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Christmas Kisses & Mistletoe Wishes: A Holiday Romance Boxset (Duet)

Page 13

by Kate Kisset

  Her throat went dry. Her heart raced, and her gaze didn’t stray. Lilly vaguely heard someone ask her if she wanted another drink, but didn’t reply. She was too busy drinking in the sight of Brett.

  Brett came to the party. Lilly took a deep breath. He’s here. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Dominique turn.

  “Hi.” Brett’s voice shot straight to her heart.

  “Hi,” Lilly instinctively scooted over the smooth leather of the banquet, making room for him. Looking at Brett close up, made it hard to breathe.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” His gaze didn’t waver, staying glued to hers.

  “Of course not,” Dominique replied with barely a sound.

  “Please, have a seat.” Lilly patted the area beside her. “Dominique,” she asked, still staring up at him, “do you know Brett Benning? He’s co-chairing with me this year. Brett, this is Dominque Hudson. She lives next door to my cousin Leo. Her mom runs Sweet Paws.”

  Dimples flashed, right next to Brett’s perfect smile. “Hi.” He slid in next to Lilly, close enough to brush against her arm and make her insides fizz.

  Dominque’s grey-blue eyes sparkled. “Brett was in the shelter... when was it?”

  “Last week. When I had my mind set on finding Brodie a brother.” Brett’s hand brushed Lilly’s thigh. She hoped it wasn’t by accident and yesterday hadn’t been a dream.

  “And we unfortunately didn’t come up with the perfect match. Right,” she said, patting the table with her palms, “well, it sure is nice to see you again Brett.” Tossing her blonde hair off her shoulder, Dominique gathered her purse and sweater, and rose from the table. Thank you for leaving Dominique, I owe you one. “Keep checking in, we get new pets looking for homes all the time. I’ll say hi to Leo for you, Lilly. Brett, give Brodie a snuggle for me.”

  “See you at the fair.” Lilly took another sip and peered over her glass, watching Dominique make her way through the party.

  Brett smelled like silk, oranges, ocean, and spice, and she wished she could bury her nose against his neck. Sparks flew from where his thigh settled next to her bare leg. Lilly hadn’t talked to him since yesterday. “Is Brodie a cat or a dog?”

  Brett smiled in a way that made his face light up. For a man with such a large build and incredible face, the expression brought him down to earth, making him even more irresistibly kissable.

  “Dog.” He scooted closer, resting his arm along the back of the booth.

  If she tilted her head back, she’d touch him, and then he’d wrap his arms around her... “What kind of dog?”

  He raised his brows, angling his head in a way that forced her to look at him, which for some reason made her uncomfortable. He was almost too good-looking. She hadn’t dated in over a year since she barely got away from her computer, and none of her clients were even remotely attractive. Lilly still couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “A rescue.” He caressed her arm. “Do you really want to talk about pets?”

  Lilly caught sight of her grandmother hovering in the corner of the room, trying not to look like a spy. She studied Brett over the rim of her glass. “Let me guess. You have a Labrador.”




  “Retriever, collie, Great Dane?”

  Brett didn’t answer, and seemed to gaze at her for hours, or, at least until her question disappeared. He asked one of his own. “Would you like to dance?”

  Lilly set her glass down on the table. “Sure,” she said hiding a grin, not wanting to look too anxious, and placed her hand in his. Brett helped her out of the booth, and her thoughts flew back to his parking lot kiss, where he’d left her hopelessly in half-a-kiss mode and dying for more.

  He wrapped his arm protectively around her shoulders, leading her to the dance floor. At five eight, in her highest heels—the four-inch black stilettos with the wide-angle strap—next to Brett’s towering physique, she felt petite. Which was an unusual sensation. Feeling small and dainty next to an extremely well-built man was a whole new world. Jeremy, her last boyfriend from three years ago, was only five ten.

  Ignoring curious stares, he ushered her past the band. Under blue stage lights, the songstress gripped the microphone and poured her heart into “That’s What I Want for Christmas.” Brett guided Lilly to a dark corner, gently positioning her in front of him.

  “I’ve been dying to feel you in my arms again.” Brett whispered, his soft breaths against her cheek.

  Holding a wide grin, she couldn’t resist running her hands up his strong back, savoring his muscles, before resting her hand on his shoulder.

  Clasping her hand, he slid the other over the flimsy fabric covering her waist, and she relaxed in his arms while their bodies moved in synch with the music.

  When the singer came to the chorus, Lilly focused on the petite tree in the corner of the room, its red, green, and purple lights blending into a blur. Heat flushed her cheeks and she hugged Brett tighter. This is what I want for Christmas. Lilly nestled against Brett’s chest, basking in the warmth radiating from his body, closed her eyes and made a wish.

  As if reading her mind, Brett leaned back and looked down with a smile. Back and forth, they moved in time, sharing grins, gazing into each other’s eyes, and probably looking like fools on the dance floor. Lilly didn’t care about the couples gawking next to them, and Brett was almost chuckling when he pulled her close and buried his nose in her hair.

  “I enjoy your company, Lilly,” he cooed softly, waking her up from a trance, and awakening her to every amazing possibility in the here and now. He brought her hand to his heart and held it there, resting his lips against her forehead, heating her flesh under his breath.

  Not wanting to break the spell, Lilly didn’t make a move of her own, but simply let him guide her. “I enjoy your company too,” she murmured into his shirt, hoping he heard her over the music.

  They rocked together for a few minutes without words. Her heart raced as Brett traced down her temple with his lips, still cradling her hand close to his chest. “I think we should spend more time together.” A ripple of bliss started from her spine and cascaded in a wave down to her toes.

  She tilted her head up to catch him watching her with the gentlest expression. “We should, Brett.” Every plan, every word of warning about getting involved with him, flew out the window. “We definitely should.”

  “And I can’t get you out of my head. I can’t.” It sounded like a confession. She stretched up on tiptoe. With her arms around him and her fingers tangled in his hair, she guided him to her lips. Finally. Lilly closed her eyes...and Brett’s tender kiss was gone.


  “I think we have an audience.” He gestured to the back wall with a nod. Lilly looked over her shoulder and detected the culprit. Make that two culprits. Side by side, Mimi and Cha-Cha peeked around the other dancers for a better view of her and Brett.

  For the love of God. Ugh. “Sorry.”

  Lilly wriggled out of his arms and twisted around, locking eyes with Cha-Cha for a half second. Caught you!

  Cha-Cha’s eyes bugged out before she spun back to her sister and disappeared into the crowd. Why, oh, why couldn’t the grannies give her a smidgeon of privacy? She turned back to Brett, and before she could say a word, he kissed her square on the mouth. The temperature of the room went up fifty degrees, and it would have shot up to a hundred if she just could have kissed him a little longer.

  “Let’s get out of here.” He grabbed her hand, hustling her off the dance floor. Where they were going, she had no idea, but they didn’t make it far before Brett pulled her into an alcove next to the orchestra and kissed her again, leaving her breathless.

  The man was like tapas. A little kiss here, another knee-shaker there... Lilly patiently hung on to him while he ushered her through the bar area, and kept moving. Brett probably realized if they stopped to chat with one person, they’d be in the mix all night and never h
ave any time to themselves. The whole town was on the volunteer list.

  Finally, they made their way to the pretty, relatively empty lobby.

  “Have you seen this yet?” Brett walked her over to a dazzling Christmas tree decorated with wine corks and jewels, its fresh pine scent filling the space.

  “It’s stunning, isn’t it? Doesn’t my cousin Nico do a great job with his hotel?” She asked, dreamily leaning against him.

  He squeezed her hand while bending and pulling her closer. Tracing his fingers along her jaw, Brett tilted her face up, before his lips brushed against hers leading into another heavenly kiss. But just as they were getting started, he pulled away. Again.

  “You have got to stop doing that.” Lilly tugged his hands, bringing him back to her. “I want to kiss you, too, and I mean a real kiss.” Wow, way to go toe-to-toe with Brett Benning.

  Brett appeared to be taken aback, but quickly recovered and leaned in close to nibble on her bottom lip. “Without an audience.” He turned, checking for Cha-Cha and Mimi no doubt. “Now that’s exactly what I had in mind. There’s a private area, right over there.” He pointed to the softly lit guest room hallway.

  “Hmm.” She raised her brows, and Brett must have taken it as a yes, because he led her away from the Christmas tree and down the immaculate blue and cream hall.

  “Have you been here before?” She paused, surveying the rows of guest room doors lining both sides of the hall.

  “I know the layout of every building in town.” He raised his brows. “Firefighter, remember?”

  Brett slid his hands around her waist, and her brain turned to mush again.

  “Every nook,” he whispered close enough she felt his breath on her ear. Moving the hair away from her face, he made a trail of open-mouthed kisses all the way down her neck. Nestling into that sensitive crevice where her neck met her shoulder, he sucked. “And cranny.” Her legs were jelly as Brett walked her backward past the doors, all the while holding her and covering her with kisses.

  She vaguely heard him say, “In here.” Brett opened a door and half-carried her into a soundless linen room that smelled like lavender and starch and pillowcases left in the sun. The thought of Nico catching them came to mind, and she tossed it aside.

  “We’ll leave the door open. I think there’s enough light from the hall.” She watched Brett bring her hand to his mouth and kiss the top of it. So. Very. Tenderly.

  “There’s enough light...” Lilly barely got the words out before Brett swept his tongue along her bottom lip. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck before finally, finally pressing her lips against his. Running her hands under his jacket, she traced the thick, rolling muscles from his chest to abdomen. Brett let out a moan, sweeping her into his arms. His big hands ran along the curves of her bottom, making her moan this time. Then he propped her against the wall and kissed her again. Pressing herself against him, she could feel how hard and huge he was.

  “I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw you,” he said between breaths.

  She kissed the corner of his luscious mouth. “When I was hiding fruitcakes under the table?”

  “The moment you walked into the room and lit it up.” He held her face in his hands and kissed her again and again. Wave after wave of heat rolled through her, and when Brett skimmed his amazing tongue between her lips, she thought she’d lose it. She felt every feathery touch from his fingers, and the firm strokes of his palms, while Brett ran his knowing hands up and down her sides. He cupped her breasts over her dress, finding her nipples through her bra, sending her into orbit.

  “This needs to come off,” she moaned breathlessly, tugging on his jacket.

  He kissed her nose. “Not here.” His voice was gravel. “You have too many relatives, and I don’t want to put you in the hot seat.” He kissed her again and started chuckling. “Take that back. I do, very much want to see how hot you get.”

  She grinned. “Where to next?”

  He considered her for a moment, and then patted down her hair by her left ear. Then Brett moved to the other side and tapped on her right ear. “What, are you a stylist now, too?”

  “I want you to look presentable, and I sure as hell don’t want to get into the subject of kissing you with the grannies, because I’m planning on doing a lot more than that.”

  She stayed quiet, letting her brain spin. The thought of doing a lot more than kissing with Brett, struck a chord right between her thighs.

  Brett cocked his head, admiring his work. “Now, hold still, you have a little...lipstick.”

  He concentrated on the area next to her lips while wiping the smudge off her face. When he came in for another pass with his thumb, she grabbed it with her mouth and sucked.

  Why? She had no idea. Had she done it before? Never.

  Brett froze. “What are you trying to do to me?” he asked quietly. His eyes glazing over, watching her. “I’m trying to be a gentleman, here, and get you out of the lobby without raising any suspicions. On second thought, maybe we should just stay in here.”

  Lilly let go of his thumb and reached up and kissed him. “You follow me this time,” she said, leaving the room and putting an extra swish in her hips.

  Chapter Ten

  The sexiest goddess on the planet just stole his heart and his finger. Brett followed Lilly through the lobby, mesmerized by the way her curvy bottom shifted under her thin red dress. The woman was walking Viagra.

  She cast a sly grin at him over her shoulder, and he laughed. Did she really think I’d let her out of my sight?

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll follow you anywhere.” Marveling at the sight, he caught up to her at the revolving door. “After you.” He folded his arms patiently waiting for her to go first. “But don’t think a wall of glass will stop me from kissing you.”

  She winked, wiggled her hips, and pushed through the door, with him right behind. The temperature must have dropped at least thirty degrees. Lilly’s dress fluttered in the chilly breeze, so he took off his jacket and draped it over her silken shoulders.

  “Thanks.” She smiled at him so sweetly, Brett felt his heart break or melt. He couldn’t be sure which, but he knew he was a goner. As much as he loved her sexy vixen side, he adored Lilly’s vulnerability. Sure, they knew each other vaguely through his sister, but she seemed to trust him in a way few women had. Lilly’s secrets, dreams and kisses, gave him hope.

  After he adjusted his jacket so the fabric covered her neck, he put his arm around her and kissed her again. She tasted like champagne, warm chocolate, and a crushing addiction. “Like, I said, Lilly, I can’t stop.” They paused every few feet to kiss, slowly and passionately inching their way up the sidewalk.

  “I’m just around the corner, on Adam,” he whispered breathlessly against her lips, peering down to take her hand in his again. “Wait.” It suddenly dawned on him.

  “What is it?”

  “You don’t have your purse.”

  Lilly clasped his arm and the way her eyes sparkled, brimming with heat, made him kiss her again.

  “I—kiss—didn’t—kiss—bring one.” Kiss, kiss, kiss. “Mimi drove.” Lilly leveled him with a mischievous grin that shot straight through his chest and down past his abdomen, making him so hard, he ached. He wanted to give in to his primal urges, be reckless and wild and take her, here and now, on the sidewalk.

  He sucked in a deep breath to get his bearings. “Are you sure you didn’t leave a sweater? Jacket?”

  “You take such good care of me.” Lilly reached up, sweeping his lower lip with her tongue. “I have you to keep me warm.”

  “Count on it,” he moaned, before melting into another kiss.

  MIRACLES DO HAPPEN. They managed to keep their clothes on in his car and he cleaned the house earlier and changed the sheets.

  The three-bedroom, three-bath wasn’t a big space to keep up, not like the palaces of some of his former teammates. The realtor didn’t have to talk him into buying the custom Medi
terranean. He’d invested wisely during his game years and knew the property wouldn’t last long in the St. Helena market. As soon as she showed him the outdoor kitchen, pool, hot tub and hobby vineyard, he made an offer. Brett didn’t know about the wine cellar until a month after moving in.

  He flicked on the light. “Please, come in.”

  Lilly looked even prettier in his house. Before she could take another step, Brodie bolted. With his nails clicking against the travertine floor, he tore down the hall and slid into Lilly’s leg. Quickly recovering, with only kisses in mind, Brodie got up on his hind legs and danced.

  Lilly scooped him up in her arms. “This is Brodie?” she asked, cuddling the pooch while carrying him to the living room.

  “The one and only. Named after my grandfather’s favorite 49er quarterback, John Brodie.” She slipped out of his jacket and settled into the couch, looking so lovable and soft and his.

  Snuggled in her arms, Brodie wasn’t going anywhere. “Wine?” Brett asked, smiling while peeling off his tie. She was the first woman, besides his mom and sister, to see his house, so he had yet another reason to celebrate. His first boner with a woman in his new house. He hoped there would be another first coming up in no time.

  “Sure, I’ll have some.” He watched while Lilly gently took hold of Brodie, propping him up so he was standing on her thighs. “I wasn’t expecting him to be so...”

  “What?” he teased, pouring the wine.

  “Small.” She threw her head back laughing. “I can’t believe you have a Maltipoo.” She scrutinized Brodie’s face. “He’s adorable. At least I think he’s a Maltisomething...”

  Brett set Lilly’s wine on the coffee table and settled down on the couch next to her.

  He couldn’t help that his hand had a mind of its own and his fingers traced up her silky-smooth thigh. “Brodie’s a rescue, so I’m not sure what he is,” he explained, resting his head against the couch. Then he leaned over and kissed her silky shoulder.


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