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The Alexandra Series

Page 45

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, as her arm surrounded the woman’s inviting body. For an instant, she could imagine other things with Jocelyn, her desires for women not having totally vanished; they’d simply been squelched since her marriage to Will.

  “You couldn’t have picked a better day. I admit, I’m chicken. I don’t want to go out on choppy seas. I didn’t make my final decision until I saw the morning sky and listened to the weather report.”

  Alex ushered her to the other end of the vessel, to a small group of friends. After the introductions, when it seemed like Jocelyn would add perfectly to their conversation, she left to other hostess duties. She figured Reg and Jocelyn could meet by accident. She’d done all she could.


  They were a half hour out of port when Reggie, getting restless, moved topside for a breath of fresh air. It was a startling day on the water, with colors so brilliant that it took his vision extra time to take in what his eyes were seeing. At first, looking toward the bow of the boat, he thought it was some kind of mirage, the auburn hair floating on the current of air like a movie picture in a slow motion. The woman’s bottom was dancing, not to some tune, but simply swaying, as it moved to some inner rhythm and melody that only she was hearing.

  He walked cautiously toward the alluring female, wondering if she’d suddenly turn into another woman and disappoint him. And if she didn’t, if it was Jocelyn, why was she here, when she wasn’t due back from London until the following day?

  “Jocelyn,” he hailed her from five feet off, speaking loudly so she’d be certain to hear him.

  She jerked around, recognizing the voice.

  “Good God, I thought you were in Boston.”

  “Who told you that?” he asked.


  “Alex lied to you.”

  “I guess so,” Jocelyn replied.

  “Just as you lied to me,” Reggie said.

  “What do you mean?” she asked. For a moment, it totally slipped her mind that she’d returned early from Europe and had yet to tell the man in front of her.

  “You’re returning from London tomorrow. That was the plan, I believe.”

  “I came back three days ago,” she admitted.

  Used to drawing inside himself, he was so well practiced that Jocelyn wouldn’t know. But he knew. He could feel the tightness growing, feeling the past few months rapidly falling away from him as if they’d never happened.

  “I needed some time away,” she explained.

  “Three weeks wasn’t enough?” he asked.

  “Not after I talked to Alex yesterday. Listen Reggie,” she went on before he could question her further. “I didn’t expect to see you here. I really didn’t. And I’m sorry, I’d never have shown up like this if I knew you were coming. Your old girlfriend obviously got her jollies thinking that she could arrange our being together. But what I really need is a little more time.”

  “Longer yet?”

  “I got in so much trouble before, I’ll tell you right out. I’m not running away, I just need a few more days.”

  “A few more days for what?”

  “I need to think, feel, do what I do when I can’t decide on things.”

  “What do you need to think about?” he asked.

  “Hey, I thought you said you understood my occasional need for solace,” she challenged his question.

  “I do, but if it’s about our relationship, we’ll discuss it now.”

  “You’re not being fair.”

  “I’m being perfectly fair. It’s obvious that you and I don’t communicate well from long distances, our phone conversations were ghastly. I’m not particularly happy about waiting another few fucking days to see you. If you have something to tell me, do it now.”

  “You sound angry,” she said, seeing his grim expression. Though she couldn’t quite tell what was going on in his mystifying mind.


  “You know, perhaps you deserve this. I’ve been trying to spare your feelings, but maybe you don’t really care.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” He was demanding and bewildered at the same time, a man used to being in control, not in control at the moment, and not happy about it.

  “Reggie, I can’t be the submissive woman you want. I can’t be trained the way you trained Alex. I don’t want to be given away for sexual thrills. I don’t want to be led and manipulated and ordered into living out fantasies. I don’t have this wealth of fantasies. I’m not like Alex. I’m not that complex. I am a very simple woman who wants your love and nothing more. And I’ll do just about anything with you sexually, because I love the sex we have. I love it crazy and bizarre. You can tie me up, whip my ass, and screw me anywhere you like. But I’m never going to be that surrendering woman. I don’t have this deep seeded need inside my soul to yield, for you to play me like a dancing puppet. I just can’t, and that breaks my heart.” There were tears in her eyes when she finished. “Goddammit, I didn’t want to get all whimpering like some ninny,” she added.

  “You don’t look that way to me,” he said. “You never have.”

  “Thank god,” she said. To her surprise, Reggie didn’t seem at all upset by her speech.

  “I think we have a major misunderstanding here, Jocelyn. And it’s likely as much my fault as it is yours.”

  “What have I misunderstood? I’ve lived the best I could in your other world these last few months. It all seems pretty clear to me what you want.”

  “Jocelyn, I don’t want you as a submissive, like Alex, or any of the others. I don’t want you to be anything but yourself.”

  She looked bewildered.

  “Granted, sometimes you’re annoying, and you’re certainly not what I’m used to. But what I don’t need in my life is another Alex. As delightfully charming as she is, she can be a whining brat, which gives me plenty of reason to spank her. But she never gave me what I really needed. I don’t want to train you, I don’t want to share you with anyone else. I realized that in Germany. I like the fact that you don’t need me the way all the women in my life need me. I hired a new secretary at work while you were gone. She’d heard rumors about me, and suddenly I’m paddling her ass because she wants to live out her fantasies. I don’t want that anymore. I want you.”

  “You’re serious?” Jocelyn said, thinking for a minute that she was in the middle of a dream.

  “As serious as I’ve ever been.”

  “Oh, my god, I am going to cry. What the hell am I suppose to do?” she said. “I had it all figured and now you change it all.”

  “You could give me a kiss hello,” he suggested.

  She moved to him, looking into his eyes, and gave him a simple peck on the lips. He took her chin in his hand, and the next kiss lasted a little longer.

  “This is a novel feeling for me. New territory. I think it’s time,” he added, just before he put an arm around her and led her back to the railing at the bow. They could see the yacht was making its way smoothly toward some far horizon that seemed as endless as the present instant. They remained there taking time to let the two previously horrifying minutes settle inside them.

  “I never imagined you’d respond this way,” she finally said.

  “Well, Neither did I,” he replied.

  The yacht picked up speed and the water leaped enough to splash their faces with cold foamy liquid. They jumped back, laughed at themselves and went inside to get dry.


  You two look like lovebirds,” Alex said, walking toward them with a tray of hors d’oeuvres in hand.

  “You know you deserve one hell of a beating, my manipulating brat,” Reggie said.

  “You sound so stern, but you’re laughing inside,” she chided. “Besides, I’d gladly take a good one just to see this look in your eyes.”

  “And what look is that?”

  “The ‘I’m in love with the woman on my arm look’,” she replied.

  “I’ll have to watch
that,” Reggie said.

  “No, you won’t,” Jocelyn said, nudging him. “Not after what you just told me.”

  “I haven’t said I love you,” he reminded her.

  “You will,” she answered confidently.

  On the night of another full moon . . .

  Jocelyn dashed into her apartment. She was running late. Tearing off her clothes, she ran to the shower. If she was lucky Reggie would be late, but he was never late; and she knew she wouldn’t be that lucky this night. He’d only prompted her a half dozen times about their plans. They were very specific, some reception that he had to be at eight o’clock sharp.

  As soon as Jocelyn was out of the shower, she heard the doorbell.


  She answered the door with just a towel around her.

  “I’m sorry I have no excuses, I’ll be ready in five minutes,” she said. Giving him a swift peck on the cheek, she was racing back to her room. She thought she saw Reggie laughing at her obvious distress.

  It was fifteen minutes before she returned to the living room to find Reggie not at all annoyed.

  “You’re looking surprisingly happy,” she said. “I thought you’d be stark raving mad, the way you were so adamant about time last night.”

  “Actually, I find your distress enjoyable.”


  He was also admiring her. The blue dress with the cut out bodice allowed him to see her cleavage almost as plain as day, and the skirt was riding dangerously high on her legs.

  “You like it?” she said staring down at herself. “It was supposed to be a real surprise, but I think I’ve blown it with this crazy beginning. Really, Reg, I’m sorry, we’re going to be late, aren’t we?”

  “No,” he replied.

  “No? I thought this thing we’re going to starts at eight.”

  “Cocktails at eight, the program at nine, we have a few minutes.”

  She didn’t know whether to be relieved or mad. “You mean to tell me that I busted my butt to get ready, and we don’t even have to leave right now?”

  “No. In fact, I have just enough time to redden your ass.”

  “What! You’re going to spank me now!”


  Reggie pulled Jocelyn to the sofa with him, right over his lap, her wiggling bottom the center of his vision.

  “You’ve got to be kidding! I just got dressed and you’re going to mess me up.”

  His reply was all in the movement, raising her skirt, though he hardly had an inch to raise since it was already so short.

  “Panties!” he said, surprised to find them.

  “Please, Reg,” she tried again. “You’re doing this just because I was late, good god that’s ridiculous.”

  “I’m spanking you because I want to see your bottom red, and I want you sexually aroused all night.”

  His hand came down with a half dozen sharp smacks.

  “And because you didn’t call me when you got home from London, little bitch, and because there’s no excuse for being late.” He sounded as if he could go on forever listing her offenses. His hand came down with an emphatic smack.

  “Ooo, ouch, oooo, please.”

  It was an instantaneous burn, though as he continued, his hand was so ungodly warm, and his lap so firm, and the heat undeniably stimulating. She felt his growing erection under her, which was solace for the pain. She couldn’t wait to enjoy it when he was done.

  “Oh, ouch! Damn that hurts!” she cried.

  His hand continued peppering her bottom, the staccato smacks expertly applied. He knew how to make her ass burn hot with arousal and pain in the same instant.

  “Please Reggie stop!” She didn’t think she could stand it anymore. But just when it became too intense to bear, he began to massage her flesh between the smacks. She wanted him to start spanking her again.

  When he suddenly stopped and unceremoniously pushed her off his lap, she landed on the floor. Catching her breath, she moved toward him, her eyes like a voluptuous jungle cat. She pulled up to her knees in front of him and began to rub his thighs. She was ready to make love and assumed he was, too.

  “We could go on, Jocelyn darling,” he said, staring down at her. The glimmer in his eye was positively wicked. “But we do have to get to the reception.” He stood up abruptly leaving her on the floor.

  “What! No sex?” She was astounded.


  “You’re miserable…”

  “You’d better watch what you say,” he warned, very much in command.


  “Don’t say a word, just let yourself enjoy what you have now.” It was a deliciously classic Reggie smirk on his cool face.

  It was a horrible way to begin the night, but Reggie was right, she was hot all evening long. The craving need was an ever present gnawing in her. One glance from him, one feel of his hand, the tiniest kiss to her ear, he kept seducing her until she thought she would explode. And still, he offered no relief.

  Later that night, they were in the Porsche, high on a hill eyeing the full moon.

  “So I suppose that spanking is part of this relationship whether I like it or not?” Jocelyn mused aloud.

  “You know it is,” he replied.

  “I was just checking. I was wondering if you were going to drive me mad like this on a regular basis.”

  “I’m driving you mad?” he asked, as if he was as innocent as a lamb.

  “You know you are, you’ve been all night. Spanking me and leaving me the way you did. And then fondling me every chance you got…positively wicked!”

  “Get used to it. Torturing you is one of my favorite pastimes. You may not be submissive, Jocelyn, but you will submit to some things. I am dominant, and that’s not going to change.”

  “I don’t want you to,” Jocelyn said.

  The exuberant expression on her face was easy to watch.

  “That’s good.”

  “But how do I know if this thing between us is going to last?” she asked. “Good god, we don’t even know what to call it. What if you suddenly change your mind and leave me hanging?”

  “And what if you change your mind?” he countered.

  “I’m serious, Reg. We could be at this impasse forever, couldn’t we? And then all of sudden one of us gets a little too much and it’s over.” She was sounding hopelessly sad.

  “There is one solution,” Reggie said.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “You can marry me.”

  She pulled back from him in shock. “You’re asking me?” She couldn’t have been more astounded.

  “Yes, Jocelyn, I’m asking you. I’m not ordering you. I’m not commanding you. Just a simple question.”

  “You haven’t even told me you love me.” She looked at him earnestly, waiting. It was as much a command as he’d ever obey.

  “I tell you all the time by how you’ve made me change. But for the record, my darling Jocelyn, I do love you.” He was almost smiling, but not quite. He was sincere.

  “Good god. You’re smothering me with surprises.”

  “Too many?” he asked.

  “No, not too many. It’s what I want. But never in a million years…

  “Never in a million years did I think I’d be saying this to any woman. It must be the full moon,” he said, gazing toward the sky, and the bright yellow orb floating in the otherwise dark night. Clouds were tiptoeing in front of it, so it disappeared from sight, and then reappeared again as bright as ever, like the moon was playing a celestial game of cat and mouse with the night.

  “When’s this going to happen? Getting married?” she asked, still trying to decide if he really meant what he said.

  “That’s up to the bride,” Reggie replied. “I’d fly to Las Vegas right now if you wanted.” He wasn’t joking.

  “Bride. My god, listen to that word. That makes you a groom. You really want to marry me?”

  “You’re the first woman I can honestly sa
y I loved. And I have no desire to have you walk out on me. I don’t even want to worry about it. You may not need me, Jocelyn Killian, but I do need you.”

  “Oh, my god. I do need you, Reg, exactly like you are right now.”

  He smiled, actually smiled. “I had the feeling you did,” he answered her with just a trace of haughtiness returning to his voice.

  She didn’t mind. In fact, it made her shiver, made her think of sex, of being tied, and bound, and screwed. It made her think of hot fucks and slow moving lovemaking, and letting the man take her into his world and out again for all the wild things, and even the peaceful bliss that comes when the wildness is over.

  “So where do you want to get married?” he asked.

  “Humm, let me think. How about in Tahoe?” she said. “The next full moon, perhaps. Maybe it’s a good luck charm.” The smile, the green eyes, the curious twinkle took him back to the night at the Lodge.

  He chuckled darkly and started the Porsche, zooming off high speed in the direction of that clear unclouded moon.

  Jocelyn & Alexandra

  Chapter One

  Too humid a night to sleep, Alex climbed out of bed while Will remained sleeping—he could sleep through a hurricane. There must have been a storm about to burst from the heavens the way the wind whipped the hanging plants on the patio. Walking into the midst of that murky darkness, Alex let the brisk gusts of air rip though her long blonde hair, tossing it about her face. Her silk chemise billowed, the breeze lifting it above her thighs. The atmosphere, so prickly from the impending glut of thunder and rain, produced a present rawness between her legs, as if she was on the verge of something, an anxious brew of sexual heat and chaos building rapidly.

  Was it just the night, or was it something spookier, like a premonition? Were her stirrings just the foolish meandering of thoughts and pent-up need taking her on the dreaded but familiar paths of sex?

  She could think for just a second and see the blinking pink flamingo and the naughty fantasies that drove her to Will and Reggie, and now to what? How easily she created sexual theatrics. As much as her mind and better judgment knew that it was dangerous to be creating anything raunchy now, she was diving deep into all the darkest places where the wild things reigned.


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