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Brink Of Passion (Alpine Woods Shifters)

Page 10

by Sondrae Bennett

  He pulled back until only his fingertips touched her. Her growl of frustration turned to a gasp as he placed a quick kiss at the top of her spine. Then downward, placing light pecks along the way.

  Tremors skittered through her the lower his lips grazed. Slowly. Making sure she felt each butterfly brush of lips and hands along her spine.

  He squeezed her butt at the same time he sucked at the small of her back. Laurie didn’t know where to focus. She was one giant ball of need, the orgasm she’d stalled until now frustratingly out of reach.

  “Max, please.” On some level, she rebelled at the idea of begging. But she’d passed that level a long time ago. Sensation and need ruled her now.

  “Not done, yet.”

  Laurie groaned, part frustration, part pleasure, and pure lust. In front of her, the black marble tiling left nothing to distract her from the feel of his hands shifting toward her most sensitive places. Of his teeth scraping over the curve of her ass. His hands slid lower as he pressed both thumbs inside her, his other fingers tickling her clit. She screamed as she came, her body jolting as she was thrown into ecstasy.

  Laurie floated on a sea of pleasure as wave after wave assailed her. All sense of time and place disappeared as Max sawed his thumbs in and out. She was lost. Helpless against his assault. Another wave hit and she could do nothing but ride it until it receded, gasping for air.

  Eagerness thrummed through her veins as he stood. She wanted him. All of him. Nothing less would completely satisfy her. Already her body had begun to tense again, seeking the satisfaction both her and her wolf knew only he could provide.

  His body surrounded her, tilting her hips backward as he positioned her where he wanted. Yes. She needed this more than her next breath.

  “Please.” Later, she’d be embarrassed for having begged not once, but twice. But all she wanted was him inside her. How he got there didn’t matter.

  “Patience, little rabbit,” he whispered against her ear.

  Laurie thrust her hips back against him, bumping into his erection. Behind her, a breath hissed out between clenched teeth. Even through the haze of passion, she smiled.

  “Not a rabbit. Not prey. Together.” She hoped her message got across, because she couldn’t manage more. If he didn’t enter her soon, she would take matters into her own hands and use him until they were both spent. She needed him like a druggie needed the next fix.

  “Won’t let me have anything, will you?” The words were so low she suspected he hadn’t meant them for her. Confusion slid through her pleasure-soaked mind, but hunger for him burned too hot and fast for it to grab hold.

  He gripped her hips, positioning himself, and Laurie held her breath while struggling to still her squirming. Her muscles ached, desperate to writhe against the firm chest behind her. Then she felt him press against her and the fight died. Here was what she wanted. What she needed.

  Her nails sharpened to points, and her gums ached, a sure sign her fangs had dropped. How could he bring her so close to the brink after only one week? But never before had she experienced such wild abandon. Such soul-shattering pleasure.

  Her groan rent the air as he sank inside her. He paused for a moment, and she wanted to turn around and claw him until he moved, but his hands held her hips prisoner, and his front covered her back.

  More. She needed more.

  When she thought she would scream in frustration, he began moving. Pulling out until only the tip remained, then thrusting to the root once more. Hard. She straightened her arms, pushing against the wall and angling her hips to take him deeper. Her head thrown back to rest on his shoulder as he moved.

  He plunged deep, followed by two shallow thrusts that had her aching for more. Deep, then shallow, continuing the rhythm. Her body moving to match his. With each deep thrust, her pleasure jumped, coiling the aching knot in her gut tighter. Each shallow thrust seemed to temper the hunger without lessening it until she was wound so tight she thought she might break.

  She arched against a shallow thrust, pushing her hips backward in a silent demand. A demand he ignored, continuing to relentlessly build her pleasure. She raced toward a peak that kept moving further and further away. A sob of frustration caught in her throat.

  His hands slid around to her front, dragging a trail of suds over her skin. When had he soaped them? He cupped her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her aching nipples. His lips teased his mark on her shoulder, a newly acquired erotic zone.

  She tried to tell him to stop. It was too much. Too fast. Too consuming. But then he slid deep. Once. Twice. Three times. And Laurie shattered around him.

  She hung her head, forcing air into her lungs as the world around her blurred. She heard Max roar behind her, a sound so primal and penetrating she quivered around him even though she was already finished.

  Laurie rested her forehead on the tile in front of her as the world slowly came back into focus. Water sluiced over her shoulders and down her back, somehow finding a path between her and Max. His body surrounded her, heating her far deeper than the hot water or the steam floating in the air around them.

  His hand rubbed a continuous path up and down, from hip to the side of her breast. If she hadn’t been so exhausted, she would have arched into his touch like a cat being pet. But she was spent. Utterly and completely.

  Max’s chest vibrated as a purr rumbled from his throat.

  “I thought large cats didn’t purr.” Jesus. Was that her voice? Pleasure slurred her words, and her tone was deep and husky. It didn’t sound like her own.

  “In the wild they don’t.” His lips caressed the side of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Why didn’t he sound as worn out as she? Hardly seemed fair. He grunted. “Some do, some don’t.”

  Curiosity sparked, making her want to ask more, but exhaustion weighed the questions down, refusing to let them rise. She closed her eyes, savoring her mate’s touch.

  “Right now, both cat and man are entirely satisfied,” he said after a long moment. She opened her eyes, but could glean no knowledge of his thoughts from the wall. From the corner of her eye, she saw him reach for the nozzle to turn off the shower. With a hiss, the water cut off.

  He placed a quick peck against her neck before pulling away. Disappointment swept over her as cold air kissed her back when he opened the shower door, spoiling her warm haven. She heard Max rustling around outside the shower, but she had no energy to join him. Eventually she would, when the desire to leave the cold air superseded the desire to not move. Right now, she just couldn’t muster the energy.

  Her mind, but not her body, jerked in surprise when the towel surrounded her. Her muscles were too tired for even that. Max’s warmth circled her, rubbing the towel over her arms, then down her waist and thighs. She grumbled when it rubbed between her legs. Max’s laugh rolled over her before his lips brushed her shoulder.

  “Don’t worry, dear. Let’s just get you dried off and into bed.”

  Laurie frowned. Why did he have more energy than her? How come he could walk around and get ready for bed when she could hardly lift her head from the wall?

  “What’s wrong?” The alarm in his voice roused her.

  She lifted her head, searching for the source of his dismay when she hadn’t sensed any danger.

  He turned her to face him, his gaze searching hers. “Why are you upset?”

  She shook her head. The water or the sex had addled her brain. That was the only explanation as to why she couldn’t follow along.

  “I’m not.”

  He scowled at her.

  Her breath left her on a huffed out laugh. He looked so fierce, as if he thought he could cow her to his desires. “Really. Why would you think that?”

  “I felt…something from the bond. I didn’t get a clear picture. But you weren’t happy.”

  Laurie blushed. Oh God. Just how much was she projecting?

  “It is something. What is it?” he demanded, his gaze moving over her reddened face.

More blood rushed into her cheeks. No way was she admitting she was jealous, and maybe a touch worried, that she’d been so drained from sex with him and he hadn’t been.

  “It’s nothing,” she hedged, reaching for the towel so she could finish drying off. He held onto it. They struggled, pulling the cloth back and forth between them before Laurie gave up with a snort of disgust. Ridiculous. “It really is nothing.”

  “Then it will mean nothing to tell me.”

  Laurie glared, but judging from his expression, she lacked resolve.

  “Tell me, or I’ll dwell all night, and it’s already been a rough night.”

  She saw it then. The strain around his eyes and mouth even their sexual escapade hadn’t completely erased. The sadness planted deep in his gaze.

  “What’s wrong?” Something bad must have happened. The look of despair hadn’t been there when they’d arrived earlier.

  “You tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine,” he said with a smile. She was relieved that, although it didn’t erase the sadness within, the smile did reach his eyes.

  “I was upset that you had so much energy when I felt so drained after sex, and worried that I hadn’t pleased you.” There was no question of revealing her secret when he put his own troubles on the table as a counter. She didn’t understand it, but the need to help him pulsed inside her like a living, breathing being.

  Surprise passed over his features, before his smile deepened, tilting up with a touch of smugness.

  “Drained, huh?” He pulled her against him and rested his chin on her head.

  Laurie closed her eyes and took comfort in his scent. This mating was driving her crazy. She felt hormonal, unable to control her thoughts or emotions.

  “You pleased me more than I could possibly say. I’ve never felt anything close to the pleasure you give me, in bed or out of it. As far as being drained, you did have an extra orgasm thrown in there, thanks to yours truly.”

  Laurie punched his arm, but couldn’t do any damage from her position. Not that she really wanted to. Pride and delight filled her chest at his confession.

  “Your turn.” She didn’t want to dwell on her concerns. She wanted to hear his.

  He was silent so long, she thought he was going to welch. His hands caressed her back as his chin rubbed back and forth over her hair. She’d noticed he did that a lot, absently stroking. Even in sleep, he seemed to seek tactile contact.

  “My brother is in a coma.” The anguish bled into the whispered words.

  His words repeated in her brain. Ryan? The man she’d met earlier this week had been charming and clever, and more importantly, healthy. What could have happened in so short a time?

  “What happened?” she asked, knowing there were no words capable of comforting him. Max, who she knew from conversations was especially close to his brother, must be devastated. Her heart broke. Even as his mate, she could do nothing to stop this pain.

  “Someone attacked him. Here in the building.”

  “Someone from the pack? I mean, the leap?”

  “Not necessarily.” He sighed, his frustration evident. “Probably. I just can’t understand it. Or think of anyone who would do this.”

  Laurie gathered her thoughts before speaking.

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  Seeking to comfort, Laurie squeezed him to her and rubbed his back. Her tongue burned to ask more. About his brother’s condition. About the pack itself, she suspected she’d always think of it as a pack instead of a leap. But it was late, and what Max needed more than an interrogation was a good night’s sleep. Her questions could wait until morning.

  “Let’s get some sleep. We’ll sort everything out in the morning.”

  He smiled as she led him from the bathroom and to the bed.

  “I’m so glad I found you.”

  Laurie returned his smile, but his words worried her. They’d only known each other a week, and had yet to even attempt a routine. She knew his feelings for her weren’t entirely superficial, and that was enough for now. She only hoped he’d feel the same way once she settled in.

  Chapter 7

  Late. Again.

  Laurie glanced at her watch. Seven eighteen. He’d promised he’d be back for dinner. She’d even dressed up in a clingy black skirt that zipped in the back, and a dark red button-up that accentuated her breasts. While putting it on, she’d imagined him taking it off her button by button, slowly exposing her skin to his eyes, hands, and mouth.

  Biting back a sigh, she leaned forward and blew out the candles on the table. He was busy. Had a whole pack, leap, to take care of. She knew that. But it had been one week since they’d arrived and so far, it seemed as if they’d barely spent any time together. The first few days, she’d kept busy unpacking, carving out places for her stuff to live. But she’d finished three days ago and frankly, she was bored out of her mind.

  The glow from the buildings out the window beckoned. She’d yet to explore the city. Max had mentioned wanting to show her around, but if this kept up, she wondered if she would ever see the sights of New York. Maybe tomorrow she’d go out exploring. She could ask Max’s cousin, Amy, to go with her. She’d met Amy the first morning at breakfast and had immediately connected with her. As the baby among Max’s family, Amy was treated like spun glass by all the cousins. But she’d brushed it off with a sparkle in her eyes and a smile on her face. She was friendly, warm, and real. Everything her sister Leah was not.

  Although, to be fair, even though Leah annoyed the hell out of Laurie with her fake smile and self-righteous attitude, even Laurie had to admit how clearly Leah loved her sister. A little overbearingly so for Laurie’s tastes, but Leah adored Amy, and took joy in helping her. Maybe Laurie was being too hard on Leah, but every time she opened her mouth, Laurie wanted to punch her. Whoever said first impressions stick was right on the money.

  Making up her mind, Laurie picked up the phone and dialed. Hopefully Amy wouldn’t have plans for tomorrow and would be up for exploring.


  Laurie gritted her teeth as Leah’s voice came over the line. Must have dialed the wrong number. She glanced at the screen. Nope.

  “Why are you picking up Amy’s phone?” The accusation in her tone came out stronger than intended.

  “Amy’s in the bathroom, and when I saw you calling, I wondered if there wasn’t something I could help you with?”

  The request sounded reasonable, but something about her tone grated on Laurie’s nerves.

  “No thank you. Could you let Amy know I called?”

  “Of course. But are you sure there isn’t anything I can do?”

  “I just want to invite her out tomorrow.”

  Silence through the line met her statement. Laurie glanced at the phone. Still connected. She sighed. No doubt Laurie was breaking some rule. Leah had been quick to point out all the rules she’d broken, innocently, Leah was sure.

  “Is there a problem, Leah?”

  “Have you talked with Max about wanting to go out?”

  “Why would I need to do that?” An ache formed behind her eyes. Laurie rubbed her forehead where tension gathered

  “New York is a dangerous place. I think you’d best talk to Max about wanting to leave the complex.” Could she possibly sound any more condescending?

  “That whole sentiment is utterly ridiculous.” Blunt. But true. And Laurie couldn’t hold her tongue any longer. What kind of absurd, archaic rule was that? “Is that a rule?” If it was, she would talk to Max immediately about changing it. They were in New York City, not Iraq.

  “Not a rule, exactly,” Leah hedged.

  “Then it’s none of your business.” Laurie hung up without waiting for a reply. Ask Max before going out? The idea was ludicrous. She was a grown woman. A shifter to boot. She didn’t need permission to go out.

  The longer she stewed with her thoughts, the angrier she became. Laurie gazed out the window to the buildings lighting up the sky. Max was late. Again. Dinner sat cold
and unappealing on the table in front of her. Why would she eat cold pasta when there was a city full of restaurants just waiting to be sampled? Everyone talked about how incredible New York food tasted, right? It was past time she experienced some of it.

  Pausing only long enough to grab her purse and a light jacket, Laurie headed out to explore New York’s nightlife.


  Panic beat at Max’s temples. He’d searched the gym, the restaurant, called around. But no one seemed to know where to find his mate.

  He’d left his office on the third floor and came home to find dinner cooling on the table, but no Laurie. Anywhere. He was at his wit’s end. Where the hell was she?

  “Tear this place apart if you have to. Just find her,” he shouted into the phone, turning to pace back toward the kitchen.

  Where could she have gone? He’d searched everywhere for a note, but there’d been nothing. Could she have left him? No. He immediately discounted the idea. Laurie struck him more as a fighter than anything. If she’d been angry, he might have come home to flying plates, but not to this eerie absence. Besides, everywhere he turned he saw scattered evidence of Laurie, pictures and knickknacks she’d brought from Colorado.

  The food mocked him where it rested on the table. Out of everything, that truly disturbed him. Laurie loved to eat. Constantly. Yet, her dinner lay untouched.

  Could something have happened to her? An image of Ryan lying in the hospital with wires hooked up to his chest flashed through his mind. So still and pale. He barely made it to the chair before his knees gave out. If something similar happened to Laurie, he didn’t think he could take it.

  Max jumped as the phone vibrated in his hand, the shrill ring splitting the air.

  “Yes?” he barked, connecting the call.

  “We may have something.” Tyler’s voice sounded wary. Something could mean a lot of things. Had they found her or not? Was she okay?

  “What does that mean?” He held his breath, realizing that his very sanity might hinge on Tyler’s news.


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