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Dusk of a Hybrid

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by Ryan Johnson





  DUSK OF A HYBRID. Test copyright © 2020 by Ryan Johnson

  Map done by Najla Kay.

  Cover done by Fahad Dar.

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Johnson, Ryan

  Dusk of a hybrid / by Ryan Johnson

  (A Tale of a Human Dragon Hybrid; 3)

  Self-published, 1st edition

  ISBN: 979-8610242033 (Paperback)

  Summery: The hybrid nears of his final journey against his biggest opponent of which will result in a tragic end or a bittersweet event that will spill the dusk of the hybrid’s tale.

  Works by Ryan Johnson:

  Mystical Warriors, Supernatural Defenders:

  Rise of the Supernatural Heroes


  Dawn of a Hybrid

  Twilight of a Hybrid

  Dusk of a Hybrid


  Legend 1: The Warrior of Fire

  Legend 2: The Warrior of Earth

  Legend 3: The Warrior of Water

  Legend 4: The Warrior of Ice

  Legend 5: The Warrior of Air

  Legend 6: The Warrior of Dust

  Legend 7: The Elemental Warriors

  Other Books and Stand-Alones:

  The Legend of the Dragon Hunter

  Dusk of a Hybrid

  This book is for all those people,

  Who suffered a tragic event and still kept moving forward


  A Battle With A Clan

  Battle With Clan Leaders

  Remnants Of A Defeated Clan

  Four Clans Unified

  Remembering The Past

  The Enemy’s True Form

  A Hero’s Entrance

  A Friend Or Foe

  Overwhelming News

  Back At Home

  Spreading The News

  A Song By The Shores

  Familiar Faces

  A Night Of Wonder

  Destructive Rain Of Fire

  An Island Destroyed


  Journey Through Isla Maeli

  The Pool Of Light

  The Hybrid’s Darkest Identity Revealed

  A Tragic Loss

  Another Dark Secret Revealed

  Back At The Old City

  Agony Between Siblings

  The Titans Released


  A Living Ancient Civilization

  An Invination

  A Party With A Lost Civilization

  Time With An Elf

  The Feeling Of Fate

  A Divine Prophecy

  A Storyteller

  A Trembling Earth

  A Brutal Fight

  The Bleakness Of Training

  Hot Springs With Unexpected Company

  The Hybrid’s Final Lesson

  A Familiar Comrade

  A Calling From Gods

  The Demigod Awakens

  A Love’s Rekindled

  Colossal Oblivion

  Rekindling Friendship

  A Vengeful Siren And Company

  An Odd Family Reunion

  Prepping For Battle

  A Rivalry’s End

  Liberation Of Shimabellia

  Demon Vs Demigod: Round I

  Demon Vs Demigod: Round Ii

  Demon Vs Demigod: Final Round

  The Hybrid’s Last Flight

  The Hybrid’s Dusk

  A Sister’s Lament

  A Hybrid Deified

  Epilogue: Dusk Of The Human Dragon Hybrid

  About The Author


  Valverno was standing in the midst of a large crowd of people but not ordinary people. The demigod was standing against a large crowd of soldiers. He thought of using the Crystal Sword in his hand, but he decided to keep it in its scabbard tied to his back. He would have needed it, if he wanted to use its power. However, he didn’t want to use it because he wants to go against an army with his magic power; he wields that is two-thirds restored flowing through two armor artifacts.

  And for one thing, he wasn’t bare skinned while he was facing against these soldiers, he was wearing some armor covering his human skin and wearing a tall helmet. He was wearing glittering armor shining like his red wings. His arms, chest, shoulders, and neck were covered in this nicely, designed armor. Basically, his whole-half human torso was covered in armor. The only human skin that showed was a part of his human face, which was covered by a helmet. His eyes, nose, mouth, and ears were visible. And two sides of the helmet were dented to show his horns.

  It would be obvious he would be hunting or find the last armor artifact to fix his broken power, he wasn’t here looking for the last armor artifact; he was here looking for the last remnants of King Uragiru’s loyalists.

  For Valverno, it has been three years since he did away with his most hated people: a king that betrayed Shimabellia with a false alliance with a Shadow King and a witch who he once called mother who had experimented on him. Now he has ascended to become Shimabellia’s new ruler.

  He spent the last three years hunting down his predecessor’s loyal soldiers and nobles. A few weeks after he dethroned the princess Stephanie Valverno had automatically claimed over ninety percent of Shimabellia’s civilization. The other ten percent remained loyal to the old king, despite being falling into an evil pool three years ago.

  That ten percent was all long Shimabellia’s eastern border, which were all seaports. Valverno turned his conquest to those cities that makes great seafood. He would dislike his married fish-wife Marina to come and see him conquer little seafood, so he kept her at their little the capital. And he also kept his main armies away from the seaport cities as well; he had an army of Sea Serpents and merpeople under his command.

  Since he was now labeled a ruler of the creatures, he had command over them all: Centaurs, Dragons, Fairies, Griffins, Merpeople, Pegasi, Sea Serpents, and Unicorns. He was their ruler and he could do with them of what he saw fit, but he wouldn’t take his royal powers that far. Valverno created them all with equality and treated them as close comrades instead of being servants.

  As for the princess Stephanie, Valverno demoted her to a maid in Flavius’s village that was once under the command of his father-figure Geraldus. Now the village belonged to Flavius, the second son of Geraldus. When it was revealed she was adopted into the family and no blood connection to Uragiru, she denied it and still saw the throne has hers to inherit.

  But Valverno destroyed it where it was, right in front of her. The seat that house Uragiru’s ancestors for generations has come down to rubble. Now she was without a throne to sit upon and has been demoted to a maid to work a village.

  Valverno couldn’t find in his heart to kill her, and he saw her treating everyone less equally than her like stomping on ants. So, he ordered her to be a maid and servant of Flavius’s household and his younger siblings. She was to do this until she become more warm-hearted and cheerful like an eight year old girl.

  And that was only one matter easily taken care of: he still had a few more matte
rs to deal with. He had another rival: Teutates. He hasn’t forgotten about the old king’s distant relative who wanted the throne as well, but when Valverno destroyed it at the island’s capital, Teutates was furious and had the entire population of the Lion Clan transfer themselves to Isla Maeli. Valverno didn’t see Teutates was a threat that much, and Valverno the command of three other clans and soldiers native to Shimabellia.

  Valverno had posted most of those soldiers at the island’s western borders, in case Teutates came invading on the eastern front. Even if Teutates may prove a challenge, Valverno saw two more matters: the Shadow King Lusìvar and the Snake Clan.

  Valverno had those two to deal with and he had already dealt with the king Uragiru’s loyalists. Valverno’s army of Sea Serpents and the Merfolk tore town down all the ships of the enemy seaports. Trade became limited, and to make matters worse for them, the three White Knights Valverno commanded quickly invaded and destroyed the weapons and caches each seaport city had.

  The three White Knights could fly on their own and learned how to draw out wings. They come under the cover of night and blind the enemies with the glowing light shining from their armor. The might of just three, who were Flavius, Sora, and Monico, did a lot of damage to the seaport cities’ arsenal of weapons. Now with little weapons to use and being surrounded at every point of land and sea, the cities surrendered. The only casualties the seaport cities lost were the people on all the ships that sunk.

  Then Valverno used a magic power to wipe the memories of all the soldiers’ loyalty to their dead king. By doing this, Valverno gained a few more thousand soldiers to his will and trade resumed a few months later after the seaports surrendered and the soldiers’ memories wiped.

  After Valverno dealt with those loyalists, he turned his attention to the Snake Clan. He knew they were still loyal to King Uragiru. After his conquest to the eastern seaports, Valverno went to the mountain border that borders the Northern Region and the other Regions of the south.

  And with help from the other three clans (Eagle, Tigress, and Cheetah clans), they searched the entire mountain border and square inch of every cave. They only found the inhabitants: Giants and Cyclopes; they never found solders of the Snake Clan.

  Valverno himself killed all the Giants and Cyclopes he encountered. Of his past experience, those two titanic creatures were part of Lusìvar’s army. Without a second mind, he took down two entire species that threatened humanity and the other pieces it shared.

  After spending several months in the entire mountain region, Valverno found no trace of the Snake Clan. He then traveled to the Northern Region to see what the Snake Clan left behind. He came to the lands the Snake Clan once occupied and found them emptied. He found many traces to chopped trees and tree barks shaped into large boats.

  Valverno learned the Snake Clan left Shimabellia by sailing the northern seas and must have traveled to Isla Maeli. Before he could end up flying off to the island on his own, he ordered his White Knight to take charge of the defense if anyone came to invade. Then he ordered the royalties of the creatures to also take command of their species they rule over on the defense as well.

  And before he went flying, he wanted to study about Isla Maeli. He’d never been to the island and needed to know what it was. He spent an entire month researching of what Isla Maeli was and the lands it had bare. He knew it was mostly an inhabitant island with mostly ruins and marshlands. It couldn’t have proper farmland, but only the southeastern border of Isla Maeli could be settled.

  The entire region was settled by Teutates and the Lion Clan. So there was no way the Snake Clan would settle near the strongest of the five clans Valverno saved from a dragon with five heads, and there was no way Valverno would forget that big fight. Now two of the five clans went rogue and turned away from the demigod.

  Once the demigod learned what there was to know about Isla Maeli, he learned many locations there and thought of where they could be. On a map he saw, there was one ruined fortress at, and he thought that had need to be the place the Snake Clan went to, to the far southwestern corner.

  And he couldn’t be more right. That’s where he was at the moment; he was surrounded by thousands of soldiers baring a snake as their banner. He was on a bridge that would lead to the command center holding the leaders of the Snake Clan: the Council of Three. If he would get to them, the Snake Clan would disband at once.

  Before he found the leaders or the soldiers, he needed to find the fortress first. He would have created a portal to the fortress the Snake Clan was hiding at, but he has no memory of the fortress.

  Valverno learned he can only create portals to the places he’d visited before and keeps those places in memory. He has never been to Isla Maeli before, so creating a portal wasn’t going to be possible. The only option was to fly there.

  Valverno left Shimabellia he’s in command of and went flying off to the second island unknown to him. Thanks to his speed, his speed of flight carried him a great distance from the capital city of Shimabellia to Isla Maeli’s eastern course in a matter of minutes. From there, Valverno slowly softened his speed to get a greater look at the island unknown to him.

  The demigod needed to take the time to observe and memorize every square inch of the island. When the time was needed, he can create a portal to transfer himself or a group of people to the lands he memorized. He first looked at the seashores closest to Shimabellia and then the settled land under Teutates’s command.

  As he planted the eastern borders of Isla Maeli in his memory, he continued to fly to the west and find the Snake Clan he thinks to be hiding. Valverno could only think to keep the clan would distance themselves far away from the nearest populated town, thinking they are occupied at this fortress he’s searching for.

  He flew across the entire southern region of Isla Maeli and he found them at the fortress. The fortress was composed of many towers and lots of high walls covering the high towers. The fortress itself was built in a range of mountaintops stretching seven thousand feet high with bridges connecting to many the towers.

  The largest tower rose a thousand feet into the air and was centered at the largest mountaintop, which was a thin, narrow mountain shaped of an upside-down cone. He wanted to take down the leaders of the Snake Clan that way the clan would disperse and never have to deal with them.

  He knows the leadership of the Snake Clan would be in the topmost tower and be concealed in the tallest, most heavily guarded ground. Any leader of any army would be hiding somewhere that would be impossible any human to get to, and they would think having an army to defend them would be keep them safe from intruders. That would be so if those leaders were dealing with humans, but Valverno was a demigod.

  Valverno was powerful as he could be, and he knew the Snake Clan would not be an invincible clan for his might. He has found the Snake Clan army, and he thought it was big as he imagined it to be. The central tower he centered through was where a majority of the army was. He could count seven thousand soldiers in the tallest tower, and the remaining soldiers were busy standing guard in the smaller towers serving watch duty; it would be half an hour before they could be the aid of the other seven thousand soldiers.

  He knew the Snake Clan would have ten thousand soldiers in the fortress, and he was facing off with seven thousand in the most bottom level of the central tower. The other three thousand were in the other towers, and this would be easy for him to take on the current soldiers he was with.

  And when he snapped his fingers, a large gush of wind ignited the room. His snapping finger unleashed a hurricane-like wind and gushed all around the soldiers. Valverno called for the wind to gush through the soldiers’ faces and their weapons be torn from the soldiers’ grip. This wind also caused a great many enemies to slip and fall onto the ground.

  Valverno slowly walk over the soldiers that have fallen from his wind power. He saw many were still standing and armed with their own
weapons. Their armor they donned may have made them immune to the demigod’s mighty power. He didn’t care as long he was passing by, and he was passing by like a tourist taking a vacation in the mountains.

  “I will tell you this one time, enemy soldiers; stand down!” warned Valverno.

  The soldiers remained silent of Valverno’s proposal and they gripped their weapons with pride. Valverno deeply sighed to see none of the soldiers weren’t going to drop their weapons. He was offering them a new pick of life, but they rejected his offer, by keeping their weapons pointing at him.

  “You all should know I have the power to kill and to break bones,” said the demigod. “I have magic power that ascends above all other magic power. My predecessor learned that the hard way, and now you people are doing the same! Stand down! NOW!”

  Once again, the soldiers did not listen. They only held up their spears and they charged forward. War shouts and screams echoed in Valverno’s ear and he was now losing his patience with these men.

  He curled his fingers over the palms of his hands. A small plasma energy ball began to charge up in his curled hands. Valverno stared at his opponents coming his way and he unleashed the empowering ball to his enemies.

  This sent out a large blue blaze big as a castle wall from his hand. The blast engulfed all the soldiers coming Valverno’s way. Valverno used his other hand to send a second large blast behind him, to where other soldiers were coming. He was surrounded on the bridge connected to the tallest tower and one small tower he was exiting.

  And the blast he was unleashing was smoldering down the soldiers he was coming across. After a long minute, he ended magic blast and immediately flown over many soldiers he now saw were down. He ran across the field and he passed many of the fallen.

  There were only three soldiers getting back to their feet after being pulverized by Valverno’s powerful blast. Yet they didn’t have time to see the demigod dashing to them and bolting them in the belly or being pounded on the head.

  Valverno punched two of the three guards with bare fists and jumped into the air to kick the third soldier’s head with a dragon foot. Valverno landed heavy blows against his enemies, but he wasn’t killing them. He could kill an entire clan he could see as using in the other clans that sworn their loyalty to him. The only people he set his eyes on killing were the leaders of the clan: the Council of Three. He knew as long as the three leaders lived, the Snake Clan would be offending the demigod.


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