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The Wolf's Prey

Page 15

by Edugardo Gilbert X

  Jessica changes her voice trying to sound like Marta. "Well, he's bossy, arrogant and a domineering jackass, but those eyes and abs!"

  "I don't sound like that! And I didn't call him a jackass!" Marta yells, trying not to laugh.

  "Even if he was, would it matter?" Jessica asks.

  Marta starts undressing. "Probably not." She admits. "It’s kinda hot."

  We shift and run back to the house with more wolves then we came with. The three of us are surrounded by the other wolves and I'm surprised we make it back quicker than I thought we would. We find our clothes where we left them and shift back. I dress quickly and find clothes for Marta to wear. My brothers leave extras outside for themselves, but I'm sure they won't mind.

  We walk through the back door and as always Mom is in the kitchen. I didn't talk to her very much after we landed. I played dress up with Jessica for about 40 minutes before we left to go see Marta. "Hey, do you need help making dinner?" I ask.

  "No, honey I got it."

  "Is this your sister?" She asks with a smile.

  "It is, this is Marta. Marta, this is my mom." I wince, that is officially the weirdest introduction that's ever been given. Mom laughs and holds out her hand.

  "It’s nice to meet you, Marta."

  "Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Griffin. Thanks for allowing me to come."

  "Anytime. Truly I mean it." Mom says, sincerely.

  Marta smiles and I hear a loud bang. The twins come into the room pushing each other. "Who's the hottie? In my clothes and do I get to take them off of her?" Jason asks. I jump when I hear a loud growl and see Beta Hightower glaring at Jason. Jason wisely puts his hands up in a surrendering motion. "Just asking, Bro." He smirks.

  "Watch it, Dante." Andrew warns.

  Beta Hightower looks away from Jason and I see Jason visibly relax. "Jason, Josh. This is my sister Marta." I say.

  "Hey." They reply simultaneously.

  "So, are you seeing anyone?" Josh asks, smirking. I giggle and Marta turns red. Mom of course laughs the loudest and I look at Beta Hightower who is not amused, but his alpha is all smiles.

  "You're asking for it, pup." Beta Hightower warns.

  I stop laughing immediately, noticing the coldness in Beta Hightower's eyes. Andrew growls, "You scare her again," he says, pointing at me, "and I'll be the one kicking your ass." He threatens as dad comes into the room.

  "What's the problem?" Dad questions.

  "There's no problem, Alpha." Beta Hightower replies.

  "Good. Let’s talk Andrew. I just got an update from Lennox." The guys leave and I smirk at Marta. "You've been claimed."

  "He's a little presumptuous, don't you think?" She asks and I chuckle.

  "You know you love it."

  She sighs dramatically. "I know."

  I look at mom and ask, "What's going on? Have you heard anything about Rachel and her being on Lennox's territory?"

  "He's searching for her. She’s been there with another female he kicked out of his pack."

  "Do you know the name of the other female?" I question thinking of Wendy, the brownie girl. The girl who set my bed on fire.

  "No, Travis didn't say." Mom answers.

  "Do you think it was that Wendy girl?" Marta asks me and I shrug.

  "That's who I was thinking it might be." I reply.

  "She did set your bed on fire." Marta says, like I need the reminder.

  "Someone set your bed on fire!" Jessica yells. Marta tells everyone the details of Wendy's jealousy. By the end everyone seems to think it’s her acting with Rachel.

  I can't help but feel a little relieved. I think the shock of Rachel's betrayal to the family has worn off and they're trying to minimize her chances on hurting the family. All, neighboring alphas have been alerted and have agreed to detain her if she crosses onto their land. I hope she comes home and nothing comes of her threats. She obviously needs help and won't get it if she gets herself killed. Walking onto claimed land and hiding in the woods is a sure way to get yourself hurt.

  I wonder where she is. She had to have left the US for Canada or is hiding in a nearby city. There aren't many options, but she could still have allies within the pack relaying information to her so she'd know where to hide. I can’t help but worry that someone will get hurt in the end. Something's can't be controlled or predicted, no matter how careful you are.

  "Marta, what are you being for Halloween?" Jessica question's innocently.

  "Good God! No, Jessica!" I yell.

  Alpha Lennox Hall

  The search turned up nothing. Rachel and Wendy are most definitely not on my territory anymore. If they wanted to stay close Rhys's pack would be ideal. If they wanted to flee they're either past the U.S. border into Canada, or in a big city.

  Travis has the cooperation from all the Alpha's in the surrounding packs. If Wendy or Rachel come onto their territory they'll immediately be detained until Travis can transport them back home.

  I'm not comfortable with the wait, I want to find them now. Tomorrow, I'm going to Alpha Rhys’ under the guise of asking about his former pack member Wendy. I'll know if he has any involvement with the two. I'm not doubting that he knows something. However, he wouldn't want Jocelyn hurt and those two woman want to hurt her.

  I walk to our bedroom and strip down to my underwear. I climb into our bed breathing in Jocelyn's scent, instantly finding myself wanting her. It hasn't changed, her scent still makes me want her even after mating. It always takes control of me. I breathe in her scent and I can distinguish it from mine, it’s not our scent as one, we still have separate scents! How can that be? I sit up, her sent is still her own as is mine. How can I have claimed her with a mark and still our scents haven't joined as one? Did her body, her wolf rejected my claim? How didn't I notice this before?

  I jump out of bed and dress quickly. If my claim on Jocelyn isn't recognized, then I can still be challenged by another male on the date of the Alpha challenge. Which is Jocelyn's eighteenth birthday. As it stands we're not mated, my mark on her is meaningless. If she chose another she could and I wouldn't be able to stop her. However, the thing that's making me rush to the door is the fact I let my unmarked female, whom I’ve chosen as my mate leave my territory.

  I try to feel her through our bond. It’s not there, why isn't it there anymore? I didn't notice until now, I'm not feeling her emotions. I don't recall when it stopped, it could have been earlier this week. My mind has been on work and then Rachael and Wendy. This is a colossal fuck up. I call Travis.


  "I need you to keep Jocelyn from any unmated males. Something went wrong with the claim, it didn't take. I can't feel her emotions. I just now noticed our scents aren't intertwined, we're not mated."

  "Calm down. I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want anything forced on her, but the same thing happened with Jen. My claim wouldn't hold until I had gotten her pregnant. It looks like Jocelyn is the same way. My claim never last longer than a few days."

  "You kept this from me." I seethe.

  "I wanted my daughter to have a choice. Are you willing to wait for her to be ready to have pups? Can you accept that you won't be fully mated until then?"

  "Did you?" I question, knowingly.

  "I did not." He sighs.

  "Then that was a pretty stupid fucking question, now wasn't it?"

  "She gets to choose." He states with finality.

  I grit my teeth together, but I can't control the rage inside of me. "If I lose her because you kept this from me I'll tear off your God damn head!" I shout, hanging up and dialing Liam. "Get Jocelyn home, right now." I order.

  Choosing Lennox

  "We're leaving. Where are your bags?" Liam questions, looking around. By the intense look on his face I can see he's on edge. Obviously, something's happened.

  "Why? What happened?" I ask, calmly. He's looking flustered and tense enough for the both of us.

  "Alpha needs us back now. I don't know what’s going on." He
answers, locating my bag and picking it up. Jessica stops painting my fingernails as we watch Liam.

  If Lennox is ordering me to leave after trying to ensure I had a good time by not telling me about Rachel and Wendy, then something is definitely wrong. "Give me your phone I'm calling Lennox." I demand.

  Liam hands me his phone as he starts to pick up my things and stuff them into my duffle bag. I find Lennox's phone number just as my dad comes into the room.

  "She's not going anywhere." He states, looking at a surprised Liam.

  "Lennox ordered me to take her back home." He counters.

  "This is her home. You're the one leaving." Dad replies.

  "Dad, what’s going on?" I ask, hesitantly.

  "Lennox discovered he has no claim on you. His mark didn't take and won't until-"

  "Until I get pregnant. You told him?" I question.

  "He figured it out himself. I asked if he planned to impregnate you or give you the choice. He's not going to give you a choice Jocelyn."

  I knew Lennox wouldn't. I'm not shocked by the news, this is Lennox we're talking about. "You didn't wait for mom either." I state, trying to figure out my feelings about Lennox forcing me to carry his pup.

  "I didn't wait and I never regretted it, but you're my daughter it’s different. You can still be with him, but he'll have to wait for you to be ready."

  "He won't wait dad. He'll come get me himself if Liam doesn't bring me back." I argue. I know he's my father, but this is still new to me. The fact that he thinks he can stop me from leaving is really making me angry.

  "I'll protect you from him. Don't worry about that." He tries to sound assuring. I don't need protection from Lennox. What is he talking about?

  I scoff. "I'm not worried about my mate hurting me." I respond, stunned he'd think so.

  "You're not his mate. The claim isn't recognized." Andrew interjects, walking into the room. "And I'll back your father."

  "If either of you touch my mate, I'll never speak to you again." I reply, emphasizing mate.

  "Does that mean you're going to leave with Liam?" Jessica asks.

  I shrug. "I need to talk to Lennox."

  "Jocelyn, he told me himself he wasn't going to wait for you to be ready." Dad states, walking closer.

  "Like I said, I'm aware that he won't wait. I still want to talk to him and I still consider myself Lennox's mate." I say pointedly, looking at Andrew. I see him start to smirk and he stops himself before it becomes a full-blown smile. I narrow my eyes and refuse to look away. I know it is a sign of disrespect towards another alpha, but I'm done with him disregarding my relationship with Lennox.

  "So feisty." Andrew chuckles.

  "I'm not feisty. Feisty is Jessica's job. I'm pissed off." I point out unhappily.

  "I think the term for Jess is bat-shit crazy." He mutters.

  "Hey!" Jessica yells at him and throws a glass of nail polish at his head.

  I walk away going towards the bathroom, not needing to hear them argue. I know they'll be able to hear my conversation but I don't want to talk to Lennox in front of them. I open the door and close it behind me. I hit send and it only rings once before Lennox picks up. "You better be in the air within the next five minutes."

  "Hey, it’s me." I say, relieved to hear his voice.

  "Are you leaving now?" He questions.

  "No, I wanted to talk to you." I reply.

  I can sense his tension by the way he's breathing. "I need you to come home right away."

  "I know your mark was rejected. I know it will only take when I'm pregnant." I state.

  "Then you understand what I’ll need to do." He replies unapologetically.

  My heart starts to hammer in my chest. "I'm not ready for that Lennox." I say, breathless.

  "It's the only way."

  It's not the only way. I could stay here, but it would possibly start a fight between my father’s pack and his. Do I want to do that? The answer is no, but I don't want to start a family just to be fully mated. It doesn't seem right and I know he's not thinking clearly. If I go back I could possibly convince him to wait, then again I may fail at that. I know I'm not prepared to be a mother. I'm more than a few years from being ready for that. "We can wait." I suggest.

  "No." is his immediate reply.

  "I won't leave your territory." I negotiate.

  "We'll discuss it when you get here. I can’t think about this without you in front of me. I can't be reasonable right now."

  "Okay. We're leaving soon."

  "I'll be waiting at the airstrip." He replies ending the call. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom hitting Jessica on the forehead with the door. I roll my eyes at her and Marta giggles.

  "I'm going back." I say to my dad. Who is for some reason already shaking his head no.

  "He'll have to wait. I heard you say you're not ready and until you're eighteen he can't claim you without my blessing. I refuse to give it." He states, firmly. Dad turns to Liam. "Go back and tell Lennox he will have to wait until she's eighteen.

  "Tell him he has competition. Whether the fight is on my soil or his." Andrew speaks, crossing his arms. Andrew just challenged Lennox for not only for me but his territory as well.

  "Andrew." dad says, shaking his head. "That is not something I need right now. Lennox is our strongest Ally."

  "I know what he is. I'm not changing my mind." He responds almost harshly.

  "I choose to be with Lennox. I'm leaving." I speak up. I won’t let him start anything with Lennox over me. I want to be with him, we can work this mark and mating thing out.

  "I'm doing what’s best for you." Dad says, his eyes begging for me to understand.

  "Whether Lennox kills Andrew in two months or if I go now, it won't matter. I won't be ready to start a family in two months any more then I am today. What will keeping me here for two months accomplish? Lennox and I will figure this out together, but if you want to keep him as an ally you better let me go. I have no doubt he'll be coming for me with your blessing or not."

  I can see dad is torn and fighting with his sense of duty as my father and the logical part of him telling him me staying here will only anger Lennox and get Andrew killed. Andrew is a strong alpha but nothing like Lennox. This could turn out bad for him. He could potentially lose both Andrew and Lennox.

  "Dad she's right. Two months won't do anything but make Lennox mad that you kept his mate for two months. "

  "She's not his mate." Andrew corrects coldly.

  "She is choosing him. She said it, listen to her." Jessica snaps.

  "I'll only let you go if he agrees to wait until you're ready. You may even change your mind in the two months you're away from him." He reasons.

  I can't believe what I'm hearing. I'm choosing to be with Lennox and he's refusing to let us be together.

  "You're making a mistake. I can calm him down he'll listen to me, he's more likely not to listen me now then in two months. I thought you wanted Lennox mated to one of your daughters?"

  "I do. I'll talk to him. If he agrees to wait I'll let you leave. If he refuses I won't." He must see my rage because he adds. "I want you to see it from my point of view. I haven't gotten to protect you from much. I have to step in when I know he is going to force you to mate with him. I can't have it, Jocelyn. He can't do that to you, he can wait."

  "You should try to see where I'm coming from too, dad. He is my mate and you're keeping me from him. This has nothing to do with you. I don't need you to step in when it comes to Lennox and I."

  He turns away from he and opens the bedroom door. "One day, you may thank me."

  "Never." I respond, tears falling down my face.


  Listen up !

  I haven't talked to my father in four days. That's how long he's kept me here away from Lennox. I know my anger is bothering him, but he's not budging. After dad forced Liam to leave his territory he also has refused to let me talk to Lennox until, "Lennox calms down." He says. Only I know that won't wo
rk on Lennox, giving him time will only make him angrier.

  I can only imagine how mad Lennox is with my father and I can't wait to talk to him. I have gotten to know Lennox pretty well and his temper can get the best of him. I don't want him to start a fight with my dad over me. Even though I know its inevitable, Lennox won't wait much longer.

  Even though I know Lennox won't wait for me to be ready to start a family, I still want to be with him. I'm still hoping I could convince him to mark me every few days to keep our physical connection. My biggest fear is his refusal because his claim over me won't be "official". I'll still be seen as unmated to other males and he won't like it. However, he is the alpha. If I agree not to leave his land until I'm truly mated to him, he might give in.

  I brush my hair back into a ponytail not caring what I look like. I throw on a large dark grey off the shoulder tee with black leggings and black ballet flats. Its officially my first day at the local high school. Last night I was informed I was to start school today. After finding out I was starting classes I was mad, then I realized Marta will be there. More importantly, Marta will be there with a cell phone. My cell was taken away and my father ordered everyone to refuse my request to use theirs.

  At least my mom is on my side of things, she's not talking to my father either. I walk downstairs to the kitchen almost running into my father as I round the corner to go into the kitchen. Avoiding looking at him I back up quietly and walk around him.

  "Jocelyn." He says, as I walk away. I stop walking and turn slowly, waiting for him to say what he has to say. "Listen, if anything happens at school today go to the front office and report it. I'll have someone come get you."

  "What's going to happen? Its school dad. She's not going to get shanked in the hallway." Jessica says, almost making me laugh. I turn back around and walk into the kitchen picking up an apple and grabbing a water form the refrigerator.

  "I packed your lunch. It's already in your book bag." Mom tells me from the table.

  "Thanks." I reply.

  "Are you excited about going to school?" Jessica asks, jumping in place and bumping my shoulder. I give her an, 'are you kidding me look'. "Oh, yeah. Well, I always wanted to be the new girl at a new school. You know? No one knowing you, everyone talking about you kind of thing."


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