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Timber's Fairy (Wolfsbane Ridge MC)

Page 8

by Marissa Ann

  “I’m sure Jaxson. I’ve never been more sure of anything else.”

  I grab her by the neck and kiss her thoroughly.

  “I plan to take you bare. There will never be anything between you and me when we are in our bed together. If you don’t want kids right now, I would suggest making an appointment with the doctor to get on the pill.”

  She looks at me with wide eyes like she can’t believe what I just said.

  “You talk like you don’t care if I get pregnant Jaxson.”

  “That’s because I don’t care. I think it would be nice to have some little girls running around that look like you. They would be ours. Now hush and let me love you.”

  I kiss down the side of her neck as my hands tweak her nipples. She gasps and rubs her pussy into my cock a little harder. I suck one of her nipples into my mouth and bite down just a little bit. Her tits are so sensitive, I notice that every time I bite them a little bit, her pussy gushes and gets wetter. I start rubbing my cock into her faster and when I know she is close to another orgasm I position the head directly at her center easing just the head in.

  My thumb begins circling her clit as I slowly push more of my cock into her tight little hole.

  “That pussy is so tight baby. It feels so good on my cock. Let me all the way in.” I say as I ease a little farther into her.

  I flick my thumb even faster on her clit making her move on her on and her pussy takes even more of me. I pull almost completely out, leaving only the head in her entrance when she wraps her legs around me and jerks me all the way into her.

  Feeling her tense up once I am fully inside, I look into her eyes and kiss her.

  “I was trying to go slow so I wouldn’t hurt you.” I say against her lips.

  “I knew it would hurt the first time Jaxson, but you were going too slow. I need you to move.” She says as she attempts to move up and down on my shaft.

  “Is this what you want baby.” I say as I ease out and slowly move back in.

  “Oh yes, like that. Just don’t stop.”

  I start a slow rhythm as I alternate between biting and licking each of her nipples. They are a direct line to her pussy making her passage even slicker with her juices.

  “Harder.” She whispers.

  I grab two fists full of her hair and growl as I begin to slam into her harder than before. I rise up on my knees, tilting her up and slamming back into her at this new angle causing her to gasp.

  “Play with those beautiful tits while I pound this pussy baby.”

  I watch as she begins to tweak her own nipples and her pussy pulses every time she pinches them. My strokes become even harder as I fuck her.

  “Come on baby, cum on my cock. Let those juices drip down my balls.” I growl at her.

  I feel her pussy start to tighten fiercely around me. Looking down, I watch as her pussy swallows up my entire cock and the second she screams out my name in the middle of her orgasm, I let the fire in my balls go and fill her womb with my seed.

  Chapter 9


  The next morning, I woke up to Timber slowly kissing me. I didn’t remember falling asleep but I do remember him waking me up several times throughout the night to make love to me again. He awoke something in me and made me feel like I was extremely special. I had never felt like this with anyone else which is why I had never let any other relationships get far enough to take the next step.

  “Come on baby. We need to get us some breakfast. I’m pretty sure I used up all your energy last night.” He says with that cocky smile on his beautiful face before pulling on clean clothes. “Plus, your brothers should be getting here soon. I’m sure you’d like to greet them in the bar instead of our bedroom.”

  “Well, I really would hate to see them kill you within the first five minutes of meeting you.” I get up and start pulling clothes out of my bag. Once we are dressed, we head to the kitchen.

  After breakfast, Timber heads over to the hop to get some work done before lunch and I stay to help the yotes clean up. Vivi sits at the table the whole time glaring at me and not helping. I think it’s time I put some fire under her ass and let it be known that I will not be pushed around by the club pussy. I know that being the President’s Ole Lady requires that I take control in this area.

  “Vivi, I would suggest you get up and start helping to get shit cleaned up in this kitchen. After that, you can help with the clothes that are piling up in the laundry room.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do? Do you really think that just because you are fucking the President you are special? HA! You are no different than the rest of us!” She screeches at me.

  “I am going to tell you one last time to get your ass up and help the other girls around here, or I will throw you out of this building and into the street beyond the gates! We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You choose.” I say, having enough of her shit.

  “You can’t do that! Timber will not let you, you stupid bitch! You’re not in charge here! You are only doing this because you know he’ll be fucking my pussy when he’s done with you next week!”

  “Vivi, you are so damn delusional! A club brother is not going to take a filthy whore like you to be his ole lady, especially the President of the club. I also know for a fact Timber has never touched your ass. Do you really think he is going to want a stretched out pussy that probably smells and tastes like tuna? Bless your little heart!” I say with a curl to my lip as the other girls start to laugh.

  “Fuck you, bitch!” She screams.

  “Guess it’s the hard way then.” I say just before I grab her by the hair and start for the front door dragging her behind me. She claws at my arm, drawing blood but I hardly notice. Nothing is going to stop me from taking the trash out.



  Blood and a few of the other brothers were still going over Mina’s truck when I got to the shop after breakfast. They were mainly still trying to find what pieces they could of the bomb that was used.

  I went to the office to work on some of the paperwork for our legitimate side of the shop. We had several vehicles scheduled to come in for basic repairs and maintenance. About 45 minutes later I heard a large rumble and knew a lot of bikes were headed in. Guess I was finally going to come face to face with the legendary Night Howlers.

  Standing outside the shop, I waited for them all to pull up where Blood directed them to. I spotted Reaper right off in the front leading his crew and walked over to meet him at his bike.

  “Reaper.” I said as he cut off his engine and climbed off his bike.

  “You must be Timber. Where’s my sister?” He asks just as we hear a commotion at the front of the clubhouse building. One look tells me Vivi has been up to shit again because I see that Mina is dragging her out by the hair. All the members that were inside and the coyotes too are following behind her.

  Reaper starts to chuckle along with his crew as they look on the scene in front of us.

  “Never mind, guess we found her. The bitch she’s pulling behind her, is that your side piece?” He says as his eyes turn to slits looking at me.

  “Hell no, the bitch wishes in her dreams.” I growl back at him. “She’s been giving Mina and her friend, Bella, problems this past week. Looks like Mina is over playing nice.”

  “My sister has a temper from hell in case you haven’t figured it out yet.”

  “I probably better go see what the problem is.” I say on a sigh as I head in Mina’s direction with the Reaper following me.

  We catch up with Mina nearly at the front gate and it takes her a second to realize we are standing there. She doesn’t let go of the screaming banshee she has a hold of but she stops walking.

  “What’s going on Mina?” I ask calmly.

  “Well, I told this bitch to get up and help the other girls clean up around the clubhouse. She refused. I told her if she didn’t help, I would remove her and toss her out the gate. And that is exactly what I p
lan on doing! Do you plan to stop me?” She says with a stubborn look on her face like she isn’t sure what my reaction will be.

  “I have no intensions of stopping you. You have all the say in that department baby.”

  “But Timber, I’ve been with the club longer than she has!” Vivi says in her whining voice and I look over at her.

  “That may be true, but Mina is my girl. That makes her queen bee around here.” As I finish saying this, Mina drags her the rest of the way to the gate and pushes her out, slamming the gate back shut.

  Vivi continues to scream and threaten Mina saying she’ll regret this but I don’t worry about that bitch. I won’t let anyone hurt my girl. When she walks back towards us, she doesn’t go straight to her brother which makes hope flare in my chest that she is definitely accepting her role in my life. I give her a quick kiss on the lips before we look back at her brother and the rest of his crew.

  “What? No hug for us Little Fairy?” Reaper asks and Mina moves to give him a hug.

  “I missed you Rafe. Where’s Matt?” she asks.

  “You need to go back to calling us by our club name Little Fairy.” He says with a chuckle. “Spark will be here later. He’s checking on some club business, shouldn’t be more than an hour.”

  “Why don’t you and your crew come inside the clubhouse? I’m sure you all could use a drink after your long ride. Once your other brother gets here, I’ll call church and we can all go over everything.” I say and we all start walking towards the door.

  Once inside, I make introductions to some of my own crew and we take a seat the table in the back. Once I sit down, Mina sits down in my lap without me telling her to. She seems to be trying to make a statement to her brother without saying a word. He seems to understand it clearly as his eyes narrow at us but he doesn’t say a word.

  I wrap my arms around her and sit back to listen as Mina and her family catch up with each other since she’s been gone from home.



  “What you been up to Fairy? We haven’t seen you in a really long time. We’ve missed you.” Grease asks me as a way to break the tension between me and my brother.

  “I’ve been really good Grease. My editor helped to get me a three book signing deal last year. I’m currently working on the 2nd one.”

  “That’s really awesome. Why didn’t you tell Spark and I about that during one of our calls?” Rafe asks with a disappointed tone.

  “I don’t know. We didn’t exactly talk very much the last two years. When we did, it was to argue over you paying my mortgage off.” I snap at him. There’s no way I am taking all the blame for the tense relationship we have had the past couple of years.

  The front door of the clubhouse opens and I see that Matt is walking through the door. I jump up and tart running towards him and he picks me up as I jump into his arms.

  “God, I’ve missed you Matt!!” I say as he puts me back down.

  “Ha-ha, yeah I can tell Little Fairy. Look at you! You have grown even more since we seen you last!”

  “I was already grown when I left unless you are saying I’ve gotten fat?” I ask with a serious look on my face trying to not crack up as he tries to answer.

  “That’s not what I meant. You are still as little as a fairy.”

  “I’m just messing with you. Come on, Rafe is already at a table with Timber. I want you to meet him.” I say with a blush.

  Matt grabs my arm to stop me, “Hang on there Fairy. What’s that look? Have you finally found what you’ve been looking for?”

  “Yes, I do believe that I have Matt. And I need your help to convince Rafe. He has that stubborn look on his face. I will not let him come here and take over my life. I have no intension of allowing him to take me away from Timber.”

  He studies my face for a few seconds before shaking his head. “Okay, let’s go meet your man and try to keep our brother from killing him before I can get some little nieces or nephews that I can spoil rotten.” He says shocking me and reminding me of the conversation Timber and I had last night. He starts laughing when my face turns blood red.

  “Just come on.” I say in a huff as we walk back to the table in the back.



  After being introduced to Mina’s brother Matt also known as Spark and the Sergeant at Arms or the Night Howlers, I knew that he was completely on our side. It was just Reaper that I needed to deal with when it came to making sure he didn’t try to take Mina from me.

  “Now that everyone is here and you’ve had time to catch up, it’s time to call church so we can figure all this shit out. Blade, call the guys into the chapel.” I say as I stand up and put Mina on her own feet. I turn her to me and lay a very possessive kiss on her lips with the Night Howlers looking on.

  “Staking your claim Timber?” She asks in a whisper only I can hear.

  “You damn straight. It looks like I need all the help I can get at the moment.” I whisper back as I look beyond her shoulder into the eyes of Reaper who looks like he’s just barely holding himself back from ripping her from my arms.

  I give her one last small kiss on her lips. “We’ll be done in little bit.” I say as all the brothers walk towards the back for church.

  An hour later we have gotten Reaper and his crew caught up on everything that has happened so far from the break-in at the shop, the text messages Mina has gotten and the truck exploding.

  “I’m pretty sure you all already know who this guy is. So I think its time you tell us everything you know as well.” I say to Reaper who is sitting across the table from me.

  He let’s out a sigh and rubs his face before looking back at me. “His name is Josh. At least we think that is his real name. The last name he gave us turned out to be a fake, so we have no idea who he really is.”

  “How did you not pick that up on a background check before allowing him into your club?”

  “At the time, we had no reason to suspect anything so we didn’t dig deeper. If we had, maybe everything could have ended differently. But someone set up the fake name, address, previous employment, all of it, to look legit when we ran his name.”

  “The week before Mina was attacked is when we realized how wrong we had been to trust him. We had been having a series of break-ins for over a year. Shipments were coming up short and we were losing thousands of dollars at a time. We made the connection early on that it was only happening when Josh was the one that was supposed to be on watch at the storage locations. But we had no proof until that week before. That’s when he made a mistake thinking we hadn’t installed back-up cameras without telling anyone about it.”

  “Soon as he realized he’d been caught on camera, he went into hiding. None of us at the time knew he’d been slipping around to see Mina behind our backs and Mina never mentioned it. She always hated the way we intimidated her dates. So I get why she never told us.”

  “The night of her attack, we’d received word that he’d been spotted in the area but we never thought he’d slip into the house unnoticed and attack her. Grease is the one that heard a noise in the shed and went to see what it was. He pulled Josh off of her and tied him up. Has she told you about that night?” He asks.

  “She’s told me what she remembers but I have a feeling it’s a lot more than that, right?” Feeling my heart beat faster in my chest at the thought of what my girl may have went through in that shed before Grease got to her.

  “It was really bad. We aren’t sure how many times he hit her in the face but she was so badly beaten that she was unrecognizable. She had multiple fractures and deep bruising to her stomach area. Almost every bone in her hands was broken from her putting up a fight. We know from the doctor that examined her that he didn’t rape her but Grease said that when he got into the shed it looked like the son of a bitch was getting ready to rape her from behind.”

  I could see the anger in Reapers eyes as he retells the story of what happened to Mina. It’s the same anger I feel bub
bling up inside of me. I can’t wait to get my hands on the asshole and teach him why I am named after the wolf. I always get my prey and I tear it apart with my bare hands.

  “So what did you do with him? Apparently you didn’t kill the fucker as he’s now here terrorizing her.” Blade asks through clenched teeth.

  “That’s a damn good question. She is your sister for fucks sake and you let the mother fucker who hurt her live?” Snake asks the group as well.

  “We left his ass barely breathing at the bottom of a well in the middle of no where. It’s not like we expected that fucker to survive!” Grease growls as he slams his meaty fist on the table.

  I can see that this affected their entire club. They all love Mina as a sister and that is clear to see in their eyes. It’s her brother Reaper though who seems to be eaten up with guilt.

  “Well, what’s done is done. None of us can change the past but we can make damn sure that nothing happens to her now or in the future. From the information we have been able to gather so far from all our sources, he is now a part of the Demon Riders.

  A local cop we are working with suspects them as the main suspects for some local girls that have come up missing in the last few months. We need to try to find a connection. Something that’ll help us to figure out how they are choosing the girls they are taking. Sheriff Wilson is hoping his niece is still alive. We also need to make sure Mina is never alone so that this fucker doesn’t get his hands on her.”

  “I plan to take Mina to a safe location until this is all figured out.” Reaper says while looking at me.

  “You won’t be leaving this compound with Mina.” I growl back.

  “She’s my sister and I plan to make sure she stays safe this time.”

  “It’s not your decision asshole. She is now a part of Wolfsbane.” I say as my eyes turn to slits. I really would hate to hurt my girls’ brother but I will if he even attempts to take her from me.


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