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Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5)

Page 16

by Neal, Xavier

  There's a small pause as she smiles brightly into the camera.

  I swear it's just for me.

  “I left for the airport today, unless Destin was a bad boy in which I haven't left yet and he's gonna be in huge trouble.” Chuckling I fold my arms across my chest. “I know you've lost a lot in these past few months. I know it's been hard. More importantly I know you fear the idea of forgetting. Of letting those memories just...die. But as someone who has an entire life they'll never be able to know about or get back, I will say no one deserves to feel that. You deserve to keep those memories forever. So here you thank you to you. And my I love you to you Destin...”

  Drew looks at me. “Is she gonna sing?”

  Knox groans, “God I hope she doesn't sing.”

  “If she fucking sings, I'm turning it off,” Madden declares.

  There's a brief second of a black screen before a face appears that sends us all to the edge of our seat.

  “I'm a fucking McCoy,” Daniel chuckles goofy into the camera. “What's better than that baby!” The girl beside him tosses her hands in the air seconds before doing a shot with him.

  “That's fucking Middle Man,” Drew whispers weakly.

  The video footage cuts to another shot of Daniel being the life of a different party. We watch as the world cheers him, Merrick laughing at his side. More drinks are had, more laughs captured, the two of them looking like drunken idiots, but happy nonetheless. The film changes scenes again this time to the three of us at a pool party. We're laughing hysterically, trying to drown each other, chicks desperately trying to be close to us.

  A female voice I don't recognize says, “Another day in the life of a McCoy.”

  It zooms in on the three of us together, leaned against the edge, smiles never fading. Suddenly it fades to footage of us working in the shop together. Merrick is play fighting with Ben. I'm in the office on the phone. Drew's talking to Madden and Knox. There's no audio, but by the smiles we're giving off it was probably a good day. Daniel slides out from underneath a Benz he was working on, laughing while Knox smirks and Madden scowls.

  Some things never change.

  The montage changes to Daniel doing a performance on his bike at one of the events he used to attend. It shows him completing several stunts, the crowd eating him up, demanding more from him. After his final trick he parks and simply waits for something. That's when it happens, he's joined by two more motorcycles. One on each side.

  “That's us,” Drew whispers with tears on his face.

  In unison the three of us take off down the road and pop up onto one wheel at the exact same time. The video stills at that moment capturing the three of us the way I'll never forget. As one unit.

  With tears on my own face at the sight of the three us together, forever frozen in time, I lean back with a bittersweet smile on my face as I read the words out loud. “Thank you for welcoming me into the best family in the world.”

  Dead or alive. That fact is true. Even if Daniel, Ben, and Merrick are not here beside us, they're still family. They're still a part of us. And thanks to the most amazing woman I've met in my life, I can see us together any time. How she even found all this footage is beyond me. I don't even fucking care. All that matters is now we have it. We have a solid piece of history no one can take from us. Damn it feels to be a McCoy. Like Middle Man said...what's better than that?



  Gripping my bag tighter, I slide into the front seat of the SUV Destin is driving. Thankful to be out of the cold I buckle up and rub my hands together while he loads my bags.

  As soon as he's all done he slips back in the driver's seat. “ nuts are so frozen I feel like I should be roasting them on an open fire.”

  The joke makes me snicker before leaning over to give him another kiss.

  We may have made out right outside the door for a few minutes before he grabbed my bags. Can you blame us? I haven't seen him in two months and there is only so much a vibrator can do. Though if you must know Destin has declared that as an 'only while working away from him' object. He preached and preached about how he will make sure my pussy is too worn out to ever need it when I'm home. Is it wrong to hope he makes good on his promise?

  Destin pulls away and leans his forehead against mine. “Hi...”

  With a bright smile, I coo back, “Hi...”

  Another peck makes it onto my mouth before he pulls out of park and away from the airport. “Glad to be home?”

  I reach over and drop my hand on his lap. “Glad to be back with you.”

  There's a long groan that comes from him. “Careful. I am not above pulling this car over into an empty parking lot, letting the seats down, and having a quickie before dinner at The Commissioner's house.”

  Weird I know, but when he requested this one thing from us we couldn't really deny him. I mean all he did to save me from the BV MC before they came to peaceful terms with the McCoys? That cop who saved my life when there was a gun to my head? All the pulls he made to keep me safe, I couldn't just tell him no, when we were requested for dinner. It's the least we can do no matter how much I wish we were home at the apartment having wild and crazy glad to be home sex.

  Changing subjects I ask, “Aside from being ridiculously horny, how is everything? How's the tattoo designing coming along?”

  “It's really fucking awesome...”

  About a week after I left, during one of our nightly video calls, Destin showed me some of his doodles. While most of the designs were the typical cartoon characters or me topless, he had a few that he liked for tattoo possibilities if he were to ever go back and get another one. He explained how he wanted one that could stand for the all McCoys they've lost. None had really made the cut yet, but it got my mind working. A couple days later, I gave him the number of a tattoo shop I knew through Cage that was looking for a new artist. Next thing I knew Destin's doodles were turned from absentminded drawings into a profitable hobby. It's not like he needs the cash, but he enjoys the escape it creates. There's still some rough moments when Daniel's death hurts too bad or Merrick's lack of presence springs into mind. Those are the time he's needs me most. Each time it happened and he broke down I had to talk myself off the ledge of coming home to hold him. However, we eventually began to agree it was good he had some space to learn to cope. To stand on his own two feet again. I think part of him needed that independence. Besides, with The Devil finally dead, I think it's easier for him to gain it.

  “I think I might've settled on one for all of us.”

  Confused I question. “All of us? By all of us you mean-”

  “You. Me. Madden. Knox. Drew. And Mel. All the McCoys.”

  My mouth moves, but nothing comes out.

  “You don't want a tattoo?”

  “Not really,” I squeak. “Needles kind of freak me out.”



  “Watching free runs and boogie boarding with sharks is all very normal to you but needles freak you out?”

  I give his leg a squeeze. “Keep up that kind of lip and you won't be giving me any other kind.”

  Destin groans and pounds the steering wheel in sexual frustration.

  After a giggle I sigh, “Okay, but seriously. You want us all to get the same one?”

  “Yeah.” He glances over at me. “It would mean a lot to me.” The look in his eyes has me nibbling on my bottom lip. “But...if you're too scared, I understand. I'll have Drew figure out how to make you one of those cheap out of the machine washable ones.” Before I can snap again he says, “Speaking of Drew, how do you like his SUV?”

  “I'm glad it's his.”

  He frowns. “You don't like it?”

  “I don't like you in it.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “I don't know. I guess I prefer my Destin on two wheels...” I seductively say.

  Another growl comes from him. “You're killing me baby...”

a short snicker I check the time, trying to estimate how long until sex o’clock.

  Look. I have needs too...

  “Don't worry about that. Me and Pepper are still together. This was just to keep you warm and get all your shit back to the apartment in the least amount of trips. Now do me a favor and open the glove compartment.”

  I follow his request seeing a small velvet box with a red bow. An unhappy look pops up on my face. “We said we were waiting to exchange presents until after dinner.”

  “We are,” he says. “This is just an early one. Open it.”

  “But Destin-”

  “Open it.”

  Rolling my eyes, I grab the box, pull at the ribbon and open it. Inside there's a shiny silver key. When I look up, I'm thankful we are at a stoplight. I lift it up and twirl it around my fingers. “Sex dungeon?”

  He chuckles. “If that's what you wanna call our new apartment, you have my full support.”

  Shock invades my system. “Our what?”

  “Apartment.” My jaw bobs to object. “I realized when you came home I wanted you to come home to our home. I also figured, it's gonna be a lot harder to get past my brothers and cousin's deaths if every time I'm in the apartment it feels like I'm looking at their gravestones. This will be good for me. For you. For us.”

  I press my lips together for a moment as I slip the key back into the box. “Are you sure that's what you want? A new home?”

  “As long as I'm with you baby, anywhere is home.”

  I know the feeling. I guess that's the craziest thing about love. Once you find it, I mean really find it, you never feel homeless or lost again. I may have grown up feeling awkward, with barely there parents and a distant sibling, but I know now, what's truly important. What having family really feels like. I now know exactly what it feels like to have a home.


  Crazy Lady- Your after you've finished reading phone calls are some of my favorites!

  Her Husband- Not too shabby for the baby huh?

  The Law Student- Weakly phone calls. Get on it. Lol

  The Lumberjack- For feeding me Tex Mex when I need it, I love you.

  Nanny Job- For letting me have a stable job while writing takes off.

  Sissy B- Hope these books make you smile.

  Katniss- So....who do you love the most now? lmao

  The Real Life Erin- Keep up that Pretty Girl Rock.

  Throwback- I love our dates...gotta keep 'em up!

  The PAs- Left and Right brain, I appreciate that even when times get tight and rough you're both still there for me.

  The Editor- Squishy hugs for never killing me over deadlines.

  Boss Lady- Double for what I said to The Editor, lol. I love you for understanding I need sleep.

  Genie- You should star in Aladdin 4! I love that only you and I get this joke.

  To the writer's I admire- The list changes and grows every day, but here is my special thank you to all of you. You are wonderful.

  Dream Team- Thanks for always understanding what 'in the cave' really means.

  Patrice H- For loving my books and giving them your time, your reviews, and your energy. I thank you for appreciating my approach to IR instead of ripping it apart for not being “enough” of something.

  Cka R- Your wedding gift is in the mail, haha. Thank you for being part of my writing family and one of the only times from my early days that didn't turn into something sucky.

  Bloggers- Every time you answer a message or a request for me or for others you give this industry hope for indies. Thank you!

  Readers- Last, but never least. There's no real way I can thank you enough for the endless support, but I promise to never stop trying. Thanks for the reviews too! I really do read them all.

  Until next time....

  Curious about what happened to the Merrick McCoy?

  Make sure you check out his books:




  Want to hear about how Drew and Mel fell in love?

  Make sure to check out his standalone novel:


  Curious how The Devil is finally taken down? Ready to see Knox and Madden explode on the page?

  Look out for 'Iconic' COMING SOON!

  Like fast paced love stories? Try The Lucky Bullet by H.S. Strickland

  Excerpt from The Lucky Bullet

  Chapter 1


  I had just finished putting the finishing touches on my makeup when I glanced at the time. “Shit, I’m late again!” I murmured to myself as I darted out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. Liam had kept me up all night and we were running behind. I grabbed my scrubs and quickly threw them on followed by my shoes. One down, one to go.

  I then scurried towards Liam’s room, trying not to trip over all the toys that cluttered the house. I found him drawing when I entered his room. He was almost ready with his blue and white striped shirt and black jeans, but no shoes. He looked up at me and smiled, “Can we go now mommy?”

  “Yeah baby, we can go, grab your backpack and pack your toys.”

  He shot up from his drawing desk and hurried out of the room while I began the search for his shoes. God, there’s toys everywhere. It’s going to take a miracle to find these shoes. I started under his bed, but had no luck. Frustrated, I started picking up his toys, searching under everything. After searching the room frantically for ten minutes, I finally found them in his toy box in the closet.

  “Bingo!” I yelled as I emerged from Liam’s closet with the shoes in hand, smiling from ear to ear. Liam came waltzing in a few seconds later with his backpack in hand, zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder.

  “Did you get the toys you wanted to take with you? You’re going to be gone for two days at Nanny’s.” I asked him as I ushered him to sit down so I could help him put on his shoes.

  He looked up at me and made a face as if I had asked the most ridiculous question he’d ever heard, “Duh mom, I’m not leaving without all of my favorite toys,” he responded.

  Finally leaving, we set out towards my beautiful candy apple red 1969 Ford Boss 429 Mustang. I loved my car almost as much as I loved my son. It was my second baby. I had always had a thing for muscle cars. I might be a woman, but I could tell you a lot more about cars than most men.

  Liam got in the back seat and climbed into his car seat. I pulled my seat back so I could buckle him in. The one thing I disliked about my car was that it only had two doors instead of four, but I guess you have to deal with something you disliked to get what you want. And boy did I want this car.

  While driving down the highway that stretched for miles, my mind drifted to my mother. Why she came to mind I couldn’t tell you, but every so often she would make an appearance in my head.

  My mom had skipped out on my brothers and me a few years ago, not that I would complain since she was in fact a horrible mother. She never gave a rat’s ass about us. She never physically abused us, but physical abuse was not the only way to leave scars.

  My Nanny practically raised the four of us. She had always favored me, because I was the baby of her grandchildren and the only girl. I had three older brothers, Michael, Matthew, and Bryan. Michael is the oldest at 36, Matt at 34, Bryan at 32, and myself at 29 almost 30.

  Our dad was around till Michael turned two, but only ever came around if mom was looking for a booty call. That was how the rest of us were born. Michael doesn’t remember him. If he did, he had never talked about him before and none of us had asked. We all looked alike, with blonde hair which had a slight wave to it, and hazel eyes. Michael is a police officer. Matt is a boxer. Bryan is a defense attorney and I am a doctor at the local hospital. I guess you could say that the lifestyles we had when we were younger played a part in our jobs. Go figure.

  Mom never worried about putting food on the table for us, she was more concerned about where and how she was getting her next fix. None of us ever wanted to have to continue l
iving like we had as children, so we shot high in our careers. I loved my job to death and wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  I pulled into my Nanny’s driveway and hurried Liam out of the car. My shift was just about to start and I still had to drive to the hospital. When she opened the door Liam darted inside, nearly knocking over my Nanny. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. She had long black hair, and the warmest brown eyes that just invited you in. She had a little bit of weight to her, but she didn’t let that stop her. She wore her weight well. She had laugh lines around the corner of her eyes and the corners of her mouth, giving away her age. She was an amazing woman and I loved her dearly.


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