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Plenty of Trust [Plenty, FL 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Lara Valentine

  Becca had an evil smile. “You have to respect a man who can be adventurous. And those three are sexy as all get-out. I respect your restraint. If I hadn’t already been head over heels for Mark and Travis, I would have been all over them.”

  “I like them. A lot. Josh and I had a great time on our date. They’re smart, handsome, own their own business. Decent, hardworking guys. Everything a woman wants.”

  Jillian gave her a lawyer look as if she was about to cross-examine her. “But?”

  Ava shook her head. “No buts. Well, not really.”

  Cassie sipped her iced tea. “Spit it out. What’s wrong?”

  “It’s just they’re kind of…mysterious.”

  Becca frowned. “Mysterious? I’ve never found Josh all that mysterious. What are they mysterious about?”

  Ava struggled to find the right words. She had no real proof. Only her intuition.

  “It’s nothing they really did. They seemed reluctant to talk about their pasts. I could tell my questions upset them. They got all stiff and tense. When they finally did talk about it, you could tell they were choosing their words carefully. Oh, and they don’t seem to like phones.”

  Cassie looked confused. “Why don’t they like phones? That’s weird.”

  “I don’t know, but when Brayden’s phone rang they all seemed to get really quiet and their expressions were stressed.”

  “Maybe they have nagging parents or an old girlfriend who can’t take a hint.” Jillian shrugged.

  “Maybe. It was strange, though. But I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  Becca patted her swollen tummy. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. If it continues, just ask them about it. So, when is the next date?”

  “Thursday morning. At the butt crack of dawn. God knows what Brayden has planned. I just know he’s picking me up before sunup.”

  Truth was, Ava was a little worried about the date. Josh had mentioned that Brayden was something of a daredevil, enjoying bungee jumping or wanting to run with bulls. She wasn’t much for risking her life. Maybe they would just have a quiet breakfast somewhere.

  “I’m sure it will be fine,” Cassie said. “Although that is really early in the morning.”

  The waitress came up to the table to take their orders. Becca set down her menu with a determined smile.

  “I’ll have the chicken fried steak and a hot fudge sundae for dessert.”

  The expression on her face was priceless. She was daring them to say something about her menu selection. Ava chuckled.

  “You know what I love about Plenty, Becca? Nobody judges you.” She turned to the waitress, who was looking increasingly frustrated with them. “I’ll have the same.”

  Time to stop worrying about being judged and start enjoying her life. This was only the beginning of the new Ava.

  * * * *

  Brayden spied Sheriff Ryan Parks sitting outside enjoying a beer and a cigar. It was Monday night, and he, Josh, and Falk were hosting the weekly poker game. Because their house had so much space and no woman to complain about the noise, the mess, and the cigar smoke, it had become the regular location. Brayden didn’t mind as it meant he never had to worry about how he was getting home after a night of beer and poker.

  “Hey, Ryan. Do you have a minute?”

  Ryan gave him a grin and stretched out his long legs. “Hell, yeah. It’s nice to take a break from playing and enjoy the Florida weather. My buddy who lives in Denver says it’s already snowed there.”

  Brayden couldn’t argue. If he were still in New York, there would be no doubt he’d already be wearing a coat. October in Florida, on the other hand, was still warm and mild, with low humidity. Practically perfect weather.

  Brayden sat down in the lawn chair and tried to think about where to begin. Ryan was the only person in Plenty who knew about their pasts and had been sworn to secrecy. Brayden had told Ryan when Roger and Troy skipped bail thinking they might head straight for Plenty. It would have been unfair not to warn the sheriff.

  Ryan set his beer on the patio. “I’m almost afraid to ask what you need to talk to me about. Is it New York?”

  Brayden winced. “Yes. We’re getting calls from Roger and Troy. Increasingly desperate calls for money. They must have run through all their cash and are looking for more. I’m afraid they’re going to show up here.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “I don’t know. They could be anywhere. We never answer their calls anymore.”

  Ryan leaned forward, a pensive expression on his face. “Next time answer. Try and find out where they are without promising to help them in any way. Are your phones being tapped by the Feds?”

  Brayden shrugged. “Probably. If they think we know anything, I don’t think they’d hesitate to intercept our communications. They’re still smarting from not finding any evidence against us.”

  “Are Roger and Troy really all that dangerous? No offense, but you don’t see too many Wall Street white-collar criminals brandishing weapons and taking hostages.”

  Brayden laughed. “None taken. A year ago I would have said no. Now? They’ve been on the run for a year and they aren’t soft, Wall Street hedge-fund managers anymore. God knows what they’ve had to do to survive. Fuck, they even sound different on the phone.”

  “You’re different, too. I wouldn’t have ever guessed the three of you wore ten-thousand-dollar Italian suits and made hundreds of millions of dollars. You seem like regular guys to me.”

  Brayden took a long draw off his beer. “We are different. Hell, almost dying will change a man. I look at things differently. I just wish it hadn’t taken me so long to realize that living to make money wasn’t the key to life.”

  Ryan gave him a level look. “You didn’t know that? Seems pretty basic.”

  Brayden stared up at the night sky. “My father was the same way. He lived to work and make money. And he made a hell of a lot of it. Everyone I knew was a millionaire. It’s what I saw every day. So, when I got out of college, that’s what I did. And I took Josh and Falk along with me. They’d never seen real money in their entire lives. I remember when they made their first million. They couldn’t believe how easy it was. Everything back then came so easily to us. Success, money, women.”

  He pulled a photo from his pocket and handed it to Ryan. “Here’s a picture of us with Roger and Troy. I was hoping you could keep an eye out. Just in case. I don’t want them hurting anyone. And I’ll do my part and try and find out where they are.”

  Ryan looked at the picture and tucked it in his shirt pocket. “I’ll keep my eye out. I’ll tell you the same thing I told Cassie when she was worried about her stalker coming after her. This is a small town and visitors stand out. They won’t be able to hide very well. It’s also a well-armed town. We have more guns than people in Plenty.”

  Brayden slapped Ryan on the back with a grin. “Makes your job easier, huh?”

  “I don’t know about easier. It makes it interesting, that’s for damn sure. I had to disarm Tom yesterday. He was shooting at mailboxes again. Fuck. That man gives me a headache.”

  “Wife not speaking to him again?”

  “Yep. He can tell it to the judge. I’ve had it with his antics. He either needs to fix his marriage or get a new wife.”

  “Or a new town.”

  Ryan nodded. “That, too. Looks like the game is starting up again. We better head inside. I need to win back the money I lost to you guys last week. Harvard sure turns out some card sharks.”

  Brayden laughed. It wasn’t Harvard. It was the math.

  * * * *

  “This better be good. The sun isn’t even up yet,” Ava groaned. She and Brayden were driving to some secret destination and she was sipping coffee to try and wake up. Josh had sent a vanilla chai latte with Brayden and she was going to kiss him full on the lips when she saw him next. It smelled and tasted like heaven.

  Brayden smelled pretty yummy, too. Spicy, citrusy, and fresh from the shower. He had held her h
and when he led her to the car and the now familiar zing had run up her arm and through her body. He looked gorgeous this morning in worn blue jeans that cupped his ass and a red T-shirt that strained against his muscles. He gave her a smile.

  “It will be. I promise. I want to give you a date you’ll never forget.”

  “It’s already memorable. I don’t think anyone has woken me up at O Dark Early and brought me coffee before.”

  “This is just the beginning. Look there.”

  Brayden pointed toward a large clearing just up ahead, illuminated by the sunrise, and her heart skipped a beat. It was a hot air balloon.

  She practically hopped out of the car before he stopped it.

  “Easy there, baby. It won’t take off without us. We’re the only passengers today.”

  A couple of men greeted Brayden like an old friend and as the sun rose in the east, they inflated the brightly colored balloon. It was a riot of color against the bright blue sky. There wasn’t a cloud in sight and barely a breeze. Great weather for a hot air balloon.

  “Ready, Ava?”

  Brayden helped her into the large basket. It was surprisingly roomy and stable, and not much like she had seen on television. He put his arm around her and dropped a quick kiss on her lips.

  “You aren’t afraid of heights, are you? I probably should have asked that earlier.”

  Ava shook her head. “Nope. I love this idea! I didn’t realize there was a hot air balloon company this close to Plenty.”

  “I’m glad. We’re going to have some fun today. I’ll tell them we’re ready to be untethered.”

  Ava’s eyes widened. “You can drive this thing yourself?”

  Brayden chuckled. “I’m full of useless talents. I wanted us to have some time alone together. Can’t get much more alone than the two of us in a hot air balloon. Sam and Chuck will be the chasers in the truck below us.”

  Brayden gave the men a signal and the tethers were pulled off. He pulled on a pair of gloves and pushed a lever, releasing gas into the balloon. The balloon rose slowly and gracefully in the sky.

  Ava watched as the ground drifted away and they were skimming above the treetops.

  “How do you steer it?”

  Brayden laughed. “You can’t really steer it. Generally, we’ll go where the breeze takes us. I can make small changes in direction, but I wouldn’t call it full control.”

  She peered over the side and pointed in the distance. “There’s Plenty! I can see Main Street from here.” She sighed in contentment. “It’s beautiful up here. So serene.”

  Brayden wrapped his arms around her from the back, pressing his hard body into the softness of hers. She ran her hands up his forearms. He made her feel safe and cared for. “I thought you might like this. Look over there. It’s our house. We can wave to Josh and Falk. They should be waking up about now.”

  “Josh isn’t at the coffee shop?”

  Brayden nuzzled a sensitive spot on her neck and her arousal rocketed. Heat was fizzing through her veins and sending pleasure to every nook and cranny of her body.

  “He took the morning off to help Falk teach an early morning class at our studio. We’ll see both of them after the flight.”

  She turned in his arms and pressed her cheek to his chest. She could hear the steady beating of his heart and feel the warmth of his skin. She ran her arms around his lean middle, feeling his muscles bunch under her palms.

  “You can fly hot air balloons. What else can you do? You said you had useless talents.”

  She could feel the rumble in his chest when he chuckled.

  “I’m full of useless talent. Useless knowledge, too. I’m the Trivial Pursuit champion for ten years running among the three of us. I can play drums, guitar, and keyboards. I know how to brew a pot of proper English tea. I can spit roast a pig. I can recite the soliloquy from Hamlet. Oh, and I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. Want to see?”

  Ava bubbled with laughter. She loved seeing the lighter side of this man. Usually, he was stern and in control.

  “Actually, yes, I do want to see.”

  She leaned back so she could see his tongue as he stuck it out, curling upward, touching the tip of his nose. Her dirty, in-the-gutter mind couldn’t stop thinking of all the things he might do with his tongue.

  “Hmmm, you have a very naughty look on your face, baby. What were you thinking of?”

  Ava shook her head. “Nothing. Look, there’s Cassie, Chase, and Zach’s place.”

  His fingers captured her chin and turned her toward him. “Uh-uh, no lying. What were you thinking?”

  Ava bit her lip as she considered whether to tell him. They were both grown adults and Brayden certainly seemed open about sex.

  “I was thinking about your tongue.”

  His gray eyes sparkled with mischief. “And? What about my tongue?”

  “And what it could possibly do.” She harrumphed. “You know. To me.”

  Brayden lowered his head, his face just a few inches from hers. “It can bring you pleasure. Fuck, it will bring you pleasure. All you have to do is give the green light and my tongue will be buried deep in your pussy.”

  Ava swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as heat swept through her entire body. She’d fantasized about that very same thing.

  “I–I’m not sure I’m ready.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Ava.” Brayden placed her palm on the fly of his jeans. She could feel his hard cock against her fingers and she had to fight her urge to free it from its confines.

  “This cock is for you. Josh’s and Falk’s, too. We aren’t seeing anyone else. We only want you. When you’re ready, we’ll be ready.”

  Before she could catch her breath, his lips came down on hers in a breath-stealing kiss. He’d kissed her before, but she was sure she would never get used to his skillful mouth and tongue stirring her passion, making her panties drenched and her nipples hard and tight. She pressed herself against him with a whimper, wanting more. He was addictive. All three of them were.

  He pulled away from the all-too-brief kiss with a smile of regret. “I need to watch where we’re going, baby. You distract me. A nice distraction, though. I’m going to look for a place to land soon, so just relax and enjoy the ride.”

  She would enjoy the ride, but she was far from relaxed. Her body was humming with desire. She’d never felt so sexy and wanted before. These men had made her feel that way. She was definitely moving closer to going to bed with them. She was definitely falling for them, too. And that was what freaked her out the most.

  Chapter Five

  Brayden held the door of the MMA studio open with a flourish. Their flight was done and they were going to have breakfast with Josh and Falk. Ava loved her time alone with each man, but she loved it even more when they were all together. It seemed she really was the ménage type. She could completely understand why a woman would want to be with more than one man.

  Setting the sex aside, which she was sure would be earth-shattering with three men, each man brought something different to the relationship. There were many facets to all three of her men and she enjoyed seeing them, getting to know them. They were smart, funny, and even a little romantic. Excitement fizzed through her veins as she anticipated spending time with all to them.

  She came to a sudden stop when she saw both Josh and Falk at the front counter. With two women—one blonde and one brunette. Two very attractive and sexy women. They were smiling and laughing with her men, standing close to one another. That old feeling of inadequacy overcame her, trouncing her burgeoning happiness.

  “Are you okay, baby?”


  “Of course I’m okay. Maybe we shouldn’t bother Josh and Falk. They look busy.”

  If you call staring into someone’s cleavage “busy.” Who shows that much skin before ten in the morning?

  Brayden gave her a puzzled look. “They’re just helping a couple of clients. We have an early-morning workout class twice a wee
k. Once we clear the studio, we can head to the diner for breakfast. We don’t have another class until this afternoon.”

  His hand at the small of her back was gently pressing her forward. She didn’t have much choice but to talk to them, despite the fact her instincts were telling her to beat a hasty retreat so she could lick her wounds in private.

  Falk and Josh saw her at the same time and gave her big smiles, but didn’t come forward to greet her. Josh held up a finger as if to say “one minute” while they finished talking to their clients. The two women gave her a dismissive glance and leaned forward even farther, their breasts offered up like pastries on a platter. Ava eyed them cynically, wondering if they were real or fake. They looked almost too perfect to be true.

  The blonde placed her hand on Falk’s chest and tossed her hair over her shoulder as something brilliant he said made her smile. Shit, even her teeth were white and perfect. Ava crossed her arms over her breasts, and stared at the floor. She couldn’t compete with the Stepford Barbies. They reminded her of her ex’s new wife. Tall, slender, and gorgeous.

  She’d let herself forget for a few days, but the truth came rushing back, slamming into her with a painful force. She couldn’t hold a man’s attention. Sure, she could get them to want her for a short time, but she wasn’t the type to inspire a grand passion that would last a lifetime. These men were practically sex gods. What chance did she have of holding on to them? Three of them, for fuck’s sake.

  Brayden grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the back room. “How about a cup of coffee? Josh always has some brewing back here. He and Falk are caffeine addicts.”

  Ava shook her head and stood her ground. She wouldn’t be shuffled off so she couldn’t see the men make fools of themselves over a couple of expensive racks.

  “I’m not thirsty.”

  He didn’t look very happy with her flat reply, but she didn’t give a flying rat’s behind. Instead of arguing with her, he strode over to the front counter and politely, but pointedly, intervened. The next five minutes were a blur as Brayden deftly answered the women’s questions, all the while leading them toward the entrance. When they were finally gone, he locked the door and flipped the sign to “Closed.”


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