The Alexandra Series

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The Alexandra Series Page 54

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “How odd,” Jocelyn mused. “Maybe it’s not a big deal.”

  “I have a hard time believing that,” Alex retorted.

  “You’d almost think they’re cooking up some devious plan.”

  “Well unless Will was lying incredibly well, which he’s never done before, he didn’t know about us until I told him. He could hardly have some devious plan in the works.”

  “I think we’d better watch our backs and asses, and God knows what else,” Jocelyn warned.

  “I think you’d rather have the fireworks,” Alex observed.

  “I don’t know what I want. I guess I expected some revenge, some dastardly punishment just because it was a great opportunity, if nothing else.”

  “Watch what you pine for, sweetie, even if it’s only in your imagination. It might just come true.”

  With lunch arriving at the table, they waited until the waitress left for their conversation to continue. When alone again, Alex looked at Jocelyn thinking of how she wanted to caress her friend’s soft cheek. It was happening pretty much every time she was with the redhead, the lust was there as naturally as it was when she was with Will, and even Reg. “So does this change what you and I are going to do?” she wondered aloud.

  Jocelyn looked at her affectionately. “Not as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Will didn’t ask me to stop,” Alex said.

  “And would you if he had?”

  “I’d have to consider it,” she replied. “But you understand, Will and Reggie have both championed my honest sexual expression. They’d be hypocrites to change their feelings now.”

  “Then let’s find motel,” Jocelyn said. In her mind, she was already in the hotel room stripping Alex naked.

  The blonde smiled and whispered tersely. “Only if you’ll play rough with me. I need it rough, really rough. All Will would do last night was so passive, I almost think he planned it that way to irritate me.”


  The hotel room they rented was a dim seedy one like most of the others in the vicinity of their offices. And yet, from the outset it was a wild sexual palace where a sudden torrent of frenzied energy was ripe to explode.

  “How rough do you want me to play?” Jocelyn whispered, as she crawled up on the slightly tattered bedspread next to a half clothed Alex.

  There was a distinct edge in her voice that Alex had never heard before, like steel, like Reggie’s, an edgy tone that matched the redhead’s personality. “Real rough,” she replied, meeting fiery eyes with fiery eyes. She wanted to rage like a dragon, letting all the heat in her spring forth, and then with the fierceness of a good dominant, be subdued, as gentle as a lamb.

  Meeting the challenge as if it was no challenge at all, as if this were something Jocelyn had enacted a thousand times in one lifetime or another, she pulled a scarf from her purse, and gathered Alex’s forearms in her hands. Winding the slip of cloth around her thin wrists, she bound them together. “This is what you want, bitch?” she asked, expecting no answer. She pushed at the blonde’s reclining body. “Get up there at the headboard and turn over. You might want to hold tight.”

  Jocelyn was fishing about the room for something, while Alex obeyed her demand. The stern tones of a mistress had never appeared inside her sexual theatre, but coming to her now, she was mesmerized by the submissive feeling that took over, the very same feeling that had taken control of her so many times in the past. It was no surprise that with another lover she’d be finding that sweetly blissful place again, even if it was a woman who took her there. In time, Alex imagined Jocelyn becoming a formidable Domme with a sharp tongue and razor sharp commands as stern as any man’s.

  Finding what she wanted rifling through Alex’s purse, Jocelyn pulled a leather spanker from the bottom of the broad straw bag.

  “You always carry this?” she asked.

  “Will insists,” Alex answered.

  “Great idea,” Jocelyn said admiring the foot long implement. It was just flexible enough to be easily used and no doubt appreciated for its vicious snap. She wasted no time climbing on the bed behind her captive submissive, and softly pelting Alex’s wriggling behind with the flat leather implement. A look of exhilaration appeared on Jocelyn’s face as the spanker came down on hard on the once lovely white behind.

  Bound to the headboard, half by Jocelyn’s efforts and half because she simply wanted to be immobilized, Alex rose up to her knees so that her ass was stretched taut. Then she taunted her friend with her writhing behind, which only inspired Jocelyn to redouble her efforts with the spanker. No longer did she care how hard she smacked the leather against the reddening skin.

  If the spanking caused her any pain, Alex certainly didn’t let on. She’d been quickly transported to a deliriously happy place and her only vocal response was to ask for more.

  Jocelyn gave her what she asked for, hitting her hard in the center of her cheeks till they were glowing hot and red.

  “Yes, love, more. Please…”

  “You like this, don’t you, you little tramp? Rough? Real rough. You want it to hurt?”

  “Oh, god yes…” her reply was barely audible but the message was clear.

  “Good, because that’s want I want to do…make you hurt. She pulled her arm back and used as much force as she dare allow, spanking the two cheeks enough to make Alex wail. She nearly collapsed, but just before she did, Jocelyn stopped and reached for her own handbag, from which she pulled a thick dildo. Pressing it into Alex’s cunt, she shoved it deep.

  “Gawd yessssss, ah yes.” A staccato reply of sounds issued immediately, as her red rear squirmed violently on the invading prick.

  Jocelyn, forgetting the leather punishment, descended on the bobbing bottom, with two hands working fast to probe her ass, and shove the dildo deep into the dark interior. She slapped her hard with the palm of her hand and the groveling Alex groaned every time. The pain turned her on. She wanted to bolt and she wanted to stay for more—the proverbial paradox. This was the submissive Alexandra’s heaven.

  Jocelyn let the slapping and thick prick speak for her. The Domme was no longer sleeping, no longer hiding in a corner. She’d some to life, as real and formidable as any Dom this submissive had known.

  When the air suddenly filled with the sound of Alex cumming, Jocelyn finally eased off and the moaning woman enjoy the glorious orgasm ride to the very end. After several minutes, Alex collapsed to the bed.

  She lay immobile, her scarlet ass looking like a rose in winter with the red against the white. Each breath she took was less labored, until her body rose and fell in a subtle wave of peace. “Come satisfy me, slut,” Jocelyn murmured, waking the sleeping woman from her languishing repose. “Come here, whore, and take my cunt.”

  Alex lifted her droopy locks of hair and stared at Jocelyn’s lust-filled expression with a vacant one. Realizing that her hands were still tied and clinging to the headboard, she jerked from the awkward pose and moved toward the open crotch between Jocelyn’s legs. With her hands of little use, the best she could offer was a teasing tongue and lips, although that was all that Jocelyn needed. She was already so aroused that it took just a licking sucking at her clit for the redhead to feel the full power of her climax.

  Time for something softer now.

  Still poised between Jocelyn’s thighs, Alex bent down and licked the pinkish nether lips, hearing Jocelyn start to moan again. She pressed her face to the warm moist opening, tasting the sweet nectar that had gathered there. Her whole face was covered in her lover’s juices. Jocelyn came again, less vigorously this time. By the time she was finished, the once formidable Domme had been reduced to whimpering. Exhausted, the two fell back against each other and rested in the quiet, sensuous aftermath.

  “I wasn’t too hard on you?” Jocelyn finally found her voice again.

  “Will never asks that question, I don’t think Reg would even think of it,” Alex answered.

  “Then I suppose, it’s not important.”

  “You d
o this naturally, Jocelyn, how could I not be moved and satisfied.”

  There was no response from the redhead. She was thinking hard. This was not the first zealous surge of dominant desire to overtake her, and she knew it wouldn’t be the last. How strange it was to have a woman in her life that really desired this from her. Never in a million years would she have guessed that lesbian lust, not to mention the desire to dominant, would become part of her expanding sexual playground.

  Chapter Eleven

  Still thinking about her remarkable ‘nooner’ with Alex, Jocelyn came through the back door of the house and into the kitchen. For a moment her body relived the wicked rush, thinking of how much she’d like to have left Alex bound as she was for hours. How at midnight she would have snuck back into the hotel, and after having abused her more, finally released her. Grim fantasies like these had never taken hold of her before; though this one had, and the shock was unsettling.

  Setting her purse and briefcase on the counter she opened the refrigerator and peered inside. She was famished. By nine o’clock she should be, especially after she and Alex had abruptly left their half eaten lunches at the coffee shop, preferring to satisfy their sexual appetites. She’d had nothing to eat since.

  Fishing cold salmon from under plastic wrap, she decided it was probably what Reg had left uneaten from his dinner alone. Next to the salmon, there was pasta salad that had tasted pretty good two nights before.

  Just as she was dishing up her meal Reggie appeared in the doorway.

  “I missed you,” he said. “Cook did a terrific job with the fish.”

  “I know, it tastes great,” she looked up at him with her mouth full. “Glad you understood, I was behind at work all day.”


  “Why don’t you sit down and watch me eat. Tell me what you’ve been doing all evening without me.”

  “I don’t have to sit down to tell you that,” he said.

  She noticed his overt calm, the stony cold, the trademarks of his typical demeanor, and the raw edge of something else just barely beneath the surface.

  “So?” she inquired, taking a huge bite of salad.

  “Don’t think your afternoons with Alex are going unnoticed,” he said.

  She choked slightly, and took a big gulp of water to cover up.

  “With Alex?” she queried.

  “Come here, Jocelyn.”

  “I’m almost done, love. I’m so famished.”

  “You’ll survive without food. You need this first.”

  He held out his hand for her to take. She didn’t dare not.

  In the hall just outside the kitchen door, he pushed her face first against the papered wall, tugged at her dress, and with a wet lube making the initial penetration, he followed with his cock in her ass. Hanging on to her hips he fucked her briskly. Each thrust banged her against the wall so it was hard not to cry out, though the servants just down the hall, Helena in particular, would hear. Jocelyn didn’t like being that blatant in their midst. Squelching every sound she could, she endured the invasion, looking for her own satisfaction somewhere in the midst of the rude assault. Unfortunately, just as she was beginning to feel a mad burst of pleasure, Reggie climaxed and pulled away. Leaving her ass uncovered and dripping, her body unsatisfied, he wiped himself on a handkerchief, and restored order.

  At her side, hand on her ass, lips to her ear, he whispered, “Don’t go fucking your girlfriends and expect me to wait for what I want.”

  “Are you jealous of my time with Alex?” she whispered back, amused by the very thought that she might have ruffled his feathers.

  “No.” His hand squeezed her ass hard, so she let out a tiny ouch! “But you won’t be slighting me,” he assured her.

  “I’d never do that.”

  “No, you won’t.” Kissing her tenderly on the cheek, he gave her a sharp smack on her butt as he was leaving, the sound intended for the ears of anyone listening down the hall. Walking to the front stairs, he left her in the hallway to recover alone.

  When Jocelyn found him again, Reggie was in bed reading.

  “How’d you know about us today?” she asked. The thought of spies, private investigators, and other such demeaning thoughts crossed her mind. No he wouldn’t do that, she kept telling herself immediately after such musings. She was ashamed of herself for thinking the worst.

  “Maybe it was just a good guess,” he answered, looking up from his books with a cocky smirk.

  “Who told you?” she pressed.

  Reggie set his book aside “Come to bed, Jocelyn, and not another word. If you behave yourself, I might just abuse you for a while until you climax.”

  Suppressing her desire to be angry, she moved toward the bed. What a shameless whore she’d become, slave to him and desire. It was the intrigue that was arousing her as much as anything, and there was only one way to satisfy the longing now.

  Chapter Twelve

  A table for four was set with crystal and Jocelyn’s china, not old world stuffy but trendy pattern she’d picked up on a business trip to Greece. There was an elegant Asian pate ready to be served in the adjacent salon. The mood was set, romantic perhaps, mysterious without question.

  All on Reggie’s instructions, Jocelyn arranged the meal for Will, Alexandra, Reggie and herself. It would be an intimate affair among friends, but the first time since Jocelyn and Alex’s secrets were discovered that they’d all been together.

  The redhead mistress of Reggie’s domain was wary.

  “Just a pleasant evening. You’re being paranoid if you think there’s something more,” her husband informed her. “You’re a suspicious woman.” He shook his head as he walked away.

  Of course she was suspicious, the smirk on his face was diabolical, and he whispered things to Helena and the cook, and interrupted conversations the minute she arrived in the room. If nothing fiendish was about, he was certainly making it appear so. For once, she wished that his intrigue was not so sexually arousing. It was terribly distracting.

  The four sat for dinner, with Reggie as dashing as his wife had ever seen him, power exuding from every pore. The smiled that appeared, that like all the other odd things that went on the days before this simple dinner, frightened her.

  Alex looked as cornered as Jocelyn felt though she was stunning, her long blonde hair scattered wildly about her shoulders, her blue eyes demure and guarded. Jocelyn’s guest for the evening was as intimidated by the gathering as she was. Will, on the other hand, like his counterpart, was as charming and amicable as usual. And for the first time in their association, an unexpected rush of lust in Jocelyn accompanied the friendly welcoming hug she gave her best friend’s husband.

  Why now, she wondered, when not before?

  Halfway through the orange glazed duck, Will looked up from his plate. “So how was the Hampton Court this afternoon?”

  “What?” Alex asked.

  “The seedy dive where you two checked in for the better part of the day?” he reminded them.

  “How would you know about that?” Alex said, trying not to look too surprised.

  “Does it matter?” Reggie asked.

  “Yes it matters,” Jocelyn interjected, barely able to maintain her cool. What pains they’d taken to keep their affair completely private—on purpose no less—only to be discovered again?

  “Maybe the truth is written all over your faces,” he answered her. “A simple answer to Will’s question is in order.”

  “And why’s that?” Jocelyn asked. She was on the offensive while Alex sat back trying not to tremble.

  “If we’re expected to be civil about your affair,” Will said, “the least you could do is supply us with details.”

  “Tell you what?” Jocelyn snapped. “You two ghouls want to sit on the sidelines and watch us make love?”

  “Doesn’t sound like a bad idea to me,” Will said.

  “You’re just jealous,” Jocelyn said, glaring at him hotly.

  “My you have a tempe
r,” he replied.

  “I don’t call this temper,” Jocelyn retorted.

  “But you do like to be in control,” Will pointed out.

  The air between them screamed of confrontation, something no one expected—like a desert storm popping up out of an arid blue sky. The two had hardly ever talked, let alone quarreled.

  “If you have to know…”Alex interjected, drawing her husband’s glance away from their impatient hostess, “Today, Jocelyn tied me spread-eagle to the bed and spanked me with your leather spanker.” Will seemed fascinated by the thought.

  “She does that often?” he asked.

  “It wasn’t the first time,” she replied.

  “Ah,” he smirked. “Does it alleviate some of the guilt?”

  “Guilt. I’m not feeling guilty,” Alex answered.

  “And you don’t lie very well either,” he assured her.

  “But I don’t!” she insisted.

  “So why get spanked?” he asked.

  “A tension reliever,” Jocelyn chimed in. “You have no idea what it’s like living with the two of you.”

  “Does submitting to a dominant man stress you out?” Will asked.

  Jocelyn glared at him. “Comments about my marriage are not welcome,” she said with a prickly edge to her voice.

  “Jocelyn,” Reggie said, his even tones meant as a reprimand to halt her irritation.

  “I only meant that there are times when…one minute you’re flying off the handle, wreaking havoc on our poor rear flesh, and then, when we expect you to respond with some kind of ferocity, you act as sweet as pie.”

  “You assume we’re pissed about your having sex behind our backs,” Reg said.

  “I didn’t say that,” Jocelyn replied.

  “But you implied it, darling.” He reached to her face and stroked her cheek. “Calm down, you’re all in a snit over nothing.” He turned to Will. “I’m ready for a cigar. Want to join me?”

  “Sure,” Will replied.

  “And Jocelyn,” Reggie said to his wife, as he was rising from his chair. “Excuse Helena from her duties and send her to the library.”


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