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Luciano's Willing Captive

Page 1

by C. M. Steele

  Luciano’s Willing Captive

  C.M. Steele

  Copyrighted © 2014 by C.M. Steele

  All rights reserved.

  Proofread by:

  Alicia Carmical, AVC Proofreading


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 1

  “Vito, what the fuck happened?” I was sitting in my office when Vito came in. I had just gotten the call that the police Chief’s daughter had been kidnapped, and the rumor was it was my guys. I wanted answers and that’s why Vito was called in. He is one of few I know that is loyal to me. I was tapping my phone on the desk waiting for the image to pop up of the missing girl. I had a bad feeling about this.

  “Well that pussy Grimes owed us money.” Vito was fidgeting. That irritated the shit out of me.

  “Get to the fucking point.”

  “He never delivered the payment. So Enzo told us to come with him and grab him and get our money or we were breaking his legs. The thing is he was out with a girl when we nabbed him. We told Enzo, but he said fuck it take her, too and we will teach her a lesson for dating scum. But, sir, she looked young. I don’t know what he has planned for her.” God, I am dealing with amateurs.

  “Do you know who the chick is, Vito? No, I bet you don’t. The buzz is going around that the police Chief’s daughter was with Freddy Grimes when she went missing. Where the fucking hell are they?”

  “Enzo and Frankie took them to the ‘Cell’ for interrogating. The girl looked familiar, but I couldn’t place where I had seen her before. Then I remembered where I had seen her. I was with Vinnie yesterday. He didn’t tell me why he was scoping the group of girls out, only to say it was important, but I remembered her. She was the hot one, tonight she looked different all dolled up for her date. Boss, you all right?” I had paled at the possibility. I was anxious for the picture to load since I was one the one who sent Vinnie to see about my prize. I was hoping to fuck I was wrong.

  Damn, Vito just saved his own ass right now. “Let’s go.” I was out the door and on my way to the truck when I called that fuck of a cousin of mine.

  “Enzo, stop what you are doing right now. I don’t give a shit what is important, when are you allowed to fucking question me? Have you forgotten who runs this shit? I am on my way.” I hung up, end of discussion, no one second guesses me. I got a picture of her from the newsfeed after I hung up with him and damn if it wasn’t her. If he touched her, I will put a bullet in his head.

  I needed to get there like fucking yesterday. I noticed little Amber McLaren two days ago when I was out heading to a fucking meeting with some of the local Russians who think they can move in on my shit. Invading my territory to push their drugs, are they out of their minds? Well, they are now. Well, I should say their minds are out of their bodies. I am an evil motherfucker, can’t help it, I was born and raised that way. I used to kill a fucker for looking at me the wrong way, but those days have come and gone. Now I know who to play with before I end them. I may only be thirty, but I am a ruthless bastard. I don’t take shit from any one. I will put a bullet in a motherfucker’s head and not think twice about it.

  I got to our spot where we take care of some business. I walked as fast as I could without drawing attention. I didn’t need these guys wondering what the fuck was up. Vito opened the door for me and there she was tied to a fucking chair, her clothes half off, her lip busted, and some bruising on her arms.

  I walked straight into the room, “Frankie, get out of here before I put a bullet in you.”

  Thankfully, he left quickly. I didn’t want Amber seeing me killing a motherfucker. After he left, I walked up to Enzo and punched him right in his face. I looked down at my cousin who dropped to the floor like a bitch as he wiped his mouth that was dripping with blood.

  “Next time, you talk to me before you go and grab someone. Now the heat will be on us.”

  “That’s why I say we enjoy her, toss her out, and make it look like this fuck killed her.” He pointed over to Grimes.

  “Enzo, have you lost your shit? Since when have I let you rape any bitches. Go and clean yourself up. I need to straighten this shit out.”

  Once he walked out of the room, I punched Grimes in the face then pulled his head back by his hair and whispered in his ear.

  “That is for touching what isn’t yours. I haven’t decided what I am going to do with you yet, but Amber is off limits. If you even look at her again, I will slit your throat.” The pussy’s eyes bugged out. He may look tough, but it was all an act.

  I looked at my baby doll over there and she looked frightened of me and my guys. Though, I can’t say I blame her, I still don’t fucking like it. I need to train her ass. I never want her to look at me with anything other than utter devotion in her eyes. I approached her and she fucking flinched. Hell, I just punched two grown ass men, but I don’t hit women.

  “Cara, I am not going to hurt you.” I reached around and untied her wrists. The moment I did that, she started to hit me. I gripped her arms with ease, well, at least my girl was a fighter. “Amber, damn it, behave. I told you I am not going to hurt you. I don’t like to repeat myself, it pisses me off, so calm the fuck down. I am going to get the doctor to see you. Depending on your behavior, it will either be at the hospital where your parents can visit or in my home where no one is allowed.” I waited for her to calm down before I continued. “I am sorry about all of this, Cara.” I was sincere. I never wanted to see her hurt.

  I let go of her wrists and she didn’t fight me, so I untied her feet and scooped her up into my arms, kissed her hair, and Vito and I walked out of the room, out of the building, and got into my truck. I was a man on a mission. I could tell her injuries were minor, but I wanted her to see I was a man of my word and I could take care of her.

  “Luciano, where are you taking her?” Enzo called to me. “Not that it is any of your business, but to the hospital, your idea of blaming Grimes is good. Keep him alive.” I answered.

  I put her into the truck and sat in the back with her. I wasn’t going to leave her side until I was forced to, which let’s face it, who was really going to force me? I owned half the cops, not Chief McLaren, but I was about to be his son-in-law. He will have to get used to me claiming her or he will never be able to see her again. Damn, despite her injuries she was still hot as fuck. Up close she was more beautiful than I could have imagined. Her long black hair hanging over my shoulder and her green eyes were bright with unshed tears. With her in my arms, her breasts were pressed against me and getting me excited as hell.

  “Baby, how are you feeling?” She looked at me like I have to be stuck on stupid.

  “How the hell do you think I am feeling, you and your goons kidnap and beat me? That fuck over there tried to rape me, and you guys want to blame it on my boyfriend.” She didn’t get any further in her tirade before I had my hand wrapped around her neck. “Don’t you ever call that piece of shit your boyfriend. He’s lucky I didn’t put a bullet in his head. The only thing keeping him alive is to keep that fuck up of a cousin of mine from getting us into shit for this. You were not supposed to be harmed. In fact, they were not supposed to act without my okay. You listen and you listen good. Your injuries could easily be seen outside of a hospital. If you can’t behave, I will lock your ass up until you are more compliant, do you hear me?” I didn’t like seeing fear in her eyes, so I loosened my grip on her neck and tempered the tone of my voice.

nbsp; “Amber, you need to know, I was interested in meeting you before this fuck up tonight. I noticed you the other night and I wanted to know more. To my surprise, Vito told me they grabbed you just as I found out someone had been stupid enough to kidnap the Chief’s daughter. You have no idea what that shock did to me to find out that you are one in the same. Now what I want from you is very simple, everything.”

  “I don’t understand.” I released my hold on her neck and reached slowly to caress her pale tear-stained face. I was glad to see that she was not flinching from my touch but rather leaning into it. Yes, that is what I wanted, she is attracted to me despite her fear, and that’s a start.

  “Cara Mia, I want you to be mine. I read up on the Chief and his family a while ago, but there was no photo of you in the file. It said you are now eighteen, which makes you legal and now mine.” Amber’s gasp of shock was quite funny. She would get used to the idea.

  “You are out of your mind. I don’t belong to you. I belong to no one.”

  “Just two minutes ago you seemed to have thought you belonged to Grimes and that shit ain’t happening. I can feel you shiver as I caress you, and I bet if I checked your pussy, it would be wet and ready for me to eat.”

  Her outrage at my bold assumption had me smiling, maybe she is sweeter than I thought. “I haven’t had dinner tonight, Amber, maybe a drink before dinner, maybe some sweet Amber liquid.”

  I put one arm around her waist as my other hand climbed slowly, determinedly up her thigh. Reaching higher and higher I lifted her skirt with intent. I was going to touch her and she wasn’t going to stop me. It wasn’t fear that held her still, it was the pleasure I could give her. She fought off Enzo and is purring for me. Just the way I want her. “Open.” She shook her head in defiance, little brat. I don’t have time for this, we are almost there. “Cara, I told you I don’t like to repeat myself.”

  I captured her lips and she bit me in warning, but she was playing with a man not a little boy. I pulled her on top of my lap with her back to my chest and used my knee to part her thighs. I took her ear, gently nibbling and whispering what I want to do to her. “I want to lick your pussy until you cum on my tongue over and over again. Then I am going to take you hard and deep while you claw at me for more. Amber, I will give you a lifetime of pleasure, amoré.” I slid her panties to the side and slipped my fingers along her slit. I used my thumb to rub her clit and let my finger enter her tight hot dripping cunt. Fuck, I am going to break her pussy when we fuck. She is so tight, her pussy clenched my finger and she moaned out loud. “Cara, yes cum for your man.” She screamed her release while quivering in my embrace. I let her body relax before I started to kiss her neck. Once she came back to the world, she realized what she had done and practically jumped off my lap. I wanted to laugh if I wasn’t so unbearably hard.

  “What have I done?” Tears started streaming down her face. I looked right at her and licked my fingers. I don’t know what possessed me to do that, maybe because she was mine or because she smelled so damn good. “You just came for me, amoré.” My smile was known for being lethal to women and fearsome to men.

  I wanted her more than I ever have wanted any woman. I wanted to please her and that was fucking new to me.

  “Don’t cry, I don’t like that shit. I understand you have been through a lot today, but I want you to know that if you want Grimes to live, you will do as you are told. I get that girls find him cute because he was on the high school football team, but he is a punk. He stole a hundred thousand dollars, I gave the little fuck the benefit of the doubt and he fucked me over. Now I find out that he had you, well fuck, I don’t want to let him live at all.”

  “I didn’t sleep with him.” She responded quickly, fearful of what I will do to Grimes.

  “That’s good, baby, that may have saved him.” I kissed her hair. I was serious, the motherfucker already kissed her and I am not sure who hit her. “Baby girl, who put their hands on you tonight?”

  She looked frightened, “I am not mad at you. I just want to know who is going to not be walking for the next few weeks.”

  “It was the two guys in the room. Your cousin and the other guy.” Frankie now had a meeting with my nine. I had to bide my time, but that motherfucker was as good as dead.

  “Thank you, baby. Now are you going to be a good girl and tell them that Grimes got mad when you wouldn’t put out, so he beat you and that’s when my guys intervened?”

  “I am not a good liar. What if they ask more? I don’t want to do this. I can’t do this. We don’t belong together, it’s wrong.”

  “Wrong? What is wrong with a couple who are attracted to each other being together? Now give me a kiss, we are here.” She obeyed nicely. Her lips were tender and sweet. I was gentle but dominating. She needed to understand her fate was already sealed. Damn, I was getting so into the kiss when Vito reminded me that we were at the hospital and the police are all over. I was glad her body was covering the very blatant erection she gave me. I am hoping it goes down before I give the whole hospital a show.

  He opened the door for me as I carried her with my coat over her torn clothes into the Emergency Room at St. Vincent’s Medical Center. I called for immediate attention using my name, it held power in this small city. There was a hush when I added, “My girl here has been injured and needs to be seen yesterday.” I wasn’t going to sit there and fill out paperwork while we waited with the rest. If that was the case, I could have taken her back to my place and had a doctor at my door within a half hour. “Bring her in here, sir.” The doctor asked the routine questions and once her name was given, a call was made notifying the police that she was brought into the ER and by whom. It was not fifteen minutes later that the Chief and his wife entered the hospital. I had been sitting with her when they examined her. I refused to leave and made it fucking clear that it was not going to happen.

  “Amber,” her parent’s shouted in unison. They ran up to her. Her mother hugged her tight while her father stared me down.

  “Rossi, let my daughter’s hand go.” He stared me down. Sorry old man, but it is time for a new reality.

  “No.” I was straight forward and wasn’t going to back down to him. Apparently this fucker wasn’t used to hearing no, well, too fucking bad.

  “What the fuck? Who the hell do you think you are? You put her in here, I will kill you.” The fucker was going to launch at me, but Vito came in the room the same time her parents did, just for this purpose. I would have dropped his ass myself, but can’t have my girl getting pissed at me for taking out her dad.

  “Daddy, stop!” We both turned to our girl.

  “He is the one who found me and brought me here.” I couldn’t resist, I kissed her cheek. It was the truth, she hadn’t lied. I wasn’t afraid of the possible charges for the attack, but I didn’t need the cops on my ass when I had other projects in the works.

  “Did he tell you to lie for him?” His concern for her seemed to be missing, in its place was anger.

  “No…” Damn it! She was right, she was a terrible liar.

  “You piece of shit. I will have you arrested.” His face turned red as he stared me down with his weak threat. I wanted to laugh in his face.

  “Daddy, it’s not like that. I was out with Freddy tonight and well, he wanted more than I was ready for this soon in our relationship. Things got out of hand, and Mr. Rossi and his friend noticed and picked us up, made sure I was okay, then brought me here.” We have got to work on her poker face.

  “Why didn’t you bring her here first then, if you were so noble?” He was trying to catch us up on our lie. Fuck him, I don’t owe him shit.

  “First, I never said I was noble, far from it actually, but I didn’t know who she was until I seen that she was labelled missing. I don’t need some punk beating up his date. So I straightened him out and then brought her here. If you got a problem with it, fuck it, deal with it.” I was practically in his face by now. I was laying claim to Amber and I didn’t give a sh
it what her dad thought. I wasn’t going to take any more of his shit.

  If I had a little girl, I would have already had blood on my hands dealing with this type of shit. No one would be allowed to harm my baby, but he was a cop, on the good side supposedly. I haven’t found any shady information on his ass. I have been trying for the last six months to get some dirt on him, but he seemed clean as a whistle.

  “Well, thank you for finding my girl and bringing her here, now you can go.” Balls, he had them, I will give him that.

  “That isn’t going to happen. You see, your daughter is now mine.” I looked at him with a look that said ‘Just try me’.

  “What the fuck? You think you own her because you prevented another from raping her?” I laughed at the stupid fuck.

  “I want her because I want her. I don’t need your approval and neither does she. I am just letting you know how it is and how it will be.” Just then my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and it was that fuck up cousin of mine. McLaren had nothing to say. Good, because I was tempted to fuck his ass up.

  “Cara, I have to take this. I will be back in a moment.” To taunt her father, I bent down and kissed her pretty lips. I know she wanted to refute my claim to her, but they just gave her some Vicodin and it was taking effect. Plus, she didn’t want me to whack Grimes because of her.

  I walked out of the room and I could hear him shouting about how dangerous I was to her. What the fuck? I hadn’t even stepped out the room before he was losing it. He was probably bashing me and trying to get her away from me. It wasn’t going to go down that way. She would just find her ass kidnapped again, by me this time.

  “Enzo, what do you want? I am fucking busy cleaning up your mess. What? How the fuck did that happen? You were to leave him alive. I don’t give a shit that he was mouthing off.” I was pacing back and forth in the hallway when I heard a crash. I booked it into the room to see Vito standing over McLaren with a gun pointed at the fuck. He turned at my entrance, “Boss, we need to get her out of here. He just fucking hit her.” The doctor and two nurses entered right after me and were too stunned to move.


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