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The Alexandra Series

Page 13

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  His words were fire, but his face was cold. He’d become a sexually charged beast as intent on his business as any animal, any dog or horse or bull. His message took me to a place in me I’d never been. An odd and unwelcome feeling was rising from deep in my gut. Erotic. Sexual. Earthy. Was his crude treatment of me actually turning me on? My feelings were in freefall and I had no idea what to think or feel as Gus tied a length of leather around my neck so it fit snugly against my throat. When he pushed me to the back to the dirt, and ordered me to: “Crawl like a good bitch,” my resolve to survive this episode in passionless submission ended there. After such a see-saw of emotions, I was too confused to know what I felt or how to act. I felt shamed, humiliated and angry and yet my body was as aroused as it had ever been. I didn’t understand this.

  Suddenly, all I could think of was halting the whole drama. I’d take no more, not for any reason! But then I made the mistake of glancing in the direction of the log shack, where perhaps a hundred yards away, just this side of the porch, I saw Reggie standing with his feet firmly rooted to the earth and his eyes staring at me with fixed intent. He stopped me cold. The anger, the rebellion was swept away. He was still with me, waiting for me. I won’t give up what I came here for, I vowed silently. If I called a halt to his game, I’d walk away from him never to be able to possess him; and possessing him was more important now than pride or shame or that lowly journey to his feet. I began to crawl, my naked body moving shakily from the tree trunk across the yard while the three men watched leering at me from behind, and Reggie beckoned me with the promise of my deepest desire fulfilled. When at last I reached his feet, Gus handed him the leather strap.

  “Sit back and look at me,” my handsome master ordered.

  I did, although suddenly I was afraid that I’d been too proud, too angry, too conflicted to please him.

  “The rule tonight is submission. Unless I ask you to speak, don’t. Not a word. That clear?”

  I nodded.

  I could see that the darker fire in him still burned hot, which made my crotch throb anew. But despite that fire, he remained coolly in control and I realized that I was not about to have him – not yet. My trials at the shack were hardly over.

  He yanked on the leather, pulling me up to the porch and into the shack. Gus followed while the two stablemen stayed outside.

  Once inside, I continued to crawl at Reggie’s side until we reached the fireplace, where he tied the leather leash to a bolt embedded in the mortar. I sat and waited, suddenly feeling a desperate need to pee. However, on orders not to speak I had no way to let them know. After some minutes passed Reggie sensed my need, and untying the tether, he led me to a small bath at the back of the shack where I peed, then cleaned myself and took care of my needs as best I could.

  When I returned to the room, the table was set – for two. There at the fireplace where I was again tied, a bowl of food sat waiting.

  “Eat, you must be starving.”

  I stared down at the food, suddenly overcome by emotion. My eyes pooled with tears and a swarm of feelings ganged up on me all at once – humiliation, fear, lust, dread and then a rush of sensation I cannot describe. As that sensation traveled through me, it electrified each part of me and then settled into a dull aching, longing in my abdomen.

  “Eat,” he repeated.

  I wasn’t the least bit hungry, in fact, the sight of the food almost made me nauseous. But in order not to upset the man in charge, I picked up a piece of bread and began nibbling. The two men ignored me while they ate, which was a welcome relief. For the first time in what seemed like hours, no one paid attention to me. No sidelong glances, no orders or scowling remarks. The respite was refreshing.

  I ate sparingly, filling my stomach enough to settle the ongoing jitters and apparently enough to please Reggie.

  When I was done, I sat with my back to the wall to ease the cramping in my legs, and watched as the two men cleared the table of dishes, although they were in no particular hurry to get on with whatever they had planned. I must have waited over an hour as the two men methodically went about their business, which included spending what must have been at least thirty minutes on the porch smoking and talking in low voices so I couldn’t hear them. Waiting was unbearable.

  When the pair returned, Reggie untied me, ordering me to stand. Then he pulled the table close and pushed me forward over the side.

  “I hadn’t intended to do this, but judging by your fitful surrender out back, it seems you lack a clear appreciation of what it means to submit. Hopefully, when I’m done with you today, you’ll understand what I mean.”

  He nodded to Gus, then the two proceeded to bind me over the table top with my ankles cuffed and my legs secured at one end of the table, and my arms likewise tethered to the other end. Reggie began the punishment by smacking my ass with his hand, and when that hand was too sore to continue he handed me over to Gus who used a wooden paddle on the same sore flesh.

  It was all I could do to keep from crying out. Surely I moaned, and made every attempt to thwart the painful smacks of hand and paddle, but I was so securely tied that my efforts were no help at all. My backside was scorching hot from the top of my ass all the way to my lower thighs. I felt like an insubordinate woman getting the just desserts for her bad behavior – which in the scheme of things seemed rather appropriate considering the vulgar acts I’d been a part of that afternoon. Although I’m not sure that was how Reggie viewed my punishment.

  I had no idea how much a paddling could hurt; it literally seared my behind, making it burn so hotly that in time I couldn’t imagine how I’d endure another smack – and yet, the two men were still not finished. The paddle was replaced by a leather belt, this time Reggie delivering the blows. Because it was Reggie, because it was my fierce desire to have him, I tried to make something pleasurable from all the pain, but by then my ass was too sore and my feelings too hurt to do anything but finally wail: “Oh please stop!” Tears streamed from my eyes and down my cheeks, and I succumbed to a series of gulping sobs.

  Reggie grabbed my sore ass and squeezed it as if making a point. “Much better, Alex.” Just the feel of his firm touch was enough to cause my desire for him to build. I moaned, but not from pain, and wriggled my ass against his massaging palm. “My you are a slut, aren’t you?” he mocked.

  I didn’t care what he called me at that point, the fire in my ass and his firm massage was too pleasing for me to protest a tiny little word like slut. I merely groaned again, hoping he would continue. But instead he backed away. “Grease her ass and grease it well.”

  “Oh, dear God no.” The panicked whisper was out of my mouth before I could think to hold it back.

  Even that small outburst earned another hard smack of Reggie’s hand. “If you have to protest, take it inside.” He fondled me more tenderly this time, but when his hand moved into my anal cleft as his massage continued, I immediately seized up realizing what would be happening next. “This doesn’t have to hurt. In fact, you might actually enjoy it if you allow yourself to relax and let go. May I suggest that you bear down and the entry will go much easier. It’s all about surrender.”

  Relax. Surrender. The words meant little in the midst of my present fear. I didn’t think I could withstand another night of anal sex, but I knew my feelings about the matter counted for nothing. This was what I’d signed on for and this was what I’d endure. Doing my best to heed Reggie’s advice, I bore down as he suggested and relaxed the taut muscles, so that when Gus stepped in behind me and nudged the head of his cock at my backdoor, it entered without the searing pain I’d experienced before. Strange sensations filled my body, rich ones I recalled from that first night before the pain became unbearable. And as Gus began to move inside me, I could not ignore the fact that the anal taking was having the most incredible effect on my body. The lingering warmth from the punishment only made the act more electrifying, and my body more alive.

  Again I was beset by conflicting emotions. The knowle
dge of my gross depravity stung me again with shame, but the feel of Gus relentlessly fucking my ass brought on the most wicked sexual sensations. I only wished I could have taken more pleasure in them. Suffice it to say, I endured, gasping and groaning and trying hard to ignore the fact that Reggie might well be right about the joys of anal sex. For a moment, just before he came, Gus drilled me hard, clutching my rear cheeks in his hands, and holding his groin tightly against my rear. His organ pulsed inside me, and for just a moment, I was swept with an unexpected feeling of bliss. Had I actually come?

  When Gus finally pulled out, I looked up to see that the stablemen were there, viewing the scene as if they were ready to take another go at me. I almost lost my composure.

  I looked toward Reggie begging him with my eyes. He looked back mildly amused. “Don’t worry, these two have had enough of you, I just wanted them to watch. Your ass can rest tonight, even if the rest of you will be working overtime.”

  I hadn’t a clue what he meant by overtime until after the stablemen were dismissed and out the door, and the tethers that bound me to the table were untied. I hoped that his message meant that he would be next to have me.

  “You think this is difficult. Wait until you’re bound face up.” There was a darkness in his eyes, something almost evil, and I responded with a shudder of concern – and desire. Reggie helped me from the table. My mind was a blur, my thoughts racing away in a dozen different directions. I had no idea what to think about all that had just happened.

  “So,” Reggie turned to Gus, handing my tether back to his accomplice. “She’s yours for the rest of the night. Give her something special to remember.” Before I could really grasp what was happening, Reggie was out the door.

  “Reggie no!” I found myself crying out, but he was already gone, and he didn’t turn back.

  “You got it bad, don’t you, slut?” Gus observed.

  I glared at him and he just laughed.

  “You look like shit. Go rest,” he nodded to the nearby cot. “It’s gonna take some energy to get through what I got planned for you.”

  I curled up on the cot pulling the rough blanket over my body, and refused to think about what would happen next. Within minutes, I dozed off.

  I woke, feeling the cot shaking and my body shaking with it. When I opened my eyes, there was Gus staring down at me through the darkness, looking dark himself and devious and terribly grim. “Get up!” he ordered, and when I didn’t respond quick enough, he pulled me to my feet. I had to lean on him for support because my muscles were painfully stiff and my body ached in every limb and joint. My backside, from my thighs to the top of my bottom, was still warm from the punishment, and while that felt good, I worried over what this burly stableman intended to do to me. It certainly couldn’t be worse than what I’d already suffered that day, or could it?

  I relented without protest when Gus pushed me down to crawl again, feeling just too weary to object. As he led me out of the shack, I surprised to realize that the sun had already set and the woods were black as ink. We maneuvered by flashlight into the night, and though I had some trepidation about this odd turn of events, and I relished the cool air and breathed in deeply. Oddly, I felt less vulnerable with my naked body cloaked in darkness.

  However, as Gus led me into a clearing by the edge of a still pond, I began to tremble. Just Gus and I alone, in the silence, in the dark. His feral energy seemed to climb all over me. He pushed me down to the dirt and rolled me onto my back. The ground was cool, smelling of must and decaying things. It seemed to comfort my wounds, and envelop me in safety. Staring up through the gloom of night, I watched Gus above, removing his clothes. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I almost gasped seeing his bulky form and thick muscles unveiled. Powerful. Dominant. Formidable.

  I could feel his body heat aimed at me, and when I looked at his crotch, there was that magnificent penis jutting from a nest of dark, curly hair, fully erect. The head of it like nothing I’d ever seen before. And this was in my ass! I silently exclaimed.

  He sank to his knees, then straddling my body, his thick hands pawing at my breasts, kneading them in his fists until they hurt. I was too petrified, too mesmerized by the man to say a word, or offer up any form of protest. In truth, I couldn’t ignore the fact that my cunt was pulsing, wet and aching to be filled. All thoughts of Reggie were swept aside as I focused on this awesome moment.

  His eyes met mine and I reached for his hairy chest, as if I were drawing him into me. My hips moved, my whole body writhed in the dirt, eager for him, wanting him to fill me. He exposed a need in me that was new and alarming. I was suddenly caught somewhere between lust and loathing…though I would push the loathing aside. I was too exhausted to fight anymore. When he entered me, the first thrust of that hefty prick made me cry in happy anguish. I pulled him into me, wanting him and hating him in the same instant. I clawed at his back. Desire? Anger? I’m not sure. Whatever pain it caused him only made him wilder, more animal, more relentless in his pounding thrusts. He rolled me about, tossing my body about as if I were no more than a rag doll. His grunts and growls were soon matched in volume with my own. I was as animal as he was, forgetting anger, forgetting pain, forgetting thinking and everything but the savageness of the instant and the fine earth that cradled us both. My body yearned for everything he gave me. I wanted it harder and meaner. I wanted it to go on forever in this dark place of surrender. I began to orgasm in the midst of it, and continued to spasm and bite and scratch until at last he exploded, coming in huge tremors. He clutched me tight against his chest until the last shuddering wave died off.

  For all the power that was expended in that first fuck, it was not enough for either of us. We let the ground cool us down, but as it did, my body began to writhe again. I put my hands to my crotch and fondled myself, deliberately groaning so he could hear me. I don’t know how many minutes passed before I finally rose up above him and lay down atop his thick chest, writhing once more, needing to get off again any way I could.

  To my surprise, I felt his erection rising one more time. But he wasn’t about to be fucked by a woman from above. As soon as he was ready, he flipped me over to my hands and knees and took me from behind. The wild ride began again, though it was over much quicker this time, and when I fell back to the earth, I was finally spent, and so was he.

  A strange gratitude swept me as I lay beside him in the dirt. My fingers curled around his hand, the only affection I would offer him, but it was heartfelt.

  “Go wash,” he finally said as he pulled away from me.

  And I did. I was grateful for the cool water of the pond as it washed away the dirt and the stickiness and the sweat, as it soothed my sore limbs and my scorched skin. My body was clean and comforted and sated. I had not a stray thought to spoil the blissful moment. Gus joined me in the pond, washing himself as I had done. Then we swam silently, seeing the moon rise on the horizon and reflect off the dark water.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The shack was empty when we returned. Gus and I were alone, and he was surprisingly more gruff than ever. Perhaps I’d been more willing than he’d wanted, I hadn’t resisted enough, given him an excuse to exert the savage control of me he seemed to desire. I’d sometimes wondered if he thought he could be a better Dominant than his boss.

  As before, Gus tethered me to the fireplace bolt by the leather around my neck, then he tossed me a pillow and several blankets I could use as a bed. Apparently this was where I’d sleep. Once I lay down, he climbed into the cot above me and fell asleep. I spent several minutes adjusting to the awful quiet in the cabin. I heard the hoot of an owl, the cry of a coyote. Having taken a long nap that afternoon, I was afraid that I might lie awake all night, my mind an endless loop of memories as I went back through my day a hundred times. However, I must have been more exhausted than I thought because I quickly drifted off and don’t recall a thing until I awakened to the new day.

  I woke at the first light of dawn, jarred from sleep by my ac
hing body and the soreness in my limbs. I didn’t think I could tolerate another minute on that hard wood floor. My first clue of any change was the absence of the collar around my neck. It was not only gone, but no leather hung from the fireplace, no sign that I’d been tethered except for the bolt still planted in the concrete.

  There was no sign of Gus, and the rough blankets I’d seen on the cot had been replaced with a soft blue cotton quilt. On the table was a jar of wild flowers, on the sink a basin and pitcher filled with clear cold water. I moved to my feet to get a drink and found in the ice box cold meat, cheese and milk. On the same table over which I’d been roughly taken was a covered basket with three kinds of bread. In another basket were fresh peaches, plums and grapes. Beside the cot hung a sundress, and I found thick towels on a shelf above the sink. Sitting on a small, handmade table near the bed was an antique oil lamp, my blue notebook and a jar with several sharp pointed pencils.

  The shack had been transformed with a deliberate attention to every detail. Obviously Reggie’s doing. He’d taken great care in planning this change in atmosphere. Astonishing as it was, I recognized the same exacting measures he used when planning scenes of domination and depravity. I didn’t know if I wanted to love it or hate it; I didn’t know what it meant – was he being kind or was this just another way to manipulate my emotions? Rather stew over his motives, I decided to enjoy the transformation as a welcome contrast to the uncivilized savagery of the previous day.

  I bathed. I ate ravenously. And I wrote volumes in the blue notebook, laying out all my contradictory feelings towards the events of the previous week and especially the day before. I don’t know if Reggie even read my crazy rantings, but the notebook was one place where I refused to edit myself. Just following the master’s instructions.


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