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Timber's Fairy (Wolfsbane Ridge MC)

Page 6

by Marissa Ann

  Mina was only 15 at the time, so custody of her was given to her brother, Rafael, who was now the President of the club and known as Reaper. Her brother Matt was also in the same club as Sergeant at Arms and was known as Spark.

  She left her home town two years ago and hasn’t been back since. There is nothing in here to suggest as to why she left. But I know there has to be a reason. I could tell the other night when she talked to her brother Matt that she really loves and misses them.

  “This all you could find, brother?” I ask Snake as I finish reading.

  “That’s pretty much it. I did find one thing odd though. About a year after her 21st birthday, she enrolled in self defense classes.”

  “Why would that be odd?”

  “It’s odd because usually people don’t just take those types of classes without a reason. They usually wind up taking them after they have already gone through something. People just don’t think about their own safety before that.”

  “Yeah, I guess you are right. I overheard part of a phone conversation between her and one of her brothers. I could tell from that conversation that something definitely went down. I just don’t know what it is and Mina refuses to talk.” Soon as I finished talking, Mina’s phone started ringing. The display said Rafe and I guessed that to be her other brother. I thought it was a good time to introduce myself.


  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Name is Timber. I assume I have the pleasure of speaking with Reaper?”

  “Where the hell is my sister, asshole? If you have hurt her in any way, I will slice your skin off in strips!”

  “Just shut the hell up a minute. I haven’t hurt Mina. She’s sleeping right now and I think you and I need to talk about some shit.”

  “Why should I talk to you?” he growls through the phone.

  “Because someone blew your sisters truck up in the parking lot of my fucking club.” I can hear him whispering to someone in the room with him.

  “We will be headed out in an hour. Give me an address and a number I can reach you. We can talk then before I take my sister somewhere safe.”

  “You won’t be taking Mina away from here! She is mine! I will be claiming her.” I say through clenched teeth.

  “We’ll see about that when we get there. Text me the address and number, we are headed out your way.” He says before hanging up the phone.

  I look down at the phone squeezing it in my fist and only letting it go once I hear it starting to crack. If he thinks I will let him take Mina, he has another thing coming. She’s fucking mine to protect now. If they wanted to protect her, they should have kept her sexy little ass in Mississippi.

  “Trouble?” Snake asks. My temper had gotten to me so badly that I forgot he was still in the room with me.

  “Only if he thinks he’s taking Mina from me.”

  “No worries Prez, we won’t be letting anyone take your girl. We’ve all seen you with her. She makes all your hard edges a little softer.” He says while laughing.

  “What the fuck ever, did you find anything on the surveillance footage from last night?”

  “Yeah and from what I can tell it’s the same guy. I also found some texts on her phone from an unknown number. It appears to be a burner phone. I wasn’t able to trace it. The texts are really crazy and seem to have gotten more frequent the last 2 weeks.”

  “What did they say?”

  “Whoever this person is, they are truly sick in the head. At first they just said things like, You belong to me; You tried to get away, etc. The most recent one was sent last night after the truck explosion. It said; Whore’s deserve to burn. After reading that, I went back and compared the time on the first video from the shop. The break-in happened after you had been sitting with Mina most of the night at Blackcat. You may be able to get some more answers from Mina. Find out if she has any clue who this guy is.”

  I couldn’t believe she had been keeping the text messages a secret. Even if she wasn’t ready to let me completely in, why didn’t she tell Bella? I know Bella would have told me, at least about this.

  “I’ll go see what I can get her to tell me. You should get something to eat and crash for a while. You’ve been up all night. I appreciate you finding what you could.”

  “That’s what I’m here for.”

  As soon as I open the door to go see if Mina is still in the room asleep, we hear a lot of screaming, cussing, glass breaking and some of the brothers laughing coming from the direction of the kitchen. Snake and I immediately head in that direction.

  When I walk through the door, I see that Mina has a screeching Vivi by her hair, pushing her face down into the table top. Vivi is bleeding from the nose but a quick glance at Mina shows me that she is fine.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” I ask causing the entire room to go silent.



  The silence around me is deafening as I look up at Timber standing just inside the room. I didn’t mean to cause a scene but the bitch had it coming. While we ate, she kept talking to the other coyotes about her time with Blade last night. She only did it to taunt poor Bella. I tried to ignore it like Bella asked me to do but when the bitch tripped her trying to make it look like an accident, all bets were off.

  “She was just taking care of a little problem.” Blood says with a wide grin before turning to Bella. “How about we go for a walk outside, sweetness?” He asks her, grabbing her hand at the same time Blade comes into the room behind Timber.

  “She’s not going any where with you.” Blade says through clenched teeth.

  Timber looks around between all of us and with a sigh he says, “Blood, take Bella for that walk.” Which causes Blade to growl but Timber just ignores him. “Mina, let her up off the table and come with me.” I immediately let her ass drop to the floor and step over her following Timber back towards his room. Once we are inside, I take a seat on his bed and just wait.

  “Mind telling me what the hell happened out there?”

  “Bella walked in on Blade and Vivi in the kitchen last night. Vivi must have seen her before she ran back to her room. We were trying to eat but Vivi kept taunting Bella. She kept talking about her sexual encounter with Blade. I could tell it was making Bella uncomfortable but she asked me to ignore the stupid bitch. Which I honestly tried to do! But when Bella got up to help the girls clear away the dishes, she tripped Bella and tried to act like it was an accident. So I slammed her coyote ugly face into the table.”

  I can see him trying not to laugh, his lips keep twitching so I just sit there and smile at him. He shakes his head and then walks over to me, tilting my face up to him.

  “You are really something else.” He says before he kisses me, and God, what a kiss. I don’t think I will ever get enough of this mans kisses. He pulls away much too soon in my opinion.

  “We need to talk about some things I found out this morning.” He says looking extremely serious.

  “Like what?” I reply as he pulls something out of his back pocket. One look tells me it’s my phone. “Why do you have my phone?” My heart rate starts to pick up at the thought of what he could have found on it.

  “I wouldn’t have taken your phone if you had just been honest with me last night when I asked if there was anything I needed to know. Since I could tell you were hiding shit, I took the phone and let Snake have a look.” He says to me with a raise brow.

  I can tell from that look that he probably now knows almost everything. I knew how this all works, I grew up in it. There was always someone in the club or an outside connection that could get information that most people couldn’t get a hold of.

  “So I guess you now know everything.” I state.

  “I know most of it but I know there are some pieces I have yet to get and you are going to tell me everything.”

  “I need to talk to my brother before I tell you anything.” I’m starting to get pissed off that he thinks he can take control like this
. It’s a reminder of why I left home to begin with. The men in my life always thinking they can control everything and dictate to me how to live my own life.

  “Ah, yes, you mean your brother Reaper? No worries, he’s on his way here.”

  “What the hell do you mean he’s on his way here?”

  “He called while I had your phone and yes, I answered it. They should be here by lunch time tomorrow.”

  “You had no right to neither go through my phone nor answer it Timber!” I scream at him.

  He grabs me by my arms getting close to my face while he shakes me a little bit. “I had every right! Whether you want to agree with me right now or not, you are MINE! The second I touched you for the first time, I knew it. And I know that you felt that shit too. You are mine and I protect what belongs to me!” He growls just before slamming his mouth down on my own.

  At first I stand as stiff as possible but there is no way for me to fight it. My body betrays me because it already knows that it belongs to him. I finally relax into his kiss which causes him to soften against me as well. He slowly backs out of the kiss, cupping my face in his calloused palm.

  “You can’t tell me that you didn’t feel that. Your body responds the second I get close to you.” He whispers against my lips before backing away.

  I stare at him for a moment and ask, “What do you want to know?”

  “First I want you to tell me about these text messages you have been getting. Is that the only thing that has been happening?”

  “No.” I sigh before turning and sitting down on the bed. “I started noticing a single rose petal being left on my front porch about a month ago. I didn’t think anything of it until I received the first text message. And then yesterday morning I saw what I am sure was cum along with the rose petal.”

  “What the fuck! Mina, are you serious right now? Someone has been stalking you and coming to your house while you are there and you don’t say a fucking word to anyone?”

  “I was planning on calling my brother today to tell him what was going on. Then I was going to find a hotel to stay at for a bit. I just wanted one night without them coming in and taking over my life again! Besides, I can take care of myself. I’m no longer that scared, frightened girl from four years ago.”

  “I’m sure those self defense classes taught you a few tricks.” He says making me gasp. “Yeah, Snake found that tidbit of information as well. What I want to know is what the hell happened to you that caused you to take a self defense class for a year before taking off from home and never going back?”

  I knew that eventually I would have to talk about my past. It really wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Some women aren’t able to escape before getting raped. I happened to be lucky that I did get away.

  “Come on Mina, just be honest with me. Tell me what happened. I’d rather find out from you than from your cocky ass brother when he gets here.”

  “Fine, I’ll tell you.” I sigh. “There was a guy in my brothers club. He was a little older than me but he made it clear that he was interested. He was kind, sweet and very attentive. I was used to all the guys being nice to me. They all treated me like a sister except for him. Mostly because I grew up with all the other guys and Josh was a new guy to the club. We had been dating for about 2 months when my 21st birthday came around.”

  “I had been learning to drive an old bike Rafe had in the garage. For my birthday, my brothers surprised me with a brand new Harley Davidson Sportster. It was beautiful! I went for a ride and stayed gone all day, only coming back in time for the pool party later that afternoon. I had just pulled my new bike into the shed when Josh came in from a side door. I could tell he’d already been drinking. I don’t remember everything that was said but I remember thinking I needed to get out of there.

  He grabbed me and hit me in the face causing me to fall on the ground. When he got on top of me, I started to struggle and he hit me several more times in the face. He just about had my pants and panties off of me when Grease came in. He seen what was happening and got him off.” With tears in my eyes I look up at Timber. “That’s everything, happy now?”

  He sits down on the bed pulling me into his lap and holds me close allowing me to cry into his shoulder.

  “Shhh, baby, its okay, I got you now.”

  “He’d never acted out of the way to me before. I felt so afraid.” I tell him.

  “Is that why you finally left and never went back home or allowed your brothers back into your life?”

  “Yeah, I guess. Every night when I’d try to sleep, I’d have nightmares about it and all I could see was that damn leather cutt of his. He broke me. I couldn’t stand to be around the other guys simply because of the cutt they were wearing. It didn’t matter that I grew up with most of them and knew they would never hurt me like he did. After a year of sleepless nights, I signed up for the defense class. But that didn’t get rid of the nightmares. So I left. I needed time away to get my head back straight so I could be around my family again without them having to tiptoe around me as if they were afraid I’d shatter like glass.”

  “There’s no reason to hold your family back any more Baby. You got the time you needed away from the club and you are no longer broken. If you were, you’d have never let me get close to you. But since you did, I’m not ever letting you go Mina. Do you understand? I know we’ve not been together that long and we are still getting to know each other but I want to see where this thing between us will go. I need to know if you want that too.”

  I can see the sincerity in his eyes as he speaks, the words flowing straight to my heart. I know in that moment that I could fall in love with this man. I’m probably already halfway there but these feelings frighten me.

  “I’m not sure if I can promise you anything Timber. Every thing feels right when I am with you but it’s been a long time since I put myself out there. And as you know, last time I did it turned into a disaster that took me years to get past.”

  “Just give me a chance, Mina. Not everyone in this life will break your trust in them.”

  He reaches over to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as he leans in for a kiss. The second his tongue touches my bottom lip, I open my mouth to him. Goosebumps spread all over my body causing my nipples to become hard and tingly. He deepens the kiss even more while I rub my aching tits into his chest. He lets out a growl and pushes me down onto the bed with him on top of me.

  “Can you feel that?” He asks while rubbing his hardness into me. “I am like this all the time Mina. All I have to do is think of you. The color of your hair, the way your eyes look at me. It all lights up my body like a fire I can’t extinguish.”

  His words along with his movements are turning me on so bad that I am panting for breath. There’s a pressure building inside of me and I keep trying to rub my pussy into him harder.


  “What’s my name baby?” He growls as he lifts both my arms above my head and holds them with one of his own.

  “Jaxson?” I say looking into his eyes while trying to focus through the fog of lust.

  “Yes, that is the name I want to always hear while we are alone.” His free hand slides my shirt up my ribs barely touching the underside of my breast but he doesn’t go any farther before his hand starts on a downward path to my jeans. He unsnaps them and pulls the zipper down, sliding his hand inside. The second his finger touches my clit, I feel like my body is on fire.

  “You may not be ready to tell me that you belong to me but your body does not lie. One touch and you are soaked for me. I want nothing more than to fill your pussy up with my cock and pound into you until I fill you up with my cum. Afterwards, I will do it all again until I know you are so full of me every other man can smell it.”

  “Oh, God.” I say as he rubs my clit even faster. I’m just on the cliff of my orgasm but before I can fall over it, he removes his hand. “What? Don’t stop Jaxson. I was so close!”

  “Until you tell me that you are mine and th
at you are willing to give us a chance, I plan to keep you in a constant state of arousal so that you understand how you make me feel all the time. But the minute you say you are mine, Mina, I plan to bring you to this room and make you scream my name so many times you lose your voice.” He moves off the bed and looks down at me with a smirk on his face before leaving the room.

  Chapter 8


  Snake was crossing our parking lot towards me. “Hey Prez! There’s a cop at the front gate asking to talk to you!” He said as he walked up to me. “I told him I didn’t know if you were here and I wasn’t letting him in without a warrant. He wouldn’t tell me what it was about.”

  “Has anyone in the crew done anything I should know about? We don’t need any more problems right now.”

  “Far as I know, everyone has been staying out of trouble.”

  “Let’s hope that is the case. Go ahead and let the cop in. I either talk to him now or we risk him coming back later. I’ll be at a table in the bar.” I say as I walk back towards the clubhouse.

  Walking back into the bar, I spotted Bear. “There’s a cop headed in. Go tell everyone to keep a low profile while he’s here.” I told him.

  “On it.” He said as he walked out the back door. Fang, one of our prospects was manning the bar. I gave him a chin lift and knew he’d bring me a beer. As I sat down the door opened and a tall man in a brown sheriff uniform walked in behind Snake and Blade. I figure him to be in his mid-fifties and definitely a proud man with the way he carries himself. I motioned for him to take a seat.

  “John Wilson.” He says offering me his hand.

  “Timber. Now, what can I help you with?” I say while shaking his hand and Fang sets a beer down in front of me.


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