Jade and Saint

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Jade and Saint Page 5

by Anjela Day

  “So what you need from me Hoss?” I asked him, already feeling uncomfortable in this over processed office.

  “I thought I made myself clear, maybe you're not the brightest crayon in the box. I need you to protect my little girl.

  “Did this nigga call you dumb? Psych asked. I could see he was getting pissed off by the way he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Bruh we good,” I assured Psych.

  “Look I don't know what that nigga Killa told you. I'm no baby sitter. I have skills that I thought you required.”

  “Yeah we run the spot's” Psych, chimed in cutting me off. I smirked standing to my feet. He ran the spots in Detroit. Unbeknown to him I was so much more, to the organisation. I collected money, and bodies. I just nodded my head, in agreement, not to look unprofessional. “What kind of business is Killa running?” He said sitting in the chair, and pulling his phone from his desk.

  “Come on Psych.” I nodded walking out of his office, before he could even press send on his phone.

  “I'm on my way Cree,” Her voice echoed, through the huge, foyerre. I looked up watching as her long legs moved quickly down the stairs. The yellow sun dress moved with every step she took. Her brown hair blew in the air effortlessly.

  “What you looking at?” She said pausing to look at me.

  “You,” Psych said blankly. I turned to face him. He was licking his lips, like he was LL cool J,

  “Um, well do you like what you see?” She asked with a giggle. Her lips parted , and when our eyes met her words paused.

  “Who are you?” She asked.

  Her sad green eyes staring at me as if they were begging for help. She was so bubbly when she spoke, but her eyes, said much more. I knew those eyes all to well.

  I looked away trying not to stare. Surprised when her warm arm brushed my hand, as she breezed pass me, walking towards the door.

  “Let me get that for you” Psych offered. Pulling the door open.

  We both watched her ease out the door, and walk over to a Cross fire. Damn car was almost three hundred grand. Damn baby girl was out of both our leagues.

  “Cake baking ass nigga, falling for a rich girl will only get you, a mouth full of dirt.” I told Psych easing into my truck

  “Nigga she look like she worth getting dirty for.” He said and I know for a fact he wasn't joking. Mainly because I felt the same way.


  I should have went back home, but Curiosity kills the cat, and I was aching to die I guess.

  “Bro you good at the room a couple hours?” I asked Psych.

  “Yeah my nigga I'm butter, I'm trying to see what yo head on?” He said looking from his phone to me.

  “Shit nigga I think Imma take this little job. Just make sure ole' girl good.”

  “Oh fa sho Ole girl good in every way. What you really saying bro? That you wanna see if you can fucks wit baby girl.” He said. My eyes looked away almost in shame.

  “Nah it ain't that, I just don't wanna let Killa down you know?” I said and he nodded his head, as if he was listening to music.

  “Bro you know I feel you. Killa not to be fucked wit. You already in wit that nigga you need to put me on. Make sure ya nigga eat ya feel me?” He said, This time I nodded.

  “Look Sean, you my brother from another. It's no nigga I'd rather walk through hell wit, fa sho. On some humble shit, I'm tryin' to eat. If it's not at the same table with you, then at lest throw yo boy a bone.

  “We are eatin',” I told him, and he sucked his teeth.

  “Nigga, no you eatin' I'm sittin in a drug house, with a Gauge, in my hand at all times just in case something pop off. You sitting at the table. Come on bro introduce me.” He asked. If only he knew my introduction was never what I asked for. You might as well say I was born in this family, I didn't up and decide that I wanted to join.

  “Bruh when we get back, we'll have a sit down, on bible.” I told him. I pulled him in for a hug, and he exited the car.


  This wasn't typically a job I liked to take. I mean babysit a over privileged little rich girl. I'd rather pluck my eyes balls out then ever doing this job. I wouldn't even be here were it not for the look that she gave me when she walked out the door. Damn I don't think I ever thought a woman was beautiful. I mean a hoe's is hoe's. A fat ass, and a smile. If the bitch can blow a dick, she legit. Not this girl. She was more than looks. The way she carried herself intrigued me. The way she spoke, was exciting. It made my dick throb. I'll be lying if I say she wasn't one of the pretties women I'd ever seen in my life. It was something about those green eyes that had me in a trance. Every

  The last two days I'd been watching her. She kept a pretty normal scheduled. She got up about ten am and drove to the gym. She worked out for about ninety minutes. Then she'd drop her car off at home and walk to a little coffee shop not to far from her house. I never understood why people liked coffee, it was gross to me. Shit tasted like dirty water. Normally she was in and out maybe ten minutes max. I imagine she always got the same thing, because she'd come out the shop sipping on a large cup with a ton of whipped cream. After that she'd walk back to her car go shopping, or go to the library.

  She was one of the most boring people I'd ever seen in my life. Today was no different. I'd slouched down in the seat of my Impala, and lit a black and mild. I watched as she got out of her baby benz, and tossed her gym bag in the trunk. She then started her brief walk to the coffee shop. She looked so bubbly. Like she didn't have a care in the world. I don't even get why her pops wanted someone to look out for her. Shit no one even talked to girl let along fuck with her. I put my black in the ash tray, and turned up Al Green. I love soul music. It kept me in the right mind frame. Made me think of simpler times. God knows life ain't never been easy for me.

  I eased inside the coffee shop to see her sitting with her friends. They were so off into their conversation, they didn't even notice when I walked in. I leaned back. I sat back, and watched her friends laugh and talk. She just stared at her phone. When she wasn't looking at her phone, She stared at her coffee mug. Her finger trailing the rim. How could someone so perfect, with so much around them be so lonely? I wondered to myself. Just watching her.

  “damn he fine as fuck.”

  “One of her friends said smiling at me. The other women at the table looked up.

  “Are you following me?” I heard, and I smiled not even looking away as she stood to her feet, and walked towards me.

  Damn dark chocolate, just how I like em' I mumbled to myself starring at the man my father had sent to follow me. If he was supposed to be inconspicuous he was doing a poor job. I noticed him the second he walked into the coffee shop. I tried not to blush, but he commanded attention from every woman in the place. Even my so-called friends couldn't stop gawking at him. It was as if he were a piece of well-seasoned meat. I had to kill the way they were gaping quickly. I lifted my hand and waved them off.

  "No, he's off limits" I warned them both crossing my legs so that he could take notice. I made sure my thigh was poking out of the split in my skirt. I was sexy and only a fool wouldn't notice. Hell Gay men even broke their necks to tell me how stunning I was and how well I carried myself.

  "Off limits? Says who? Cammila asked and I paused in my inspection of him to give her my attention. Was this hoe really about to try me? Normally I tried not to be catty, but if she really wanted to bring the bitch out of me so be it. I turned and leaned into this two-faced bitch's space, making sure that I didn't speak too loud, but my voice had enough sauce to get my point across so I wouldn't have to repeat myself. Sweetie my name is Jade Cleopatra Lawton. my word is law. I remind her that I may be pretty, but it's not to be mistaken I can still be a bitch.

  I could hear Camilla's sigh as she rolled her eyes, like a child that couldn't react. Creation however giggled and pulled her phone from her purse. I knew she was looking at anything but she pretended she was to put my mind at ease. that left me to further inspect my se
curity detail.

  He sat in the seat across the shop with a bottle of water in front of him, and a newspaper in his hand. I guess that was discreet in his book. This man was to fine to be low-key. He was well over six feet and dressed in a simple pair of jeans a tank top with a holster wrapped around his back that cradled two handguns. Tattoos decorated both of his arms and even his neck. His full lips filled his face, but it was his curly hair that was cut perfectly to frame his face that drew me in. I had to meet him. I set my coffee on the table and stood up dusting myself off. I noticed the light gaze he had on me fell to the floor as I walked towards him.

  "Are you following me?" I asked as he took to his feet. The smell of 212 cologne and sour apple jolly ranchers smacked me in my face. damn, he even smelt delicious.

  I was instantly insecure.

  Did my breath reek of coffee, was I over thinking? Maybe he really was just there to relax. Normally the men my father hired to look after me were older and easy to scare off. this man didn't look as if anything scared him. Oh My God, this must be how normal people felt! I thought as my heart started to rush just being in his presences. I'd never felt like this before.

  "That's my job," He finally answered my question. stepping back not to tower over me.

  "Oh," I said a little upset he was nothing more than a glorified babysitter.

  "Well you suck at your job," I said staring at least twenty biblical tattoos plastered all over his arm.

  He didn't even crack a smile, he just leaned into me allowing me to take in how good he really smelt.

  "You're still alive, I must be doing something right." He told me his body still hovering over mines.

  "No one wants me dead!" I said pushing him backward in anger. I crossed my arm over my chest and let out a sigh of frustration.

  If that were true I wouldn't be here, now would I" He said sounding cocky, and pleased with himself. The nerve of this man. His ego was huge I never! I quietly mumbled as we shared an awkward gaze at each other.

  "Whatever" I huffed almost talking out of my nose. I was stumbling over my words and didn't know why.

  "Well, Mr. Body guard what's your name?" I asked with sass in my voice.

  "I'm not a bodyguard, but the Name's Saint.

  "Well, you don't look to Saintly to me!" I tell him. “Why they call you that?” I asked I didn't even realize how close we were to each other. I didn't wait for a reply I just turned and walked back over to Creation and Camilla.

  “I slipped into my seat, and tried not to smile as they baraded me with questions.

  “So who the hellis that?” Camilla asked, and I ignored her. She and I were not on great terms. As is.

  “I don't know, but do me a favor.” I said looking at Cree.

  “What's that best friend?” She asked laughing at the way I was trying my hardest not to look at tall dark, and mysterious.

  “Keep him busy, I need to... I paused in my thoughts not telling her what I had to really do.

  “Jade, where you going?” Camilla asked.

  “To get my shoes.” I lied standing up and handing Cree, my car keys.

  “I just ordered a LYFT to meet me out back, take my car and just drive around. I told her smoothing my clothes down.

  We walked to my car. Once the three of us were inside I had Cree drive me back to the coffee shop. She dropped me off in the back just in time for me to hop in to my Lyft.


  The Lyft driver let me out at the front low key motel. I'd been meeting Armstrong there the last week. After the first night we'd had sex, he had been picking me up from the gym, or libray. He'd bring me here fuck me, and I'd take a LYFT back to my car. It had been working for him, not for me. I was sick of it. This whole thing had gotten out of hand. I was sure by now my father had paid him.

  What did he have over my father that was so dirty that I needed to fuck him every night? I wondered. I walked into the hotel, picked up the key then made my way to our room.

  Armstrong was going to answer all of my questions today.

  “Um you the best thing about waking up.” Armstrong said as I walked into the room. He was already undressed down to his silk boxers. Ewww how tacky I thought taking a deep breath. I walked in and locked the door. I then sat my my purse on the table, and began to undress. It was no need to waste time I was there to fuck him, why pretend it was more.

  “Let daddy see you,” Armstong said. Every time he spoke it left a nasty taste in my mouth.

  “You got my mouth watering.” He told me standing to meet me. I closed my eyes and allowed him to do as he always did. His hands trailed my body causing me to loose my footing. I hated every second we were together. He pushed me onto the bed, and before I could react he was deep inside of me.

  I arched my back and allowed him to do as he pleased. It didn't stop that I felt cheap. Worthless. Is this all I will ever be?” I wondered. Was I really that bad of a person that men looked at me for nothing more than a whore.

  When Armstong finished he fell to the bed then lied beside me.

  “Come here baby.” He said, and I stood to dress.

  “This is it for me. I know my father has paid you. I don't know what he holds over you, but it's not worth my soul.” I told him rolling my eyes.

  “Your father always pays me.” I fuck you because I want to.” He said and I looked at him beyond upset.

  “What? Do you think I'm some treat for you to have whenever you please.” I asked

  “You are.” He said standing and walking into my space. His hands ran through my hair until he reached the center and he gripped my hair tightly. He walked me over to the bed, and pushed me onto the bed.

  “See I fucked your momma, twenty years ago for your daddy to be in the place that he's in now. And I'mma fuck you now for your daddy to stay in the place that he's in. I bet yo daddy didn't tell you that.” He said slamming his dick in me. He fucked me and left me there. In that room to think of the things he'd said to me. He didn't care he'd just broken my heart. I couldn't even move. I just climbed in bed, and closed my eyes.


  I stood on my balcony. The wind blew through my body like I was a sheet of paper. I held my body tightly trying not to allow tears to fall. Trying not to admit the truth.

  I was broken. I was unlovable. No man could ever would ever do anything more than use me. My body was a plaything a toy for men to enjoy. Just like a doll when there sown with me I'm placed back on the shelf. Just to be stared at, and await the next man to fondle me. Jump. I quietly whispered to myself. Just end it all. I thought sitting on the edge of the balcony ready to tumble to the grown.

  “It can't be that bad.” A voice said frightened me. I looked around and saw no one.

  “Oh my God I was loosing it.” I thought exhaling deeply.

  “You going to let those tears destroy that beautiful face?” He asked. The smell of candy filled my nose. How did he get here? I thought, facing the mysterious man that had stolen my heart earlier. He stood beside me stealing my breath.

  “How did you – where did you come from?” I asked stumbling over my words. His big arms crossed over his chest, I watched his chest rise and fall. He smelt like the ocean, if it were filled of apples.

  “Where I came from is not important why you are out on a ledge is.” He said holding his hand out to take mines. He helped me to spin around on the wooden banister. Once my feet were facing the door he pulled me into his arms. My body shook in his arms.

  “where are you're clothes?” He whispered in my ear.” He didn't wait for me to reply. Instead he stepped away from me and took off the black hoodie he wore.

  “Put this on.” He said handing me the over sized sweater,

  Naturally I hesitated at first,. However I was not only cold. I had my body on display for this man to see. I slipped the shirt over my head. I closed my eyes wrapping it tightly around me.

  “Where did you come from?” I asked again. Only for my words to fall on deaf ears.

“Let me take you home?” He offered.

  “I can't go home.” I told him on the brink of tears. I was so ashamed, I just wanted to hightail it out of there.

  “So you're just going to stay in a motel.” he asked.

  “It's all I can afford. My cash is low, and I didn't want my dad's credit card to tell him where I was.” I told him walking back into the motel room.

  I sat on the bed, just watching him. He leaned against the wall looking into space. I wondered what he was thinking. His silence was awkward.

  “You want to go get some food?” He asked, I wasn't his voice. It was so calm, and clean. The way he spoke was as if he was different.

  “I can eat.” I replied.

  I knew the moment I saw her she was not who she portrayed herself to be. I'm sure people thought she was happy and sweet, I could see through that. I could tell she was carrying more baggage that one should allow. We went to IHOP, and I was sitting across from her. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind.

  “You ready to order?” A waitress asked her lip poked out.

  “Yeah Orange juice for me.” I said looking at her. I didn't know her name. Just that her father called her his princess. I didn't want to seem odd by just asking her so I lifted my head and stared in to her big green eyes,

  “um can I have a second?” she whispered. The waitress rolled her eyes and popped her lips as if I annoyed her. Before sighing and walking away.

  “Um, I don't have much cash.” She said in a light tone.

  “What kind of men do you date?” I asked her

  “I don't date! I also don't assume. I'm used to buying what I want. Anything a man does is a bonus.” She said waving the waitress back over.

  “I'll have the cheese sticks, steak, and eggs, and A brownie Ala mode please. Can I have the brownie first please. She said, and I fell back into my seat.

  “What you thought I was going to ask for a salad?” She joked then looked away.

  The waitress brought her Brownie covered in ice cream over first I guess that's what Ala mode meant.

  She dived right in as if she was starving. Every bite she hummed, and moaned as if she was having an orgasm.


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