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Page 65

by Patrice Wilton

  “Chase, you can be so annoying. How did you get your muse back without me? I wanted to inspire you. Now you don’t need me anymore.”

  She knew she sounded pathetic, but she couldn’t help this moment of weakness. He was so sure of the direction he wanted his life to take, and yet she was still wavering. With him at her side life seemed so simple. So complete. And so happy. But if it were not to be, then she had to move forward without him.

  “Brittany Holmes—muse of my heart. Who could possibly replace you?”

  “No one.” Relief swept over her. He hadn’t found some cute female to fuel his imagination. He was truthful and kind, and she trusted him completely.

  Her insides warmed. “And I’m thrilled for you. I am.”

  “You better drive carefully and get off the phone. It must be getting dark, and it’s a long road ahead of you.”

  “Right. About another forty minutes to go.” She almost whispered, “I love you,” but stopped just in time. She was being emotional, that was all. His abrupt departure had left her feeling unsettled, unsure of herself. What she needed was to do some soul searching, and figure out what the hell she really wanted in life, and how she was going to get it. Once she knew herself, she’d be fine. Man or no man.


  Ashley Chase hung up the phone, wishing he could be on the next flight out of Charleston and on his way to Brittany. He’d heard something in her voice—a yearning, a need for him that he longed to fill. On the outside she was stunningly beautiful, a portrait of grace and confidence—strutting into a room, knowing full well all eyes were upon her. But he knew her better than that. She had allowed him an inner glimpse to her soul, where a terrified, vulnerable, and neglected young girl lived.

  It cut him deep to be so far away from her now, inaccessible, when she obviously felt frail, and possibly deserted by him. The circumstances gave him no choice. His sister’s needs and her children’s had been urgent, and he’d never have forgiven himself if he’d blown them off for the love of a woman. Especially one he’d only so recently met.

  Somehow, he had to make it to the birthday party. Preferably alone. He would show her how much she meant to him, and tell her about the play he intended to write. It was her story really. A story of a passionate and fiery woman, a dancer with an unhappy past. Act One. Followed by a brief moment of glory, where this young woman met someone connected, who made her a star. Act Two. The final scene would end in a jealous rage, a scene of passion and fury and heartbreak, and her lover’s death.

  He’d persuade her to come to Broadway with him and star in it.

  She had dreams and aspirations, and he respected that. Still, Miami wasn’t her only choice. If she went into this business venture with her friends, it would be risky, and he would lose her for sure. In New York they could both pursue their careers and allow their relationship to grow.

  He needed to see her in person so he could convince her to take a risk on him, even though her play might be a year or two away. It was a safer bet then buying a theater and taking out a hefty loan. As much as she and the other dancers would love to do this, it was an enormous gamble, and none of them would see anything from it for years to come. The stress alone would probably kill her, and he wouldn’t be there to take care of her, to let her know that she was admired and loved.

  There was that word again. Why did he keep using it, when it was impossible? He couldn’t love a woman he’d only known for a few weeks. Love needed to be nurtured, and given time to grow. What they had was new and exciting—it was passionate, and made them both feel alive. A great beginning, a prelude to what their life could be if they had the time to let it develop day by day, year in and year out.

  This weekend he’d make her see that he was a better bet. The two of them worked together—in more ways than one. In bed it was magical, the best sex he’d ever know—but it wasn’t just great sex, they got each other, and enjoyed the same things. Dancing, eating, laughing, and talking and dreaming. He felt a deep connection that went beyond the physical.

  He knew she did too. But he didn’t want her to run off scared, and so he had to be careful revealing the strength of his feelings. She was afraid to love, unwilling to believe that someone would stick around. Then on a day that was meant to be special, just for the two of them, he’d had to cut it short, pack up and leave, with no end in sight.

  The timing couldn’t have been worse. He’d wanted her to see how much she’d come to mean to him in such a short time. To let her know that he was the sticking type, and would always be there for her. And then he wasn’t.

  Once again, she was alone, facing an unknown future. Yes, everyone did to an extent, but the life she strove for was not an easy path. Highly competitive, filled with danger and deceit.

  Somehow, he had to convince her to come to New York with him. He could dangle the play in front of her like a carrot, and let her know he had no other expectations. No promises of a lifetime together, merely a chance to let their feelings grow.

  Still, he knew himself, and his heart had opened around her. Light had come back into his life. His muse had blossomed and flourished, and she had filled him with joy. Pleasuring her had become as important to him as the air he breathed. But that was his problem, and he’d keep it to himself. He’d be patient, and hope that one day she’d trust him with her heart.

  * * *

  Brittany glanced at her watch again. It was Meri’s birthday, and Taylor’s Café had been packed with folks drinking coffee, or eating muffins before carpooling to the Dolphin Research Center. Most had already left. Chase had arranged to fly into Marathon and she was supposed to pick him up, and they’d go to the party together. He was to call when he arrived, and yet, the hour had come and gone with no word from him.

  “Where is he?” she grumbled to her sister with concern.

  “Why don’t you just drive to the airport and wait for him?” Taylor asked, putting the leftover muffins into baggies.

  Brittany dumped the used plastic plates and empty coffee cups into a trash bag, helping her clean up. “I could, but I’m not sure that he got on the plane. He didn’t call this morning to give me a heads up.” If he disappointed her again, she would be done with him. But what if something happened? An accident on his way to the airport?

  Taylor gave her a funny look, almost as if she were laughing. “That’s odd, isn’t it?”

  “What’s odd?” a voice said from behind her.

  She whirled around. “Chase! Where did you come from? You just snuck up on me.”

  “I’ve been watching you for a few minutes. You’re a pretty sight to see.” He put his hands on her hips and drew her close. “Happy to see me?” His green eyes twinkled.

  “You were supposed to call me. How did you get here?” She fought the urge to throw her arms around his neck and drag his mouth down to hers.

  Play it cool, Brittany, she told herself. Don’t let him see how much his appearance meant.

  “My car was still at the airport in Miami. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “You and your surprises!” She tried unsuccessfully to push at his chest.

  He tightened his grip and his mouth hovered over hers. She could smell his minty scent, and it was too much for her. She closed the distance, kissing him with all the happiness in her heart.

  They kissed for a long time, until Taylor tapped her shoulder. “Hey, you two. This is a kid’s party. You need a room?”

  They broke apart, and Brittany felt her cheeks grow warm. “It’s an idea, but we can wait.” She took his hand and glanced around at the grinning faces of the nine children waiting for a ride. The girls giggled and the boys looked embarrassed by their public display of affection.

  “Hey Raul,” Brittany tossed him a smile. “Haven’t you seen your mom and dad kiss like this before?”

  “No, Miss Brittany, and I hope I don’t either.” His dark brown eyes were huge as he eyed Chase. “I’m surprised you didn’t deck him.”

bsp; Chase laughed. “You telling me you don’t have a girl? A good-looking kid like you?”

  “Uh. No. I’m only twelve—and a half.”

  “Not too early to be looking though, is it?” Chase still had his hand around Brittany’s waist, and she bumped shoulders with him.

  “I bet you kids are dying to swim with the dolphins, right?” She linked arms with Chase and changed the subject. “We’re just waiting for our other drivers to get back, but Chase and I can take a few of you.”

  Miguel walked in. “Here I am.” He smiled at the women. “Good morning, Taylor, Brittany.” He shook hands with Chase. “Good to see you again.”

  “Good to be seen, sir,” Chase replied.

  Miguel’s face reddened. “No need to be sirring me.” He put a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Your mom and ’Meri are waiting at the center, and there’s at least a dozen kids already there.” He glanced at all the kids who were standing around, anxious to go. “I have the truck and can fit four of you boys. Jamie, you want to come with us?”

  “Sure do.” He grabbed his backpack and was halfway to the door. “Hey, Josh, and Tommy, come on. We’re out of here. The dolphins are waiting.”

  Brittany laughed and looked at the remaining kids. “We have two cars. You boys can ride with Chase, and I’ll take the girls.”

  Taylor shooed them all out the door. “Have fun. I’ll see you in a few hours. Got some work to do to get ready for the big party.” Brittany had offered to stay at the Café so Taylor could enjoy they day with the dolphins, but her sister had refused.

  They divided the kids between the remaining cars and drove south on Overseas Highway to Marathon. The kids were in high spirits and could barely contain themselves when they arrived at the DRC.

  The three young girls in Jamie’s class in school were more mature than the boys of the same age. The pre-teens were smacking their gum and giggling in the car, and from the little conversation she heard they seemed more interested in flirting with the boys than swimming with dolphins. She remembered herself at their age. She’d towered over the boys, but it didn’t stop them from looking.

  Once they got away from the parked cars she told them to run ahead. She met Chase on the footpath and they walked hand-in-hand together. “Your nieces would have loved this.”

  He squeezed her fingers. “They’re able to visit their dad at the hospital now. His spirits are good and he’s doing better. They’re happy as clams.”

  “I’m so glad. So his spinal cord wasn’t severed after all? I wonder why he couldn’t feel anything before.”

  “It’s not that unusual. Temporary paralysis can occur after trauma, which in his case was the car accident. He had nerve damage but it wasn’t a clean break. He got lucky. We all did.”

  She glanced at him, wondering how his life would have been affected if things had not gone well. Would he have remained in Charleston to care for his sister and family? She knew him well enough to know that he put the people he loved before himself.

  “So that means you’ll be free to return to New York soon?”

  “Looks like it. David’s mother has come from Charlotte to stay with them and help out for awhile.”

  “That’s great news.” He opened the door to the Dolphin Research Center for her to walk through—the air conditioning was a welcome blast against the heat. “Will you be going back to the ad agency?”

  “For the time being. I won’t quit until I know whether or not my play will be accepted. These things take time.”

  “But I thought this fellow, the producer, wanted to act on something quick?”

  “We’ll see.” He lifted a broad shoulder. “I also pitched something else.”

  “That new play you mentioned?” Brittany folded her hands behind her back rather than reach for his. She had to behave like a responsible chaperone even if it killed her.


  “Are you going to tell me about it?”

  “Eventually,” he said, taking her hand and putting it to his mouth for a kiss.

  She quickly pulled it back. “Behave yourself, Mr. Chase.” Brit turned her attention to the excited children and the dolphin trainers who would sort them out according to age. Everyone would have an opportunity to play with the dolphins on the deck; children between the ages of five and seven needed to be accompanied by an adult during a dolphin splash, while the older kids could have a dorsal pull.

  Merica, the birthday girl, was in the water with her parents so she could pet the dolphins.

  Juanita held the squirming girl in her arms. Catching sight of Brittany, Meri squealed with delight, holding her hands out. “Britty, Britty, will you hold me so I can feed the Dolly-fins?”

  She swept the girl into her arms and plopped a big kiss on her cheek. “You bet I can. Happy Birthday, sweet baby.”

  It was time for a little mammal fun, and private time with the dashing Chase would have to wait.


  They spent four hours at the center and the children were moved around from place to place, with little to no waiting time between. The staff at the DRC were friendly and professional, and knew how to handle a crowd of happy kids.

  Brittany, wearing her polka dot bikini for Chase, had managed a few stolen kisses. They were so hot for each other that it only took a touch of a hand, the brush of his thigh, a whisper, a smile, to make her heart swell, and her mouth dry.

  When the kids were all transferred back to Taylor’s Cafe, the two of them slipped away, mostly unnoticed. Taylor and Kayla had waved as she left from the back door, tugging Chase with her.

  They ran to his cottage, which he’d paid for through the month. They locked the door behind them, and scrambled into the bedroom, tearing their clothes off as they went.

  She stood before him in her bikini, her jean shorts and tee tossed on the floor.

  He looked at her slowly, devouring her with his sexy bedroom eyes. “God, Brit.” His voice thickened. “I forgot just how beautiful you are. Come here. I want to touch and taste every inch of your skin. I’ve been out of my mind for hours, watching you, wanting you, unable to take.”

  She tossed her head back and moved toward him, her eyes on his. “You can take whatever you want. Nobody around but you and me.”

  He drew the blinds down. “The things I want to do with you are too naughty to share.”

  She laughed. “Naughty? I might like that.”

  “Trust me. You will.” He unclipped the clasp behind her back, and her bikini top fell to the floor next to her clothes. He covered her breasts with his hands, cupping them together, and used his thumb to tweak her nipples. Then he bent his head and took the raised peak into his warm mouth.

  Arching her back, she cried out, and held his head as he took turns licking, nipping with his teeth, grazing her nipples to hardened peaks, then sucking one at a time.

  She clung to him and whimpered as waves of desire swept through her. She was wet. Hot. Needy. And he was having all the fun, fully dressed.

  She pulled at his shirt, got it over his head, then ran her hands over his nicely sculpted chest, loving the feel of his taut belly, his muscular shoulders. She laced her fingers through his fine chest hair, and licked his nipples too. She undid his belt buckle, and unzipped his fly. He was commando underneath and his cock sprang free.

  Brittany stroked him and kissed him hungrily. She was about to drop to her knees, when he picked her up as if she weighed nothing and put her on the bed. He captured her hands and held them above her head, his eyes devouring her. She licked her lips as her heart thundered with anticipation.

  His mouth trailed down her neck, over her breasts, and she sucked in her breath as he darted a tongue into her belly button. It caused her to laugh, but the laugh caught in her throat as he lowered his mouth and sucked on her bikini bottom. She quivered in response.

  He’d released her hands and now he was using his teeth and one hand to tug her bikini bottom down, lower and lower, until his mouth found w
hat it was after. As his tongue flicked in, she shuddered and bit his shoulder to stop the cry that filled her throat.

  She moved against his mouth and the sensation was too much. “Chase, take me now. Please?”

  “I want you to come first.”

  “No. Together.” Her hand reached for his cock and found it slippery and wet. “Please?”

  He didn’t answer as his tongue was doing something magical to her sweet spot. He knew exactly where and what he was doing, and she was powerless to stop. Her hips rose in rhythm to his assault, and the momentum grew inside of her, the climax building, building until she could hold on no longer. Her hands were fisted in his hair as she shook and shuddered, and her body found release.

  Still in the aftershock of her climax, he entered her swiftly. She wrapped her legs around him and took him deep, matching him thrust for thrust. With a bellowing sound, he filled her, pumping into her as he came too.

  Wrapped around each other, they laid there breathing hard, not wanting to move. Being in his arms again was the sweetest sensation in the world. She wanted to freeze time. This moment was perfect and she didn’t want to know what tomorrow might bring.

  He kissed her damp brow. “You all right? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “You could never hurt me. You were sensational. The best, and I mean that. It’s not one of those comments women make as an ego builder.”

  He snorted. “You say the nicest things.”

  “Well, it’s true. No one has loved me the way you do. Like you mean it.” She bit her lip, wishing she hadn’t voiced what was in her heart. “I mean like you really enjoy me.”

  “I do enjoy you, but you and I both know it’s more than that.” He grazed her neck and nibbled on her ear. His hand was on her rump and he pulled her closer.

  “Like what then?” She curved into him and kissed his shoulder, not wanting to see his face as he answered.

  “I don’t want to lose you.”

  Why didn’t she drop this line of questioning when clearly it was open-ended? There was no going back with them and no going forward. They were stuck in the middle, and all they really had was the here and now.


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