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Jade and Saint

Page 8

by Anjela Day

  “Look-—My eyes flew open when I walked out, and saw Saint walking towards me.

  “Saint?” I asked, and Johnathan lost it.

  “ho the fuck is Saint?” He asked again, and Saint ripped my phone from my hand ending the call.

  “Lets go.” He ordered. I lost it. I swatted his hand. You are not the fuckin boss of me. I am so sick of men controlling me” I cried hitting at him. His face twisted, as he grabbed my hands to gain control of the situation.

  “Stay the fuck away from me. As far as I am concerned you are a waste of mt fathers money. I can protect myself..

  “Hell you can't even speak, so ho in the hell you going to protect me?” I told him pulling away, and walking towards my car. I jumped in and drove as fast as I could.

  I pulled up at the coffee shop,. A warm cup of coffee, always relaxed me. I eased out of my car and walked into the shop.

  “Chi latte, “ The woman and I said in unison. I laughed because I was in their so much she new my order.

  “No cookies Jade? She asked, and I looked from her to the oatmeal chip cookies.

  “No, it's week of the Pageant, no sugar. “ I whined. placing my money in the woman's hand.

  She nodded taking my money.

  Five minutes later she handed me my drink, I took my first sip, and felt the anger melt away, when I felt a hand on my back.

  “Are you ignoring me?” I blinked fast and hard Armstong was not going to dive me nuts.

  “You have been a very naught girl. Do you really think you can just walk away from me.” He asked . His hand gripped my arm tightly. So tight it forced my hand to go limp, and my tea to fall to the ground.

  “You dumb bitch.” He shouted shaking his hands, I'm sure the hot coffee h

  ad burned them.

  I toll it as my chance to get the hell on. I walked out the coffee shop my keys already in

  my hand.

  “Bitch I'm not done with you” He said following me out side. His hands now on my waist. I guess not to make more of a scene. His fingers pressed into my flesh so tightly I was on the brink of tears.

  “Hey babe you get my tea?” Saint said walking over to us. He effortlessly pulled me into his arms hugging me tight. I didn't know how he knew it, but I needed him. His warm hands caressed my back. Almost as if he was soothing me.

  “Go head hop in the car, I'm going to go get some cake.” He said handing me keys to his car. He nodded his head towards a black Coop. Without hesitating I took the keys and raced to hop inside.

  Who the fuck is that?

  I figured I keep a close eye on Jade rather she'd like it or not. Shit. I like to tell myself it was because Killa was making me, but it wasn't. My mothers words were eating away at me. I had went 24 years without feeling a damn thing. If this was the way emotions made you feel I didn't want that shit. The second she walked out the coffee place with that nigga glued to her. I was ready to kill. The tears that filled her eyes were easy for me to see. Everything about Jade was easy for me to see. She was completely transparent when it came to me. I saw everything flaws and all when it was about her. The way he was looking at her I knew it was go time.

  As soon as I made sure she was safe inside the car I bumped shoulders with old dude. I'd seen him before I just couldn't shake that thought. His eyes trained on me. My gun pressed into his stomach.

  “You don't ant these problems son, walk away.” He said.

  “Ya name Snake?” I asked, and he answered with a raised eyebrow.

  “I'm not yo son.” I told him pressing my gun deeper into his stomach.

  “Don't pull it if you on't use it.” He said. It was funny because I was thinking just what he had said. I also knew that I had seen this man I didn't want to make the mistake of killing someone that would get me killed, in the long run. I retraced my gun, and slipped it back into my pants. After all I didn't need a gun to get my point across. I reminded myself.

  “Trust you don't want my problems. You come at what's mines again. On my life it will be the last day you ever breathe. I said stepping back, We looked ta each other one last time, before waling to my car.

  I started to drive surprised by her silence. Jade just sat beside me as if what had happened was nothing more than than a routine. As if she was used to being mistreated.

  “Who was that Jade?” I asked turning the music down so that I could hear her response.

  Jade turned the radio backed up. She followed it with the roll of her eyes.

  “I'm talking to you?” I said.

  “Why?” She asked. Man she was confusing as fuck. I didn't response to her childish ass. I just kept driving.

  “I was taking Jade to see my mother. I just wanted her to tell me if Jade was who she describe for me. I think that's why we were headed to Detroit. I saw a car fly by me. It got my attention.

  “Put you seat belt on.” I told her weaving back, and forth through traffic.

  “Fuck you.” She said this girl had me twisted. I didn't have time to play with her. I looked from the car that was damn near on my ass to Jade.

  “Seat belt now.” I said reaching over her and grabbing it. I clicked it in the fastener, I was pissed she was acting so damned spoiled. I made a mental note to see why she was so upset. Before I could exhale The car plowed into us. I sa Jade's body jerk to be saved by the seat belt.

  “Oh my God Saint! What's happening?” She asked. I didn't have time to reply when The car plunged into us again. I pressed the break hard as I could. It didn't stop my car from spinning. I held my hand out to brace Jade. I could hear her yell in fear. Our car flipped over.

  I told myself that I couldn't pass out. I had to stay alert, I said to myself.

  My head was throbbing. I pulled my gun from my pants and broke the window. Climbing from underneath the car. Jade was Knocked out so I had no choice but to break her window, and pull her out.

  She held her purse tightly. I pried it from her hands.. I took her I D out broke her cell phone, then tossed her purse back in the car. I lifted Jade over my shoulder, and started to walk.

  It was getting dark. It was only one place I could think to go. I texted my dad, so that he could send someone for us in the morning. When he replied ok I tossed my phone to the car as well.

  I carried Jade as far away as I could still able to fire my gun. I trained it at the gas tank. Then fired. I knew it would be a bang, then a slow burn. I also new that it might tell who ever was looking for us where we were. I didn't care. I knew that my father's Cabin.

  “ It was a three bedroom Cottage.

  A place where my father took us to train. While it was the safest place to take Jade it was one of the hardest place for me to revisit.

  Hunting memories lived there.

  “Where are we ?”I asked. Anger dripping from my voice. I wanted him to know I was beyond pissed. He had no right to drag me around like a ratty blanket. He worked for me, making me the boss! His boss. I thought to myself. Still following him through the lousy decorated cottage. “I asked you where you were taking me?” I said finally reaching out to stop him in his tracks. He paused, and glanced over me, as if I had disrupted him. Still no words left his mouth, as he walked into a bedroom. My only way of knowing that it was a bedroom, was because of the small bed. It was neatly made sitting in the corner of the room. Just give me a phone so I can call my father!” I demanded and he paused with a wicked look on his face. He clearly disapproved of what I'd just said. “I know you can speak, so why ignore me?” I asked him walking over to the bed, I glanced at the duvet, before I sat down on the bed. “Get up!” He ordered. His eyebrows raised, and he looked at meas if I was in the wrong. Now I was truly lost, had he loss his damned mind. What had I done to cause him to yell at me? “My feet hurt, and I'm tired.” You've dragged me to the middle of no where, I just want to rest.” I said pissed. The first words he'd spoken to me were an order not a request. Where did he get off being so rude to me. He walked over to me, and yanked me off of the bed. He then stared a
t me as if he had no response, nor reason to be in my presents. I just knew that there was no where I'd rather be. Saint was beautiful. His dark brown, eyes had a cast that sparkled in the light. His lips were full, but still hidden by the neatly trimmed facial hair that had started to form on his face. I lift my hands to see if his smooth milk chocolate skin was as soft as it looked. He grabbed my hand mid stroke. His eyes stared into mines. He had to realizes I was already loss in his gaze. I was drawn to him, for reasons unknown to me. He closed his eyes slowly releasing my hand. he allowed my fingers to finally graze his face. I could feel the jolt of energy that shot through him like a lighting bolt. He shivered, and I exhaled. I breathed as if that was the first breath I'd taken in forever. I couldn't have been the only one who felt that. I told myself finally pulling away and clearing my throat. “Let's get you cleaned up, you can sleep here I will sleep on the sofa out front.” Saint said, and I was confused. “Sleep?” I blurted out. I can't sleep here!” I told him pausing as he began to undress as if I wasn't standing right next to him. My eyes stalled. I looked at the architecture of his body was simply amazing. God had to have molded him, personalty. The craftsmanship was impeccable. His toned, biceps were inviting. It's just something about a man with big arms that say's I'll protect you. God I'd never seen a better put together human. I exhale deeply only to be taken back when I got a whiff of him We'd been in a car accident and forced to walk at least an hour, Still the faint smell of apple jolly ranchers and marijuana filled my nose. Damn he smelled good enough to eat. I was perplexed this man had been an complete ass hole to me. The entire time I'd been in his presents. He udder so much as one word to me. Now we were alone, and I found myself mesmerized by his intoxicating aroma. Dazed by the way his skin glowed in the moon light.

  I knew I should walk away, but his body called me. He hovered over me, and I had to touch. “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” I mouthed as my fingers trailed every letter of those brightly highlighted words. While there were roughly twenty bible verse plastered all over his well-crafted body, Those words stood out. It was as if the old school font were in 3D format. His body spoke only to me.

  He was the only weapon in the room and I was dying for him to penetrate me. His hand stroked mines, before he took my wrist between his fingers. He pulled me closer to him. Damn I hope he doesn't feel the way my heart is racing. I thought as he spent my body. He lifted my arms above my head, and effortlessly removed my blouse.

  Could he read my mind did he know how badly I craved him with out me even speaking? I wondered feeling his eyes on me. I closed my eyes tightly feeling my breast being released from my bra. The thin cloth fell to my feet, and his thick hands cupped my breast. He bent down, over my shoulder and inhaled my hair.

  Do it. I whispered. Maybe I didn't maybe those were my thoughts begging for him to do just what he was doing. He invited himself to explore my body, and I was giving him an all access pass. Saint's lips finally brushed against my neck, and that jolt of electricity had returned. This time I was the one weak. My legs wiggled beneath me. Saint lifted me into his arms, and walked me back over to the bed. He slipped my shoes off, tossing them to the floor. Next was my jeans. I held my stomach in tightly. I didn't even want him to see me take a breath. Slowly he unbuttoned my jeans and peeled them off of me.

  “What are you doing?” I couldn't help but to ask. My breathing was labored, and I could feel the throbbing from my tea pot. I knew just what he was doing. Clearly so did he.

  Saint fell to his knees, and his soft lips roamed my stomach. He made his way up to my breast. With one hand he lightly caressed both breast. Placing one of my breast in his mouth allowing his thumb to entertain the other. A moan escaped my mouth before I knew it. I tried to ignore the intense feeling he was giving me, but I couldn't. It was to late I was in too deep. My arms wrapped around his neck. My fingers playfully clawed at his thick curly hair. Do it!” I moaned again waiting for him to fill me.

  “Nah ma,” I can't he said pulling away. He stood to his feet, and stared at meas if I were fragile. Like I'd break if he inserted himself inside of me.

  “What?” I said sitting up on the small bed.

  My hands quickly covered my breast. Was he serious. He had me to the point of erupting,and this is where he stopped.

  “Look yo pops hired me to do a job, and –

  “And what you don't wanna cross the line?”

  “News flash the line has been crossed. You got me out here ready to feel you inside of me, and you telling me no? I'm not some little kid you can just play with you know?”

  “I'm not trying to play with you baby girl. I just see you. I see what everyone else ignoring.” Saint said and I rolled my eyes. I stood from the bed, and started to gather my clothing. Stepping into my jeans I paused, and made sure he saw I was annoyed.

  “If you saw me then you'd know I wanted you to make love to me.” I told him slipping my shirt over my body.

  “Nah baby, you want to be loved, not made love to. You let these niggas fuck you, and man handle you and you confuse that worth affection. While I aint the nigga that's looking to save a bitch. I see you. I have since the first time I laid eyes on you. I know you want more than what I can offer you.” He told me. That was the most he'd said to me the two months I'd known him, and in this very second I just wished he'd shut the hell up.

  “You don't know me! You just see me and think spoiled little rich girl. Probably a good girl that's been broken. Well I ain't I'm a grown ass woman that wants to be touched, kissed, but mainly fucked. I'm not going to get clingy and fall for you. You may be handsome, and paid, but hell I've had all of that before. Shit I'm not looking for a daddy I've had one of those my entire life, and truthfully I'm not that impressed with him.” She said slipping her shirt over her body. She stepped into those tall heels, and looked up at me with those sad loss eyes. If I could I would take all the pain that settled behind her stare, but truthfully I didn't know how. Hell I was just as broken as she was. I had family just like she did, but I was alone. No one understood me. No one knew who I was I don't think anyone ever asked.

  “Can we go?” She asked her hands crossed over her arms like a b boy.

  “Jay you can't go home.” I told her

  “What did you call me?” She asked her head snapping back and her neck rolled like a hood bitch.

  “Jay, something wrong with that?”

  “Yeah my name is Jade, point blank, and fuckin period. I'm not yours to nick name. I'm not yours at all.” She huffed in anger. A tear poured down her beautiful face. A trail of black paint followed.

  “I'm not anyone.” She said falling backwards against the wall. Why doesn't anyone want me? What's wrong with me?” She asked pulling her long thing legs into her chest. She rested her torso on her knees, and started to shake, as I watched a part of her soul leave her body.

  “Jade, I – I paused in my words. I didn't know how to comfort her. Hell all I knew how to do is fuck, and kill. Shit women were nothing more than play things to me. Sad I know, but that's facts. I ran my hands through my hair, confused on how to even deal with anything.

  “Get some rest ma, My man's will be here in the morning to take you home. I told her walking out of the room.


  My mind was on full. So much to think about. Mainly why someone wanted to hurt this girl. Shit from the looks of her, she couldn't hurt a flea. I mean she had a bark, but that was about it. She just seemed to be a pretty little rich girl.

  “Um Saint!” She said creeping into the living room. She slowly walked over to where I was seated, and stood over me.

  “What's up?” I asked her starting to stand, to my feet. She held her hand out to stop me.

  “I'm cold and hungry.” She said pulling at the selves over her sweater so they covered her thumbs.

  “How much you pay for that rabbit hair?”

  “This is my hair. What are you talking about she asked confused.

  “The sweater?,”
r />   “It's cashmere,” She said her voice uppity.

  “What did you think cashmere was cat? It's rabbit fur. Any way it looks to expensive to be stretched out like that. I told her standing and un-balling her hands.

  “Look the car is totaled, and I doubt it's much here to eat, I haven't been here since, my father brought me. I paused thinking about Snake, This is where he'd bring Daron and I to train. To have target practice. Shit he brought us here just to teach us how to be men. It was our safe place. I exhaled before standing up. I walked into the kitchen, and opened the cabinet. Mostly canned fruit's a few boxes of things and rice.

  “All we got ma' knock ya self out tho”

  “You want me to cook?” She asked a half smile on her face. I couldn't help but to shake my head no in fear.

  “Nah not really” I said not realizing I was laughing.

  “What can cook,” She whined like a child.

  “Really then go ahead” I said walking over to the counter and leaning backwards.

  Jade scanned the cabinets pulling down the rice, and a few other things.

  “Whats Vienna sausage? It sounds fancy” she asked, and I held my hand out for her to toss to me. I pulled the pop top up, and held the can out for her to taste it. Jade's face turned up, and she stared at me. “Just use my fingers?” She asked looking around to see if anyone else was going to see her.

  “Why not who's going to tell.” I said and she looked up at me before digging in the can and pulling out one.

  I bit down on my cheeks waiting for her to bite. She was going to be so grossed out, and I was going to die laughing.” I thought watching her take a small bite. She turned her nose up, and chewed. And I started to laugh.

  “Um good,” she said taking the can, and starting to eat them.

  “You are such a jerk, you were willing to let me eat these just to laugh. You think I'm stuck up don't you?” She asked, and I didn't respond. It was no right way to answer that. She was stuck up little rich girl. She lived in a huge house, where overly priced clothes she had no idea what they were even made of, and she drove cars based on the import not the drive. Hell she was a little baby her daddy still felt the need to protect and make decisions for.


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