inside she found a row of cars, some were antiques and a few were fixer uppers. A couple in the back of the shop were covered in tarps. Brennan went to one and pulled the plastic off.

  “Welcome to the Colt Car Shop,” he said with a smile.

  “Are these your cars?”

  “Mine and my brothers. We like to buy cars and fix them up. It’s a hobby.”

  Something about his statement made her heart skip a beat. She didn’t know much about cars, but a few of them looked expensive. He waved her over to the red two door and patted the hood. “What do you think?”

  “It’s nice. Did you rebuild this?” She smoothed her hand down the polished hood.

  “It didn’t need much work. Just an oil change and some wires. She’ll make a great ride.”

  “She’s a little small for you.” She laughed.

  “Yes, but not for you. You’ll get great gas mileage and you won’t have to worry about getting stuck in a thunderstorm and having to walk.”

  “I won’t have to worry? What do you mean?”

  “You need a car. I have this one. Now it’s yours.”

  “Brennan, you can’t just give me a car.” She dropped her hands at her sides, astonished. “And I can’t just accept one.”

  “Why can’t I?” He lifted a brow. “Look around you. We have plenty.”

  “Because…well, it’s too expensive.”

  He shrugged. “I got this thing next to nothing. After a bit of TLC she runs like new.” He ran his hand down the hood proudly. “I would just sell it for cheap anyway.”

  “And make back some money.”

  He opened the door. “Don’t you want to come see inside?”

  She hesitated, trying to resist his beckoning smile. “Fine.” She stepped over and peered in. The inside upholstery was clean and smelled like a new car. The black leather and dashboard were polished and in good condition. Admittedly, she’d love to have a car like this one.

  “Climb in. See how it feels,” he offered.


  “Charlotte.” He winked.

  “You’re only doing this because you feel sorry for me because I walked here.”

  He shrugged. “Actually, I planned to pull it up to your house and park it on the street with a big red bow, but I decided you needed it now.” He motioned for her to slide in. “And by the way, don’t you dare try to say I’m using this to get you to marry me.”

  She laughed.

  Getting in, she adjusted the seat and clamped her hands on the steering wheel. No doubt, it felt nice. If she said otherwise, she’d be lying. “Okay. It’s great. I like it. I can pay you for it.”

  “It’s a gift.”

  “The necklace was a gift. I’ll buy the car.” She couldn’t be indebted to anyone although she knew he would never hold it as leverage.

  “We can talk numbers later, if you insist. In the meantime, you need your own car. We wouldn’t want you to have t
o walk in a storm again.”

  She got out and stood in front of him, unsure of how she could ever say thank you. “You amaze me and frustrate me all at once.”

  “I’m not surprised.” His eyes dazzled in the overhead lighting. “The feeling is mutual. Anyway, the keys are in the ignition. I’ll have the title put in your name tomorrow.”

  He drove them back to the house and they raced up onto the porch and inside the dark house.

  “Where are your brothers?” she asked, looking at him through a thick fringe of lashes.

  “Hell if I know. I don’t keep tabs on them.”

  “I guess what I’m asking is, will they be home tonight?”

  “They haven’t been here in a long time.” He closed the door with his foot. They were still holding hands and he brought her fingers to his mouth, kissing her knuckles. “Stay tonight.”

  Her heart grew. Although he didn’t come out and say the words, she knew what he was truly asking. She could think of a hundred reasons why she should say yes, but she couldn’t come up with one valid reason to say no. Truth was, she wanted to stay—wanted to lie in his arms.


  “And this is truly what you want?”

  Without words, she took a step forward, their bodies touching, and she cupped his whiskered cheeks. “I do,” she whispered. Lifting on her toes, she kissed him.


  Brennan lifted her into his arms and carried her upstairs and into his bedroom, laying her in the center of his bed. She looked so beautiful with her dark curls splayed over the pillow. The T-shirt rested high on her thighs and he followed the length of her legs to the tops of her boots. He grabbed them and tugged them off, giving them a toss onto the floor. She wiggled her pink polished toes.

  Toeing off his own boots, he undid his jeans and let them slip down his hips and legs. He gave them a gentle kick aside. Her gaze slid over him, a smile touched her lips. He’d never been insecure about his body, but undeniably, he liked seeing her happy.

  He climbed on the bed on his knees, then lifted one of her legs and lowered his mouth to her delicate ankle. He kissed her skin that smelled like cotton candy and felt like satin, licking and nibbling. She giggled, then he took a path up her calf to her knee, then upward to her quivering inner thigh. He blew on her skin then kissed the satin, causing her back to arch and a whimper to flow from her lips.


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