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Taken by the Bull: Cuckolded & Humiliated (f/m/m)

Page 4

by Natasha Hunter

  'I'd share you with him.' The thought haunted me for the rest of the morning.


  I met my big sister, Andrea, in the hotel's gym after breakfast. It was part of our morning routine—spending thirty minutes on the treadmills before officially clocking in. Employees were allowed to use the gym for free during off hours. It was just one of the perks I loved about working at the resort. Nice healthcare, free childcare, and generous vacation days added to the list of reasons I loved my job, even if I was merely a maid.

  I also loved the fact that Andrea worked at the hotel, too. It was nice having my big sis around, even though we worked in separate departments. I was only a maid, whereas she worked upstairs in management. Granted, she wasn't as high up as Gregory in management, but she had done well for herself by working hard over the years, climbing her way up out of housekeeping to an office job. I was so proud of her, as were our folks.

  "Good morning," I said in a sleepy voice as I climbed onto the treadmill beside hers. I had been awake since Gregory had woken me during the middle of the night. However, I was determined not to miss our workout.

  "You look tired," Andrea said with concern as we started out at a leisurely pace, warming up.

  "Gregory came in late last night—and drunk. He made a huge mess in the kitchen that I had to clean up. Ugh."

  Andrea rolled her eyes. "You are too good to that man. How many times do I have to tell you that it is not okay for him to treat you like that?"

  I couldn't help but look sheepish. "I know. It's just that I feel so guilty. He would have so much if it weren't for me." I had carried around the guilt of him being forced out of his family since we had been married.

  "He has more by being married to you, Mila. You've given him two beautiful children. You have a lovely home that you've done wonders with. Seriously, I can't believe how much you have transformed that old house. It is stunning. He has a smoking hot wife who loves and adores him. Really, he has more with you than without. You just need to realize that."

  Trust Andrea to always know how to cheer me up. "You always know what to say. But really, I just can't help but feel guilty about his parents."

  My sister rolled her eyes. "They will come around in time, especially when they realize they are missing out on their grandchildren's lives."

  "Yeah. Hopefully. But, if they never do, at least they have one good set of grandparents." I loved my parents to pieces and appreciated how much interest they took in Layla and Landon's lives. They would probably keep the twins around the clock if I would let them.

  We picked up the pace on the treadmills and I began to pump my arms, swinging them as I paced myself. "Can I ask you something personal?"

  "Of course," Andrea side-glanced me with a raised brow. "What is it?"

  "Have you ever cheated on Jack?"

  "No. Why do you ask, though? Are you worried about Gregory cheating on you? Or... are you thinking about cheating on him?"

  "I have never thought about cheating, ever, until last night," I admitted.

  "Tired of his drinking? Has he pushed you over the edge?" she asked with sympathy.

  "No. It's not that. Well, I mean, yes, I am tired of his drinking and everything, but that isn't what made me think about cheating." I said.

  "Go on. I'm curious," Andrea said as her long, dark ponytail swung back and forth.

  I was thankful that Andrea and I had the type of relationship where we could discuss anything, no matter how private. She would give the best advice and never judge me. "Well, you're going to think this is crazy, but, actually, Gregory mentioned it. Granted, he was drunk. But, he said he wanted to watch me with another man."

  "No way..."

  I nodded matter-of-factly. "Yeah. He did."

  "Oh, my! That is insane. Did he say who?"

  My cheeks burned from embarrassment. "Uh, yeah, he did, actually." I winced as I said the name. "He said he wanted me to sleep with his cousin, Kaine."

  Andrea gasped as her pretty almond eyes widened with surprise. "No way! Get out of here! He seriously said that?"

  "Yes! And, I don't think he was joking! He was getting aroused when talking about it! He was drunk, of course, but don't they say that people are their most truthful when intoxicated?" I asked.

  "Yeah, that is a good point. Oh, damn. I've heard of stuff like that, you know—men who like to watch their wives with other men."

  I made a face. "It's just so... strange. I mean, how could he want me to sleep with his cousin? I could never, ever allow him to sleep with another woman." My jealousy went through the roof as the mental image of him fucking his beautiful ex-girlfriend flashed through my mind.

  "I don't know," she said. "People want what they want. It's not like we can control what we are attracted to."

  "I guess you're right. But still... I don't understand it. It seems like it has the potential to fuck up our marriage."

  "Oh, honey. Your marriage is already fucked up!" she said cheekily.

  I stuck my tongue out at her. "Jeeze, thanks."

  "Just kidding, just kidding. But, seriously... how do you feel about it? Do you even want to go to bed with someone else?" she asked in a serious tone.

  "Uhm." I thought about how sexually unsatisfied I had been lately, and the idea of having someone new who would actually give a damn if I got off was incredibly tempting. But, could I really go through with it? "I don't know. Maybe. I mean, it's not like Gregory has been killing it in that department lately—he's usually too drunk to do anything."

  "Then there's your answer. If you want to have sex with an incredibly hot rich man for the hell of it so that your husband can get his jollies off, then why not? I say go for it. Not for Gregory's sake, but for yours. You deserve it, to be honest."

  I had a hard time believing the words coming out of my sister's mouth. She actually recommended that I have an affair? But, was it even considered an affair if Gregory wanted me to do it? It was all too confusing, I told myself. And, he probably didn't even mean it. He was just drunk.

  "Yeah, I don't know. I'll think about it," I said as I exhaled a deep breath. Sweat glistened my body and I was starting to feel the burn.

  "Well, if you go through with it, I want all the juicy details!"

  "Ugh, gross! I'm not telling you those details, gosh," I exclaimed.

  "Oh c'mon! I have to live vicariously through you! What else do I have?"

  "A husband," I said with a snarky tone.

  "I always knew you were a brat," she grinned at me.

  "Hey, Mila. The boss wants to see you upstairs when you're finished with your workout," Rex said as he passed by our treadmills.

  I quirked a brow, "I thought Gregory was off today?"

  "He is. Kaine is asking for you."

  "Ohhhh," my sister said in a sing-songy voice. "It's getting hot in here!"


  "Mister Barnes will see you now," the super blonde, super beautiful secretary announced as she hung up her phone.

  "Thank you," I said politely as I tapped on Kaine's door before stepping inside. I tried to hide my nervousness as I smiled at him. He sat at his desk, with a magnificent view of the ocean sparkling behind him. I took a moment to admire his office. One wall was floor to ceiling glass, the other walls were covered with bookcases filled with opulent leather bound books.

  "Mila. Thank you for coming." He motioned to one of the chairs opposite of his desk. "Will you have a seat?"

  'As if I have a choice,' I thought wryly. When the big boss calls, you answer. "Of course." I settled down in the leather chair and demurely crossed my legs, then rested my hands against my knees.

  "How are things?" he casually asked as he leaned back in his chair.

  I couldn't help but notice his bulging arms beneath his rolled-up sleeves. Realizing I was getting distracted, I forced myself to meet his direct gaze with a polite smile. "Fine, thank you for asking."

  "Are you certain everything is all right?" he inquired.

  I gave
a quick nod, "Yes..." I wondered what he could be referring to, and assumed it had something to do with the resort. "I don't know what sort of information you're seeking here? The staff seems to be handling the influx well, I think." We had had a busy few weeks with the start of the summer break. Business was booming.

  Kaine chuckled, "That isn't what I meant, Mila. Sorry, I should have been more clear. So, here goes. Last night, Gregory text-bombed my phone. I assume he was drinking judging by his atrocious spelling. However, he made some rather... racy comments. Specifically, comments about you and I."

  In the space of breath being drawn, I felt all color drain from my face. My heart slammed against my ribcage as I realized that Gregory must have been serious. It was one thing to bring it up with me, but a whole other matter to bring it up with Kaine! "Oh, God."

  Kaine seemed nonplussed. "So, your husband wants us to have sex while he watches?" he asked bluntly.

  I demurely dropped my gaze and stared at my hands as I wrung them together. I was horribly embarrassed. Mortified! How could Gregory put me in such a position? Instead of answering Kaine's question, I countered with one of my own. "Why are you asking me this?"

  "Because." He stood up and moved around his desk. He tucked his finger underneath my chin and pulled my head up, forcing me to meet his gorgeous blue gaze. "Because I am highly intrigued. I've made no secret about how incredibly hot I think you are—and if I had met you first, you would have been mine."

  My stomach did somersaults at his matter-of-fact tone and I felt breathless. I wasn't able to speak—all I could do was stare at him mutely.

  "Your husband wants to watch us fuck," he said so coolly that a shiver ran down my spine. "And, I want to fuck you." His thumb grazed across my jawline. "The question remains... what do you want?"

  I felt like passing out and hoped that I wouldn't start hyperventilating in front of him. Finally, I found my voice. "You can't be serious."

  "Oh. I am very serious, Mila. I've wanted you since the first time I've ever laid eyes on you."

  "But, I am married," I countered. My hands trembled despite my best efforts to remain calm.

  "I fail to see what that has to do with anything. Your husband wants this. He is the one who suggested it."

  "He was drunk."

  "Drunk, but honest," he countered.

  "Why do you want me?" I asked with a hint of confusion. "You can have any girl you want. Women throw themselves all over you. I know you aren't hard up for a date, so..."

  "The heart wants what the heart wants," he said so simply that I couldn't believe we were talking about infidelity.

  "We aren't talking about love," I reminded him.

  "You're right. But, since I can't have your heart, I'll gladly take your body." He wet his lips seductively, "We could have an amazing time. Will you consider it, at least?"

  Would I consider sleeping with a gorgeous, rich man who wanted to shower my body with attention—something that I had been craving for a while. With Gregory always being drunk and hanging out with his friends, I had been sorely lacking physical intimacy. But, could I really go through with it? Could I have an affair? Even if it was what my husband wanted? The image of Kaine hovering over me, thrusting his cock deep into my pussy flashed through my mind. My body ached for him in that moment. Could I fuck Kaine? Yes. I could have a no-strings-attached fling with my husband's cousin. I gave him a little nod of my head. "Yes," I whispered. "I will consider it."

  "Good. I expect your answer by the end of the day," he said dismissively. "Don't work too hard," he said with a charming grin.

  I shot to my feet and made a beeline out of his office.


  I went to my car—the only private place I could think of, and called Gregory.

  "Hello?" he answered in a groggy voice as if I had just woken him up.

  "Gregory... we need to talk."

  "Ugh. Mila. I have a headache. Give me one second."

  I could hear the ruffling of bedclothes as he crawled out of bed, then the aspirin bottle popping open. A minute later, he sounded more alert as he said, "Okay. I'm good now. What's up, darling? Are you all right?"

  "I'm fine. Wait, no. I'm not fine. You came home drunk last night."

  "I'm sorry," he replied softly, his tone contrite.

  "No. You're not. You always say that you're sorry but you still go out with your friends, and frankly, I am tired of it. I am your wife. You're my husband and the father to my children, but don't think I can take this behavior much longer. You're not a bachelor. You're not single. You're not a trust fund kid anymore. We can't afford it, for one thing, and you seriously need to grow up, for another." It felt good to get it off of my chest. Fuck being the good wife, I was tired of being stepped all over.

  "I understand. I truly am sorry. I have been a horrible husband to you. How can I make it up to you?"

  "You can start by staying home with your children."

  "I will."

  "And, I need more help around the house. I spend all day cleaning at the hotel, do you really think that I want to come home and clean up after you, too? I am not your maid."

  "I know. I am so sorry. I will do better."

  His apology warmed my heart, and for once in a long time, I felt hopeful.

  I quickly changed the topic of conversation. "Gregory... your cousin asked me out on a date." Well, he asked me to fuck, but I had a hard time formulating those precise words. A date sounded so much better. Nicer.

  "Oh... oh fuck. Wow, did he? What did you say?"

  A fluttery sensation tickled the inside of my stomach as I heard the excitement in his voice. I thought that perhaps he would be angry, but instead, he almost sounded giddy. I couldn't believe it. He really did want me to fuck Kaine. "I told him I would think about it."

  "Mila..." He inhaled a deep breath and exhaled. "I wasn't sure if you would be into that kind of thing. I mentioned it the other day and he was all over it."

  "So, you weren't lying last night when you said you wanted me to fuck your cousin?"

  There was a moment of silence before he responded. "I wasn't lying. I want it... but I don't want to lose you. Does this creep you out?"

  "It just surprises me. But, I mean... do you really want this? You want me to go on a date with Kaine and have sex with him?"

  "Yeah..." he said softly.

  "And you want to watch?"

  "Preferably, yes. But if not, then you can come home and tell me all about it."

  Excitement coursed through me as I imagined Kaine's cock buried inside of my pussy. My breath caught, and I almost forgot I was talking to Gregory.


  "Yeah?" I could feel my cheeks flushing with heat.

  "I want you to do this, but, you don't have to. The choice is yours."

  "All right." I was incredibly aroused just considering it. But, could I really go through with it? Could I sleep with a man who wasn't my husband? And, a member of Gregory's family at that. I inhaled a deep breath and exhaled as I made up my mind. "I'll do it. Will you text him and tell him so? I don't have his number."

  "Oh fuck, Mila. I can't believe this is going to happen!"

  "Me neither."


  "You said 'yes'," Kaine whispered into my ear as he slid in behind me in the elevator.

  I merely nodded since there were a couple of people standing beside me, and I didn't want them to know what was going on.

  The doors chimed and parted open. The hotel employees stepped off, leaving us alone. As the elevator doors slid closed, he whispered, "Part your legs."

  "What?" Shock rolled through me at his vulgar request—though it instantly aroused me from head to toe.

  "Part your legs, girl," he said with force as I felt his hands splay on my round ass.

  I was wearing my maid's uniform and my dark hair was twisted up loosely, with a few tendrils framing my face. I wore sensible cotton white panties and a support bra, which embarrassed me to no end. Surely he couldn't mean to
have sex now? In the elevator! I wasn't prepared! I wasn't wearing anything remotely sexy.

  "You're insane! I'm not doing anything now! Someone could get on the elevator!" I complained.

  He chuckled behind me, "That kind of adds to the thrill. The danger of being caught." He grazed his soft lips against the back of my neck and licked my skin.

  Tendrils of desire spiderwebbed throughout my entire body. Arousal hit me hard and fast. Obediently, I widened my stance. If we were caught, the worst that could happen would be humiliation. Not like I was going to lose my job. "I can't believe you."

  "Yes, you can." His hand shot up underneath my black skirt and traveled across my bottom. He tugged my panties down slightly, then slid his hand between my legs. I felt his wrist against my ass as his hand curled over my pussy. He wasted no time in seeking out my clit and giving it a forceful rub. "You're so wet. I love it."

  No doubt I was drenching his fingers. The thrill of being with someone new combined with the danger of being caught sent my arousal into overdrive. My pussy tingled, the sensations spiraled out into the pit of my stomach. "You're making me wet."

  Kaine flicked his fingers over my clit and in between my slick folds. "I want to fuck your hot little pussy right here, right now."

  I couldn't breathe. "We can't," I whispered the words, finding it difficult to find my voice while his fingers were splayed across my pussy. I felt one push against my entrance and slide inside of me.

  "Oh, Mila. We can, and we will."

  I felt his erection pressed against my ass as he pulled my skirt up around my waist. He ground himself against me, then unzipped his pants. I then felt his bare skin pressing against mine.

  My heart thudded rapidly as the door slid open and a security guard stepped on. Thankfully we were hidden behind my housekeeping cart. From the waist up, everything was properly in place. Behind me, Kaine stood perfectly still.


  He coolly replied, "Jenson."

  Jenson faced the door, unaware that Kaine's dick was pressing against my ass cheeks.

  We stood there super casually as if nothing were amiss. Finally, the door opened and Jenson stepped off.


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