The Alexandra Series

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The Alexandra Series Page 55

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “He’s smoking cigars?” Alex said, as the two women watched Will and Reggie leave the room.

  “When he wants to piss me off,” Jocelyn said. “What I’d like to know is how they’re getting their information about our afternoons.”

  “I haven’t told a soul.”

  “I know. But who would know? Twice now, he’s given me the oddest look, trying to make me believe that he has a sixth sense about it. I don’t believe him.”

  “Maybe he’s having us followed.”

  Jocelyn shook her head. “I don’t think so. This is just a game to keep us rattled. Neither one is seriously upset about our affair, Reggie wouldn’t go to the trouble of having us tailed. No. There’s something here we’re not seeing. But that’s going to change soon.”


  “This is Helena, the young woman I told you about,” Reggie said, as a way of introducing his young maid to Will.

  With crossed arms and an indefinite smirk, Will inspected the woman thoroughly. “Is she as deceitful as she looks?” he asked.

  “A lot like Alex when I first met her,” Reggie replied.

  “She does look innocent enough.”

  “She’s yours if you want to take the plunge.”

  “Been a long time.”

  “Since what? You take Alex’s ass when you want to.”

  Helena stood with her head bowed, though her eyes weren’t subdued, they looked up wary of the men who were so keenly focused on her, who spoke of her as if she weren’t even in the room.

  “I’ve never taken the liberties with women that you have. Fortunately, I have a wife who loves being righteously abused, so my need gets satisfied.”

  “Then you’d rather watch while I punish her?”

  “Oh, I didn’t say I didn’t want the job. If you have a buggy whip, I’d be happy to leave a few marks.”

  “Take your pick,” Reggie motioned to his cabinet of treasures.

  “If you’re certain she deserves this?”

  “Deserves? I’ll let Helena tell you. She loves confessions, don’t you?” Reggie moved in front of the young woman, taking her chin in his hand and lifting it so he could view her piercing eyes with his.

  “I don’t know what you mean, sir?” she replied.

  “Don’t insult me, wench.”

  “But sir?”

  “You think you’re clever, but you’re sloppy. There’re traces of you all over the room. And we both know you want to be caught. So tell my friend, Will, exactly what he’s going to punish you for.”

  “I…I” she stammered, looking for another way to protest, but two men’s eyes were worse than just one, and she couldn’t find the words to defend herself.

  “Tell him,” Reggie ordered, letting go of her chin and backing away.

  She hesitated, unsure what to say, then stammered, “I masturbate in here.” Unlike her confession days before, her eyes remained open, though they looked vacant as if her mind was elsewhere. Perhaps in memories.

  “You do that how?” Will asked. He smiled and waited for an answer.

  She played her part well, remaining coy and hesitant, winsome and quite lovely as she stewed with embarrassment. “I um, I fondle the leather pieces. They…they make me very aroused.”

  “The buggy whip too?” Will asked.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Then go get it, the very one you used on yourself.”

  Helena balked again, but not long, seeing the expression of determination on Will’s face. Tiptoeing just as she might have when she’d stolen into Reggie’s office, she made her way to the cabinet, slipped her hand inside and withdrew the implement Will demanded. The buggy whip was three feet long with a thin leather covered shaft and a two inch end with a frayed edge made to bite the skin. Returning to Will, she handed it to him.

  “No. You keep it. Show us what you do with it.”

  “Oh, but I can’t!” She was visibly shaken at the very idea and nearly in tears.

  “Oh, but you will,” he answered calmly.

  She looked to Reggie as if he would give her some compassion. Such a futile effort!

  “Follow Mr. Kozak’s instructions, Helena,”

  The trio froze for an instant of deliberate contemplation, with the young maid holding the buggy whip in her hand, though the way her palms were sweating, she could barely keep it in her grasp.

  “You’re aroused now, aren’t you?” Will said, when she failed to move. He moved to her side, lifted her skirt with his hand and let it make a quick journey to find her cunt wet.

  The girl bit her lip and winced, as if that would prevent her arousal from showing.

  Will backed away. “I don’t take kindly to being put off,” he said, his voice deepening with authority. “Likely I’m more impatient than your employer here. Now show us how you play.”

  The truth be known, Helena was a bit smitten with the handsome Mr. Kozak, which made following his command an act she would not ultimately resist—though she did hesitate, as they expected she would.

  The two men were experienced enough with submissive females to know that her reticence was as phony as her bowed and cowering expression. Once deciding to obey, she moved to a leather footstool. Lying back against the cold surface, resting her head against the seat of the chair behind it, she raised her skirt to her hips, lowered her panties in a shameless display, and inserted the handle of the buggy whip between her legs and into the damp hole.

  She watched them for a moment and then gazed down, lost in her own reverie, as she hammered the thing inside herself. They saw her belly swell, her lips part into a pant, and for an instant knew she was well on her way to orgasm. Happily so. She was getting off on being watched as much as she was the activity in her cunt.

  It was at that moment, that Will stopped her.

  “Turn over,” he ordered, taking the whip from her hands.

  Compliant as a babe, Helena obeyed, showing them her backside, her round bottom, her white thighs and the puckering back entrance. The brazen slut was teasing them.

  “On your knees,” Will commanded next. He flicked her ass as she tried to oblige, making it difficult for the girl to rise. She managed anyway, though she appeared to have become so aroused that he expected her to cum on the spot. However, he wouldn’t let her off that easy.

  While she was still settling herself on the stool, he let loose on her rear with a biting slash. The girl cried out and nearly toppled to the floor.

  He gave just a moment to right herself, then unleashed with a dozen cuts in rapid succession that crisscrossed her ass end, leaving a rash of bold red stripes. One in particular landed along her anal crack, at which point she screamed and collapsed against the stool.


  In the adjacent room, the two women heard the sounds. The leather snapping, the cries going from muted and sexy, to fitful agony. It was enough to make their skin crawl and their pussies hot from a voyeur’s point of view—though they weren’t even given the chance to watch.

  For Jocelyn the jealousy made her burn, for Alexandra she was turned-on but not yearning to watch—it could easily be her, especially in this house of horrors.

  “Let’s take a walk,” Jocelyn said, grabbing Alex by the hand after one particularly provocative screech. The two briskly made their way out the patio door and took the garden path toward the stables, though for Alex, too many memories of the stable started appearing in her mind, so she steered Jocelyn away into the woods.


  The snapping buggy whip made Helena’s bottom raw, the tip biting into the flesh everywhere it struck, creating welts across her lovely cheeks.

  “If it’s what you want so much, little bitch, you should ask you master for it,” Will admonished her. “Think how much easier it would be?”

  The whip snapped another three times, and three more red stripes rose where the leather landed.

  She screeched after each one.

  She appeared to be in the throes of pain, and yet the look of her wri
thing ass was downright erotic. After another six Will lay the whip down, and used his hand to rough up her sore behind.

  “Cum!” he ordered.

  With Will continuing to abuse her bottom, it took some moments for Helena obey the order. He snapped at her several times to keep her focused, “C’mon, slut, you can do it!” Then at last she put a hand to her pussy and began to play with herself. Tears of relief and humiliation fell against the leather stool, yet nothing stopped her from the end result she was after. When she finally came, she rocked against her hand, whimpering erotically and lost in climax.

  Once the last wave of orgasm had passed, she collapsed against the leather and waited in silence, afraid to move. Thighs straddling the legs of the stool, heart pounding, the last sob vanishing away, she was a vision of submissive female bliss. As compliant as any Reggie had ever witnessed. “Nice work,” he remarked, seeing the distinct red lines as plain as day. “You always this brutal?”

  “When I’m inspired,” Will replied.

  “Who would have known, right under my roof I’d find a woman so submissive,” Reggie said. “You know it was my wife who encouraged this.”

  “Your wife would probably like to do this herself,” Will said.

  “You think so? I was thinking that myself.” He turned back to the well whipped woman. “You can go now,” he told her, while the two men lit their cigars and puffed away until the room was consumed in a gray smoky cloud.

  “You’re a sly man, Reggie,” Will remarked once the maid was on the other side of the library door. “Even better than I thought. But how could you know those things about her. You catch her?”

  “No,” Reggie answered. “I guess well.”


  “Bluff well, too, didn’t I?” He was looking especially triumphant.

  “You were bluffing about her stealing into the library? Her antics with your toys? You’re quite perceptive.”

  “Not really. It’s a matter of knowing a woman and her lusts. I once made a habit of knowing women’s sexual psyches. Even though I gave up the game, Helena’s problem was getting too personal, and resurrecting all my dormant talent. Besides,” he was looking smug now, “she left traces of her perfume in the air. I never miss the connection.”


  In a clearing in the woods, not far from the stable, Jocelyn and Alexandra came upon a rustic log cabin.

  “Oh, my god!” Alex stopped in her tracks. “How could I have forgotten?” She’d averted a return to the stable only to find herself in an even more memorable place from her past as Reggie’s submissive. It had been a cruel rape perpetrated here, but one of the most satisfying sexual journeys of her life. Five years before over the stump of a tree, over the wooden table inside, and in the dark earth at the edge of the lake…

  “Snap out of it!” Jocelyn ordered. She knew enough about Alex’s personal history to figure out what had made her turn white as a sheet. “C’mon.” She drug Alex into the cabin and collapsed onto the bed. “If you’re not horny then you can get me off,” she swore. Pulling Alex on top of her, their lips came together for a long, mouth probing kiss. Clenched body to body, their hands began to explore each other freely.

  “He’s going to see I’m a mess,” Alex purred one small protest to Jocelyn’s furious assault.

  I don’t care,” Jocelyn replied, she had other things to think about than two conniving husbands. “You know, I really wouldn’t mind seeing you whipped. I bet it was quite a sight to behold.” Lifting Alex’s satin dinner dress to her waist, she grabbed the wet mound and caressed her there until her friend was writhing madly, an orgasm ripping through her with a suddenness that surprised them both. With the memories flooding back to her it was no surprise. Without much reciprocating necessary, Jocelyn came moments later, and the two lay close together, recuperating from one emotionally exhausting night.

  “Guess I was horny,” Alex said with a sigh as she stared out the window at the rising moon.


  The house phone in the office rang halfway through the cigars. Reggie rose from his seat to answer, and spent just a minute listening on the other end.

  Putting the receiver down, he smiled. “My these games are getting interesting,” he said.

  “Your spy?”

  Reggie nodded.

  “You have plans brewing, I can see that.”

  Reggie shrugged. “I’m not sure,” he said as if he was actually uncertain.

  “Not getting too compassionate, are you, just because it’s Jocelyn?”

  Reggie laughed. “Is she making me soft?”

  “Making you lose your perspective,” Will replied.

  “Well then, the finale will have to be inspired. And perfectly timed.”


  “We probably should get back,” Alex said, rising from the creaking old bed.

  “You’re right. Be there to serve them dessert.”

  “I think they’ve already had it,” Alex said with a wry smile. She was stroking Jocelyn’s red hair, almost with a sense of wonder. For an instant their glance was perfectly attuned. What they were doing seemed too bizarre to comprehend, but it wasn’t a love affair to argue with.

  When Jocelyn’s head suddenly jerked toward the far window, Alex looked too.

  “You suppose there are spies out there?” Jocelyn wondered aloud.

  “Spies? Someone looking in?”

  “I thought I saw a face, though it was probably just the leaves,” She stared at the door and the window, waiting for another fleeting glimpse, or even someone barging in the door.

  “It’s just your nerves, darling, just your nerves,” Alex said.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Too many coincidences,” Jocelyn said, getting up. “He knows too much and I don’t know how he’s getting the information.”

  “Knows too much about us? Reggie?” Alex questioned.

  “It’s not all intuition. I don’t understand yet, but believe me, I will.”

  In Jocelyn’s frame of mind, great sexual interlude or not, she had new inspiration; and the thoughts swirling through her brain wouldn’t be put to rest until she had the suspicious plot clearly sorted out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Did you and Alex enjoy the cabin?” Reggie asked.

  Stripping away his dress shirt, Jocelyn viewed the muscles underneath, the even tan, all that powerful masculinity that did such devastating things to her body just to see him half-clothed.

  “Been working out a lot, haven’t you?” she replied from the bed. A lace chemise covered just enough to look deliberately provocative, though so far he hadn’t appeared to notice her seduction.

  “Avoiding my question?” he turned to her.

  “Not deliberately. Though it seems like another interesting coincidence, that you know my every move with Alex, and neither one of us is telling.”

  “This one’s very simple. Will and I saw you emerging from the woods. Frankly, I’m surprised you got Alex to go there with her past history in that shack.”

  “That was a long time ago, Reg. I’m curing her terror with a little tenderness.”

  “Doesn’t sound like you were very tender with her this afternoon.”

  “Sometimes that’s what we both need.”

  “You the dominant?”

  “Yes. Me the dominant.”

  He pulled off the rest of his clothes, hung his pants in the closet, threw the shirt in the laundry, and now stood in profile with nothing on but his silk boxers. What a hot ass! she was thinking. The way the silk conformed to his ass cheeks she could just make out the perfect curve she adored. She wanted sex more than conversation. But he was taking his time, giving her a sidelong glance while he removed the underwear.

  “I’ll watch you work sometime,” Reggie finally said, long after he’d given her the creeps the way he stared with that odd grin.

  Jocelyn wondered at his remark, if she could ‘perform’ her treasured role of dominant with Reggie as an audience. An odd prospe
ct at best. “So, did you enjoy punishing Helena?” she changed the subject.

  “Will punished her, I didn’t.”

  “Will? That’s interesting. Though I don’t imagine he was as good as you.”

  “He might be even better. You should have been there to watch.” He was finally climbing into bed.

  “We weren’t invited,” she answered him. She gave him a reproving smile as she stroked his naked thigh.

  “I didn’t exclude you deliberately, if you chose to make love to Alex instead, I’m perfectly okay with that.”

  “You are?” Jocelyn pondered aloud.

  “You’re not going to pin your guilt on me.”

  For days now, just beneath the surface of their conversation, a gentle bickering had been going on about her affair with Alex. He may have said he wasn’t annoyed by their trysts, but she didn’t believe him. He had that edge about him. She’d waited for him to make a move, declare himself, give her some sort of clue about his thoughts—all the while she felt him stalking her like a panther on the hunt.

  “You say Helena was a joy to watch?” Jocelyn said, returning to the safer subject.

  “She’s been masturbating with the buggy whip. It was quite a demonstration.”

  “She showed you?”

  “She’s a first-class slut underneath that demure demeanor. After her little performance, Will showed her a different side to the whip.”

  “He left marks?”

  “Many.” Reggie drew Jocelyn into him. “That excites you doesn’t it?” His question hardly required an answer as his lips took charge of her mouth, his passion sweeping across her face, to her neck, and the breasts he uncovered pushing the lace chemise away.

  Suddenly, Jocelyn backed off.

  “It’s Helena, isn’t it?”


  “She’s been telling you about my meetings with Alex.”

  “How would she know?”

  “It’s very possible. She has my schedule, my private number, access to my secretary, and the other day I saw her downtown. I thought she was at her doctor’s appointment.”

  Reggie chuckled. “Your intuition serves you well.”


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